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林彥均Fat and Thin .docx

1、Fat and Thin 胖與瘦Anton Chekhov原著,林彥均翻譯Two friendsone a fat man and the other a thin manmet at the Nikolaevsky station. The fat man had just dined in the station and his greasy lips shone like ripe cherries. He smelt of sherry and fleur dorange. The thin man had just slipped out of the train and was l

2、aden with portmanteaus, bundles, and bandboxes. He smelt of ham and coffee grounds. A thin woman with a long chin, his wife, and a tall schoolboy with one eye screwed up came into view behind his back.在Nikolaevsky1車站,一胖一瘦的兩個老朋友相遇了。胖先生剛剛才在車站 吃完飯,嘴唇油亮得像是成熟櫻桃的飽滿亮澤,散發出雪利酒和香橙的味道。瘦 先生則是帶著一堆大大小小的行李溜下火車,他身上

3、有著火腿和咖啡渣的氣味, 身後出現的是有著長下巴的太太和一隻眼睛有點問題的大男孩。Porfiry cried the fat man on seeing the thin man. Is it you? My dear fellow! How many summers, how many winters !n波爾菲!胖先生看見瘦先生的時候驚呼:是你嗎?親愛的朋友!都過 了多少年了啊!Holy saints! cried the thin man in amazement. uMisha! The friend of my childhood! Where have you dropped fr

4、om?95我的天啊!瘦先生同樣詫異的大喊。米沙!我的老朋友!你是從哪裡 冒出來的啊?The friends kissed each other three times, and gazed at each other with eyes full of tears. Both were agreeably astounded.他們互相親吻對方三次、眼眶含淚的著彼此,並且都一致感到驚訝。“My dear boy! began the thin man after the kissing. This is unexpected! This is a surprise! Come have a go

5、od look at me! Just as handsome as I used to be! Just as great a darling and a dandy! Good gracious me! Well, and how are you? Made your fortune? Married? I am married as you see. . This is my wife Luise, her maiden name was Vantsenbach .of the Lutheran persuasion. . And this is my son Nafanail, a s

6、choolboy in the third class. This is the friend of my childhood, Nafanya. We were boys at school together!n親愛的!在親吻後瘦先生首先問候。真是沒有想到,這是個驚喜啊! 看看我,我還是_如以往的帥,還是一樣的風流倜儻!我的天啊!嗯,那麼你呢? 賺大錢了嗎?結婚了嗎?就像你看到的,我結婚了.這是我的太太露絲,她婚 前叫做凡德森貝,路德教派的,然後這是我兒子小納,他現在三年級了。小納, 這是我小時候的好朋友,我們以前在學校都一起行動呢!位於俄國。Nafonail thought a littl

7、e and took off his cap.納菲內想了一想,脫下了他的帽子。We were boys at school together/9 the thin man went on. Do you remember how they used to tease you? You were nicknamed Herostratus because you burned a hole in a schoolbook with a cigarette, and I was nicknamed Ephialtes because I was fond of telling tales. Ho-

8、ho! . we were children! . Dont be shy, Nafenya. Go nearer to him. And this is my wife, her maiden name was Vantsenbach, of the Lutheran persuasion./9以前我們都走在一起呢! j瘦先生繼續說。你還記得他們怎麼說你的嗎? 你被叫做Herostratus Herostratus,原文爲古希臘文*Hp6orpgo(;,於前356年7月21日縱火燒毀了世界七大奇跡之 一的亞底米神廟,他自豪地認罪了,並且聲稱這樣做是爲了讓自己的名字留在歷史書上。,因爲你用菸把

9、書燒了個洞!我被稱爲EphialtesEphialtes,原文爲古希臘文Ecjn心”,是一個古雅典的政治家和早期民主運動的領導人。因爲我很 喜歡說故事!噢.我們的學生時代!別害羞啊,小納,走近一點.然後這是 我的太太,她婚前叫做凡德森貝,路德教派的Nafanail thought a little and took refuge behind his father back.納菲內又想了一下,但最後還是躲到瘦先生的背後。“Well, how are you doing my fidend? the fat man asked, looking enthusiastically at his f

10、riend. Are you in the service? What grade have you reached?,噢,朋友你過得好嗎? j胖先生熱情著看著瘦先生並問道。你有工作嗎? 你達到哪個層級啦? j“I am, dear boy! I have been a collegiate assessor for the last two years and I have the Stanislav. The salary is poor, but thafs no great matter! The wife gives music lessons, and I go in for ca

11、rving wooden cigarette cases in a private way. Capital cigarette cases!1sell them for a rouble each. If any one takes ten or more I make a reduction of course. We get along somehow. I served as a clerk, you know, and now I have been transferred here as a head clerk in the same department. I am going

12、 to serve here. And what about you? I bet you are a civil councillor by now? Eh?我有工作啦!我已經做了兩年的大學評估者,而且現在在斯坦尼斯拉工 作。薪水雖然不豐厚,但是沒關係!我太太是音樂老師,而我私下則從事木製香 菸盒的雕刻,是第一流的香菸盒喔! 一盒賣一盧布,如果有人一次買十盒以上 我當然會給些折扣!生活夠用的啦。你知道的,我以前只是個小職員,但現在我 被調到這裡來當同部門的領頭了!我正準備在這裡服務呢!那麼你呢?我想你 現在是議員了,對吧?cNo dear boy, go higher than that,

13、said the fat man. I have risen to privy councillor already . I have two stars.不是的,老朋友。比那個職位還要高一些。胖先生說。我已經升遷到 樞密院我有兩顆星了。The thin man turned pale and rigid all at once, but soon his face twisted in all directions in the broadest smile; it seemed as though sparks were flashing from his face and eyes. H

14、e squirmed, he doubled together, crumpled up. . His portmanteaus, bundles and cardboard boxes seemed to shrink and crumple up too. . His wifbs long chin grew longer still; Nafanail drew himself up to attention and fastened all the buttons of his uniform.瘦先生的臉在一瞬間轉爲蒼白僵硬起來。但很快的他臉上的各個部位又 扭曲成了最大的笑容,臉上和眼

15、神中好像掠過火花。他扭來扭去,極度的侷促不 安縮成一團。他那些大大小小的行李似乎也跟著縮小.他太太的下巴變得更 長了,兒子則突然開始注意自己,顆顆扣好制服的所有鈕扣。“Your Excellency, I . delighted! The friend, one may say of childhood and to have turned into such a great man! He-he!v閣下,我真是爲你感到高興!童年的玩伴長大後竟然變成了這麼有出 息的人啊!嘿嘿!“Come, come! the fat man frowned. Whats this tone for? You

16、and I were friends as boys, and there is no need of this official obsequiousness !,9噢行了吧!胖先生皺眉。這是在做什麼呢?我們從小就是朋友了, 你不用這麼官腔、這麼阿諛奉承的對我說話啊!Merciful heavens, your Excellency! What are you saying .?” sniggered the thin man, wriggling more than ever. 6Ydur Excellencys gracious attention is like refreshing manna. . This, y

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