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第4课时 七年级下 Unit 5Unit 8Word文件下载.docx

1、A.have prepared B.prepareC.will prepare D.are preparing7.(2017河北石家庄18县、市大联考)The medicinemillions of peoples lives since it was put into saving B.will saveC.has saved D.saved8.(2018河北唐山路南区二模)They all lookedat the teacher when he told them the good news.A.sadly B.happily C.carefully D.angrily

2、9.Look at the smog.bad weather it is!A.How B.How a C.What D.What a10.(2017河北石家庄一模)Could you tell me ?I want to send her a gift.A.what our teacher doesB.where our teacher livesC.what our teacher is likeD.when our teacher comes二、完形填空(2018河北张家口宣化区模拟)When I was a little kid, one day my father and I went

3、 to the kite flying festival. I felt very happy to1the sky filled with colorful kites. I2my father to get me a kite and a roll of thread(线)so that I could fly a kite, too. My father bought what I wanted and3with a beautiful kite and a roll of thread soon.Quickly, my kite reached high up in the4. Aft

4、er a while, I said,“Father, if we cut the thread, it will be5and may fly even higher. Can we cut it?” So, my father cut the thread. The6started to go a little higher.But then,7, the kite fell down on the building. I had cut the thread of the kite so that it could8higher, but instead, it fell down. I

5、 asked my father,“Father,9we cut the thread, I thought the kite could fly higher. But why did it fall down slowly?”My father explained,“The thread was not holding the kite from going higher, but it was helping it stay higher when the wind slowed down and when the wind picked up. You helped the kite

6、go up higher in a proper10through the thread. And when we cut the thread, it fell down without support through the thread.”It is the same in our life. The“thread” in our life will not stop us, but help us to stay higher.1.A.tell C.see D.send2.A.helped B.allowed C.asked D.invited3.A.came back B

7、.came across C.came true D.came B.sea D.star5.A.clean B.heavy C.famous D.free6.A.thread B.kite C.wind D.box7.A.sadly B.happily C.slowly C.laugh D.walk9.A.after B.though C.unless D.until10.A.suggestion B.decision C.direction D.collection三、任务型阅读(2018河北唐山路北区一模)W

8、hats in a Name?Many American names come from England. But where did most English names come from?Centuries ago, most people in England had only one nametheir first name(名字). In the 11th century, five or six of the 50 people in a village might be named William, and it was easy to get confused. In the

9、 Middle Ages, people found a way to describe each person exactly. If there were four Williams in one village, one might be referred to as William the son of John. A second might be called William from the hill. A third, William the blacksmith(铁匠). And a fourth, William the brown haired. In conversat

10、ion, people might refer to the four Williams as William Johns son, William hill, William smith, and William brown.It was 300 or 400 years before the extra(附加的) names gradually developed into last names(姓), or surnames(姓). They were passed on from generation to generation. By the 1300s, Robert, the s

11、on of William smith, had the name Robert smith, even if he was not a blacksmith like his father. As the last name became widely accepted, the first letter was capitalized, as in Robert Smith. By the 15th century, most people of the upper and middle classes(社会) had surnames.Many surnames were based o

12、n father-son relations. The “son of” part was added to the fathers first name, like Johnson, meaning Johns son. Sometimes it was shortened to just “s”, as in Jones or Evans. Surnames like Hill described the place where a person lived. They are the most common type of surname. A third kind of surname

13、 was based on a persons job. Forester was someone who looked after the forest. In the Middle Ages, occupation names such as Baker, Carpenter, and Miller became common. The fourth kind of surname was nickname(绰号). A man whose surname was Bear might be as fierce as a bear.Have you ever wondered why so

14、me surnames are so common?The most common surname in the English language is Smith. Being able to make metals(金属) into tools was an important skill in the Middle Ages, and many people were trained as blacksmiths. The most common American surnames are Smith, Johnson, William and Brown.1题完成句子;23题简略回答问

15、题;4题找出第四段的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1.Many American names come from.2.When did people find a way to describe each person exactly? .3.Why were many people trained as blacksmiths in the Middle Ages? 4. 5.四、词语运用(2017河北石家庄42中模拟)根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单或用所给单词的正确形式填空。June 5 is World Environment Day. This makes us pay mo

16、re 1.ato our environment and the need to protect it.When Wang Boxuan, a Beijing high school boy, uses up his exercise books, he does not throw them away. Each one is stored at his school with hundreds of exercise books given by other students. Then they are sold to a Beijing paper making factory.The

17、 paper is recycled and 2.uagain by students and teachers in the school. At the 3.stime, the money made from the sales goes towards schools in Inner Mongolia for 4.(plant) trees and grass. This place is one of the sources(源头)of the sandstorms that often attack Beijing 5.dspringtime. Wangs school is o

18、ne of the schools in the capital that take part in the“green promise”environmental protection activity. So far, nearly 210,000 students have 6.t part in the activity, collecting more than 87 tons of waste paper.With the coming of Chinas 68th birthday, students are eager(渴望)to help make the capital a

19、 more pleasant place. There are some environmental 7.p in the city, such 8.sandstorms.We should do our duty and encourage 9.o to do so as well.Our Vice-Premier(副总理) has 10.(write) a letter to the teachers and students to encourage them to go on supporting(支持)the environmental protection.五、连词成句(2017河

20、北石家庄桥西区一模)1.know, do, Jack London, you ?2.born, he, in America, was3.had to, money, school, leave, to make,, started, he, in 1893, write5.his writings, were, successful, how !六、书面表达(2017河北沧州一模)现在中学生课业负担普遍较重,请你根据表格中的提示内容,以一名中学生的身份,简要指出课业负担过重带来的问题,并谈谈你的建议。Problems1.Most of us dont have enough s

21、leep time.2.It is bad for our eyes to read books for too long.Advice1.Teachers had better give us less homework.2.Our school and parents should pay more attention to our health and happiness.要求:(1)要点齐全,并适当发挥;(2)短文中不得出现真实人名、校名和地名;(3)词数80个左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。Its important for students to work hard. Howev

22、er, too much schoolwork has caused some problems. 答案精解精析一、1.D本题考查many 修饰可数名词复数的用法,而选项中只有sheep属于单复数同形的名词,所以选D。2.A句意:我有一个小妹妹。她的名字是莉莉。 本题考查物主代词。根据句中的sister可知此处用her,故本题选A。3.B句意:图画上有一条狗和几只猫。there be句型遵循“就近一致”原则,即be动词和离它最近的主语保持一致,此题中be与离它近的主语a dog保持一致,故选B。4.A句意:你什么时候参观了科学博物馆?三个月以前。本题考查特殊疑问词辨析。when什么时候;whe

23、re在哪里;what什么;which哪一个,哪一些。根据回答“Three months ago.”可知答案为A项。5.A句意:去中央公园的票多少钱一张?单程票每张40美元,你可以再加20美元买往返票。本题考查动词辨析。cost的主语是物;spend的主语是人,常用搭配为spend time/money doing/on sth.;pay的主语是人,常用搭配为pay money for sth.。故答案为A项。6.D句意:那可怕的噪音是什么?邻居们正在准备一次派对。本题考查动词的时态。根据句意可知此处应用现在进行时,故选D。7.C句意:这种药自投入使用以来已经拯救了数百万人的生命。根据时间状语s

24、ince it was put into use可知应用现在完成时,故选C。8.B句意:当老师告诉他们好消息的时候,他们都高兴地看着他。本题考查副词辨义。sadly悲伤地;happily高兴地;carefully小心地;angrily生气地。根据句中的“good news”可知他们是高兴地看着老师。9.C句意:看这烟雾,多么坏的天气!本题考查感叹句。其常用结构为What+a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!或What+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语!或How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!weather是不可数名词,前面不能用冠词a,故选C。10.B句意:你能告诉我我们老师住

25、在哪儿吗?我想给她寄份礼物。本题考查宾语从句。根据句意可知此处是询问老师的住址,故选B。二、语篇解读本文属于生活故事类记叙文。文中讲述了作者小时候的一次经历:放风筝时把线剪断了,本以为风筝会更高,然而风筝却掉了下来。父亲告诉作者其中的原因:线并不是约束风筝不让它高飞的,而是帮助它飞得更高,并且帮它找到正确的方向。作者将此道理与人生相结合:生命中的“线”对一个人的成长也有相同的作用。1.C句意:满天五颜六色的风筝我感觉很开心。本题考查动词的辨析。tell告诉;buy买;see看见;send寄,送。根据句意可知此处用see。2.C本题考查动词的辨析。ask sb. to do 意为“请求某人做某事

26、”。3.A本题考查动词短语的辨析。come back回来;come across偶遇,无意中发现;come true实现;come out出来,(花)开放。根据语境可知,作者的父亲带着风筝回来了,故选A。4.Cin the sky意为“在空中”。5.D此处表示作者当时的一种猜测:如果把线剪断,风筝会变得自由。由此可知本题答案是D。6.B本题考查名词的辨析。根据上文可知刚把线剪断之初,风筝飞得稍微高一些了。因此选B。7.C本题考查副词的辨析。此处用于形容风筝下降的状况,根据第二段最后一句中的“why did it fall down slowly?”可知本题选C。8.A此处表示风筝会飞得高,故选

27、A。9.A本题考查连词。after we cut the thread 意为“在我们把线剪断以后”。10.C本题考查名词辨义。suggestion建议;decision决定;direction方向;collection收藏品。根据句意可知,本题选C。三、语篇解读本文属于文化传统类说明文。文章讲述了英语中名字的演变过程,并且还告诉读者一些关于名字的趣事。1.England细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,应填England。2.In the Middle Ages.细节理解题。根据第二段“In the Middle Ages, people found a way to describe eac

28、h person exactly.”可知本题答案是In the Middle Ages.。3.Because being able to make metals into tools was an important skill in the Middle Ages.细节理解题。根据对文章最后一段的理解,可以找到本题的线索。4.Many surnames were based on father-son relations.5.在这些附加的名字逐渐演变成姓氏之前,已经有三四百年了。四、1.attentionpay attention to是固定搭配,意为“关注;注意”,pay more att

29、ention to “更多关注”。2.used此处表示被动含义,表示纸张会被回收和再次使用,故用used。3.sameat the same time “与此同时”,是固定搭配。4.planting此处动词用于作介词for 的宾语,故用动名词形式。5.duringduring springtime意为“在春季”。6.takentake part in 是固定搭配,意为“参加”,再根据so far 与设空处前面的have可以判断本句时态是现在完成时,所以用taken。7.problems句意:在这个城市存在一些环境问题,例如沙暴。8.assuch as 例如。9.others句意:我们应该尽自己的责任并鼓励别人也这样做。10.written根据设空处前面的助动词has判断此句是现在完成时,故用过去分词形式。五、1.Do you k

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