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外研新教材高中英语必修三课时素养评价 八英语含答案Word下载.docx

1、Earthquake rescue robots have experienced their final tests in Beijing. Their designers say that with these robots, rescue workers will be able to have more time to save more lives during an earthquake. This robot looking like a helicopter(直升机), is called the detector-bot. Its about 4 meters long, a

2、nd it took about 4 years to develop the model. Its main functions(作用) are to collect information from the air, and send goods of up to 30 kilos, to people stuck in an earthquake. This robot has a high quality 360 degree panoramic camera. It can work day and night and will also be able to send the la

3、test pictures from the quake area. Dr. Qi Juntong, Chinese Academy of Science, said, “Unlike other automatic machines, the most important feature of this robot is that it doesnt need a distant control. We just set the information of the earthquake-struck area on it, and then it takes off, and lands

4、by itself. It flies as high as 3, 000 meters, and as fast as 100 kilometers per hour. ”This robot has a different functionit can change as the environment changes. Its main job is to search for any signs of life in places where human rescuers are unable to go. As well as a detector(探测器)that finds vi

5、ctims(遇难者)and detects poisonous gas, a camera is placed in the 40-centimeter-long robot, which can work in the dark. Another use for the rescuers is the supply bot, with its 10-meter-long pipe. People who are caught in the ruins will be able to get supplies including oxygen and liquids. Experts have

6、 said that the robots will enter production, and serve as part of the national earthquake rescue team as soon as next year. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了北京最新发明的地震营救机器人的详细信息。1. Which of the following statements about the robot is true according to the passage? A. It hasnt been put into production so far. B. It

7、 is a machine with a length of 10 meters. C. It is a machine carried by a helicopter. D. It weighs about 30 kilos. 【解析】选A 。细节理解题。由文章第二段中的介绍, 可排除B、C、D三项, 由文章最后一段可知这种机器人明年投入生产, 所以A项正确。2. Dr. Qi Juntong thinks this robot is different from the others mainly because_. A. it has more functionsB. it has a

8、more advanced cameraC. it can change as the environment changesD. it can work by itself once given the information【解析】选D。由文章第三段“Unlike other automatic machines. . . ”描述可得出结论。3. The underlined word “which” in paragraph 5 refers to _. A. a camera B. a detectorC. a rescuer D. a doctor【解析】选A。代词指代题。这是一个非

9、限制性定语从句, 主句中先行词是a camera, 由于运用了被动语态, 所以先行词和从句被分隔开, 形成了分隔式定语从句, 译为“这个长40cm的机器人里放置有一个摄像机, 这个摄像机夜间可以工作”。4. What is the passage mainly about?A. The appearance of the robot. B. An introduction to the robot. C. The reason for making the robot. D. Some information about earthquakes. 【解析】选B。 主旨大意题。A 、C、D均以偏

10、概全。. 完形填空杭州高一检测)For thousands of years, people have known that the best way to understand a concept is to explain it to others. “While we teach, we 1, ”said Roman philosopher Seneca. Now scientists are bringing this ancient wisdom up-to-date. Theyre 2 why teaching is such a fruitful way to learn. Re

11、searchers have found that students who teach others work harder to 3 the material, and apply it more 4. Student teachers score higher on tests than pupils whore learning only for themselves. But how can children, 5 learning themselves, teach others? One answer: They can teach younger kids. Some stud

12、ies have found that first-born children are more 6 than their later-born siblings (兄弟姐妹). This suggests their higher IQs result from the time they spend teaching their siblings. Now educators are experimenting with ways to 7 this model to schoolwork. They engage college undergraduates to teach compu

13、ter science to high school students, who then 8 instruct middle school students on the topic. But the most cutting-edge tool is the “teachable agent”a computerized character who learns, tries, makes mistakes and asks questions just like a real-world 9. Computer scientists have created an animated (动

14、画的)figure called Bettys Brain, who has been “taught” about science by middle school students. Student teachers are motivated to help Betty 10certain materials. While preparing to teach, they organize their knowledge and improve their understanding. And as they explain the information to it, they ide

15、ntify problems in their own 11. Feedback from the teachable agent 12 improves the teachers learning. The agents questions drive student teachers to think and explain the materials in different 13, and watching the agent solve problems allows the emotions one experiences into action. 14, its the emot

16、ions one experiences in teaching that help learning. Student teachers feel 15 when their teachable agents fail, but happy when these pupils succeed as they gain pride and satisfaction from someone elses achievement. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。通过研究者的研究以及教育家的实验证明了教学是一种有效的学习方式。1. A. learnB. doubt C. growD. practice

17、词汇辨析题。learn学习; doubt怀疑; grow生长; practice练习。句意: 罗马哲学家塞涅卡说: “我们一边教别人, 一边学习”。由下文“teaching is such a fruitful way to learn” 可知, 教学是一种卓有成效的学习方式, 所以, 我们要教学相长。2. A. valuing B. provingC. questioning D. assuming value 评价, 重视; prove 证明; question 质疑; assume 假设, 猜想。 他们正在证明为什么教学是如此富有成效的学习方式。根据下文描述可知, 科学家们所做的都是在证

18、明这一说法。3. A. prepare B. preserveC. exchange D. understand prepare 准备; preserve 保存; exchange交换; understand 理解。 研究人员发现, 教别人知识的学生更努力地去理解材料, 并更有效地运用材料。学生要去教别人, 所以要努力地理解所教的材料。4. A. officially B. effectivelyC. fluently D. carefullyofficially 官方地; effectively 有效地; fluently 流利地; carefully 仔细地。根据上下文可知教能促进学习,

19、因此会帮助学生更加有效地应用材料。5. A. still B. even C. though D. oncestill 还, 仍然; even 甚至; though 然而; once 曾经。 “学生怎么能又自己学, 又教授他人呢? ”still意思是“还, 仍旧, 尚”。对想象中应该结束的动作或状态还在继续表示“惊讶”。本句是对自己学的同时又能教授他人感到惊讶。6. A. curious B. energeticC. independent D. academic curious 好奇的; energetic 精力充沛的; independent 独立的; academic有学习天赋的 。 一

20、些研究发现第一个出生的孩子比他们后出生的兄弟姐妹更有学习天赋。由下文“their higher IQs result from the time they spend teaching their siblings. ”可知, 他们的高智商是因为他们花时间来教他们的兄弟姐妹。所以他们更有学习天赋。7. A. add B. applyC. offer D. show add加; apply 应用; offer 主动提供; show 向某人展示。 教育家们正进行实验, 将这一模式应用到家庭作业中。apply “应用”符合句意。8. A. as well B. at onceC. in turn D

21、. of course【解析】选C。短语辨析题。as well 也, 同样地; at once 立刻; in turn 轮流, 依次, 转而; of course 当然。 他们聘请大学本科生为高中生教授计算机科学, 这些高中生转而给中学生进行这方面的指导。in turn 轮流, 依次, 转而; 体现出高中生从学习者变为教授者的变化。9. A. teacher B. parent C. sibling D. pupilteacher老师; parent父母; sibling 兄弟姐妹; pupil 学生。 电脑人物能够学习、尝试、犯错、提问, 就像一个现实世界中的学生。由“learns, tri

22、es, makes mistakes and asks questions ”可知, 电脑人物能够学习、尝试、犯错、提问, 所以电脑人物模仿的是现实世界中学生的行为。10. A. arrange B. mark C. master D. linkarrange 安排; mark 标记; master 控制, 精通(语言), 掌握; link 连接。 充当老师的学生们受到鼓舞并帮助 Betty 掌握特定的材料。充当老师的学生希望能教会它, 所以要帮助 Betty 掌握特定的材料。11. A. thinking B. readingC. inspiration D. guidancethinkin

23、g 思考, 见解; reading阅读; inspiration 灵感; guidance 指引。 并且在学生们向它解释信息的时候, 他们也通过自己的思考发现了问题。发现了问题一定是通过思考的方式发现的。12. A. shortly B. hardlyC. rather D. furthershortly 立刻; hardly 几乎不; rather相当; further 进一步地。 来自可教代理人的反馈又进一步促进了教师的学习。 further 是强调在程度上更深远, 强调的是深度, 这里指反馈又进一步促进了教师的学习。13. A. ways B. cases C. places D. or

24、ders ways方式; cases例子; places地方; orders命令。 代理人的提问能促使充当老师的学生用不同的方式思考和解释材料。看着代理人解决问题让人们的情感体验转化为行动。in different ways“以不同的方式”符合句意。14. A. In all B. After allC. Above all D. For all in all 总共, 合计; after all 毕竟; above all 首先, 尤其; for all 对所有人来说。 人们在教的过程中所体会到的情绪尤其能帮助学习。 above all 首先, 尤其, 在这里强调情绪对学习的积极作用。故选C。

25、15. A. satisfied B. sickC. pleased D. upsetsatisfied 满意的; sick 生病的, 恶心的; pleased 愉快的; upset 沮丧的, 失望的。 当代理人失败的时候, 充当老师的学生会感到沮丧。但当这些学生从别人的成就中获得骄傲和满足时, 他们会感到高兴。由“their teachable agents fail”可知, 当代理人失败的时候。所以判断出学生会感到沮丧。故选D。. 语法填空世纪金榜导学号在空白处填1个单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Currently, both women and men 1. _ (surround) by

26、 magazines and websites full of tips about dieting, exercise and fashion. Gone are the days 2. _ all men had to think about wearing a nice suit to be smart and handsome. Things have changed. Now, a survey has suggested that 80% of men admit 3. _ (be) unhappy about their body. The biggest body issues

27、 for 4. _ (they) were beer bellies and lack of muscles. Some think it is because 5. _ the pressure of influence of role models we see on TV and in 6. _(magazine). People end up with a perception of what the perfect body should look like. But not everybody wants to put in the effort to have perfect muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger. An opportunistic designer has even invented a muscle-enhancing shirt 7. _ (make) the buyer look more of a strong man. But Joe Warner, the former editor of Mens Fitness magazine, thinks the muscle-enhancing shirt is just

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