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unit 2 全单元教案1Word格式文档下载.docx

1、Comprehending 部分的重点放在文中的几首诗歌上。练习1首先要求学生找出文章的主题,列举文中介绍的五种诗歌形式,用自己的语言讲述文中几首诗的主题,用心领会诗中的意象,找出两首节奏感强的诗歌,击掌诵读;找出押韵的两首诗,并圈出押韵的词。练习2主要让学生去感悟这几首诗歌所表达的内涵。最后,练习3要求学生欣赏诗歌,找出最喜欢的诗歌,并阐明理由。Learning about language的词汇部分设置了三个练习。第一个练习通过从课文诗歌中找出押韵的词来帮助学生理解诗歌的韵脚;第二个练习要求学生运用生词完成段落填空;第三个练习则给予学生自主学习词汇的机会,让学生通过对比分析了解词汇在文中的

2、含义并能自己造句。语法部分共四项练习,首先,学生找出阅读篇章中包含虚拟证据的诗歌,根据对这一语法项目的认识和了解,完成句子匹配练习,然后用所给词的适当形式填空,最后根据所给情景写清单诗,并在诗中适当运用虚拟语气。Using language部分综合训练听说读写的能力。听、读和讨论部分把听力和阅读训练结合起来。通过听理解诗歌的内容,辨认写诗歌的人的身份、诗歌的节律,并表达诗歌所激起的联想。然后,让学生边打拍子边朗读,在欣赏中加深对诗歌的理解。最后,通过翻译诗句巩固理解。听和说部分有三个学生与老师交谈,围绕诗歌比赛展开。该部分还设置了五个练习,写的部分要求学生模仿诗歌C以If I 开头写清单诗;或

3、以Slowly开头写诗。Summing up部分要求学生就诗歌的类型、节奏、押韵,本单元词语和结构,以及本单元日常交际用语等方面进行自我评价,判定学习情况;了解还需要进一步改进的地方。Learning tip部分指出写诗、唱歌是理解和记忆词汇,学习语言的有效方法。II教学重点和难点1教学重点(1) 本单元的生词和短语(2) 虚拟语气的用法(3) 了解英语诗歌的类别、节奏以及韵律等。2教学难点(1) 了解不同内容和形式的诗歌,并学会欣赏(2) 学习有关诗歌的词汇(3) 学会表达意图的日常交际用语(4) 学习虚拟语气(和过去事实相反)的用法III教学计划本单元分五课时:第一课时:Warming U

4、p, Pre-reading & Reading (1)第二课时:Reading (2), Comprehending, Reading Task第三课时:Learning about Language 第四、五课时:Using Language & Listening, Speaking and Writing IV教学步骤:Period 1 Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading (1)Teaching Goals: 1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about English poems.2. To develop Ss

5、ability of comparison.3. To arouse Ss interest in learning about different types of poems in the world.4. To develop some basic reading skills.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Leading-inPurpose: To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about their own little poems.The white sun sets behind mountains,The Yel

6、low River flows into the sea.Go further up one flight of stairs,And youll widen your view a thousand li. Wang ZhihuanShow the poem written by Wang Zhihuan and a photograph of the writer. Ask Ss to read the poem and. And see if they can remember any poems that they have learnt, either in Chinese or i

7、n English, and then ask them to recite one of them.Step 2: Warming Up To lead Ss to the topic of this unit through a discussion. 1. Pair work Get Ss to ask their partners the questions, and then ask them to present it before the class. (1) Which poem is written to tell a story?(2) Which poem is writ

8、ten to express feelings?(3) Which poem is written to make other laugh?2. Group work Get Ss to talk about the world famous poets. The pictures below can be used for Ss to talk about, and Ss can also talk as much as they can.William Shakespeare George Gordon Byron Li Bai威廉莎士比亚 乔治戈登拜伦 李白(1) William Sha

9、kespeare: English playwright and poet whose body of works is considered the greatest in English literature. His plays, many of which were performed at the Globe Theatre in London, include historical works, such as Richard II, comedies, including Much Ado about Nothing and As You Like It, and tragedi

10、es, such as Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear. He also composed 154 sonnets. The earliest collected edition of his plays, the First Folio, contained 36 plays and was published posthumously (1623).(2) George Gordon Byron: British poet acclaimed as one of the leading figures of the Romantic Movement. The

11、 Byronic hero lonely, rebellious, and brooding first appeared in Manfred (1817). Among his other works are Childe Harold (1812-1818), The Prisoner of Chilton (1816), and the epic satire Don Juan (1819-1824). Byron was notorious for his love affairs and unconventional lifestyle. He died while working

12、 to secure Greek independence from the Turks.(3) Li Bai: Chinese poet who spent much of his time wandering and composing romantic, wine-inspired verse.Conclusion: All these poets are well known to the whole world and do you know any poems written by them? Can you recite to all the class?Step 3. Pre-

13、reading To help Ss learn about the context of the Reading part.1. Group work Ask Ss to discuss the questions with their partners in groups of four.(1) Do you have a favorite poem in Chinese?(2) Why is it your favorite poem?(3) Do you have a favorite poem in English?(4) Why is it your favorite poem?F

14、or example:(1) My favorite poem in Chinese is: 去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风。 - 崔护 题都城南庄The reason why I like the poem better than any poem is that I like the atmosphere the poem created for readers: though the people we knew have gone away, the peach blossoms are still there smiling in the spring

15、 wind.(2) My favorite poem in English is: A Grain of Sand 一粒沙子 -William Blake 威廉.布莱克 To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. 从一粒沙子看到一个世界, 从一朵野花看到一个天堂, 把握在你手心里的就是无限, 永恒也就消融于一个时辰。The reason why I like the poem b

16、etter than any poem is that from the poem I have gained a lot, that is, we can get something valuable from even tiny things and we can achieve what we want if we can master what we have had now. Its my power to advance when I feel depressed.2. Individual work Get Ss to complete this questionnaire in

17、dividually after reading the following poems in the Reading Text.Which poemABCDEFGHdescribes a person?tells a story?describes an aspect of a person?is about sport?is about things that dont make sense?is recited to a baby?describes a river scene?has rhyming words at the end of lines?repeats words or

18、phrases?Suggested Answers:Step 4. Reading (1)1. Skimming To get a brief understanding of the text.(1) Ask Ss if they are curious about some English poems. Do they want to appreciate some kind of poems? And get the some Ss to answer this question.(2) Read through the text, preferably the paragraphs b

19、eside the seven poems and then decide which poem you like best? Give reasons.(3) Try to answer the questions about the passage. What is the main topic of the reading passage? What five kinds of poems does the reading passage talk about?: The main topic of the reading passage is about some simple for

20、ms of English poems.: The five kinds of poems that the reading passage talks about are: nursery rhymes, list poems, the cinquain, haiku and Tang poems.Step 5. Homework1. Read the text fluently and then prepare for the following questions on your textbook.2. Get on the line and find out more beautifu

21、l poems.Period 2 Reading (2), Comprehending, Reading task (Workbook) 1. To learn about the characteristics of five simple forms of English poems.2. To develop some basic reading skills.3. To arouse Ss interest in appreciating English poems.Step 1. Reading To get Ss to get some details in the text.1.

22、 Scanning(1) Read the text carefully and try to get some details from the text. Work in pairs and try to ask and answer questions from the text. Questions can be like these. There are two poems that have a strong rhythm. Which ones are they? Which two poems have rhyming lines? Circle the pairs of rh

23、yming words. Which poems give you one clear picture in your mind?Q1. They are Poem A and Poem B. Each poem has four beats a line. For example: hush, baby, dont, word; Pa, buy, dont, mockingbird; etc. Q2.They are Poems A and B. Poem As rhyming pairs: word/mockingbird, sing/ring, brass/looking-glass,

24、broke/billy-goat, away/ today; Poem Bs rhyming pairs: fire/squire, high/sky, lead/dead, race/lace, cat/hat, too/true.Q3. In my opinion, most probably they are Poems F, G, H. 2. Listen to the tape and deal with the language points in groups.(1) Listen to the tape and follow it in a low voice.(2) Grou

25、p work Ss are divided into five groups. Each group is supposed to read through each part, and then discuss them.Part 1recite v 背诵 . He can recite that poem from memory. rhythm n 韵律;节奏The exciting rhythms of African drum music make us feel good. repetition n. 重复;循环;复制品;副本I want no repetition of your

26、bad behavior. 我不希望你重做你干的坏事。 diamond n. 钻石;菱形The diamond ring is the most expensive. 钻石戒指是最贵的。Part 2 take it easy 从容;不紧张;轻松 Take it easy. Dont work so hard. Youve done quit enough work for today; now take it easy for an hour.2 run out of 用完(材料等);耗尽(精力等)Though they are running out of food and drink, t

27、he men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon. 拓展:run out 用完 The petrol is running out. We are running out of our time.Part 3 make up of 构成;组成That country is made up of ten states. Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities. tease vt 取笑;嘲弄If you always tease others like that, youll forfeit the good opinion of your friends.You must not tease your little sister. Part 4 endless adj 无穷的;无尽的To finish this project, we need

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