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GO FOR IT初一上第九单元教学案例Word文档格式.docx

1、3. When the film was first invented, it was called “motion picture”. Now more and more people would like to call it “movie”.4. The movie is called “movie” or “motion picture” because it tells us how it works; it is also called “film” because film is the most important material in making a movie.5. T

2、he three major movie centers in the world are Hollywood, India and Hong Kong.6. -What do you go to the cinema for?7. -I go to the cinema to see a film.8. I want to go to the theater to watch the new play.II. Revision Task (2) (5)Review the recent events of Class 18 and write “A Letter to Mr. Princip

3、al”. Recent events involve Military training, exercise contest, basketball game, sports meeting, treasure hunt and a trip to thenearby park. Get to know the learners opinions about the events by asking “What do you think of ?” so the learners can have chances to review the “ing” words and their rele

4、vant “ed” forms:1. interest interesting interested2. relax relaxing relaxed3. bore boring bored (to death)4. scare scary scared5. tire tiring tried6. surprise surprising surprised7. amaze amazing amazed8. frighten frightening frightened9. fun funnyetc.III. Task Three (8)Given a situation that they h

5、ave chances to write to the principal about their life at school, the learners start to write “A Letter to Mr. Principle” (Previously done; see Index II). And the principal has written back a letter back to the class (See Index III). The learners study Mr. Principals letter back. Prepare the learner

6、s to answer the questions about Mr. Principals letter:1. Has Mr. Principal read all of your letters?2. Why is he feeling very happy?3. Did he like movies when he was young?4. When and where did people at that time seethe movies?5. Why did people see the movies on the back of the screen?6. Does Mr. P

7、rincipal agree to let us see more movies?VI. Task Four (7)Listen to the tape, and get the learners to discuss what types of movies the people in the conversations like. Have them write out whats there on the tape. Let the learners practice the similar conversations as displayed in the conversation o

8、n the tape.V. Task Four (15)Make a survey about “What kind of movies you like and why?” and make the results shown on TV in the form of a diagram.A DiagramThen get them to write “A Second Letter to Mr. Principal”. Make sure the letter informative, reasonable and coherent.Appendix I: One possible ver

9、sionA Second Letter to Mr. PrincipalDear Mr. Principal,How we got excited to receive your letter! Thank you very much for giving us chancesto see more movies at school!Yes, tomorrow is Friday, our “English Corner” time. Some of us would like to see_ because they think they are _. Some think _ are so

10、_they would like to see _ . However, most of us like to see a _ because it is very _. So would you please let us see a _ ?Many thanks! Love fromAll the students of Class 18, Junior 1Appendix (II)A letter to Mr. Tian (01)How are you?We have been studying in Sanxin Bilingual School for about 3 months.

11、 We are starting to love the school. We know it is our school. The teachers here are all very good ones and classmates are friendly to each other.Recently, we have had a lot of interesting activities. At the beginning of this term, we had military training. Our class was No. 1. Then we learned to do

12、 morning exercise and in the exercise contest, we came top again. We got very excited and proud of ourselves. Every Wednesday afternoon, it is our play time. We usually have ball games with other classes. It is fun. After mid-term exam, we had the first school sports meeting of our Junior Middle sch

13、ool life. We enjoyed it very much. Besides, our headteacher, Sam, often takes us outside of theschool. Last time we walked to a nearby park. It was tiring, but we found it very interesting.Dear Mr. Principal, yes, we already have many fun activities at school, but many of us also find it very tiring

14、 to live at school. We get up too early and go to bed too late; we have to spend too much time studying all day and we have too much school work to do. They say we are Chinas tomorrow so we must study hard. But we are still very young students and we need more play time, more fun! These days we have

15、 been learning about movies, all of us want to see movies at school. Do you think it a good idea?Love fromAppendix (III)A letter back from Mr. TianDear Sam Wang & students of Class 18,Hows everything going?I have just read some of your letters and I am now feeling very happy. The past half term has

16、seen your rapid progress (巨大进步)here. Congratulations! How I wish I were one of you so I could also enjoy your colorful school life! In your letters, some of you would like to see more movies at school. I think ita good idea. When I was your age, I also liked movies. We didnt see the movie in the cin

17、ema; instead, we enjoyed it in the open air, and onlyat night. And we could see the movie on the back of the screen(荧屏)! We did not often see movies, so when there was a movie there were always too many people. Anyway, that was much more interesting than in the cinema. I miss the happy old days very

18、 much!Tomorrow is Friday, your “English Corner” time again. You may choose to see a movie, but tell me what kind of movie you want to see.Sincerely Yours Tian Yun-fuAnswer the following questions according to Mr. Tians letter:1. Has Mr. Tian read all of your letters?4. When and where did people at t

19、hat time see the movies?6. Does Mr. Tian agree to let us see more movies?1. 1楼评论时间: 2017-07-16 12:28:27回复1.Wu Juns family moved down to Guangdong from Hunan in 1992. (Wu Jun is one of the students of the class)2.If something is too heavy for you to carry, you can try to move it by pulling or pushing

20、.3.When the film was first invented, it was called “motion picture”. Now more and more people would like to call it “movie”.4.The movie is called “movie” or “motion picture” because it tells us how it works; it is also called “film” because film is the most material in making a movie.5.The three maj

21、or movie centers in the world are Hollywood, India and Hong Kong.6.What do you go to the cinema for?7.-I go to the cinema to see a film.8.I want to go to the theater to watch the new play.o 我以上这些,是课堂内lead-in 或者 revision 的课堂实际听写内容!我现在自己也不明白了,这样难度的听写内容,学生绝大多数能够100的听写下来!我之前那节课做了电影历史等方面的一些介绍,这是对那节课的“收口袋

22、”式的听写!在珠海重点高中这么些年过去了,我看到我当时的初中教学案例,我都吓得半死!7月16日 12:33我听写内容真实的回现提炼出了上一节的精髓。从这些听写内容上看出了我头一节课是多么的富有知识性、思想性以及最为可贵的真实性!我当英语老师,就是不把英语当回事,学生英语学得好,真是一路去捡来的!40我也说一句2. 棋王2楼 2017-07-17 11:24:38我无意间看见了当时这节课的课件,PPT的。有意者,免费发给你,很好玩哟!我只有看了课件,才会更加理解这节课!QQ空间里的这张diagram上传失败了,感受不到这节课最精彩的对英语课堂跨学科教学(interdisciplinary cou

23、rse )的实际运用!把生活中最简单的数理统计带入英语课堂,天才啊!7月17日 11:493. 3楼41:看来课件,才会知道,这完全是一堂“班本”课,所有的一切完全来自本班学生,彻底的走进了学生的学校内和外的生活,这么简单的教材,被我玩弄得如此具有难度,但学生可以很好接受,开篇的听写,居然绝大多数学生可以100%的得到100分,就是因为这个原因!我不仅把学生自己放进了课堂,一把我和我女儿放进去了,把我们的校长也放进去了,把校长的童年生活放进去了,学生不是在学英语,是在过瘾,很过瘾,看到亲爱的校长以前是这样看电影的,他们开心死了!Aileen棋王能做你的学生很幸运!7月18日 17:41我Ail

24、een但不一定很幸福哟!尤其刚刚开始时!45我把我们新校长的课件给你弄回来了!47十分感谢!你的班主任工作新境界:无为而治,已被我Q友疯转!7月18日 18:12赶紧叫停!7月18日 19:174. 何春梅4楼 2017-07-18 12:26:13哥,我要学习!发一份给我,谢了-该评论来自手机Qzone我何春梅我现在在路上,几天后回家就发!7月18日 12:29何春梅棋王谢谢了305. 在時光的深處等待5楼 2017-07-18 13:53:王老师,我也要学习一下!谢谢啦!我在時光的深處等待我怎么发给你呢7月21日 17:50在時光的深處等待棋王方便的话把PPT和教案发我qq邮箱行不行啊?谢谢王老师!57

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