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1、中国古诗翻译虞世南 蝉垂 饮清露流响出疏桐居高声自远非是藉秋风The CicadaDrunk with fresh dew, your trill will flowFrom mid the sparse parasol trees.Rising high, far your voice will go,Not on the wings of autumn breeze.咏萤的 流光少飘摇弱翅轻恐畏无人识独自暗中明The FireflyYou shed a flickering light;Your wings are weak in flight.Afraid to be unknown,A

2、t night you gleam alone.孔绍安 落叶早秋惊落叶飘零似客心翻飞未肯下犹言惜故林Falling LeavesIn early autumn Im sad to see falling leaves;Theyre dreary like a roamers heart that their fall grieves.They twist and twirl as if struggling against the breeze;I seem to hear them cry, We will not leave our trees.王绩 过酒家此日长昏饮非关养性灵眼看人尽醉何

3、忍独为醒The WineshopDrinking wine all day long,I wont keep my mind sane.Seeing the drunken throng,Should I sober remain?野望东皋薄暮望徙倚欲何依树树皆秋色山山唯落晖牧人驱犊返猎马带禽归相顾无相识长歌怀采薇A field ViewAt dusk with eastern shore in viewI loiter, but where can I go?Tree on tree tinted with autumn hue;Hill on hill steeped in sunset

4、glow.The shepherd drives the herd homebound;The hunters steed comes back with game.Theres no acquaintance all around;I sing of hermits and feel shame.寒山 杳杳寒山道杳杳寒山道落落冷涧滨啾啾常有鸟寂寂更无人淅淅风吹面纷纷雪积身朝朝不见日岁岁不知春Long, Long The Pathway To Cold HillLong, long the pathway to Cold Hill;Drear, drear the waterside so c

5、hill.Chirp, chirp, I often hear the bird;Mute, mute, nobody says a word.Gust by gust winds caress my face;Flake on flake snow covers all trace.From day to day the sun wont shine;From year to year no spring is mine.王勃 滕王阁诗滕王高阁临江渚佩玉鸣鸾罢歌舞画栋朝飞南浦云朱帘暮卷西山雨闲云潭影日悠悠物换星移几度秋阁中帝子今何在槛外长江空自流Prince Tengs PavilionBy

6、 riverside towers Prince Tengs Pavilion proud,But gone are cabs with ringing bells and stirring strains.At dawn its painted beams bar the south-flying cloud;At dusk its curtains furled face western mountains rains.Free clouds cast shadows in the pool from day to day;The world and seasons change bene

7、ath the changing sky.Where is the prince who in this pavilion did stay?Beyond the balustrade the silent river rolls by.送杜少府之任蜀州城阙辅三秦风烟望五津与君离别意同是宦游人海内存知己天涯若比邻无为在歧路儿女共沾巾Farewell To Prefect DuYoull leave the town walled far and wideFor mist-veiled land by riverside.I feel on parting sad and drear,For b

8、oth of us are strangers here.If youve a friend who knows your heart,Distance cant keep you two apart.At crossroads where we bid adieu,Do not shed tears as women do!杨炯 从军行烽火照西京心中自不平牙璋辞凤阙铁骑绕龙城雪暗凋旗画风多杂鼓声宁为百夫长胜作一书生I Would Rather FightThe beacon fire shines oer the capital,My agitated mind cant be calmed

9、 down.By royal roder we leave palace hall;Our armoured steeds besiege the Dragon Town.snow darkens pictures sewn on banners red;In howling winds are mingled our drumbeats.Id rather fight at a hundred mens headThan pore oer books without performing feats.骆宾王 在狱咏蝉西路蝉声唱南冠客思侵那堪玄鬓影来对白头吟露重飞难进风多响易沉无人信高洁谁为表

10、予心The Cicada Heard In PrisonIn autumn the cicada sings;A prisoner, Im lost in thought.I cannot bear to see its dark wings,Which to my head white hair have brought.Heavy with dew, it cannot fly;Drowned in the wind, its songs not heard.No one believes tis spirit high.Who could express my grief in word

11、?韦承庆 南行别弟淡淡长江水悠悠远客情落花相与恨到地一无声Southbound, I Part From My Younger BrotherOn and on flows the River Long;Deep and deep grows our grief to part.The flowers fall mute all alongAs if they too were sad at heart.宋之问 渡汉江岭外音书绝经冬复历春近乡情更怯不敢问来人Crossing The River HanExhiled, I longed for news none bring,From the

12、long winter to late spring.Now nearing home, timid I grow,I dare not ask what I would know.沈辁期 杂诗闻道黄龙戍频年不解兵可怜闺里月长在汉家营少妇今春意良人昨夜情谁能将旗鼓一为取龙城The Garrison At Yellow Dragon TownStationed at Yellow Dragon Town, the menHave never been relieved year after year.At home their wives are watching the moon, whenT

13、heyre staying in the camp on the frontier.Their wives are longing for them when spring comesAnd cant forget their love on parting night.Oh, who will lead our troops with flags and drumsTo put the foe at Dragon Town to flight!贺知章 咏柳碧玉妆成一树高万条垂下绿丝绦不知细叶谁裁出二月春风似剪刀The WillowThe slender tree is dressed in

14、emerald all about,A thousand branches droop like fringes made of jade.But do you know by whom these slim leaves are cut out?The wind of early spring is sharp as scissor blade.回乡偶书少小离家老大回乡音无改鬓毛衰儿童相见不相识笑问客从何处来HomecomingOld, I return to the homeland I left while young,Thinner has grown my hair, though

15、I speak the same tongue.My children, whom I meet, do not know who am I.Where are you from, dear sir? they ask with beaming eye.陈子昂 登幽州台歌前不见古人后不见来者念天地之悠悠独怆然而涕下On Climbing The Tower At YouzhouWhere are the great men of the past?Where are those of future years?The sky and earth forever last;Here and no

16、w I alone shed tears.送东莱王学士无竞宝剑千金买生平未许人怀君万里别持赠结交亲孤松宜晚岁众木爱芳春巳矣将何道无令白发新Parting GiftThis sword that cost me dear,To none would I confide.Now you are to leave here,Let it go by your side.Trees delight in spring day;The pine loves wintry air.What more need I to say?Dont add to your grey hair!张说 蜀道后期客心争日月

17、来往预期程秋风不相待先到洛阳城My Delayed Departure For HomeMy heart outruns the moon and sun;It makes the journey not begun.The autumn wind wont wait for me;It arrives there where I would be.张九龄 望月怀远海上生明月天涯共此时情人怨遥夜竟夕起相思灭烛怜光满披衣觉露滋不堪盈手赠还寝梦佳期Looking At The Moon And Longing For One Far AwayOver the sea the moon shines

18、 bright;We gaze at it far, far apart.You might complain how long is night,And I would rise, lovesick at heart.I blow out candle; still theres light.I don my coat: Im moist with dew.I cant give you these moobeams whiteBut go to bed to dream of you.自君之出矣自君之出矣不复理残机思君如满月夜夜减清辉Since My Lord From Me Parted

19、Since my lord from me parted,Ive left unused my loom.The moon wanes, brokenhearted,To see my growing gloom.张若虚 春江花月夜春江潮水连海平海上明月共潮生滟滟随波千万里何处春江无明月江流宛转绕芳甸月照花林皆似霰空里流霜不觉飞汀上白沙看不见江天一色无纤尘皎皎空中孤月轮江畔何人初见月江月何年初照人人生代代无穷已江月年年只相似不知江月待何人但见长江送流水白云一片去悠悠青枫浦上不胜愁谁家今夜扁舟子何处相思明月楼可怜楼上月徘徊应照离人妆镜台玉户帘中卷不去捣衣砧上拂还来此时相望不可闻愿逐月华流照君鸿雁

20、长飞光不度鱼龙潜跃水成文昨夜闲潭梦落花可怜春半不还家江水流春去欲尽江潭落月复西斜斜月沉沉藏海雾碣石潇湘无限路不知乘月几人归落月摇情满江树A Moonlit Night On The Spring RiverIn spring the river rises as high as the sea,And with the rivers rise the moon uprises bright.She follows the rolling waves for ten thousand li,And where the river flows, there overflows her light.

21、The river winds around the fragrant islet whereThe blooming flowers in her light all look like snow.You cannot tell her beams from hoar frost in the air,Nor from white sand upon Farewell Beach below.No dust has stained the water blending with the skies;A lonely wheellike moon shines brilliant far an

22、d wide.Who by the riverside first saw the moon arise?When did the moon first see a man by riverside?Ah, generations have come and past away;From year to year the moons look alike, old and new.We do not know tonight for whom she sheds her ray,But hear the river say to its water adieu.Away, away is sa

23、iling a single cloud white;On Farewell Beach pine away maples green.Where is the wanderer sailing his boat tonight?Who, pining away, on the moonlit rails would learn?Alas! The moon is lingering over the tower;It should have seen the dressing table of the fair.She rolls the curtain up and light comes

24、 in her bower;She washes but cant wash away the moonbeams there.She sees the moon, but her beloved is out of sight;Shed follow it to shine on her beloved ones face.But message-bearing swans cant fly out of moonlight,Nor can letter-sending fish leap out of their place.Last night he dreamed that falli

25、ng flowers would not stay.Alas! He cant go home, although half spring has gone.The running water bearing spring will pass away;The moon declining over the pool will sink anon.The moon declining sinks into a heavy mist;Its a long way between southern rivers and eastern seas.How many can go home by mo

26、onlight who are missed?The sinking moon sheds yearning oer riverside trees.王湾 次北固山下客路青山外行舟绿水前潮平两岸阔风正一帆悬海日生残夜江春入归年乡书何处达归雁洛阳边Passing By The Northern MountainsMy boat goes by the green, green mountainside;It glides over blue, blue water with ease.The banks are pushed far back at full tide;A single sail

27、 seems hanging in the breeze.The sun emerges ere night has passed away,And spring intrudes to ring out the old year.Wholl send my letter home without delay?I see no northward-flying wild geese here.*Wild geese were believed to be message-bearing birds.王翰凉州词葡萄美酒夜光杯欲饮琵琶马上催醉卧沙场君莫笑古来征战几人回Starting For Th

28、e FrontFrom cups of jade that glow with wine of grapes at night,Drinking to pipa songs, we are summoned to fight.Dont laugh if we lie drunk upon the battleground!How many warriors ever came back safe and sound?王之涣 登鹳雀楼白日依山尽黄河入海流欲穷千里目更上一层楼On The Heron TowerThe sun beyond the mountains glows;The Yello

29、w River seawards flows.You can enjoy a grander sightBy climbing to a greater height.出塞黄河远上白云间一片孤城万仞山羌笛何须怨杨柳春风不度玉门关Out Of The Great WallThe yellow sand rises as high as white cloud;The lonely town is lost amid the mountains proud.Why should the Mongol flute complain no willows grow?Beyond the Jade Ga

30、te vernal wind will never blow!孟浩然 夏日南亭怀辛大山光忽西落池月渐东上散发乘夜凉开轩卧闲敞荷风送香气竹露滴清响欲取鸣琴弹恨无知音赏感此怀故人中宵劳梦想Longing For Xin The Elder In The Southern Pavilion On A Summer DaySuddenly daylight fades oer western hill;Gradually climbs the moon oer eastern pool.With windows open, in bed I lie still;With hair unloosed, I enjoy the cool.The breeze brings fragr

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