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1、7. 如果在一次试验中,测得()的四组数值分别是12343.85.26 A 6.9 B 7.1 C 7.04 D7.28.已知函数是R上的奇函数,且当时,设函数 ,若,则实数的取值范围是 A B C(1,2) D9.已知空间几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积是A. B. C. 4 D. 10.已知函数,集合 , ,记分别为集合 中的元素个数,那么下列结论不正确的是 A B C D二、填空题:本大题共有5个小题,每小题5分,共25分.把正确答案填在答题卡的相应位置.11. 执行如右图所示程序框图,若输入的值为2,则输出的12.如上左图,目标函数的可行域为四边形(含边界) ,若点是该目标函数

2、取最小值时的最优解,则的取值范围是13.在圆内,过点的最长弦与最短弦分别为与,则四边形的面积为 14.一艘海轮从处出发,以每小时20海里的速度沿南偏东40方向直线航行30分钟后到达处在处有一座灯塔,海轮在处观察灯塔,其方向是南偏东70,在处观察灯塔,其方向是北偏东65,那么、两点间的距离是15.已知函数的定义域-1,5,部分对应值如表,的导函数的图象如图所示,下列关于函数的命题:函数的值域为1,2; 函数在0,2上是减函数;当时,函数最多有4个零点;如果当时,的最大值是2,那么的最大值为4.其中正确命题的序号是(写出所有正确命题的序号)三、解答题:本大题共6个小题,共75分.解答时写出必要的文

3、字说明、证明过程或推理步骤.16.(本小题满分12分)某数学兴趣小组有男女生各名.以下茎叶图记录了该小组同学在一次数学测试中的成绩(单位:分).已知男生数据的中位数为,女生数据的平均数为.(1)求,的值;(2)现从成绩高于分的同学中随机抽取两名同学,求抽 取的两名同学恰好为一男一女的概率. 17.(本小题满分12分)设函数(),其图象的两个相邻对称中心的距离为. (1)求函数的解析式;(2)若的内角为所对的边分别为(其中),且, ,面积为,求的值.18.(本小题满分12分)如图,四边形PCBM是直角梯形,又,直线与直线所成的角为60(1)求证:;(2)求三棱锥的体积.19.(本小题满分12分)

4、在数列中,已知,. (1)求数列的通项公式; (2)设数列,求的前项和.20.(本小题满分13分)已知向量,且(1)求点的轨迹的方程;(2)设曲线与直线相交于不同的两点,又点,当时,求实数的取值范围21.(本小题满分14分)已知).(1)若时,求函数在点处的切线方程;(2)若函数在上是减函数,求实数的取值范围;(3)令是否存在实数,当是自然对数的底)时,函数的最小值是.若存在,求出的值;若不存在,说明理由.参考答案 BCDBB ABDBD二、填空题: 11. 12. 13. 14.海里 15. 16解:(1) 男生成绩为 , , ,其中位数为,故. 3分女生成绩为 , , ,平均数为,解之得

5、6分(2) 设成绩高于的男生分别为 、 ,记 ,设成绩高于的女生分别为、,记 ,从高于分同学中取两人的所有取法: , ,共种, 8分其中恰好为一男一女的取法:,共种, 10分因为 故抽取的两名同学恰好为一男一女的概率为. 12分17解:(1) 3分由题意知 , 所以, 6分(2)由,得 , ,所以 ,即, 8分又 ,将,代入得, 10分又解得 12分18. (1)证明:,,又 平面,平面ABC, 5分 (2)过做,连接,则,MN平面ABC, 7分 在中,由余弦定理得, 在中,, 点M到平面的距离为1,而 10分. 12分 19. 解:(1), 数列是首项为,公比为的等比数列,. 6分(2)由(

6、1)知,, 8分10分12分20. 解:(1)由题意得,化简得,点的轨迹的方程为. 4分(2)由得由于直线与椭圆有两个不同的交点,即. 6分(i)当时,设弦的中点为,分别为点的横坐标,则,从而, 8分又,.则,即, 将代入得,解得,由得,解得,故所求的的取值范围是. 10分(ii)当时,解得. 12分综上,当时,m的取值范围是当时,m的取值范围是. 13分21解:(1)当时, 1分,函数在点处的切线方程为 3分(2)函数在上是减函数在上恒成立 4分令,有得 6分 7分 (3)假设存在实数,使在上的最小值是3 8分当时,在上单调递减,(舍去)10分当且时,即,在上恒成立,在上单调递减,(舍去)

7、11分当且时,即时,令,得;,得在上单调递减,在上单调递增,满足条件13分综上所述,存在实数,使在上的最小值是3. 14分2019-2020年高三5月适应性考试(三模)英语试题 含答案I. Listening prehension (30) (xx12大境听力)Part A Short Conversations (10)Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be ask

8、ed about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on you paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. 6:10. B. 6:30. C. 6:40. D. 7:00.2.

9、A. In a book store. B. In a hospital. C. In a library. D. At a cinema.3. A. Customer and waitress. B. Boss and secretary. C. Teacher and student. D. Lawyer and client.4. A. A Swimming contest. B. A volleyball match. C. A Football match. D. A basketball match.5. A. To hang up his trousers. B. To keep

10、 his trousers on. C. To e home earlier. D. To spend less time at the office.6. A. Her sons health. B. Her sons studies. C. Her sons poor grades. D. Her sons ability for the job.7. A. He was unable to have his picture taken. B. He has not chosen a picture for it. C. He had broken his camera. D. He fa

11、iled to fix the broken camera.8. A. It isnt good at all. B. It is better now. C. It was better in the past. D. It is liked by more people now.9. A. Hell be able to clean the house in time. B. He doesnt have time to take the woman home. C. It should be easy for the guests to find the house. D. He nee

12、ds time to relax before the guests arrive.10. A. He has too many dreams. B. He likes to sleep.C. He doesnt have many ideas. D. He doesnt put his ideas into practice.Part B Short Passages (12) In Part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages.

13、The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Question 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Because s

14、he wanted to make more contributions to the munity.B. Because she would like to help with the familys finances.C. Because she was offered a good job by her neighbor.D. Because she was expected to be more involved in social life.12. A. Doing housework. B. Looking after her neighbors children. C. Read

15、ing papers and watching TV. D. Taking good care of her husband.13. A. Supportive. B. Inconsiderate. C. Generous. D. Sensible. Question 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Hollywoods Founding Father. B. The Midwest es to Hollywood. C. The Transformation of Hollywood. D. Studios of

16、 Hollywood.15. A. Lighting and landscape. B. Alcohol-free environment. C. Cheap property value. D. Peaceful atmosphere.16. A. They benefited from the service to the studios. B. They moved out of their munity. C. They stopped the expansion of the studios. D. They are annoyed by movie peoples behavior

17、s. Part C Longer Conversations (8) In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 thro

18、ugh 20 are based on the following conversation. Dialogue InformationWhen did the woman take Professor Coopers class?Last (17) _.What does the woman think of the exams?They may change from year to year, but the style is (18) _.What should the students know about the book?The (19) _ of the book.What w

19、ill the man treat the woman if she helps him?A dinner and a (20)_.plete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.plete the form. Write no more than THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar& vocabulary Section A (16) Read the following two p

20、assages. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct. (A)Are you scared of heights? I

21、f so, we regret _25_(tell) you that you will miss a wonderful dinner in the sky! Dinner in the Sky can no doubt make a lasting impression on your special guests.In fact, the idea of Dinner in the Sky was developed by a Belgian pany. The dinner is hosted at a table _26_(float) at a height of 50 meter

22、s. _27_ team of professionals help make the table safe in the air. Of course, dinner is not the only choice. Breakfast in the sky, lunch in the sky, meeting in the sky.just _28_ you want!Whats more, Dinner in the Sky _29_ be held anywhere. It _30_(operate) in more than 15 countries. As long as there

23、 is an open ground of 500, get ready to fly!You may wonder _31_ it is safe to have dinner in the sky. But dont worry about that. Dinner in the Sky is a totally safe way to enjoy life. The Belgian pany provides this special service with two gold words in mind- exclusivity and safety. It is designed a

24、nd examined strictly according to the International Safety Standard. The focus _32_safety is probably one of the reasons why it is still flying in the sky.So are you getting interested? If you want to have a unique memory, try Dinner in the Sky!(B)We have all heard the saying, You are what you eat.

25、But how many of us are willing to admit that the expression applies to us as well as to all those unidentified people out there? Current research suggests that the majority of Americans _33_(have) bad eating habits,and some of them _34_(determine) by our lifestyle,which demands that we eat quickly a

26、nd inexpensively.What are the monest foods on the American menu? Hamburgers and French fries, sugar-laden drinks; pies and whipped cream,malts and ice-cream. Apart from an occasional broiled hamburger,all the things on that list are bad for us. And there are certain prophets(先知) of doom who predict

27、that all those fat laden fast foods provide us _35_ only one thing-a faster road to the grave.On the other hand, there are those who claim that the basic fast-food meal contains all the nourishment you need. After all, there are meat, milk, salad (if you have the extras), and bread. And if you have a cheeseburger instead of a hamburger, you are doing yourself an extra favor by adding additional protein. _36_ these good news gossips are overlooking is the usually pulpy

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