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1、作业三:M1U1第一课时小练习一、 抄写,注意大小写及标点符号What can you see kitty I can see a bus and some cars too 二、改写句子1. I can see an aeroplane.( 划线部分提问)_2. I can hear a bird.(否定句 ) _3. I can see red.(划线部分提问 ) _4. I can hear some chicks. I cant see them.(两句并一句 )_第二周Unit 1 Seeing and hearing(第二课时) P31. 掌握询问别人看到什么颜色用What col

2、our can you see?2. 能说出制作转盘的过程。3. 能在情境中运用所学的句型进行对话。circle(圆形),spin(旋转), spinner(旋转器), toothpick(牙签), draw(画画), cut(剪), colour(涂色), use(使用) 1. What colour can you see?你看到什么颜色?2. I can see green. 我看到绿色。 书本P3 (3遍)M1U1第二课时小练习一、按制作顺序,给下列句子编号:( ) cut the circle.( ) Use a toothpick.( ) Draw a circle.( ) Spi

3、n the spinner.( ) Colour the circle.二、阅读并完成下列句子:1. What can you _? I can hear a cow on the farm.2. _ _ can you see? I can see blue.3. _ the circle green.4. I can see some birds, _ I can hear hear them.Unit 1 Seeing and hearing (第三课时)P4 1.掌握句子: What can you see? I can seeI cant see them ,but I can he

4、ar them. 2. 能在情境中熟练运用不同的句型。by(在 旁边), them(他/她/它们的宾格), children(孩子们) by the window 在窗户旁 1. What can you see?2. I cant see them, but I can hear them. 我看不到他们,但可以听到他们。 书本P4 (3遍)M1U1第三课时小练习一、用做给单词的适当形式填空1. There _ (be )a bird in the tree.2. Two small _ ( babies) are in the rain.3. Peter and I _ (be) good

5、 friends. We _ ( have ) a new teacher.4. Is that _ (you) classroom? Yes, it is .5. There are some _ (child) in the library. They _ ( can )read books. 二、完成对话A. What can you see? B. I can see some _.A. How _? B. Three. A boy and two girls.Unit 1 Seeing and hearing(第四课时 )P5 1. 能正确朗读含有字母组合ch-的单词:chick,c

6、hair等。2. 能运用歌曲的句子表达所听见的事情。3. 能准确流利的朗读儿歌。raindrops(雨滴), fall(落下), Charlie(人名)fall down 掉落 1.I hear raindrops. 我听到雨滴声。2. Charlie has a chick.查理有一只小鸡。 书本P5 (3遍)M1U1第四课时小练习一、 读一读,写一写1. Sam _ hear a bus. _ he cant see it.2. What is _? Its _ aeroplane.3. How many _ ? One child.4. What colour _ the flowers

7、? Theyre pink.5. _ pencils are long. _ pencils are short.6. Charlie _ a chick. It is _ on the chair.1. Can Alice draw a circle? (肯定句)_2. Peter can hear a ship.(划线部分提问)_3. I can see a black car. (划线部分提问)_4. kitty, hear, you, what, can (连词成句)_5. There is a toy car on the desk.(一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_?Unit 1 Se

8、eing and hearing(第五课时 ) 复 习家长根据孩子一周学习情况自行背、默前面四课时所有的单词、词组和句型练习册P ( ) ( ) 笔试部分听 读听、读书本P25 (3遍) 第二周Unit 2 Touching and feeling(第一课时) P71. 能正确朗读并识记单词:pineapple ,cake ,bread ,glass ,bag。2. 能正确朗读Do a survey的句子3. 能在情境中针对某种东西的触觉感受开展流利的对话。pineapple(菠萝),cake(蛋糕),bread (面包),glass(玻璃杯),bag(包),rough(粗糙的),smooth

9、(光滑的), hard (硬的),soft(柔软的) 1.Touch the desk, Alice. 爱丽丝,摸摸桌子。2.How does it feel? 它是什么感觉的?3. Its smooth and hard. 它是又光滑又硬的。 书本P7(3遍)M1U2第一课时小练习touch the bananas how does it feel its smooth二、改写完成句子1. A. _ _ is the desk? B. Its black.2. A. What _ _ hear? B. I can hear _ _(一架飞机)3. A. Touch the bag. _ do

10、es it feel? B. Its _ and _.4. A. _ you like toy bears? No, I dont.第三周Unit 2 Touching and feeling(第二课时) P61. 掌握句型:How does it/do they feel? Its /Theyre2. 能在相应的情境中熟练运用所学句型。3. 能读懂课文或能读懂与课文难度相仿的文章。smooth (反义词) rough ,hard ( 反义词) soft, glass(复数) glasses 1.How does it feel?2. Its rough and soft.它是又粗糙又柔软的。

11、3.How do they feel? 它们是什么感觉的?4.They are smooth and hard.它们是又光滑又硬的。 书本P6(3遍)M1U2第二课时小练习一、按要求写单词反义词:smooth _ , soft _, hot _同类词: touch_, ship _, two_复数: glass _, family _, leaf_1. The pineapple is hard.( 划线提问)_2. How does the bread feel? ( soft)_3. I can see two bananas.( 划线提问)_4. The desk is hard. (否

12、定句,意思不变)_5. I can touch the apple.(否定句)_Unit 2 Touching and feeling(第三课时) P81. 能听懂故事内容。2. 能正确朗读故事。3. 能在情景中熟练运用句型进行简单问答。hungry (饿的),supermarket(超市),food(食物),pie (馅饼),yummy (好吃的)on the moon (在月球上 ),get some food (买些食物) 1.Theres a supermarket. 那儿有个超市。2. Lets go and get some food.让我们去买些食物吧。3.Its yummy.

13、很好吃的。 书本P8(3遍)M1U2第三课时小练习一、选择合适的单词填空smooth hard soft rough nice hungry1. Touch this glass. Its _ and _.2. The pineapple is not _. Its _.3. Superdog is _. He wants some bread.4. The Moon pie is _ and_.二、辨音,用T或F表示( ) 1. elephant desk ( ) 2. apple name( ) 3. toy boy ( ) 4. sheep fish( ) 5. peach smooth

14、 ( ) 6. hungry rough 第三周Unit 2 Touching and feeling(第四课时) P91. 能正确朗读含有字母组合sh-发音的单词,如:ship, shop等。2. 能准确流利地朗读发音部分儿歌。3. 能运用正确的节奏和韵律朗读儿歌。ship(船), shop(商店),finger(手指), with (用)ten fingers(十只手指), two hands(两只手), with my hands(用我的手), in the shop(在商店), Come and see(过来看) 1 . I can touch and feel with my han

15、ds and fingers. 我用我的手和手来指触摸和感觉。 2.I can see and hear with my eyes and ears. 我用我的眼睛和耳朵来看和听。 书本P9(3遍)M1U2第四课时小练习一、 写出与划线单词同类的词1. Feel the apple. Its hard. _ _2. I can hear a car in the street. _ _3. Touch the desk. Its smooth._ _4. There is some bread in the bag. _ _5. I can touch with my hands._ _二、

16、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Kittys friends _ (have )got some bananas. Theyre _ (be ) soft.2. His brother cant _ (make ) a paper aeroplane.3. These _ (toy ) are super. I like them.4. I have ten _ ( finger) . I can _ (touch ) with them.Unit 2 Touching and feeling(第五课时 ) 听、读书本P69 (3遍)Unit 3 Tasting and smelling(第一课

17、时) P10、11sweet(n.),sweet(adj.),lemon, sour, salt, salty, coffee, bitter。2. 能正确朗读句子:How does the _smell / taste?Its3. 能在情境中熟练进行问答。taste (尝起来), smell(闻起来),(sweet(n.)(糖),sweet(adj.)(甜),lemon(柠檬), sour(酸的),salt(盐), salty(咸的), coffee(咖啡), bitter(苦的) 1.How does the lemon smell? 柠檬闻起来怎样的?2.Taste it. How do

18、es it taste.尝一尝。它尝起来什么感觉? 书本P10、11(3遍)M1U3第一课时小练习一、抄写句子taste the apple please is it sour _ no it isnt its sweet二、按要求改写单词 sweet_ hot _ smooth _ soft_taste _ nice _ sour _ white _ monkey_ peach _ glass_ baby_第四周Unit 3 Tasting and smelling(第二课时) P101.掌握句型:How does it smell/taste? Its2.能读懂课文或能读懂与课文难度相仿的

19、文章。3.能在相应情境中熟练运用所学句型。close(闭上), nice(好闻的)taste the lemon 尝一尝柠檬 1.How does it smell? 它闻起来怎样的?2.Its nice. 它好闻的3. How does it taste? 它尝起来怎样的?4. Its very sour. 它很酸的。 书本P10(3遍)M1U3第二课时小练习一、 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Is this _ (you ) lemon? No, it isnt.2. _ ( she ) is Miss Fang. _ (she ) hair is brown.3. I can _ (se

20、e) the birds, but I cant hear _ (they)4. _(be )there an aeroplane in the sky? Yes, there is .5. Taste the apple. How _ (it ) taste?二、用am, is ,are, have, has填空1. Here _ two cakes. They _ nice.2. That boy _ Eddie. There _ a football in his hand.3. Taste it. _ it sour? Yes, it _.4. My friends _ got som

21、e fruit.Unit 3 Tasting and smelling(第三课时) P12 May I have, please?How many?How much?2.能在相应情境中熟练运用所学句型。fruit shop(水果店), how many(多少数量), how much(多少钱) 1.May I have some apples, please? 我能买些苹果吗?2.How many? 多少数量?3. How much are they? 它们多少钱? 书本P12(3遍)M1U3第三课时小练习一、 完成句子1. I can _ with my nose.2. I can _ with my hands.3. I can _ and _ with my eyes and ears.4. _ the salt. Its salty.二、 完成对话A. Good morning. B. _ _A._ _ _ _?B. Bananas, please.A. _ this, please. Is it sweet?B. Yes, _ _.Ten _ , please.A. _ _ _. B. _ _.Unit

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