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1、AbstractThe global economic development, the container quickly raised up into exports. Rapid growth of the import and export cargo throughput brings to the container terminal larger benefits at the same time increase the burden of the port, have higher requirements on the terminal operation efficien

2、cy. How is the existing equipment of container terminals, reasonable resource allocation and scheduling, is common problem facing the container terminal. Therefore, how to improve the terminal facilities such as the maximum utilization of resources, to meet the increasing port demand, improve their

3、competitive advantage, and has more practical meaning to improve the working efficiency of the container terminal. The main content of this study is berth, gantry cranes and set card co-allocation research, has plans to all ship to the port assignments during mathematical model is established with t

4、he target of minimum cost, according to the characteristics of the scale model by genetic algorithm, finally validates the effectiveness of the model.Keywords: System engineering; Water transportation; Gantry cranes allocation; Dynamic scheduling;1 Introduction Container terminal logistics is an org

5、anicsystem, made of interactiveanddynamic components,suchas containers,ships, berths,yards, tracks,quaycranes and yard cranes trucks,laborscommunications, inalimitedterminalspace. Itisa complexdiscreteeventdynamicsystemrelated tokindsofcomplicatedproblemsin logisticstransportfield.Berth scheduling (

6、berth allocation) refers to the vessel arrival before or after according to each berth free condition and physical condition of the constraint for ship berthing berth and berthing order. To port berth scheduling optimization research has made important progress, but research is only limited to the s

7、ingle scheduling berth and shore bridge. Of berth scheduling problem in recent years has been based on simple berth scheduling considering more factors, but only for gantry cranes operating sequence when performing a specific loading and unloading of microscopic optimization. Container ships in the

8、port of time depend on how well the berth scheduling on one hand, on the other hand depends on the completion of tasks of gantry cranes loading and unloading time. Gantry cranes loading and unloading time tasks assigned by the Shore Bridge and gantry cranes scheduling two link form. Gantry cranes al

9、location is reasonably allocated to the ship to shore bridge. Scheduling is a bridge across the river shore bridge between loading and unloading task scheduling. For container terminal how to out of berth allocation, and collaborative scheduling shore bridge set card effective allocation and the arr

10、angement of the container yard, etc are the main factors influencing the efficiency of port operations.2 Literature reviewBerth, gantry cranes and set card configuration and operation quality directly determines the operational efficiency of container ports. Container port whether can meet customer

11、demand depends on whether the scheduling of a better, affecting the competitiveness of the port. So how to coordinate the three configurations and scheduling caused the wide attention of scholars both at home and abroad. Most experts and scholars in different circumstances port hardware facilities a

12、ccording to the different methods of berth, gantry cranes, set card and etc were studied. In recent years, the berth, shore and set scheduling and allocation problem of study to become a hot topic, scholars in a wide range of further research.2.1 Research on berth allocation problemEdmond will berth

13、 allocation problem as queuing theory for the first time, and establish the mathematical model research berth allocation problem. Lai and Shih to adopt rules first come first service berth allocation problem, and design the corresponding heuristic algorithm for the optimization of the mathematical m

14、odel of the berth allocation, and to obtain the berth allocation to wait for the mooring time, and the average berth utilization indicators for evaluation. Prove the feasibility of obtained berth allocation scheme. Kiin mixed integer programming model is established to study the for large container

15、ship berth allocation problem to determine the ship docked location and time, the design of simulated annealing algorithm to solve the model. Since then, many scholars study of berth allocation problem scheme compared with Kim. Imai respectively studied and dynamic to static to the port to port bert

16、h allocation problem, at the same time the berth allocation in the process of container ship is introduced into the berth time priority, berth allocation was studied for the ship to port. Later, Mr Imai and Sun to adopt continuous geographical space to study the method of continuous berth allocation

17、, established the mathematical model of the minimum vessel waiting time and operation time and coefficient using LaGrange relaxation algorithm to solve. Hansen, considering the schedule and ship docked preference location problems, such as setting the berth scheduling optimization goal for waiting t

18、ime while minimizing of the ship. At the same time describes what preference position of the ship is. Lee also adopt the rules of first come first service to research into the port ship berth allocation problem, design the corresponding heuristic algorithm to solve the berth allocation model. After

19、this, Lee and ship at the port of all research cycle to overall in the shortest time continuous berth allocation problem for the target research, through random greedy adaptive search algorithm to solve the model.2.2 Research on Shore Bridge factors problemDiazole in 1989 for the first time put forw

20、ard the concept of gantry cranes scheduling by the author and a mixed integer programming model was established to solve the model to determine the distribution of each ship to the shore bridge. Park and Kim first studied the static to the port of berth and gantry cranes scheduling problem. Lim unde

21、r interference constraint made the gantry cranes scheduling decisions made by a branch and bound method will be a period of time the latest ship to minimize the departure time of this algorithm ability is limited but simulated annealing method feasible solution can be obtained for the same question

22、then also has used the genetic algorithm and greedy algorithm. Mussel and had to use a more realistic shore bridge resources use function to replace the method of linear hypothesis this paper proposes a new model to improve insufficient corrected simulation in the study of land bridge in front of th

23、e interference constraint error and put forward a improved model than other algorithms are good before fast branch and bound method based on one-way operations. Bierwirth to before 2010 to berth allocation problem, task allocation problem shore bridge, gantry cranes scheduling problem of research li

24、terature made a detailed statistics and investigation and study analysis. Ship movement were studied using genetic algorithm reaches the case of fixed alongside berths and gantry cranes scheduling problem, homework and assumes that each ship shore bridge number is fixed, the optimization goal to min

25、imize shipping time in Hong Kong. At present scholars to container terminal berth allocation, gantry cranes scheduling and allocation, set operations such as path planning are detailed studies. They mainly from the perspective of time and economic cost and so on, studies the optimization of containe

26、r terminal handling operation link research, makes the anticipated goal of optimal. But can be seen from the collected literature at home and abroad, the research of the container terminal although in-depth and meticulous, but there are still insufficient. At present study mainly just to container t

27、erminal operation of a single link a job scheduling optimization, or are the two assignments link joint scheduling optimization research. However, container terminal berth allocation, shore bridge distribution and collection card is a complete operating system. If is simply the optimization study of

28、 a job link, can only reach a certain optimal operation link, it is difficult to achieve with other assignments link affinity. In the whole container operating system does not make the overall optimal.3 Container terminal operation analyses(1) ChannelChannel is refers to the container ship in the in

29、 and out of the container terminal area can satisfy container ships and other water traffic tools (tug, etc.) the requirements of the safe navigation channel.(2) AnchorageAnchorage is used for container ships waiting for berthing of ships docked or for a variety of water homework need water. Main fl

30、oor including loading and unloading of anchorage, anchorage, shelter, water diversion fault, fault and quarantine and so on, this article proposed tracing refers to anchor it wrong, is to wait for container vessels into anchored into the dock before berth waters.(3) BerthBerth is to point to inside

31、the container terminal for container vessels, loading and unloading to the docking area by the sea, for the container ship safety and to meet the need of loading and unloading operation waters and space. Have a certain length of call with berthing waters adjacent quay wall line, referred to as the s

32、horeline. Berth coastline length meet the requirement of container ship loading and unloading and berthing safety distance, depth of berth satisfies the requirement of container ships draft. Container port berths are mainly divided into two forms. Berth discrete and continuous berths. Discrete berth: container terminal of the coastline of the corresponding berth waters is divided into a number of different lengths of part, at the same time there can be only one ship in a garage to accept se

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