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本文(英语论文 浅析《远大前程》主要人物性格变化的内外因素.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

英语论文 浅析《远大前程》主要人物性格变化的内外因素.docx

1、英语论文 浅析远大前程主要人物性格变化的内外因素摘 要 英国是一个历史文化悠久的古老国家,从伊比利亚等早期居民时代到凯撒大帝统治的罗马时代,再到诺曼征服,文艺复兴,工业革命,大英帝国一路收获的不仅是经济的强大,更有无与伦比的绚烂文化。这其中,莎士比亚独占鳌头,唯独十九世纪批判现实主义杰出代表,小说家狄更斯可与之媲美。此文正是关于狄更斯代表作远大前程的分析。狄更斯是十九世纪英国最伟大的小说家,狄更斯这不仅是因为他非凡的观察力和想象力,文章能牢牢抓住人物的性格特征,在人物塑造当中赋予角色独特的个性与生命,更在于他的小说不仅真实地反映了整整一代人的生活经历,而且生动地揭示了19 世纪中叶整个英国的社

2、会现实,其深度与广度远远超过了同时代的其它大部分作品。远大前程是狄更斯晚期一部重要的作品,可以说是集批判现实主义小说之大成。小说围绕主人公匹普成长历程展开描写,叙述了匹普“远大前程”的幻灭过程 ,事实证明其在纸醉金迷的上流社会里所追逐浮华都毫无价值。为了使人们更好的理解这部作品,并更清楚的看到狄更斯作品中批判现实主义的强大力量,本文旨在对他的远大前程中各主要人物的性格发展的影响因素进行分析。关键词:远大前程;狄更斯;主要人物;性格变化;内外因素Abstract Britain is an ancient country with a long history and culture, from

3、 early-age residents of Iberia, to Roman times ruled by Julius Caesar, and then to the Norman conquest, the Renaissance, the industrial revolution, the British empire not only harvests all the economy boom, but also has a sea of incomparable gorgeous culture. Among them, Shakespeare pulls ahead, onl

4、y the nineteenth century outstanding representative of critical realism, novelist, Dickens is the comparable. Generally regarded as the greatest literary geniuses of his time in Victorian England, Charles Dickens (1812 -1870) enjoyed a wider popularity than any previous author had done during his li

5、fetime “because of the magnitude of his artistic achievement and because of the comprehensiveness of the picture it gives of his age. This article is about to analysis Dickens masterpiece great expectations. Dickens was named the nineteenth century Britain greatest novelist, not only because his spe

6、cial powers of observation and imagination, but his article can hold characteristics into unique individual character and life. His novels not only reflect the whole generation of life experience, but also vividly reveal the picture of middle age of the nineteenth century, and the whole of the UK so

7、cial reality. Their depth and breadth are far more than the contemporary other works. Great expectations is an important work written by Dickens in his old age, we can say this is the greatest achievement of critical realism. This novel describes around the hero Pip, and his great expectations of di

8、sillusion process, through the facts he finally realized his target for the flashy life in a luxury and dissipation in polite society was of no value. In order to make people better understand this works, and more clearly see Dickens works great power of critical realism, this article focus on the i

9、nfluence factors of the development of the main characters. Key words: great expectations ;Dickens;main figures;development of character;inner and outer factorsTable of ContentsOutline Thesis statement: Through the analysis of several main characters personality development process, we get the inspi

10、ration that we should have strong heart and use external factors positively. I . Dickens is the most important figure in the English literature, knowing his cultural position is the first step to analysis the Great Expectation .A. The important statue of Dickens will never be overestimated, for that

11、 studying him canshow us a panorama of his times.B .As the most distinctive master work of Dickens, the Great Expectation can not only indicate how Dickens is, but also itself is a appreciating book.II . Character is the soul of a book, and in order to know a work better, we have to study itscharact

12、ers and in this book, the development of the main characters is the most sparking point.A. We need to know how the original characteristics of the main figures are so that we canset the basis of the cooperation.1. Pip is a kind hearted boy and full of sympathy.2. Joe Gargery is an honest, industriou

13、s, mild, good-natured and easy-going dear fellow.3. Miss Havisham is an eccentric and most impressive woman.B. The development of the main characters is the more weighting part, in this one we can find that how these figures grow up and change.1.Pip changes little by little and almost becomes a bad

14、man.2.Joe becomes unselfish and warm-hearted.3.Miss Havisham becomes an invalid in heart. For any development, there are some reasons; no matter they are about outside forces or inside eager, so in this part I am going to analyses the inner and outer factor for the above characters.A.Inner factors i

15、nclude family, family condition, faith and knowledge etc.B.Outer factors include environment, friends, others help etc.IV. Conclusion: We should actively use external factors to pursue the great expectations.Introduction My first name was Philip, but when I was a small child I could only manage to s

16、ay Pip. So Pip was what everybody called me. I lived in a small village in Essex with my sister, who was over twenty years older than me. With the words, we are into a story: This article is about to analysis Dickens masterpiece great expectations”. Dickens was named the nineteenth century Britain greatest novelist, not only because his special powers of observation and imagination, but

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