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1、B. phalanges of fingersC. sternumD. radiusE. ulna5. Concerning the cervical vertebrae, the right description is:A. all cervical vertebrae have vertebral body and articular processB. the first cervical vertebra has no transverse foramen C. the end of the spinous process of the cervical vertebrae bifu

2、rcated entirelyD. the articular facets are relatively horizontalE. the first cervical vertebra is called axis6. Thoracic vertebrae:A. have transverse foramenB. the end of the transverse process bifurcatedC. the articular facets are relatively sagittalD. have costal fovea on the vertebral body latera

3、llyE. have no transverse costal fovea 7 7. Concerning the lumbar vertebrae, the right description is:A. the body are smallB. have costal fovea on the vertebral body laterallyC. have transverse foramenD. the articular facets are relatively sagittalE. the spinous processes point obliquely downward 8.

4、Sacrum: A. is made up of four fused vertebrae B. the base of it is downwardC. the auricular surface is on the anterior surfaceD. the anterior sacral foramina is not communicating with sacral canalE. have four pairs of posterior sacral foramina 9. Sternum:A. is made of manubrium and xiphoidB. the ste

5、rnal angle connects the fourth costal cartilage laterallyC. the body has a series of articular facets with the first to seventh costal cartilages laterallyD .the body has the jugular notchE. the sternal angle lies opposite the lower border of T4 posteriorly10. Concerning the ribs, the right descript

6、ion is:A. the ribs are eleven in number on each sideB. 1st8th Ribs are called true ribsC. 8th11th Ribs are called false ribs D. the anterior end is called costal angleE. the posterior end of rib enlarged to form the costal head11. The following bones for the proximal row of carpal bones except the:

7、A. lunate B. pisiform C. scaphoid D. trapezium E. triquetral12.The bone which have the diaphysis and epiphysis is A. short bone B. flat bone C. long bone D. irregular bone E. sesamoid bone13. The structure which can act haemopoiesis is A. yellow marrow B. spongy bone C. periosteum D. red marrow E. c

8、ompact bone14. The structure lies on the posterior aspect of shaft of humerus is: A. deltoid tuberosity B. groove for radial nerve C. bicipital groove D. olecranon fossa E. capitulum15. Inferior angle of scapula marks the level of A. the 2th rib B. the 7th rib C. the spine of the 2nd thoracic verteb

9、ra D. the spine of the 7th thoracic vertebra E. the spine of the 10th thoracic vertebra16. The structure lies on the posterior aspect of scapula is: A. subscapular fossa B. coracoid processC. suprascapular notchD. spine of scapulaE. glenoid cavity 18. Ulnar:A. the upper end is called the head of uln

10、a B. lies the lateral side of the forearmC. the olecranon and coronoid process are on its upper end D. the medial border is called interosseous borderE. the trochlear notch is on the body of ulnar19.Hip bone:A. the obturator foramen is formed by pubis and ischium B. inferior to the anterior inferior

11、 iliac spine is the greater sciatic notchC. the external surface of the ala of ilium is called iliac fossaD. the anterior superior iliac spine can not be palpatedE. consists of ilium and ischium20.Femur:A. the intertrochanteric line is on the posterior surface of two trochantersB. the intertrochante

12、ric crest is on the anterior surface of two trochantersC. the adductor tubercle is inferior to the medial epicondyleD. the linea aspera is on the anterior surface of the body of femurE. the lower end of the femur has the medial and lateral epicondyles21.Tibia:A. is the lateral bone of the legB. the

13、medial border of the body is termed as interosseous borderC. the lower end of the tibia has a prominence which is called lateral malleolusD. the tibial tuberosity is on the anterior aspect of the upper end of the tibiaE. fibular notch is medial to the lower end of the tibia22.Fibula:A. is the medial

14、 bone of the legB. its lower end is called the fibular head C. its lower end of the fibula forms the lateral malleolusD. the lateral border of the body is termed as interosseous borderE. the lateral malleolus can not be palpated23. Which is the accessory structure of synovial joint?A. articular surf

15、ace, articular disc, ligamentB. ligament ,articular capsule, articular surfaceC. ligament, articular cavity, articular discD. articular cavity ,synovial fold, synovial bursaE. articular labrum, ligament, synovial fold24. Concerning the intervertebral disc, the right description is:A. 22 in number in

16、 adultsB. is a symphysis between vertebral archesC. is composed of anulus fibrous and nucleus pulposusD.the nucleus pulposus protrude anterorlaterally easily E. the anulus fibrosus is an inner soft, highly elastic structure 25. Which ligaments associate with the lamina of vertebral arch adjacently?A

17、. anterior longitudinal ligamentB. posterior longitudinal ligamentC. ligamenta flavaD. interspinal ligamentE. supraspinal ligament26. Temporomandibular joint: A. is formed by mandibular fossa and head of mandibleB. has intracapsular ligmentC. the extracapsular ligament is the medial ligament D. has

18、the articular discE. the temporomandibular joint is dislocated (脱位)only backward27.Sternoclavicular joint:A. is the only joint between the upper limb and the trunkB. is formed by the sternal end of the clavicle and the clavicular notch of sternumC. its capsule is thin and looseD. has not the articul

19、ar discE. it can elevate and depress only28. Concerning the shoulder joint, the right description is:A.its capsule is strong and thickB.the head of the humerus takes part in forming the jointC. is the biaxial jointD. the glenoid cavity of the scapula is deepE. tendon of short head of biceps brachii

20、passes though the cavity29. Elbow joint:A. is formed by the humerus and radius onlyB. is formed by the humerus and ulna only C. the capsule is strongly thickened by ligaments anteriorly and posteriorly D. radial collateral ligament attached to medial epicondyleE. annular ligament of radius attached

21、to anterior and posterior margins of radial notch of ulna30. Radiocarpal formed by the proximal row of carpal bones, radius and ulnaB. its capsule is tenseC. it includes the distal radioulnar jointD. its movements include flexion and extension, adduction and abduction only.E. is a biaxial

22、 synovial joint31. Concerning the hip joint, the right description is: A. is formed by the head of femur and the acetabulum.B. is the biaxial jointC. the iliofemoral ligament can confine .the anteflexion of the thigh excessively.D. the fracture of femoral neck must be the intracapsular type.E. the i

23、schiofemoral ligament block the acetabular notch.31The knee joint:A. is made up of the lower end of femur and the upper end of tibia only. B. the tibial collateral ligament is attached to the medial meniscus compactly . C. the fibular collateral ligament is attached to the lateral meniscus compactly

24、 .D. the medial meniscus is smaller and assume “O” shape.E. the lateral meniscus is larger and assume“C”shape.32. Which joint has the articular disc ?Ashoulder jointBsternoclavicular jointCelbow jointDhip jointEtalocrural joint33.Which joint has the articular labrumA. temporomandibular jointB. elbow

25、 jointC. shoulder jointD. radiocarpal jointE. talocrural joint34Talocrural joint:A. is made up of lower ends of tibia and fibula, trochlea of talusB. extension and flexion is the only movements of this joint.C. is thickened on the anterior surface of the articular capsule with ligamentsD. the latera

26、l ligament is called deltoid ligament.E. this joint is also called talocalcaneal joint.35. Which muscle can evert the ankle joint?A. peroneus longusB. the tibialis anteriorC. the tibialis posteriorD. the soleusE. flexor digitorom brevis36. Which muscle can depress the mandible?A. epicraniusB. masset

27、erC. temporalisD. medial pterygoidE. lateral pterygoid37. Sternocleidomastoid:A. arises from the manubrium onlyB. lies in the deep part of the neckC. left sternocleidomastoid contract,the head inclines to the right.D. right sternocleidomastoid contract,the head inclines to the right.E. inserts into

28、the styloid process of temporal bone.38.Which muscle can elevate and to draw back the mandible?AmasseterBtemporalisCmedial pterygoidDlateral pterygoidEepicranius39The scalenus:A. the scalene fissure is formed by scalenus anterior and scalenus medius only.B. the scalenus anterior insert in the second

29、 rib.C. the scalenus medius insert on the first rib.D. the scalenus arise from the body of the cervical vertebraeE. the scalenus is not related to the respiratory movement.40 .The trapezius:A. is a superficial muscle lying on the anterior surface of the neck.B. is long thin muscle.C. arises from the

30、 spines of several thoracic vertebrae.D. inserts on the clavicle only.E. left trapezius contract, the neck inclines to the left.41.The latissimus dorsi:A. covers the upper part of the chest.B. insert on the crest of greater tubercle of humerus.C. arises from the spines of all thoracic vertebrae.D. can extend, adduct and medially

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