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1、Pre-task preparation1. Enjoy a video:2. Free talk.How is Shanghai in your eyes?Do you know any famous places in Shanghai?What can you do at these places?3. Chant 1. Listen and enjoy2. Answer the questions.3. Read the chant1.视频的导入为课堂营造轻松的气氛。激发学生的学习兴趣。2.从介绍上海的景点入手,引出上海博物馆,为后面的学习做铺垫。3. 用Chant的形式铺垫本课运用的

2、句型。While-task procedure1. Make a sence.Peter and Danny are talking about their summer holidays.2. To teach: science museum1)Introduction2)Ask and answer.Where is it?/How do you go there?Whats in it?3.To teach:history museum1) Introduction2) To elicit: The Shanghai History Museum is a history museum.

3、3) Ask the question.What can you see in a history museum?4) Try to say.1. Read the dialogue between Peter and Danny.1) Read the introduction.2) Answer the questions.2) Read the word:3) Answer the question.创设情境,引出主题。通过网上搜索查资料来学习Museums。提出问题,培养学生阅读短文的能力。通过历史图片的展示,帮助孩子说一说在历史博物馆中的所见。并简单的说几句。口头练习。4. To t

4、each:art museum2) Ask the questions.In Shanghai Art Museum, you can see 通过艺术作品的欣赏,提高孩子的审美。5.To teach:insect museum2) Read and judge短篇的介绍,提高孩子的阅读理解能力。4.To teach:car museum1) Show a table.2) Ask the question.How can you go there?When does it open?What can you do there?3) Try to say.1) Read the word:2)

5、 Get some information.& Answer the questions.通过表格提示信息的方式让学生自己找到相关信息,提高学生把握信息的能力。railway museum2) Make a short dialogue.3) Fill in the blanks.Read the word:1) Get some information.2) Pair work.Post-task activity1. Look ,write and match.2. Say and act/3. Our plan.1. Read and match.2. Pair works.3. Mak

6、e a plan.通过连线复习新授单词。在情境,让学生角色扮演,讨论。并作出一份计划,为下一课时铺垫Assignment1. Copy the words on P57, finish workbook P73-E.2. Discuss with your friends, make a plan. 3. Write down the plan-, workbook P76-c板 书设计Museums in ShanghaiMuseum where how what art museum, science museumWe want to visit _ together. Because_.

7、 It is _(where).We go there _(how)There is/are _(what) in it.We can _(do).Wed like to visit it _(when).教学反思学习材料见课件Period Two The World of Robots 5B M4U1 Listen and say science museum, the World of Robots, useful, perform Beijing Opera3. To encourage students to introduce their favourite robot in the

8、 museum.1.Chant3. Look and match4. Make a short dialogue.Which museum do you want to visit? Why?I want to visit Museum because I want to see1. Look and say the chant2. Ask and answer.3. Match the pictures with the words.4. Pair work.1. 活跃课堂气氛2. 为引入本课时内容做铺垫。3. 复习旧知。4. 对话练习复习第一课时内容。1. Show a poster1.

9、Read and complete the dialogue.学生学会阅读、学会分析。为学生创设语言情境。2. To teach Look and say1) Show some questions2) Look and listen.3) Ask the questions and teach some new words1) Read the questions.2)Look and listen3) Answer the question and learn some new words.e.g. perform Beijing OperaReally cool! useful运用恰当的

10、多媒体技术使学生对本课时内容有更生动的认识还调动了学生学习的兴趣。例如通过对京剧的介绍和欣赏,希望让学生能初略了解中国这一古老的戏剧形式。1. Replay the flash and show the exercise.2. Show more pictures of robots.3. Do a survey4. A plan.1. Read and fill in the blanks.2. Learn more information about robots. 3. Do a survey in the groups4. Make a plan for visiting The wo

11、rld of robots回顾本课时内容,巩固生词。了解更多相关机器人知识。使用第一课时中的问答句型做调查,复习巩固本单元的重点句型。完成口头写作,增强学生知识的输出能力。1. Read Listen and say on Page56 of the Students book. Complete the dialogue. A: Which robot do you want to I want visit? B: I want to visit Because the robot(s) can Its/Theyre Complete the plan.I want to visit wit

12、htogether. Because the robot(s) can Its/Theyre Wed like to visit it/them on 将复习巩固环节的内容再课后作业中再现,并体现分层原则。The World of RobotsRobot1: ( Piano Prince) play the piano really coolRobot2: perform Beijing Opera dancing beautifullyRobot3: help firefighters put out fires really greatOther robots: do some exerc

13、ise Play chess Shoot the arrowA:B:I want to visit withtogether. Because the robot(s) can Its/Theyre Wed like to visit it/them on 学习材料见教材Listen and sayPeriod Three The museums I visited5B M4U1 Say and act the ground floor, buybought, learnlearnt, gowent, bug3. To encourage students to act out the dia

14、logue.1. Listen and enjoy.2. Read the rhyme.1. listen and enjoy2. Read the rhyme.复习前一课时儿歌,激发学生的学习兴趣。1. Ask some questions.Where can I see the toy ladybird?On the ground floor?Whose toy ladybird is it?When and where did Alice buy it?2. Enjoy a story.3. To teach: buy bought1) Read the word.2) Make a s

15、entence.I wanted to buy _.I bought it/them _ _.1. Answer.3. To learn:养成学生带着问题看故事的良好习惯。通过说一说的方式让学生运用掌握bought。To elicit: Alice bought it at the Insect Museum yesterday.1. Ask the questions.What can you see there?What does an insect have?Is it beautiful or ugly?2. Try to say. learn learnt2) Try to sayI

16、 went to _ _.I learnt a lot about _.4. Read the passage.5. Say and act.联系前几课时的内容,学习learnt。有效的利用文本,结合教材。Where did Danny go?What did he see there? go went3. Read the passage.4. Ask some questions.Does Alice want to go there?When and why?1. Answer2. To learn:1) Read the word3. Read the passage. 4. Answ

17、er2. Say and act.1. Read P58.2. Finish Workbook P74.The museums I visitedI love museumsthe ground floorbuyboughtlearnlearntgowentbugPeriod Four A visit to the Louvre Museum5B M4U1 Look and read the Louvre Museum, Paris, human, culture, thousands of paintings, famous, most, the Mona Lisa, 3. To broad

18、en students mind and make them enjoy the beautiful art.1. Enjoy a chant:2. Quick and response.3. A rhyme1. Read and enjoy2. Look and response.3. Read and enjoy.复习旧知,引入课题。1.To teach:You cannot see everything on one trip. 1) A short passage2) Show some nice pictures.1.To learn:You cannot see everythin

19、g on one trip.1)Read the passage.2) Look and say.降低难度,将重点句型拆开教学,同时复习Listen and enjoy,丰富学生课外知识。2.To teach:The Louvre Museum1) Video.2) Some questions.3) Some new words and phrases.2.To learn:1) Watch the video.3) to learn some new words and phrases.看视频了解卢浮宫的概况,学习相关词汇。the Mona Lisa, famous, most There

20、 are thousands of paintings in the museum. And the most famous one is the Mona Lisa.2) A passage about the Mona Lisa.3) To learn: famous4) Make a sentence._ is _.5) To learn: most6) Show two different meanings and some examples.7) Read and fill in the blanks.the Mona Lisa2) Read the passage.3) Read the word.4) Make the sentence.5) Read the word.6) Read the examples.7) Read and fill in the b

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