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1、专业课()实践性环节其它选修选修课程学时32课程学分2学时分配理论学时( 32 )实践学时( )优选专业英语教学班07级1-4班学年学期2007-2008学年第1学期授课方式讲授考核方式考试() 考查教材名称泛读教程(第1册)作 者王守仁出版社及 出版时间上海外语教育出版社/2005指定参考书泛读教程参考答案(1-4册)教案编写时间2007年8月西华大学外国语学院教 案 2007 2008 学年 第 1 学期 系 部 英语系 课 程 名 称 英语泛读(1) 授 课 对 象 英语2007级 授 课 教 师 张华琴 职 称 职 务 讲师 教 材 名 称 泛读教程(第1册) 2007年8月 英语泛读

2、 (1) 课程教案授课题目(教学章节或主题):Unit 1 University Student Life讲授、练习授课学时教学目标或要求:1.Students learn how to guess the meaning of new words by reading context.2. By the two articles “On Being a Student” and “Getting the Best value for Time”, the teacher gives students suggestions on how to improve reading skills a

3、nd how to make good use of time in the university.3. After learning unit one, students should have the basic understanding of suffix and prefix and try to use the word-building knowledge to expand their vocabulary. 教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点):I.Reading skill: Context Clue to Word MeaningContext means the wor

4、ds or sentences before or after the item you do not know. Context sometimes provides definition clues. Consider: Linguistics, the scientific study of language, is very important for language students. Notice the italicized word is clearly defined. Besides the formal definition, the writer may also g

5、ive explanation after such punctuation marks as comma, dash or within parentheses.Context sometimes gives example clues. Consider: like horses, human beings have a variety of gaits, they amble, stride, jog and sprint. Notice several examples are given to shed light on the meaning of the italicized w

6、ord “gait”, a way of way of walking. In the sentences with example clues, the examples are usually signaled by certain words or phrases like such as, including, for example, for instance or to illustrate.Although context clues are useful in discovering the meaning of an unknown word, there are some

7、limitations to this approach. The meaning you get from the context may be vague or general. Sometimes there is too much unfamiliar language to allow you to use the context. While you dont interrupt your reading to look up new words in a dictionary, you may still want to check your guess if you find

8、that some word is used often, and seems to be an important one in your field. In such cases, mark the unknown words when you are reading, and look them up later.II. Text: University Student Life Step one: word pretest before going to text On Being a Student. Check the meaning of ten new words: profe

9、ssion, involve, explore, diminish, urge, performance, discipline, sack, linger, awkward. Step two: give students five minutes to scan the text and discuss the following questions: How is your college life different from your high school days? What is your plan to improve your reading skills? Step th

10、ree: detailed explanation of the text. Being a university student is your profession for at least the next four years and this involves a change of attitude in many ways. First you chose one major subject instead of several subjects because you find it interesting and worth exploring further. Second

11、, you have before you the goal of getting a degree. Another change is the relationship with teachers. You are now active learner instead of passive receiver. Teachers are only coaches and you would not be discouraged if you get back with a poorer mark than you expected and with various criticisms. I

12、n order to adapt to all the changes you must put in hours of regular practice every day. Some activities like reading, writing and note-taking, speaking and discussion are basic to studying. Make sure that you are doing these efficiently.III.Vocabulary buildingWord match exercise. Give students thre

13、e groups of new words and definitions and match the word with the definitions. Some basic knowledge on suffix. Many verbs end in suffix ize, such as realize, organize, criticize, characterize; many adverbs end in the suffix ly, such as efficiently, certainly, professionally. If we study carefully, w

14、e can save a lot of time memorizing new words.重点难点 1How to guess the meaning from context reading2How to get used to life in the university3Some ways to enlarge vocabularyIV.Exercises:1.Word match2.Blank-filling3.Cloze 教学手段与方法:1.讲授、练习和ppt.2.Group discussion思考题、讨论题、作业:1.Should teachers establish pers

15、onal relationship with their students? Why or why not?2.Section C参考资料(含参考书、文献等):1泛读教程(1-4册)参考答案2大学英语(修订本)精读 第1册3新编实用英语快速阅读教程Unit 2 Culture Shock1. Introduce some information on culture shock2. Enlarge students vocabulary3.Do more exercise on skimming and scanningI. Reading skill: context clues to wo

16、rd meaningTry to guess the meaning from context. E.g.When the student meets another miserable person from the same country, he will pour out his unhappy feelings. Together they can complain in their native language.If you are driving across the country or through a city, you can also check the billb

17、oards you will see along the roads. They advertise not only products but also coming events and sights to see.Through context reading, we can easily get the meanings of “complain”-say bad words about something and “billboard” a place to put on notice.II.Word PretestLet students guess the meanings fo

18、r “acquaintance, symptom, depress, hostility, temporary, inevitable, located, dwelling on”III.TextMaking a Cultural Change Explanation of the text: the students who studies in a foreign country leave behind a familiar, loving, comfortable environment. Back home, he has his family, friends, and acqua

19、intances. Foreigners experience different degrees of culture shock. The symptoms range from being ill at ease to being seriously depressed. Feeling homesick, unhappy, and very sensitive.IV. There are some suggestions found to be helpful in fighting culture shock:1. Keep busy2. Become friendly with c

20、lassmates3. Do something that you really enjoy, such as reading, music or sports4. Forget that your English is less than perfect, and feel free to ask people for information, guidance, or directions. 5. Be flexible. Laugh at the mistakes you make重点难点1.What is culture shock? The problem of adjustment

21、 in new cultural environments. Cultural shock might be called an occupational disease of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. 2.What is the symptoms and cures for culture shock? Culture shock is causes by the anxiety that results form losing all familiar signs and symbols or social con

22、tacts. Those cues or signs include various ways in which we adapt ourselves to the situation of daily life. V.Exercises:1.What kind of people adjust best to foreign cultures?2.Do you have any difficulty in adapting to a new environment of your university?3.Section C1新编英语泛读教程(1-4册)参考答案Unit Three Movi

23、e1.Students learn how to guess the meaning of new words by context clues.2.By the two articles “How Do the Movie Do it?” and “The Man Who Made Mickey Mouse”, the students are suggested to collect some information about American movies.3.After learning unit three, students should have the basic under

24、standing of suffix and prefix and try to use the word-building knowledge to expand their vocabulary. 基本内容:Examples1.The child had a wan look. He was so pale and weak that we thought he was ill.2.Carbon monoxide (CO) is a noxious gas, which can cause death.3.During their stay in New York, they took t

25、heir laundry to the Laundromat, where the public may wash their clothes in coin-operated machines. How Do the Movies Do it?Step one: word pretest. Check the meaning of eight new words: crash, flood, apply to, absolutely, flame, instantly, device What kind of movie is your favorite? Do you think to b

26、ecome an actor or actress is a good job for young people? detailed explanation of the text. Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burned down or a bridge was destroyed? Have you seen films in which a train crashed or a ship sank into the ocean? If so, you may have wondered how these thi

27、ngs would happen without harming the people in the film. The man is called special effect man. In a scene for one movie there was a big glass bowl filled with water in which the fish were swimming. The director of the movie wanted the fish to stop swimming suddenly when they seemed to stare at an ac

28、tor. Then the director wanted the fish stop staring and swam away. But fish cannot be ordered to do anything. It was quite a problem. At last controlling the fish through a harmless use of electricity solved the problem. As in other parts of movie making, there are those who have developed particula

29、r skill in creating certain kinds of effects. All this requires training, skill, and experience. It also adds a great deal to the expense of producing the film. It helps explain why so many movies are very expensive to make.III. Vocabulary building many adverbs end in the suffix ly, such as efficiently, certainly, professionally. If study carefully we can save a lot of time memorizing new words.1. How to guess the meanin

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