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牛津苏教一下《Unit 5 On the road》word教案5篇Word下载.docx

1、2.The second period ( part A )3.The third period ( part D&E and exercises )4.The fourth period ( Do exam paper )课题:Unit 5 On the road导学内容1B Unit5 On the road(Part B)课型Newlesson课时Period 1目标1Look and learna bus a car taxi bike2 Make sure that the students can grasp the words and use them freely.重点难点Pa

2、y attention to the pronunciation of the words “bike , taxi”.教学准备A recorder some stationeries some pictures内容预设预设可能导学策略1Warm up2Revison3New teachinga cara busa bikea taxi4 Practice5HomeworkRead the words and listen to the tape.All the students like singing the song. They can do very well. Some of the

3、m can be the teachers.Maybe some of them can read the words alone. Let them be teachers.LSome of them can guess what it isThe teacher encourages them to be teachers.Some of them may be tired or careless. A few of them cant remember the words. 1. Greetings.2. listen to the song “My nice ruler”T: What

4、 do you hear in the song?. Ss: ruler ,rubber. What else do you know about the stationeries?Ss: book , bag, pen You are so clever. Now I want to ask you a question. I have a box. Whats in it? Do you want to know? Now lets have a look? (教师出示玩具汽车) Do you know how to read it in English? Yes. a car.Pract

5、ice the word.(S-S) (G1-G2)3.T shows the pictures and presents the other words. Look at the picture. Whats it? Guess.(教师将图片半遮)A pen, a car, a bus Very good. Heres a sticker for you. The others follow her(him).4.T leads the Ss to read the words carefully.5.T presents the other words in the same way. L

6、isten to the tape. Play a game.3. Guessing.板书设计 a car a bus a taxi a bike Picture 2Picture 1Picture 4Picture 3 picture 1 picture picture 3 picture 4作业Listen to the tape Read the words 1B Unit5Ontheroad第一课时(Part B)一、教学目标:1 能听懂、会说a bus, a car, a taxi和a bike 四个单词,发音准确。2 能在旧句型 Is this?Yes, it is./ No, i

7、t isnt.中熟练运用新学单词,使得学生不光会认读而且在实际情形中能灵活运用。二、教学重点:1 听懂、会说a bus, a car, a taxi和a bike 四个单词,发音准确。2 在旧句型 Is this?三、教学难点:1 能在实际情形中熟练运用四种交通工具。四、教学准备:磁带,录音机,单词卡片,课件。五、教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1Free talkT:Hello, whats your name?Hi, how are you?Nice to meet you, 2T:Can you sing a song “My nice ruler?” Lets sing i

8、t together.(教师和学生边做动作边唱)3Review the words.(课件出示变形图片,学生猜测) lead out “bike”Step 2 Presentation1(课件示图片一个问号)T:Whats this? Do you know?S: No./ Sorry.Lets listen.(Make the vioce)Ss guess it in Chinese. Then T teaches “a bike”2 T: Wherere they? Can you guess? Theyre on the road.(课件出示马路) Today, well learn U

9、nit 5 On the road.(板书课题:Unit 5 On the road)教师带领朗读课题3 T: Children, what can you see on the road? I can see(a bus, a car, some shops, some people)What can Mickey and Garfield hear?(1) (课件:公交车喇叭声) T: Whats that? A bus. Is he /she right? Lets have a look.(课件出示一辆公交车开过来)教学单词a bus 出示单词卡片并带领朗读。Practice:Game

10、:“Running race”(T asks two Ss have a running race,the other Ss shouted out the word of supporters) (2)同法教学a car, a bike。 (3)(课件出示:一辆出租车从远处开过来)Look, children. Is that a car? S:Yes/No. Oh, its a taxi.教学单词a taxi 出示单词卡片并带领朗读。 (4)听磁带,熟读四个单词。Step 3 PracticeSay a rhyme:I am a bike,叮铃铃I am a car,嘟嘟嘟I am a b

11、us,按站停I am a taxi,招手停Step 4 Games(一) Game 1 “Magic eyes” Its time for us to play a game. Lets see who has the “Magic eyes”.课件示:快闪四种交通工具,快闪速度从慢到快,练习单词。(2)Game 2 “Whats missing”a. 课件示四种交通工具,分别请生说出这四种交通工具的名称。 Whats this? S: Its a bus/car/taxi/bike.少一种交通工具Whats missing? A bus/bike/taxi/car.b. 课件示多种交通工具,

12、包括没学过的,继续游戏。 Whats missing?Step 5 Sentence practice(课件出示:rotation wheel)Children, is this a car? Yea, it is./ No, it isnt.Ask the children to work in pairs.Step 6 Homework: Listen to the tape and read Part B.板书设计: Unit5 On the road a bus 图片 a car 图片 a bike 图片 a taxi 图片第二课时一、教学内容1、能听懂Is that a?并能根据实际

13、情况作出回答。2、能运用Is that a?向他人询问和确认某件物品,并获得运用所学进行交际的能力, 要求读音正确,语调自然。3、能听懂、会说a bus,a car,a taxi和a bike四个单词,发音准确。4、能听懂、会说、会读字母Ii,Jj和Kk。二、教学目标1、能听懂、会说a bus,a car,a taxi和a bike四个单词,发音准确。2、能听懂、会说、会读字母Ii,Jj和Kk。三、教学用具课件、词语卡片、小黑板四、主要板书 Is that a bus/a car/a taxi/a bike?No,its not/ Yes,it is。Ii Jj Kk 五、教学过程A. gre

14、eting(The teacher stands at the door and greets the students as they come in the door.) Hello. Hi.(The teacher stands in front of the class and greets all the students again and prompts them to answer.) hello. Hello.继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please. Hello , boys an

15、d girls.并且做出相应的反应。B. Free talk Class begging.S1: Stand up. Hello, boys and girls. Hello, Miss and girls.(The teacher looks at individual students and prompts them to answer.) Hi, Whats your name? Hello, my name is . How are you? Im fine, thank you. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.开起小火车,一个接一个

16、和后面的小朋友打招呼。C. Presentation 复习句式:Thats a ruler. Its very new.D. look and Learn 1) 利用玩具模型、图片等直观手段进行单词教学,以提高学生的文参与兴趣。2)采用“摸一摸、猜一猜”游戏来呈现或巩固所学单词。 Is that a ? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.3)跟读,同桌练习。学生表演对话。E. Look and learn1)教师出示写有字母Ii的卡片,示范发音,引导学生眼看教师口型,听清发音。在静听几遍后,再模仿读音。教字母Ff时,结合以前学过的单词I 或者eye, 帮助学生发好字母的音。2) 同样方法教学字母Jj 和 Kk .教学字母Jj 时,采用分解因素的方法。3)引导学生通过朗读例词bike, jump和kite,进一步感受字母在单词中的发音。4)引导学生找出已学过的字母,进一步辨别字母。F. Assign homework(1)听录音,进行对话。(2)鼓励学生平时用本单元所学的日常交际用语相互打招呼。(3)鼓励学有余力的学生学习其他的打招呼用语。

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