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本文(高中英语第二册上Unit4AgardenofpoemsWord文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、6) Quietly, we embrace in a world lit up by words.7) If I see you next to never, how can I say forever?4. 语法 “过去分词作状语” 。过去分词一般表示完成的和被动的动作,在句子中可以用作定语、表语、宾语补足语和状语,但不能单独构成谓语。5. 日常交际用语Im interested tobutI think it will be too difficult toI think I might want toI think it will be boringI want tom very in

2、terested insod like tom not very interested insove never heard ofsoI hope to findve never read anysoI dont know much about三课型( 一 ) Warming up, listening & speakingI. 教具 录音机;多媒体等。II课堂教学设计Step 1. 教师可通过以下开场白, 导入正课:T: (Play the song “Ten little Indian boys”) Hello, everybody! Just now weve enjoyed a son

3、g. Do you like it? This kind of songs belongs to poetry. And so do rhymes and limericks. Rhymes and limericks can be very interesting. So lets enjoy them now.Step 2. 热身训练 1. Listen and read the rhyme Good, better, best!Never have it rest!Till good is better!And better, best!2. Listen and read the li

4、merick.People laugh and people cry.Some give up, some always try.Some say hi while some say bye.Others may forget you but never I.3. Read the limericks and ask “What is the pattern of each poem? Ok. Now please open your books and turn to page 25. Lets enjoy two more limericks.Step 3. 听力训练 Mm, it see

5、ms poems are really interesting. Id like to know more about poetry. But where can I find a certain poem? Are poems put together in collections of poetry?Maybe these questions can help us.Who wrote them?What are they about?When were they written?In collections of poetry, poems are put together becaus

6、e they belong to the same group.They can be sorted by different writers, or they can be sorted by a certain topic or a certain period of time.1. Listen to a reader and a woman working in the library. First listen to the tape and tick the words that are used by the woman.Suggested answer: poem, colle

7、ction, the World Wars , The countryside and nature2. Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions.a. What is the dialogue about?b. What kind of book is A Garden of Poems?c. Which period is meant when we say “between the World Wars”?d. How should you read a book such as 1001 Songs and

8、Poems in English?e. Which topic for poetry does the student like?3. Listen to the tape and list the name of the books on poems by different writers.(Suggested answers: A Garden of Poems” “1001 Songs or Poems in English”)4. Listen to the tape and list the information of poems by a certain topic The t

9、opic can be human feelingshumour & love)“Poetry about Nature” (flowers, trees, plants & the old countryside)“The Earth is Painted Green”Poems by a certain period time “English Poem of the Early 17th Century” “Poetry Between the World Wars”)Step 4. 口语表达 Lets do speaking. Please open your books on Pag

10、e 26. There are four circles on this page. Each circle lists some information about poems. They are topics for poems, periods of time, groups or names of poets and human feeling shown in poems. Ask your partner what kind of poetry he or she might want to read. Choose a word from each circle and expl

11、ain why you want to read a poem like that or not. Work in groups or pairs. Have a discussion and make up a dialogue to express what you want to say. The useful expressions on the screen might be helpful to you.(Teacher shows the screen.)Useful expressionsbutSample AA: What kind of poetry do you like

12、 to read? B: I like to read poems about nature. Why are you interested to read such poems? When I read this kind of poem, it seems that I was in a different world. The things described in the poem seem to be real ones. They seem to be around me. I feel them and enjoy them. What kind of poems are you

13、 not interested in? Im not interested in poems about pets. We have a lot of important things to do and I think I have no time to have pets. What about you?m interested in poems about humour, because it can bring happiness to us. All the unhappy things are gone with the laughter.Sample B: I know that

14、 you can recite plenty of poems. Can you tell me what kind of poems you like? I like the poems by Li Bai, especially the ones to describe nature. For what reason do you like them? When I read them, I feel fortable. A poem of his is a beautiful picture hanging before us. I would go into the picture a

15、s I read them. Poems about broken hearts. They make me sad. Whats your opinion? I like the poems about the sea and I dont like the noes about death and broken hearts. Just like me!5. 布置作业1) Search more information about poems or poets on the Internet or in the library2) Preview the reading material

16、“English poetry”.( 二 ) Reading多媒体Step 1 引入课文 T: We know China has a long history and splendid culture. Of course, in the field of poetry, we have many of the worlds greatest poets. Can you name some famous poets?( Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Wang Wei) Chinese poets, such as Li Bai & Du Fu use their gen

17、ius to make the dream world of poetry more colorful. Here is a poem written by Li Bai, I think you are familiar with it. ( Show the poem望庐山瀑布 on the screen) Okay, lets read it aloud together. Great poet Li Bai use his endless imagination to describe the wonderful scenery of the Lu Shan Mountain Wate

18、rfall, we can feel the power & magic of the waterfall through the words that Li Bai use. Can you recite any other poems written by Chinese poets?(Call several of them to recite) Well done! We have taken a look on the art of poetry and Chinese poetry. Next, well take a journey to English poetry (show

19、 the theme page on the screen). English poetry is as interesting and attractive as Chinese. Ill be the guide to show you around. Are you ready?Step2. 展示生词及短语T:Now first lets learn some new words (Teach the words and explain them to the studentsThen ask the students to read after the tape.)Step3. 新授课

20、文1 快速阅读 So here we go! Open your books and turn to P27, look at the Reading part, English Poetry. First, I want you to go through the text quickly and find the answers to the following 2 questions:a. What are the differences between poetry and other forms of literature?b. Whose poetry reminds Chines

21、e readers of Du Fu or Li Bai? Whose of Su Dongpo?(Give them 2 minutes to find the answers)a. Poetry plays with sounds, words and grammar. Poetry is difficult to write, but interesting to read. Poetry calls up all the colors, feelings, experiences and curious images of a dream world.b. William Wordsw

22、orth, George Gordon Byron & John Keats John Donne2 细读1) Ask the students to give the main idea of each paragraph. Para.1 The characters of poetry.Para. 2 A look on Chinese poetry.Para. 3 The first period of Modern English poetry.Para. 4 Modern English poetry in the 19th century.Para. 5 Why modern po

23、ets have special attraction?Para. 6 The introduction of English poetry to China.Para. 7 The translation of English poetry.The role that poems act as.2) A timelineAsk the students to focus on paragraph 3-5 and finish the timeline (show it on the screen), which will help you to get a more clear impres

24、sion of some great poets in English history. Now do it!(After 3 minutes, check the answers)3 讨论1. Finish the post-reading tasks on page 28, 29.2. Further-understanding This lesson, weve learnt much of English poetry, its an exciting experience. Here is a question for you: the writer talks about the

25、translation of poems in the last paragraph. Think the questions.Q: If a poem is translated into another language, is it still the same poem? What are some differences? Something of the spirit of the original works is lost (including rhythm, rhyme, figures of speech of the poem, etc.).(To make them u

26、nderstand what the word spirit means, give a example of the parison between the original poem and its translation of the poem Step 4布置作业1. Read the text again to get a better understanding.2. Read and translate several good English poems.3. Finish the Ex. In the Language study and Grammar.( 三 ) Language study & Grammar 多媒体Step 1 以复习引入新授内容Ask the students to watch the VCD programme and learn to sing the song AN APPLE A DAY.An apple a day ,Keeps the doctor away.An apple a day,A-P-P-L-E, “apple”Then ask the students to look at the words from the song“day, away”. What do thes

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