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practical course文档格式.docx

1、the examiner is looking for 3 things: Paragraphing (has a clear topic sentence or main idea which should be the first sentence; with enough details and examples; with closing sentence) Logical organization of the essay (main ideas should be progressing meaning one paragraph is linked to the others e

2、specially to the central idea or position in the introduction) Cohesive devices need to be used well (sentences should be linked smoothly to each other, the easiest way to do this is with conjunctive adverbs, but there are better ways like repetition of key phrase/words, synonyms, pronouns, sentence

3、 patterns) arranges information and ideas coherently and there is overall progression uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical may not always use referencing clearly or appropriately uses paragraphing, but not always logicallyLexical

4、 Resource: Range of vocabulary (uses less common words, words used precisely, minimal repeated words, not wordy) Spelling (frequency of error) Collocation (word combination makes sense, not just one correct word but a group of correctly related words) Word families (words are in the correct form, co

5、rrect parts of speech) uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but they rarely impede communicationGrammatical Range and Accuracy: Accuracy of grammar (how many sentences ar

6、e error free, what kinds of mistakes were committed, accuracy of simple and complex grammar, ) Range of grammar (uses more complex structures, sentences are clearly organized) uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but it rarely reduce communicat

7、ionOBS: 6.0Conclusion/ suggestions and Tip for the day Learn more on how to use conjunctions, determiners, verbs (tenses), adverbs, participles, adjectives, prepositions, and on subject-verb agreement Double check for other minor errors like the word trails. Additional: “Tip for the day”*Continuous

8、practice is important *It is very important for you to know the importance of the following:Singular Form (words without “S”)Plural Form (words with “S”)E.g.SingularPluralcarCarsdogDogshousemanmenchildchildrensheep*It is very important for you to know the importance of “subject and verb agreement”*B

9、asic Principle: Singular subjects need singular verbs; plural subjects need plural verbs.Ex: Mybrotherisa nutritionist. Mysistersaremathematicians.Thedog growlswhen he is angry. Thedogs growlwhen they are angry.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE:*NOUNS* - people, places, things and animals. (Ex: d

10、og, cat, garden, work, music, town, China, teacher, Bob).The sun shines. Anna goes to school.*PRONOUNS* - replace nouns. (Ex: me, I, its, my, she, he, that, this, those, us, who, whom, you).John is hungry. He wants to eat.*VERBS* - show action. (Ex: run, go, have, invite, laughed, listen, playing, s

11、inging, walk). The dog and cat are running.*ADJECTIVES* - describe nouns. (Ex: Angry, brave, healthy, little, old, red, smart, two, some, good, big, interesting).Brown dog.Fat cat.Big garden.*ADVERVS* - describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. (Ex: badly, fully, hardly, nearly, never, quickly,

12、silently, well, very, really, almost). Runs slowly.Eats very quickly.*ARTICLES* - signal that a noun is going to follow. (Ex: The, A, AN).The dog.The cat.*CONJUNCTIONS* - connect words, phrases, clauses or sentences. (Ex: and, or, but, so, after, before, unless, either, neither, because, since). I w

13、as tired so I went to sleep.*Try to use more transition words to link one idea to another: Furthermore / Moreover / additionally / In addition.*Words that cannot be in plural form*1. KNOWLEDGE2. INFORMATION3. STUFFRead as many good sample answers as you can so you can get some ideas, even learn expr

14、essions and structures Better arrange your ideas in this way Introduction rephrase of the topic sentence + opinion + thesis statement 1st body paragraph strongest idea in relation to your opinion 2nd body paragraph supporting idea 3rd opposite idea Conclusion recommendation With this organization, y

15、ou are able to discuss both the views, organize your essays that there is no confusion, and you are able to present your own opinion. Try to give specific details and examples to prove your point and hypothesis. Recommendation for the conclusion will make it more impressive and prevents redundancy o

16、f statements. Make sure to allot time for editing and checking for minor errors like word choice, word form, spelling, prepositions, and grammatical errors. This will lessen deductions in your scores. Avoid all informal ways of writing. There are some rules of writing you should follow. For example:

17、 no abbreviations, no 1st and 2nd pronoun or possessive (I, you, me, my, your), except in conclusion where you have to state your opinion.Prepositions TimeEnglishUsageExample on days of the week on Monday in months / seasons time of day year after a certain period of time(when?) in August / in winte

18、r in the morning in 2006 in an hour at fornightweekend a certain point of time at night at the weekend at half past nine since from a certain point of time (past till now) since 1980 for over a certain period of time (past till now) for 2 years ago a certain time in the past 2 years ago before earli

19、er than a certain point of time before 2004 to telling the time ten to six (5:50) past ten past six (6:10) to/ till/ until marking the beginning and end of a period of time from Monday to/till Friday till in the sense ofhow long something is going to last He is on holiday until Friday. byat the late

20、st up to a certain time I will be back by 6 oclock. By 11 oclock, I had read five pages.Prepositions Place (Position and Direction) room, building, street, town, country book, paper etc. car, taxi picture, world in the kitchen, in London in the book in the car, in a taxi in the picture, in the world meaningnext to, by an objecttable for events place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work) at the door, at the station at the table at a concert, at the party at the cinema, at school

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