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1、孙永强教授、王鼎兴教授、鞠九滨教授和陈涵生教授特聘为本实验室学术委员会名誉委员。研究方向软件自动化与形式化 分布计算与并行处理 操作系统与网络安全新型程序设计与方法学 智能多媒体软件名誉主任徐家福教授主任吕 建教授副主任费翔林教授主任助理王静英(行政与学术活动)杨献春(技术与装备)学术秘书张建莹第一研究室10人,研究方向:软件自动化与形式化、新型程序设计第二研究室11人,研究方向:分布计算与并行处理、系统软件第三研究室13人,研究方向:人工智能与多媒体技术技术室5人吕建教授,博士生导师,计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室主任。1960年3月生,1982年毕业于南京大学计算机系,1988年获博士学位



4、任。目前从事面向对象软件工程和操作系统研究。曾先后参加或负责10个项目的研制,获部、省级奖5次,迄今,发表论文70余篇。杨献春,南京大学计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室技术主管,江苏省计算机学会理事,江苏省微型电脑应用协会理事。从事过计算机系统软件和网络应用系统的研发以及教学与实验室管理工作。先后参加国家和江苏省重大科技攻关和其它省、部级科研项目多项,科研成果获国家科技进步奖贰等奖3项,省、部级特等奖1项,贰等奖2项,叁等奖1项。个人还获得校级教学和实验室工作奖励多次。发表科技论文10余篇,合作出版著作1部。1997年被评定为南京大学中青年骨干。 目前兼任南京大学计算机科学技术系副主任,南京大学

5、实验室建设与管理委员会委员,南京大学仪器设备采购招标领导小组成员,南京大学仪器设备审核专家组成员,南京大学计算机软件管理专家组成员,江苏省计算机学会副秘书长,江苏省微型电脑应用协会副秘书长,江苏省计算机青年学者论坛副秘书长。大型仪器设备简介设备名称(Descript.)服务器型号(Types)UltraHPC 3000生产厂商(Corp.)美国Sun数量(Qty)1Origin 200 美国SGI工作站Ultra 306Ultra 17SPARC20OCTANE2IndigoO24Indy8RS6000 43P美国IBMRS6000 41WRS6000 C200Alpha au433美国DEC

6、PW6000美国CompaqKayak XU美国HPATM交换机8260以太交换机82748271=以下是英文=A Brief Introduction to State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology at Nanjing UniversityThe State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology at Nanjing University began its building in 1987, based on the years of research at the Depar

7、tment of Computer Science and Technology and the Institute of Computer Software of Nanjing University. It was officially approved by the National Planning Commission in 1990, and has been opened to researchers all over the world since then. It passed three official evaluations in 1994 ,1997, and 200

8、2 respectively. In the Laboratory, efforts have been focused on new computer software technology characterized by intelligence, autonomy, parallelism, networking, and naturalization, which is not only at the frontier in the field of computer science and technology, but also of great importance to th

9、e national economy. Among the main research directions are: 1. software automation and formal methods; 2. distributed computing and parallel processing; 3. system software and network security; 4. new-style programming and methodology; 5. intelligent multimedia software. Now Professor Xu Jiafu is th

10、e Honorary Director of the laboratory, Professor Lu Jian is Director of the laboratory, and Professor Fei Xianglin is the vice Director. Professor Sun Zhongxiu is the chairman of the academic committee of the Laboratory, and Professors Yang Fuqing and Xie Li are the vice chairmen. By the end of 2003

11、, more than 392 projects had been completed in the laboratory, among which 70 were national Hi-Tech (973 or 863) Projects, 35 were key projects of national Five-year Plan , and 35 were supported by the National Science Foundation. During the same period, 1230 papers and 31 books had been published,

12、among which many appeared in international journals, such as Communications of the ACM, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Theoretical Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, etc. More than 56 projects

13、and books were awarded, including 3 second-prizes and 1 third-prize at national level, and 9 first-prizes and 20 second-prizes at ministerial or provincial level. There are 40 full-time researchers by the end of 2003. Among them, one is academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 21 are Ph.D. superv

14、isors, and 26 are full professors. In recent years, there have emerged a group of young researchers with brilliant academic achievements, among whom some are recipients of grants from the National Fund for Prominent Young Scientists and under the Trans-Century Talented Persons Fostering Program of t

15、he State Education Ministry. Senior computer scientists and talented young researchers are cooperating to make a strong fleet to meet new challenges. International academic connections have been established between the laboratory and research institutes in many countries and areas such as Great Brit

16、ain, the United States, Japan, France, Germany, Singapore, Korea, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong and Macao, featuring cooperative research and development as well as jointly training graduate students. By promoting the cooperation between researchers with different background, we are trying to make th

17、e laboratory an important research base in China and a window opened to the world for academic exchange. The Regulations on Application & Management of the Special Fund for Visiting Scholars The State Key Lab. for Novel Software Technology Nanjing University The Regulations on the System of Visiting

18、 Scholars to State Key Laboratories was put into effect in1999 according to the 1999 No.5 file of “Suggestions on Practicing the Visiting Scholar System in State Key Laboratories in Institutions of Higher Learning and Key Laboratories Approved by the State Educational Ministry” in the Peoples Republ

19、ic of China with a view to increase the opening benefit of key subjects in institutions of higher learning, to promote the academic exchanges both home and abroad, to raise the research level of key labs and to accelerate the construction of advanced subjects and the cultivation of people of extraor

20、dinary ability.The Regulations on Application & Management of the Special Fund for Visiting Scholars to the State Key Lab. for Novel Software Technology at Nanjing University are stated as follows: Time of Application Receiving Applications are received twice every year. The first receiving period e

21、nds by February 28th and the second by August 30th. The received application materials will be reported to the Foundation Office of the Educational Ministry for approval in the middle of March and September respectively. The list of the approved subsidized visiting scholars and the line of funds wil

22、l be announced in the middle of April or October. Qualifications of Applicants Visiting scholars to our lab are divided into 3 types, scientific and technological experts overseas, from other parts of china not counting Nanjing University and at Nanjing University. Excellent young or middle-aged exp

23、erts are especially welcomed. Application Materials Filling the application form for visiting scholars (as shown in the attachment)Resume (in which research achievements shall be included) Allotted Working Time The allotted working time in the key lab for visiting scholars overseas, from other parts

24、 of china not counting Nanjing University and at Nanjing University should last at least 3, 6 and 9 months respectively.Visiting scholars shall hand in their proposals on their arrival to the lab and put in brief summaries on the research work in the end. Line of Funds The line of funds vary from ¥5

25、0 000 to ¥100 000 of which 30% is used for the improvement of the working conditions in the key lab and 70% for research expenditure and cost of living. The 70% covers the cost for domestic or international travels, business on domestic investigations and academic conferences, the usage of instrumen

26、ts and equipments, experimental materials, and academic materials, extra allowance for living expenses and so on.Living and Working ConditionsLodgings, offices, computers, web surfing and etc. are provided. Research Achievements Subsidized visiting scholars should complete at least 1 to 2 SCI papers

27、 within the allotted working time and sign in all their research achievements including papers, works, and research reports finished in this period the first unit they are subjected to as 南京大学计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室 (in Chinese) or the State Key Lab. for Novel Software Technology at Nanjing University (in English) and indicate as well “高等学校重点实验室访问学者基金资助” (in Chinese) or “Supported by Visiting Scholar Foundation of Key Lab. in University” (in English). Means of Contact Address:W

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