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1、Choose a career托福口语task2题目Question:Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement: Parents should beinvolved in the processof helping their children to choose a career. Usespecificexamples and details to support youropinion.托福口语task2范文:Parents are people who know their kids more than others. S

2、ince they haveexperienced the situation of making a career decision and are more realisticwith knowledge about working &socializing in a company, the advice from themis usually practical, like they know which field is less competitive andsuitable for their pure kids. Most people at the age of choosi

3、ng a career arenot truly clear about their future, like its such a pain in the neck for mycousin and his classmates. Children are all individuals with their own dreamsand plans for their future .they have the right to decide whether to be a doctoror a cleaner. If parents are too authoritarian and pu

4、sh their ideas to kids, therelationship between them will be deadlocked and even cause hurt to theteenagers. Although parents might have experience based on their situation, yettheir sons or daughters problems are totally different. So their advice aresomewhat inappropriate because theyre kind of ou

5、t of touch with current worldsdevelopment.托福口语TPO30 Task3(听力+解析+范文):Campus ConstructionReading Part:Campus Construction Should Happen Duringthe SummerIve noticed that small construction projects oncampus like fixing sidewalks and parking lots often take place during the regular school year, whenclas

6、ses are in session.I propose thatwhenever possible the university shouldschedule such construction projects to take placeduring the three-month summerbreak. One reason is that construction projects can be sodisruptive; they createinconveniences and can make it hard to get where you need to go oncamp

7、us. And,second, construction projects would be more likely to be completed quicklyifthey were scheduled for the summer when the weather is usuallygood.Sincerely,Eric Hughes听力原文:Now listen to two students discussing the letter:(man) So, Jane, what do you think of Ericsproposal?(woman) Im all for it.(

8、man) So you think its true? What he says about the problems about the wayits being done?(woman) Yeah, I do. Take his first reason. Like, I know you dont drive,but I do drive hereevery day, so I need a place to park my car. And rememberlast year when they decided torepair some of the parking lots?(ma

9、n) Oh yeah, I remember that, there was a lot of work going on, wasntthere? Starting inDecember.(woman) Right, at least four lots were closed, and that meant there werenenough parkingspots for students and professors cars. I usually had to circlearound looking for parking on oneof the streets. And th

10、en walk from the streetall the way to my classes.(man) Thats annoying.(woman) Yeah, and it happened to a lot of other people in my classes too!People were alwaysarriving late because of the trouble they had parking.Sometimes even my professors were late.(man) Yeah.(woman) And also, his second point?

11、 That makes sense too. I mean, forinstance, part of thereason those parking lot repairs last year took so long wasbecause of the big snowstorms. Theyhad to keep stopping, sometimes for a week ortwo at a time, because of snow and ice on theground.(man) Yeah, I remember that, we had a bunch of snowsto

12、rms in a row lastyear.(woman) Yeah, so with all that starting and stopping cause of the weather,the problem tookthem a lot longer to finish.Question:The woman expresses her opinion about theproposal in the letter. Brieflysummarize theproposal, then state her opinion about theproposal and explain the

13、reasons she gives forholding that opinion.TPO口语-范文Eric proposes that university should scheduleconstruction projects to takeplace during thesummer break as they create inconveniences andcould be completedquickly in summer when theweather is usually good. The woman in theconversationtotally supports

14、it. Because last December when the parking lot wasrepaired,parking were really inconvenient ,like most students including her andteachers who drive tocampus needed to park cars on streets and walk to classeswhich made them late for class. Alsothe reason why the lots repairing took toolong wast here

15、were bunches of snow storms whichcaused the projects keptstopping from time to time.托福口语TPO30 Task4(听力+解析+范文):Emotional IntelligenceEmotional IntelligenceWe often think of human intelligence as the mentalability to analyze andunderstand complex ideas.However, many psychologists believe that there is

16、adifferent type of intelligence called emotional intelligence. People withemotionalintelligence have the ability to recognize their true feelings andunderstand what is causingthem. This ability to understand their own feelingsenables them to better control theiremotional responses, changing or corre

17、ctingthem when necessary. Emotional intelligencehelps people to behave appropriatelyin social situations, which allow them to maintain goodrelationships withothers.Now, listen to part of a lecture in a Psychology class.(male professor)So, heres an example: my daughter had a friend over to our house

18、recentlyand they decided to watch a movie together, only they got into an argumentbecause they couldnt decide on what movie to watch. My daughter started to getquite upset during the argument, which wasnt like her at all. But then, mydaughter stopped, and thought about why she was so upset. She real

19、ized herreaction was inappropriate, and she also realized she wasnt really upset withher friend there was something else bothering her.See, shed just gotten this summer job as a camp counselor for children,and she was feeling a lot of worry and stress about how well she would do, shesaid shed never

20、worked with children before, so she figured out that she wasnupset about what movie to watch with her friend, but about starting her new job.She really wanted it to go well. She wanted the kids to like her. And when sheunderstood this, she stopped arguing with her friend, and apologized to her. Shet

21、old her friend how anxious she felt about starting the job, and how sorry shewas about getting upset with her, and her friend encouraged her, saying shed dogreat at the job! So my daughter felt better, and they relaxed and had funtogether, same as always.Explain how the example from the lecture illu

22、strates the concept ofemotional intelligence.Emotional intelligence helps people to behaveappropriately in socialsituations, which allows themto maintain good relationships with others.Theprofessor told an example of his daughter who waswatching a movie with herfriend. They argued aboutwhat to watch

23、 got upset. The she realized that herreaction was not appropriate and also shewas not really upset about her friendbut her summer job with kids because she hadnt workedwith them before andwanted to do well. Then she apologized to her and explained her reason.Her fiendencouraged her which made her re

24、laxed and then had fun together.托福口语TPO30 Task5(听力+解析+范文):See a movieListening Part:听力原文:Listen to a conversation between two students.(man) Hey Julie, whats up?(woman) Oh, hi George. Im just waiting for myfriend Amy. Were supposed todrive into towntogether to see a film at one of the movie theaters

25、 there.(man) Sounds great!(woman) Yeah, our professor from film class wants us to go see it. Its afilm by one of thedirectors weve been studying and well be discussing the filmnext week in class.(man) Cool!(woman) Yeah, but Im the one with the car, and we were supposed to meetlike 15 minutesago, and

26、 Amy hasnt shown up. Shes really late, if we dontleave in like the next few minuteswere going to miss the beginning of themovie.(man) Have you tried calling her?(woman) Yeah, Ive called her several times and left voice mails. Shehasnt responded to any ofmy messages, so, anyway, I dont know what I sh

27、oulddo.(man) Well, I know Amys your friend and everything, but if you need to seethe film, andyouve already been waiting 15 minutes for her, I meanmaybe youshould just go byyourself?(woman) You mean, just leave now, without her? Yeah, I guess she could seeit another time.They are showing the film ag

28、ain tomorrow, so Amy could still gosee it then, but Ill be busytomorrow, so I need to go today.(man) Maybe you could just leave Amy a voicemail saying that you had toleave without her.(woman) Thats true, but I dont know, maybe I should just wait 10 moreminutes and golate to the film. She might be on her w

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