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上海新世纪英语高二全部课文包括Additional Reading及重点词组Word文件下载.docx

1、 28. Newtonant laws 29. Oliver wa(Adapted from Oliver Twist Charles Dickens) 30laIs she guilty? (Adapted from The Prince and the Pauper Mark Twain) 32. Mark Twain 高二第二学期Words andAGER BEAVER An eager beaver is awho is always willing to do and is excited about doing what is expecteduxample, that a tea

2、cher telludach must solve one hundred math problems bgl the next day. The childlain about so much homework. Buudent dat all. That student is an eager beaver. He loves to do math problems, and dd allwThe exaid to havame of a hard-working animal-the beavBeavers are strange-looking creatures. Td a lwat

3、er, building daate little lads. They uugand work hard to cut dowve branches and put them aams. They uails to pack mudbraake the dams solid. Few other animals ward. Historians say the beaver had aant palNorth America. There were hundreds of millbeavers when European settlarrived. The settlers put gre

4、at valuur of beavers. In fawo hundred yeabeavers providedvaluable fur in North America. Beavused aung men looking for adventure headed west auabeavers. Iaxplored muwThe tradingwxchanged beavgoodded, became villages, and later towns andITS IN THE BAG The bag-lest and most useful things in every man o

5、r womans life-has given the world many strange exat are not vle. A numbxare widely usedUnited States todawdgland a long time ago. When you are sug, you can say, “Itbag.” This phrad to have arrived wdern paper bag. Before, Americans used to say, “Its all wrapped up.” Tgs you bought were wrapped in pl

6、ain brown pald newspaAnother widely used ex“to lat oubag”, meaning to reveal a well-No one can explain how the cat gbag, or wainedBuan old story about it. Long ago tradesman sold things in large cloth baga woman asked for a pig. The tradesman held up his cloth bag. Insidwas supposed to be a live pig

7、. The woman askedWdadesman opened the bag, out jumped a squealing cat, not a pig. The tradesmanwas out: he waand now everybody knewglish proverbaraTeaglish:(MS) Students: Li (LI), Mao (MA), Anne (AN), Rivera (RI) MS: Good morning, evIu all know what we aTur discug is “English Proverbs”. LI: So, Ight

8、 grouA:RI: But I was told we would have fourand yet AN: Im coming. Good morning. Am I late? Morning. “Speak of angels and you heags.” Is that a proverbgg? Exactly. We have a sayingwhich Ivery claning MA: Speak of Cao Cao and he appea: Right. Well, “gs first”. A proverb is a traditional saying wadva

9、moral in a short and brief manner. A proverb normally is awwwFor instance, “East or wbest.”ua phraA: Ive seen dictionaverb: Wellare thousandverbs. They fallain categories. Taabstract staThey express general truths. Here are two good examples: “vld to learn.” and “A man who negluduth will reglater ye

10、ars.” RI: Iuth in both proverbs. To encourage awho has had little educaason as a young man, we may uWith us, I gulatter w: So you havd. Never use proverbs ouxt. “One mans meat is aan” I see. Then, whad type? Td type ubservaveryday exake a generalAN: “Dont put all your eggbasket.” Dalld category? You

11、re right, dear. Tdayingarticular areas of traditional customs and beliefs. “After da while; after supper, walk a mile.” is an exampluch proverbs alated to agricultuasons, and the weaLI: Many people holdat proverbs are going out of fashion. Is that true? The fact is, ald ones are falling into disuse,

12、 new ones are being created. The computer world haly given us lAN: Ive got one: “Rubbubbish out.” It also goes “Garbage in, garbage out.” Iay “Garbage in, garbage out.” Well, Iday “Youll havg nice out as you have hadg” Thank youBy the way, do we have an assignment as usual?u allverbaverbs that expre

13、ss general truLI: Id lllud: Good! Im so glad to have been with you. (Tur students) “Strike whil” See you next wTaking a publIgaare always “given” or “delivered”. They are never “said”. When giving ausefulurself as playing a paacting. This kind of acting calls for an integraverbal and nonverbal commu

14、nication. Nonverbal communicaly involvakers stance and gestuact betwaker and the audience, and a good controlad of talking/speaking. STANCE Tadelivery of a goodand up straight andur head up. Dropping your head looks ual and may prevent your audaring you clearland, dont stand like a guard on duty. Yo

15、u have to be able to move in a natural way in order to add exur words. Body language “says” a lot. Avoid holding your hands tightly together; this willwand natural movement. Dont play wu; this will distract your audGESTURES Gestures and facial exare bant aidword when you are communicating. A dull, l

16、ongdelivered without exwithout gestuact will not be well received. The skill is in deciding how much gesturing to be employed and in making sure that your gestures are natural. In general, the larger the audxpansive the gestures should be, becauwill not blearly by the audience. In a small group, fac

17、ial exwill add a lot to understanding. Try telling somebodg funny with a vus face. They will have difficulty believing what you are really saying is fuDgestures are supposed to be used in delivering ale uands a lot when speaking. You must make sure that your gestures aatedanduld be expressive and me

18、aningfulNTACT To have maximum impact you need to make each membur audll as if you were speakingally. To dglance towards allaudience and dont be afraid to move your head. If you favour one dde may feel you are ignoring them andlwhat you are saying. TIMING Accuragal. You should ensure that you dont fa

19、llun ovallowed for youway, the audience will feel unhappy and lauThe best way to ovugh preparation. Cleag about what you want to say and how long youwill last, bu start to wwill save a lWhen practising, make sure that you speak ad and durself. 20audiences sake How long should I ma? How long will my

20、auda? Hoe slowly should I speak to make myself clearly understood? In trying to answquww importagP YOUR SPEECH LESS THAN 15 MINUTES Lin Yutang, the famous writer and translaaid about the length of a“better.” Speaking arounduld be seriously avoidedlbut in all conversaglish. Being indirect and roundab

21、out in your approach may be thought skillfulBut in Engl? No way. Waking agluld alwaand use simple, clear, and direct language. Accordingaudan generally only managate for abouua 10-15-minuabout rigThe famous Gettysburg Address, delivered by Abraham Lincoln on Novembas about 200 words, bull managed to

22、 exdea that all people are born equal0-160 WORDS PER MINUTE Speaking speed often dependaThe numblaudalso aant fabe considered. If you are speaking to hundreds or even thousandlallair, you should speak slowly. The idea is to let the audience catch every single word of youFor example, when Martin Lugv

23、en to a small group, his usual speaking speed was only 110 to 120 worduWhen you are speaking inda small group, say, 10 or 20 people, you may speed up a bit. Speaking at a speed of around 200 words a minute, you can still retain the audiences awe caat the average speed is about 150 to 160 worduWu are

24、 speaking slowly or rapidlaunce every word clearlwatter how wonderful youuaudience wont be able to follow you. Ubols to malaces youup, in advance, and practise every day bu get up on stage. PAUSE FOR DRAMATIC EFFECT If you want a particulaxleave a dur audu can pause a while before uttering it. Durin

25、g the pauaudience will grow curious about why youause and they will anxiously exaxwxactly what you want to haBut dont pauquentllongact and a smile, with a bit of body language, will alvelur audience. If you simpluddenly and remain silveral seconds bu start agall probabl“Oh, he (she) has forgwords!”

26、Jamie was like a magnet-she always had a crowd aroundwasnalland she wasnt particularly good aBut she waular students at school. Everyone loved her! Why? What was it about Jamie that made ev? If her looks and her talents werent anything to show off, what did she have going? H-short and simple-Jamie h

27、ad learnedw to mads andH: B! Jamie was kind and genuinely cared abou: peoplded by wanting to be aroundGoing along wbigaking friends are a few additional suggestions: SMILING SUGGESTS CONFIDENCE Tg fascinating abouwho smiles a lot. We are automatically drawwho is happy. Wearing a smile usually implbe

28、hind it is approachable. An approachablal at ease andablles also convdence, wallant when making friends. You dont have to actually feel confidle, but when you do, people willu are. Fuu smilatural your smile will be. Youll gadling! LEARN TO LISTEN AND TALK Everyone waalk. We all have all. Each of uav

29、inglwhat we say. It makes us feel important wuld in what were saying. Wle find out you are willing to lwill be talking to you! Walking to you00aDond to listen but reallaboug else. That wont waking friendanwhile, dont put the burdversalse. Youve got to do your paIt is learning walk thaant. Talk juar

30、yourself talking;lse can get a wordvuld learn to give and take in any relaLeave from beingausingddxtremely attractive. TRY TO ADD VALUE TO THOSE AROUND YOU People light up when you recogg they do well and lw. It only takes a minute to giva complwhat gifts aas. It automatically adds value to howlves.

31、 Try to bdwhos alwagve qualDont teadown. What is meant by the word “friend”? The dictionary das “one attached to another by a”. Americans use the word freely-that is, a friend may or may not be awally attached. Friends may have known ealdhooday havly met. It is difficult to give an exact dword ausedUS, becauvers malaIAmericans to have d“circles”. Terms such aate andadicate dds. Tate is a friendand

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