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4、组长): (签名)教学系意见:系主任:摘 要随着经济一体化和全球化的发展,中国与世界各国经济的联系越来越紧密。中国的金融服务业面临着与世界接轨的机遇和挑战。英语在许多领域都占据着主导地位,尤其是在金融领域。从某种程度上来讲,英语是金融领域的“官方”语言。金融英语作为特殊用途英语的一种,在学术研究和实际使用上已经得到了越来越多的关注。在我国,对金融翻译的需求不断增多,对其翻译质量的要求也在不断提高。而在目前的翻译实践中,许多翻译质量并不尽人意。近年来,在生产、对外贸易和其他经济活动中,由于对国际上金融术语的内涵和外延理解不同而造成严重经济损失的事例也时有发生。金融术语作为金融语言词汇体系中的重要



7、源语文化的语言及文化差异,应将源语文化纳入到译语文化中去,从而使交际顺畅进行。在金融术语的翻译中应该将两种策略很好的结合才能达到良好的效果。文中还通过对世界经济文化交流与融合大趋势的分析得出异化将在金融术语的翻译过程中渐渐居于主导地位的结论。此项研究的意义在于强调文化因素对翻译的影响,凸显文化在翻译中的重要作用。此外,它对金融语篇的翻译提供一个有益的视角和切入点。关键词:归化;异化;文化;金融术语AbstractWith the development of economic integration and globalization, economic links between China

8、 and other countries are becoming increasingly tight. The domestic financial service industry is facing the opportunities and challenges from the economic integration of the globe.English occupies a leading position in many industries, especially in financial industry. To some extent, English is an

9、“official” language in financial area. Financial English, as a kind of language for special purposes, has been drawing more and more attention in academic researches and practical applications. The requirements of financial translation are increasing and the demand for translation quality of finance

10、 is improving. But in present translation practice, many such translation works are unsatisfactory. In recent years, cases of huge economic losses have frequently occurred because of misunderstanding connotations and extensions of international financial terms. Financial terms are important vocabula

11、ry in the vocabulary of financial language and their translation is a very hot topic in the study of financial translation. Whether a financial term is translated well or not, correctly or wrongly, directly concerns the quality of the whole financial text. Therefore, the resolution to financial term

12、 translation is imminent.The thesis approaches E-C translation of financial terms from the perspective of domestication and foreignization in order to find out the cultural differences hidden behind financial terms and to achieve the aim of truly understanding the meanings of financial terms and sta

13、ndardizing their translation.Firstly, the author briefly looks back to relevant studies by some scholars. To sum up, the studies of those scholars principally focus on translation methods of financial terms. They believe that translators should adopt methods of literal translation and free translati

14、on to translate financial terms. But the two methods overemphasize formation and contents, neglecting the influence of cultural factors in translation.The author bases the thesis on the theories of domestication and foreignization put forward by Lawrence Venuti, studies the characteristics of financ

15、ial terms, analyses term translation in financial texts, and generalizes a conclusion that such kind of translation can be classified into target-language-oriented translation and source-language-oriented translation (domestication and foreignization). Through researching, the author finds that the

16、factors of determining whether to apply domestication or foreignization are based on translators bilingual ability, aims of translation and readers ability to receive. Meanwhile, domestication and foreignization could be finely differed according to the degree of approaching source language and targ

17、et language. Both strategies play an important part in the translation of financial terms. Domestication refers to target-language-culture-oriented translation in which expressions acceptable in the target language culture are exploited in order to make the translated texts intelligible and suitable

18、 for the target text readers. Foreignization is source-language-culture-oriented translation, which strives to preserve as much as possible the original flavor in order to retain the foreignness of the source language culture. The respective representatives for the two strategies are: Eugene Nida fo

19、r domestication who advocates dynamic equivalence in order to achieve the success of the communication and Venuti advocates to develop a theory and practice of translation to signify the linguistic and cultural differences of the foreign text. To combine the two strategies well in financial term tra

20、nslation is necessary for a good translation. In the thesis, the author also comes to the conclusion that with the tendency of communication and integration of world economy and cultures, foreignization would take the dominant place in the process of financial term translation.The significance of th

21、e study is to attach importance to the influence of cultural factors on financial term translation. Besides, it provides a good perspective and a breakthrough to the translation of a whole financial text.Key Words: domestication, foreignization, culture, financial termsAcknowledgementsUpon completio

22、n of my thesis, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those who helped me, inspired me and encouraged me all along in making this thesis.First of all, my thanks go to my supervisor Professor Weng Fengxiang, who gave me suggestions at the very beginning of choosing the topic for my thesis.

23、He thoroughly discussed with me on my ideas, research plans and gave me his invaluable comments and encouragement. Without his direction and help, the thesis would be impossible. During the writing and revision of this thesis, he devoted his spare time discussing with me on even tiny details despite

24、 his busy work.I own my gratitude to all the teachers during my undergraduate and postgraduate study in Shanghai Maritime University, especially those from the College of Foreign Language. They have built up my theoretical knowledge and my research ability.My sincere thanks go to my roommates and be

25、st friends for listening to me and putting forward suggestions for me in writing the thesis.Last but not least, I could not thank my family enough for their love and understanding. They have been supportive all the way till today, without them I may not get through the postgraduate study.ContentsAbs

26、tract (Chinese)Abstract (English)Chapter One Introduction.1 1.1 Purpose and Significance of the Study.1 1.2 Structure of the Thesis2Chapter Two Literature Review.3 2.1 Previous Researches of E-C Translation of Financial Terms.4 2.1.1 Literal Translation.6 2.1.2 Free Translation6 2.2 Limitations of P

27、revious Researches7 2.3 Aims and Objectives of the Thesis .8Chapter Three Theoretical Framework.9 3.1 Culture and Translation.9 3.2 Theoretical Framework10 3.2.1 Domestication10 3.2.2 Foreignization11 3.2.3 The Dispute on Domestication and Foreignization13 3.2.4 Differences between Domestication & Foreignization and Lit

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