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本文(最新仁爱版初中英语八年级上册Unit 4Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smallerD 2公开课教学设计.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

最新仁爱版初中英语八年级上册Unit 4Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smallerD 2公开课教学设计.docx

1、最新仁爱版初中英语八年级上册Unit 4Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smallerD 2公开课教学设计Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Our World 为主题。第三话题在复习前两个话题的基础上,引入新内容的学习,包括认识互联网、互联网的功能、以及我们应该怎样正确对待互联网等。语法板块学习“主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语”的用法,比如The Internet makes the world smaller. The Internet makes our li

2、fe easier and more interesting. 等。此外,还学习了对肯定和不肯定的表达的功能句,如Im sure the Internet will become more and more important to us. Im not sure if it is good to shop online. Guess what! 等。 该话题还设计了音标的学习,帮助学生正确区分/w/和/v/的发音,同时也设置了句子连音、弱读、重读以及语音语调中升降调的学习,帮助学生通过语音语调的学习理解句子表达的意思,训练学生说地道的英语口语。最后通过Project的活动Becoming a

3、n Inventor 对所学内容进行积极的应用。本话题建议用五课时完成。第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c,2 第二课时:Section A3a, 3b Section B4a, 4b第三课时:Section B1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2, 3第四课时:Section C1a, 1b,1c, 1d, 2a, 2b第五课时:Section DGrammar and Functions, 1, 2, Project 第四课时 (Section C1a, 1b,1c, 1d, 2a, 2b)教学设计思路:本节课的主要活动为Section C -1a。Warming-up的值日报告是

4、关于上网,教师根据学生所谈论的话题,引导学生复习“be sure”结构。Revision环节中利用图片复习宾语补足语,学习新词汇:true, correct, cheat。Pre-reading中讨论阅读前的三个问题,学习新词汇perfect, true, safely。while-reading环节分几步完成,首先速读课文,了解文章大意,给文章起个标题,完成1c。之后再读课文,将1b中的单词与释义连线。回答两个简单但提纲契领的问题:Is the Internet changing the world? Is the Internet perfect? 然后精读课文,完成1d并核对答案。最后学

5、生划出重点短语及疑难句子,师生交流并学会应用。post-reading环节里,要求学生根据1d表格,复述课文,向同桌讲述因特网的利与弊,达到语言输出的目的。接下来两人一组活动,采访同桌使用因特网的情况,完成2a的测评。最后根据2a的测评结果写一篇报道,完成2b。培养学生养成采访结束之后将采访的结果用文章的形式记录下来的习惯。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇:perfect, true, correct, search, safely, cheat(2)阅读关于因特网的文章,学习用英文介绍因特网的特点。2. Skill aims: (1)能

6、读懂本课文本材料,及其他介绍因特网的文章。(2)能通过调查,写出他人使用因特网的情况。3. Emotional aims:通过对因特网利与弊的学习,学生能够明白任何事物都有两面性的道理,教育学生正确使用因特网。4. Culture awareness:培养学生对高科技产品的正确认识,正确使用互联网。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)复习“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾补”的结构。(2)学习用英文介绍因特网的利与弊。(3)利用所学知识、结合调查的结果写一篇有关同学们使用因特网情况的文章。2. Difficult points:

7、根据采访结果写一篇报道。. Learning strategies1. 培养学生在阅读过程中根据上下文猜测词义的能力。2. 培养学生养成采访结束之后将采访的结果用文章的形式记录下来的习惯。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Class activity)Greet the students and get themready for

8、learning. T: Good morning, everyone!T:Whos on duty today?T:I agree with you. Im sure that Any other opinions?Focus their attention on the teacher. Ss: Good morning, MissS1: Its me. Hello, everyone. Im on duty today. I want to share a piece of news that I saw on the Internet yesterday evening. The re

9、porter said that But Im not sure whetherS2: I think自由讨论关于网络,使学生聚焦课堂。如果学生不能说出可以引起讨论的话题,教师可以引出相关话题供学生讨论,同时复习“be sure”结构的用法。Remark:这一环节的目的是要创造学习英语的氛围并使学生静下心来,开始新的学习。可以采用多种方式,如唱歌、游戏、值日报告、自由讨论等。Stage 2(4mins):RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Class activity)Show some pictures

10、 to review “subject + vt. + object + object complement”. T:Thats really a piece of interesting news. We can get a lot of news on the Internet everyday. Its true that the Internet makes our lives more interesting and easier.(板书)Do you agree with me?T: Well go on to talk about the Internet later. Now

11、first look at this sentence. We have learned this kind of sentences in the first lesson. It belongs to the structure “ subject + vt. + object + object complement”. Lets make more sentences with this structure according to the pictures. clean the windows correct (改正)T:Look at this picture, what is th

12、e boy doing?see/cheatT:Yes. He is cheating. Cheat means “欺骗,作弊” in Chinese. Now make a sentence with the words under the picture. T: (More pictures.)Make sentences to review “subject + vt. + object + object complement”. Ss: Yes. S1:Mom asked her to clean the windows.S2:The teacher told the student t

13、o correct the mistakes on the math papers.Ss:作弊。S3: I see the boy cheat in the exam.S4: The teacher will tell him not to cheat in exams.Remark:Stage 3(7mins):Pre-reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Group work & Class activity)Lead the students to discuss the pre-reading que

14、stions in 1a in groups.T: Lets go on our topic: the Internet. Do you often use the Internet after class?T: What do you usually do on the Internet?T: Some students learn English through the Internet. Its a good way, I think. But how can you use the Internet to learn English after class. Discuss with

15、your group members. Then share different ideas with the class.T: Please share your different ideas about how to learn English on the Internet. T: Thank you for sharing so many good methods to learn English. Now discuss the first question in groups. Then Ill ask some of you to share your ideas.T: Is

16、the Internet changing your life? T: Is it changing the world?T: Who can give some examples?T: You gave good examples. Its true that our life became more convenient with the help of the Internet. But do you think whether the Internet is perfect. Perfect means something is completely correct and witho

17、ut any faults or weaknesses. T: Why?T:I agree with you. We should use the Internet correctly and safely.Discuss the pre-reading questions in 1a in groups. Then share different ideas in class.Ss: Yes, we do.S1: I often learn English and other objects on the Internet.S2: I often listen to music on the

18、 Internet.S3: I usually watch movies on the Internet. S4: I usually visit some news websites to know more news.Ss:.Ss:.S5: I often visit some useful English learning websites to learn English.S6: I can look up new words on the Internet.S7: The Internet can help me translate difficult sentences.S8: I

19、 can learn grammar on the Internet.Ss:.Ss:.Ss: Yes. Ss: Yes, it is.S9: We dont have to write letters on paper now. We can use the Internet to keep in touch with our friends more easily and quickly. S10: We can listen to any music we like on the Internet.S11: We can know about what is happening in th

20、e world in time.S12: I dont think so. S12: Because something on the Internet is not correct or healthy.Remark:鼓励学生大胆地运用英语表达自己的想法。Stage 4(15mins):While-reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Individual work)Ask the students to read the passage in 1a to get the general idea of

21、the passage. Finish 1c.T: Lets skim the passage in 1a. You should get the main idea of it.T: Whats the passage about?T: Very good. Can you give the passage a proper title?T:Its a good title. Please write it down in the box.Skim 1a and get the main idea of it and give the passage a proper title.Ss:S1

22、: Its about the Internet.S2: The Internet.2(Individual work)Ask the students to read 1a to finish 1b.T: Now read it again and match the words with their meanings in 1b.T: Is the Internet changing the world according to the passage?T: Is the Internet prefect according to the passage?T: So we should u

23、se it safely and carefully. Do you think so?Read 1a again and answer two questions. And then finish 1b.Ss:Ss:S1:Yes, It is.S2: No, it isnt.Ss: Yes.再读课文,将1b中的单词与释疑连线。回答:Is the Internet changing the world? Is the Internet perfect?3(Individual work)Guide the Ss to finish 1d.T: Read the passage carefull

24、y and complete the table in 1d. You can add your own ideas about advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.T: Lets check your answers. Who can tell us the advantages of the Internet?T: Do you have any other opinions about advantages of the Internet?T: And about the disadvantages?T: Your own opini

25、ons?T: You did quite well.Complete the table in 1d according to 1a.Ss:S1: We can get all kinds of information on the Internet andS2:Ss:Ss:S3: Not all the information is true.Ss:Ss:4(Individual work & Class activity)Lead the students to underline the key points and learn to use them.T: Lets read the

26、passage again. You can underline the key points. T: Do you have any difficulty understanding the passage? Does anybody want to share your key points with us?T: You did a good job. Thank you. T: It means “向着更好地情况转变”. For example, her illness took a turn for the better. Can you give an example?T: A ve

27、ry good example. Do you think what its opposite is? T: Yeah, you got it.Underline the key points and learn to use them.Ss:S1: I underlined some phrases and Id like share them with you.all kinds of, sending emails, chat online, do shopping, post information, not all of it, get money by cheating, spen

28、d doing, for the better.S2: Miss, what the meaning of the phrase “for the better”?S3: I hope the weather will soon change for the better. S4: Is it “for the worse”.Remark:可以让学生在读1a前浏览1b、1c和1d,读过一遍之后先完成对自己来说简单的问题。然后再读第二遍,甚至第三遍来完成较难的问题。Stage 5(13mins):Post-readingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDe

29、signing purpose1(Pair work)Ask the students to retell the passage based on 1d.T: Work in pairs and try to retell the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet to your partner with the help of the table in 1d.Retell the passage based on 1d in pairs.Ss:2(Pair work)Guide the Ss to finish 2aT: Do you

30、 want to know how your partner use the Internet? T:Read the questions and the answers in 2a. Then interview your partners about how he /she uses the Internet and what he/she thinks of it.Interview their partners according to 2a.Ss: Yes.Ss:3(Individual activity)Ask the students to write a short passa

31、ge based on the result of the interview in 2a.T: After an interview, you often need to write down the information in the form of a passage. So write a short passage based on the result of the Interview in 2a.T: Who would like to report your result of interview to us?Write a short passage based on the re

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