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1、在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4. 作图可先用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5. 保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分 听力(1-20小题)在笔试结束后进行。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThe 4 Best Greek Islands For A Beach GetawayWith more than 5,000 islands in Greece, choosing which one to visit is ex

2、tremely difficult. So were going to help you by sharing our list of the 4 most beautiful Greek islands!1. PaxiPaxi is smaller and less known than the other Greek islands, making it a perfect place for travellers to seek privacy without being disturbed by any noise.There are excellent beaches and res

3、taurants in the main port of Gaios that serve fresh fish. The best time to enjoy the magical atmosphere is in the evening.2. MyknonsMyknons has become one of the most popular destinations in Greece, which is the best choice for those who want to party.Mass tourism hasnt affected the beauty of the is

4、land yet, with picturesque houses and narrow streets full of Cycladic architecture and, not to mention, the crystal clear blue sea.3. TilosMountains and rough back roads make this island the perfect pick for adventurous travelers looking for day trips to explore the rich wildlife.The beaches are roc

5、ky and difficult to access, but once you get there youll be able to enjoy the peace and quiet of nature, even during the peak season.4. GavdosThe southernmost island in Europe is included in our list because of its unique and intact (完好的) nature and its efforts no maintain their local traditions.The

6、re are few tourist accommodations, but we recommend to grab a tent and sleep on the beach under the stars. Its beaches are one of the most beautiful in Greece and probably the entire continent.21. Where should visitors go if they want to appreciate Cycladic architecture?A. Myknons. B. Paxi. C. Tilos

7、. D. Gavdos.22. What can we learn about Paxi and Tilos?A. Both of them are quiet. B. Both of them serve visitors fish.C. Both of them are difficult to reach. D. Both of them have beaches and restaurants.23. What can visitors do on Gavdos?A. Have a party at night. B. Camp on the beach.C. Enjoy pictur

8、esque houses. D. Walk in the narrow streets.BDisasters are like a mirror. They show both our bright and dark sides, as individuals and as a society. As citizens in China and beyond continue to fight against the coronavirus (新冠状病毒), the daily lives of many have gone through changes - from simple rout

9、ine adjustments to complete devotion from volunteers.People have consciously chosen to stay at home to prevent further human-to-human spread. However, that didnt stop employees and students from working and studying at home. On Feb 17, the scheduled first school day, many teachers started to give on

10、line lessons. Bored at home, many people began to learn new things to fill their newly-found time, such as baking or knitting.The film named Contagion, 2011 shows the worst-case that might happen after a worldwide epidemic. Fortunately, the situation in China couldnt be more different than the movie

11、. Rather than violence and food shortage, everything has worked out rather well in China so far. Scientists isolated (分离) the first virus strain, more than 30,000 medical workers in over 100 medical teams gathered and thousands of construction workers came to build hospitals in Wuhan, Hubei province

12、. Thousands of volunteers are working nonstop to help deliver supplies and assist the affected regions.Sociologists once debated whether volunteer service is common to see around the world. Indeed, more than 30 years of research exploring disasters in Europe, Asia, and America confirmed that the nee

13、d to help is universal wherever disaster strikes.“Its normal that when disasters happen, people will fall into panic. In reality, were more likely to rush in to hep others than run them over to save ourselves,” wrote American psychologist Kelly Caldwell in Pacific Standard. “Its an exercise in mass

14、healing.”24. What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?A. To tell readers a lesson. B. To show the effect of a disaster.C. To introduce the topic of the text. D. To raise the readers interest in the mirror.25. What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. People chose to stay at home to avoid p

15、anic.B. People tried every means to learn new things.C. Online working and studying became more popular.D. People adjusted to their routines to avoid infection.26. which does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Chinas situation was the same with the movie.B. China experienced violence and foo

16、d shortage.C. Chinese people have gone through many changes.D. Chinas situation was quite different from the movie.27. From which is the text probably taken?A. A newspaper. B. A science fiction. C. A medical journal. D. A science report.CEarths forests are emptying.Half of their inhabitants (栖息动物) h

17、ave disappeared in the last 40 years, according to a latest report from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).The report tracked population of 268 species of forest-dwelling birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles worldwide between 1970 and 2014 (the most recent year for which data is available). The resul

18、ts show that forest animal populations have declined by 53% worldwide, and humans are to blame.More than 80% of all land animals, plant, and insect species call forests home. However, a combination of habitat destruction, hunting, the spread of invasive species, climate change, and disease are killi

19、ng off forest animals, the researchers said.Without those animals, forests cant perform the functions we rely on, since animals pollinate (授粉) forest plants, spread seeds, and nourish the soil with their waste.“Forests depend on a complete animal world to perform functions essential to life,” Susann

20、e Winter, a program director at the WWF, told Eco Watch.One of the most critical roles forests play is in easing climate change. Trees suck enormous amounts of carbon dioxide out of the air and embed (吸纳) the carbon in their wood and the soil. A recent study found that planting new trees over an are

21、a the size of the US could suck away two-thirds of all the carbon dioxide emissions that humans have pumped into the atmosphere.“Without animals, it is harder for forests to absorb carbon, as tree species important for protecting the climate could be lost without animals,” Winter said. Without them,

22、 those trees would have difficulty reproducing and forests would lose their best carbon-storing trees.“Forests are our greatest natural ally in the fight against global warming,” Winter said. “If we want to reverse the worldwide decline in biodiversity and prevent the climate crisis, we need to prot

23、ect the forests and the species living there.”28. What do we know from the passage?A. Half of earths forests have emptied. B. 268 forest-living species have died out.C. The number of forest animals has decreased. D. 80% of forest animals have lost their homes.29. How many reasons are mentioned for t

24、he extinction of forest animals?A. Five. B. Four. C. Three. D. Two.30. What is the key function of forests mentioned in this passage?A. Nourishing the soil. B. Producing carbon dioxide.C. Pollinating forest plants. D. Easing climate change.31. Which of the opinions may Susanne Winter agree with?A. F

25、orests will disappear eventually.B. We cant reverse the decline in biodiversity.C. Forests can suck away all the carbon dioxide emissions.D. Animals are vital to forests when it comes to reproducing.DFor my first year at Oxford, I barely said anything in tutorials (辅导课).Wed have 2-3 tutorials a week

26、, each ranging from 1 to 3 hours. Some would feel informal with comfortable chairs and teas, sitting and chatting with a few friends. Others would feel more like we were being grilled for facts. In both types, I was pretty quiet. I was shy, introverted, and worried that everyone would think I was st

27、upid. The fact is that everyone in Oxford, Harvard, Yale, etc, has felt insecure about their intelligence at some point. I didnt volunteer in discussions and, as a result. I didnt understand much. My understandings of different texts never matured or became complex. They stayed the same. And they we

28、re often wrong.Then, somewhere in the middle of my second year, I got over myself, stopped being worried, and offered more of my own opinions. I responded to others, asked thoughtful questions, and interacted way more. I always asked if I didnt understand something. Most of the time, others also did

29、nt understand the thing I was confused about and felt happy I asked.I went from being a passive learner and having everything go over my head to being an active learner and having tons more information understood. In tutorials, I took notes. After tutorials, I reviewed those notes. I rewrote them. I

30、 explained new concepts to my friends in other subject areas. And I felt smarter. I went from struggling and failing to thriving and suddenly getting firsts on my essays.Being an active student also means asking for help. So I recommend you to visit your tutor during office hours and ask for their h

31、elp or ask your peers to help explain stuff to you. Or get a mentor (导师) if you can. I had a PhD student mentor me once a week over coffee in my final year. It was the best thing that happened to my studies.32. Which word best describes the authors academic attitude as a freshman?A. Cooperative. B. Inactive. C. Serious. D. Positive.33. What can we infer about the author from Paragraph 4?A. He became smarter than others. B. He attached no importance to notes.C. He had everything go over his head later. D. His changed attitudes led to academic improvement.34. What does

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