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1、40. 保兑行 41. 凭单付款42. 信用证规定条款43. 平等互利 44. 互购45. 外汇储备46. 知识产权47. 备用信用证48. 世界银行49. 电子商务50. 托运人 51. 进口许可证52. 国际商会53. 信息技术54. 净重55. 毛重56. 远期汇票57. 拍卖58. 保函 59. 无追索权60. 市场准入61. 领事发票62. 贸易壁垒63. 稳定需求 64. 现成市场 65. 承诺过多66. 另邮 67. 如所陈述 68. 如所约定69. 不可抗力70. 履约保证金71. 受益人72. 散装货73. 运费预付 74. 运费到付 75. 发货人76. 收货人 77. 保

2、险凭证 78. 野蛮装运79. 劣质包装 80. 网上贸易 81. 保留权利 82. 补偿83. 归因于84. 装运延误85. 皮重 86. 定期交货87. 市场涨跌88. 热销商品 89. 续订订单90. 需求过剩91. 多边贸易92. 托收汇票 93. 自由贸易区94. 外汇管理95. 套期保值96. 进口配额 97. 免税品 98. 习惯做法99. 结关 100. 代收行 101.商业汇票102.银行汇票103.商业承兑汇票104.银行承兑汇票105.形式发票106.即期,见票即付107.付款人见票后若干天(月)付款108. 提单签发后若干天付款109.汇付110.信汇111.票汇112

3、.电汇113. 托收114.光票托收115.即期付款交单116. 远期付款交单117.信用证效期118. 效期119.信用证金额120.修改信用证121.即期信用证122. 远期信用证123.不可撤消的信用证124.保兑的信用证125可转让信用证126.跟单信用证统一惯例127.不受追索128. 受益人129. 出口方银行130.进口方银行131.付款行,汇入行132. 汇出行133.开证行134.开证行135. 通知行136. 通知行137.议付行138.保兑行139.提示行140.转递行141.承兑行142. 付给某人143. 受托人144. 委托人145向某人开立汇票146 付款人147

4、持票人148. 空白背书149.银行保函150. 回签151不可抗力152. 向某人提出索赔153 理赔154检验报告155. 修改信用证156履行信用证157.各让一步158 报关单159.欧洲主要港口160直达轮船161. 贴现162付款交单163 承兑交单164. 一切险165 水渍险166破碎险167平安险168.海运提单169 托运单170.货物承运收据171 结关172. 清关173 进口许可证174 出口许可证175.关税176.佣金177.折扣178.现行价格 / 时价179.参考价格180.海关估价181.渗漏险182. 串味险183.短缺险184.偷窃提货不着险185.罢工

5、险186.世界贸易组织187.关贸总协定188. 存货,库存量189. 商品倾销190. 反倾销191. 贸易顺差192.贸易逆差193.成本加保险加运费194 装运港船上交货195.销售确认书196购货确认书197.单独海损198. 共同海损199. 赔偿200.预约保险单翻译答案1. settlement of claim2. documentary collection3. commercial draft4. blank endorsement5. discount6. time D/P7. to pay by installments8. value inspection certi

6、ficate9. open policy10. gross for net11. reference samples12. Chinese cotton piece goods13. commercial councils office14. state-owned company15. quotation sheet16. name of commodity17. neutral packing 18. sellers usual packing 19. shipping marks 20. short ton21. trade mark22. warning marks23. size a

7、ssortment24. open-top container25. country of origin26. customary packing27. shipping advice28. shipping space29. straight bill of lading30. non-negotiable shipping documents31. LCL= Less than Container Load32. order B/L33. voyage charter34. sailing schedule35. storage charges36. discharge ones obli

8、gation37. warehouse to warehouse clause38. surveyors reports39. shipping documents40. confirming bank41. CAD42. stipulation clause in the L/C43. equality and mutual benefit44. counter purchase45. foreign currency reserves46. intellectual property right47. stand-by L/C48. world bank49. E-commerce50.

9、consignor51. import license52. International Chamber of Commerce53. information technology54. net weight55. gross weight56. time/ usance draft57. auction58. letter of guarantee59. without recourse60. market access61. consular invoice62. trade barriers63. regular demand64. prevailing market65. heavy

10、commitments66. by separate post67. as stated68. as agreed69. Force Majeure70. performance bond71. beneficiary72. bulk cargo73. freight prepaid 74. freight to collect75. consignor76. consignee77. insurance certificate78. rough handling79. inferior packing80. trade on internet81. reserve the right82.

11、compensation83. attributable to84. a delay in shipment85. tare weight86. regular delivery87. fluctuation of prices88. best selling line 89. repeat order90. excessive demand91. multilateral trade92. draft for collecting93. free trade zone94. exchange control95. Hedging96. import quota97. free commodi

12、ty98. customary practice99. customs clearance100. collecting bank101.Commercial Bill 102.Bankers Bill 103.Commercial Acceptance Bill 104.Bankers Acceptance Bill 105.Performer Invoice 106.At sight 107.At.days (month)after sight 108.At.days after B/L 109.remittance 110.Mail transfer (M/T) 111.Demand D

13、raft (D/D) 112.Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) 113.collection 114.clean Bill for Collection 115. Documents against Payment (D/P sight) 116.Doguments against Payment after Sight (D/P after sight) 117.Terms of validity 118.Expiry Date 119.L/C amount amend L/C 121.Sight L/C 122.Usance L/C 123.Irrevoc

14、able L/C 124.Confirmed L/C 125.Transferable L/C 126.Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits 127.without recourse 128.beneficiary 129.Exporters Bank 130.Importer131.Paying Bank 132.Remitting Bank 133.Opening Bank 134.Issuing Bank 135.Advising Bank 136.Notifying Bank 137.Negotiating Bank

15、138.Confirming Bank 139.Presenting Bank 140.Transmitting Bank 141.Accepting Bank bearer 143.consignee 144.consignor 145Draw a draft on sb. 146drawee 147holder 148.blank endorsement 149.Bank Guarantee 150.counter sign 151Force Majeure 152.lodge a claim on sb. 153Settle a claim 154Certificate

16、of Inspection 155.amend the L/C 156Implement the L/C each other half way 158customs declaration 159.European Main Port 160Diret steamer 161.discounting 162Document against Payment 163Document against Acceptance 164.All Risks 165With particular average 166The risk of breakage 167Free from pa

17、rticular average 168.marine Bills of Lading 169Shipping order 170.cargo receipt 171Customs clearance 172.Customs liquidation 173Import licence 174Export licence 175. customs duty 176. commission 177. discount / allowance 178. current price 179. indicative price 180. customs valuation 181. Risk of Le

18、akage 182.Risk of Odor 183.Shortage Risk 184.T.P.N.D. ( Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery) 185.Strikes Risk 186.WTO (World Trade Organization) 187.GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 188. stocks 189. dumping 190. antidumping 191.favorable balance of trade 192.unfavorable balance of trade 193.cost, insurance and freight 194Free on board 195.Sales Confirmation 196Purchase Confirmation 197.particular average 198.general average 点 pensation policy

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