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1、 Well, its got to(开始、必须、不得不) have a hole in the bottom.嗯,它的底部必须要有一个洞(倒装) Thats for the feet to go through(经过).那是为了让脚能通过去。 Its pink!布是粉色的! Oh, lovely shade(色调), isnt it.啊,(很)可爱的颜色,是不是(倒装、省略句) but I wanted it blue.但是我想要布(是)蓝色的。 Now, dear, we decided(决定) pink was her color.现在,亲爱的,我们决定粉色是公主的颜色。 You deci

2、ded!你(自己)决定(的)! still reads from the book Two eggs, fold(折叠、抱住) in gently. Fold? Oh well.仍然在看书两个鸡蛋,轻轻调入(面粉)。包起来(to wrap)?嗯,明白了。Fauna puts two eggs into the bowl and starts to fold them in. We hear their shells cracking(破裂). Merryweather is completely hulled(去壳) into the pink cloth弗娜把两个鸡蛋放入碗中开始把它们调入面

3、粉。我们听见蛋壳破碎(的声音)。玛丽怀特完全(被)粉色的布包起来了。 I cant breathe!我不能呼吸了!Flora cuts the cloth open at the top. Merryweather takes a look(看一看) at the dress from the inside(来自内部)弗若拉在顶端剪开了布。玛丽怀特从布里探出头看了看这件衣服 It looks awful(可怕的).衣服看上去很可怕s because its on you, dear.那是因为它(穿)在你身上,亲爱的 at her cake Now yeast(酵母、发酵粉), one tsp(

4、一茶匙的量). tsp?在做蛋糕现在,发酵粉,一茶匙。茶匙? One teaspoon(一茶匙的量、茶匙)!一茶匙的量! One teaspoon, of course.一茶匙的量,当然(是)。Flora measures some size of the dress弗若拉测量这件衣服的一些尺寸 Oh gracious(天哪、哎呀) how the child has grown.阿,天哪,这孩子长了多少啊!(倒装) Oh, it seems only yesterday we brought her here.嗯,仿佛是昨天我们带她来到这里。 Just a tiny(很小的) baby.(她

5、还只)是个小婴儿Merryweather loses a tear玛丽怀特流下了眼泪 Why Merryweather!(你)怎么了,玛丽怀特? Whatevers the matter, dear?到底怎么了,亲爱的?睡美人翻译03(22-24分钟)二 After the day shell be a princess, and we wont have any Briar Rose.从今之后她将会成为公主,我们再也没有布赖尔罗斯了。 Oh Flora!啊,弗若拉! We all knew this day had to come.我们都知道这天必须会来到。 But why did it h

6、ave to come so soon?但是为什么它要来的这么快呢? After all, weve had her for sixteen years.毕竟,我们曾经和她在一起生活16年了。 Sixteen wonderful years.精彩的16年。 Oh gracious(天哪、哎呀), were acting like a lot of ninnies(傻子、笨人)! Come on, shell be back before we get started.啊,天哪!我们的所为正如许多傻瓜一样。快点,她将会在我们准备好之前回来的!Briar Rose walking through

7、the forest. She starts to sing. Birds answer her singing and wake other animals, like chipmunks, rabbits and one owl. They all come listening 布赖尔罗斯正在森林中穿行。她开始唱歌。小鸟回应着她的歌并叫醒了其他的动物,比如花栗鼠、兔子和一只猫头鹰。他们都在那里听(她唱歌)。睡美人翻译03(24-26分钟)三The camera turns to the background, where Phillip rides on his horse. Briar

8、Roses singing is still faintly(微弱的、模糊的) heard镜头切换到背景,飞利浦王子正在那里骑马,隐约能听见布赖尔罗斯的歌声Phillip: to his horse Hear that, Samson? Beautiful! What is it? Come on, lets find out. 对他的马说听见了吗,参森?多美妙!那是什么?来,让我们去找找。turns his horse around, but it struggles back(挣扎着逃跑) Oh, come on! For an extra bucket of oats(燕麦), and

9、a few carrots? horse nods with his head Hop(跳跃) boy!他调转马头,但是马却挣扎着后退啊,来吧,(给你)额外一桶燕麦片,(再加)一些胡萝卜(如何)?马点头驾,小伙子!They ride off(骑马而去) towards the singing. While Samson jumps over a log, Phillip gets caught(抓住、陷入) in a tree and falls off他们策马向着歌声的方向跑去当参森跳过一截树杆时,飞利浦(被)树挂了一下从马背上摔了下来。 Ohhh!啊!Phillip is heard sp

10、lashing into(滴入、溅入) the water. Samson holds and looks at him. Phillip sprinkles(洒、微雨) some water at Samson飞利浦被听见掉进了水里水花四溅的声音,参森停下来看着飞利浦。飞利浦往参森身上撩了一些水 No carrots!没有胡萝卜了!The camera turns again to Briar Rose. Shes surrounded by the animals of the forest, picks berries and sings镜头又切换到布赖尔罗斯(那里)。她被森林里的动物们

11、围绕着,(边)摘浆果(边)唱歌Briar Rose: I wonder,我想知道I wonder, 我想知道I wonder why each little bird我想知道为什么每只小鸟Has a someone to sing to,都可以对另外一只唱歌,睡美人翻译03(26-28分钟)四Sweet things to(唱)甜蜜的事A gay little love melody(旋律、歌曲、音乐).关于爱的旋律I wonder,我想知道If my heart keeps singing如果我的心一直歌唱will my song go winging我的歌能否飞向To someone某个人

12、Wholl find me谁发现我And bring back a love song to me!并回唱一首爱之歌给我! Oh dear, why do they still treat me like a child?啊,亲爱的,为什么他们仍然像对待小孩子一样对待我呢?Owl: Who?谁? Aunt Flora and Fauna and Merryweather. They never want me to meet(接触) anyone. to the animals But you know something? I fooled them. I have met someone!

13、弗若拉、弗娜和玛丽怀特阿姨。他们不希望我接触任何人。(她)对动物们说但是你们知道吗?我骗了他们。我已经遇见过一个人! the animals get more and more excited as she tells the story谁?动物们在她讲的这个故事时变得越来越兴奋 Oh, a prince. Well, hes tall and handsome and.and so romantic. Oh we walked together, and talked together, and just before we say goodbye, he takes me in his a

14、rms, and then.I wake up. the animals sink their heads,啊,一个王子。嗯,他个子很高,很帅,很。很浪漫!我们一起散步、一起聊天。在我们说再见之前,他用胳膊搂住我,然后我睡醒了。动物们垂下脑袋睡美人翻译03(28-30分钟)五 Yes, its only in my dreams. But they say if you dream a thing more than once, its sure to come true. And Ive seen him so many times!是的,这只是我的梦。但是人们都说如果你多次梦到同一件事情,

15、那么它肯定能变成真的!而且我(在梦里)见过他那么多次!A chipmunk sees the princes wet clothes hanging in a tree. He and the other animals put their heads together, make a plan and get over to that tree一只花栗鼠看到了王子的湿衣服挂在树上。(于是)它和其他动物一起头碰头想办法,制定了一个计划并跳向那棵树。 You know, Samson, there was something strange about that voice. Too beaut

16、iful to be real. Maybe it was a mysterious being, a wood sprite. Samson sees the animals running off with the clothes and neighs你知道的,参森,那个声音有点奇怪。太美妙了,不可能是真的(双重否定)。也许它是那些神秘的生物(发出的声音),如树精(参森看着动物们拿着衣服跑远发出了嘶叫声)The owl dresses in Phillips cape(披肩) and hat and is lifted by birds, one rabbit each take the

17、shoes, and together they approach Briar Rose猫头鹰穿着飞利浦的披肩、戴着他的帽子,被小鸟们举的高高地,两只兔子各穿一只鞋子,他们一起向布莱尔罗斯走去 Here stop!(你们)站住! Oh, why, its my dream prince! laughs Your highness! You know, Im really not supposed to speak to strangers. But weve met before! dances with her dream prince singing,啊,为什么,这是我的梦中王子!大笑王子陛下,你知道,我真的不应该同陌生人讲话。但是我们以前遇见过!与她的梦中王子一起唱歌、跳舞

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