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1、talkabout sth.2 . joinjoin + 组织/团体/党派join the/a/anclub (强调动作)=be in the/ a/an club(强调状态)入党 join the Party 参加游泳俱乐咅B join the swimming club = be in the swimming club参加运动俱乐部 joi n a sports club 参加讲故事俱乐部 joi n the story telli ng club能在学校音乐俱乐咅 B can be in the school music= can join the school music(2) jo

2、in + 人 join sb. 加入某(些)人中 join us( 宾格代词)join my father 加入到某人的活动中去 join sb. in + ( 活动) (the game/ playi ng pin g-po ng )take part in 参加会议或群众性活动 take part in the meeti ng( 会议)joi n in = take part in + 活动3. be good at +n. v-ing = do well in +n. v-ing 擅长于 擅长于讲故事 be good at telling stories =be well in tel

3、ling stories She isn t good at math= She doesn t do well in good with+ 人 与某人相处的好,善于应付 ,对 有一套善于与老人相处 be good with old people 对管理学生有一套 be good with stude ntsbe good for + 人 对 有益 be not good for + 人 对 没益 be bad for + 人 对 有害Walk ing is good for us. Eati ng fruit and vegetables is good for our he

4、 good to + 人 对 人好4. also 也, 肯定句 句中be动词,助动词,情态动词之后 ,实义动词之前too 也,肯定句 或一般疑问句句末, 其前加逗号I can also swim . = I can swim, too. I m also a student.=l m a student, too.Are you a teacher, tooeither 也(不) 否定句 句末 I can t swim , either.5. home家(抽象)family 家庭(单),家庭成员(复数) house房子(建筑物)在老人之家/敬老院 at the old peopl

5、e s home回家go home(home副词to 去掉) 回某人的家 go to one s home (home为n.) 在家 at home6. 说英语的 English-speaking 说英语的学生 English-speaking students (作定语)说英语speak English ( 动词作谓语)词汇的用法:1. play play the + 乐器 弹吉他 / 弹钢琴 / 拉小提琴 / 敲鼓 play the guitar/ play the piano/ playthe violi n/play the drumsplay + 棋/牌/球类 下棋/打牌play c

6、hess/play cards踢足球 / 打 篮球 / 打网球 / 打排球 play soccer/ football/ play basketball/ playtenni s/play volleyball与某人玩 play with sb.( 宾代)玩某物 play with sth.与人玩游戏 play games with people玩水 play with water做运动 play sports=do/have sports= take exercise2. sport 作定语常用复数 a sports club sports shoes/trousers/clothes指一项

7、运动用单数 Running is a good sport.玩电脑游戏 play computer games3. want vt. want+n. to do 1) want sth. 2) want to do 3) want sb.(宾代)to do动词、介词后用宾格代词 (me/us/you/you/it/ him/her/them(2) want for为想要wan ted 被需要的”常用在招聘或启示的标语中招聘教师teachers wan ted (作后置定语)want stude nts for school show= stude nts wan ted for school

8、show为学校演出招募学4. shown.演出,节目,表演,展示学校演出 the school show电视节目 TV show脱口秀 talk show时装表演 fashion show在展览中 be on show注意: 表演中国功夫 do Chinese kung futo sb.v. 展示,给 看 show sb.给我们展示show us把某物拿给某人看show sb sth.=show sth. to sb.当看的物为代词时,只能用 show it/ them5. teach 三单 teaches v.教 teacher n.教师 teach sb./sth. teach us/me

9、 teach math teach sb. sth. sb.为宾格代词 教我们的英语teach us English teach sb. to do sth.教他们游泳 teach them to swim6. help v. 帮助 help sb. help with sth./v - ing help sb. with sth.= help sb. (to) do me with math=help me lear n math=help me to lear n math n.(不可数名词)帮助(1) some/much help with one s help = w

10、ith the help of在某人的帮助下 ask sb. for help向某人寻求帮助注意:help yourself to(some fish.) 随便吃 鱼 need(s) sth. need(s) to do need(s) sb/sth. to do情态动词没有人称和数的变化 (常用在问句和否定句中) 问句need提前否定句need +not =needn t 不能单独作谓语 need( 原形)+ v(原形)She need come. ( 一般)Need she come tomorrow No, you needn t8. write 写小说 write stories /w

11、rite a story 写信 write a letter 给某人写信 write to sb.=write a letter to sb.9. or 或者, 还是 选择疑问句 回答不用yes/no从中选一个来回答 or前读/, or后读选择疑问句前半部分可以是 一般疑问句,也可以是 特殊疑问句。1)-Ca n you sing or dance -I can sing. 2) -Which pen is yours, this one or that one-This one.用在否定句中代替 and I like white and black.( 否)1 like dont white

12、 or bjack.否贝U Study hard , or you can t pass the exam.10. people 人,人们 集合名词 复数意义,做主语复数 many peopleMany people are in the park. Many people like English. 帮助老人 help for old people11. music n. 音乐(不可数名词) 听音乐listen to music 音乐家 musician 音乐的 musical12. 来到 come to 来到学生运动中心 come to the students Sports center

13、畐U词 to 去掉 come here/home13. 有空,有时间 have time(un.)= be free(adj.) =be not busy 你有空吗 Do you have time= Are youfree14. busy adj. 忙的 be busy= be not free =have no time 忙于某事 be busy with sth. 忙于做某事 be busy doing sth.15. can能,会,情态动词 没有人称和数的变化 不能独立作谓语,+v.( 原形)构成谓语I/We/You/He/She/They can( 原形)+ V. ( 原形)+ 问句

14、 can 提前,否定 can +not =can 我会吉他。I can the guitar. (can 后无动词)改为 I can play the guitar. ( 提问)What canyou do16. like like +n.( 可数 n.复数/ 不可数n原形)like to do ( 具体的,一次性的 )=like doing(习惯性的)love 喜爱 用法 like 一样 like apples like music like to draw=like drawing17. what club /sports 什么俱乐部/运动18. What about +n./Ving=

15、How about = n./ving 怎么样 Sounds_gpod 听起来不错 sound+ adj.19. after school放学后下课后 after class20. make friends结交朋友make friends with sb.与某人交朋友people 老人at the old people s home 在敬老院22. call sb. at +电话号码 拨打某人的 号码 email sb. at + 邮箱地址23. be relax ing and easy既轻松又简单 24.25. 在周末 on weekends =on the weekend weekday

16、在音乐室 in the music room 工作日 在工作日 on weekdays26.动词不能修饰名词,V-ing 才能修饰名词 游泳俱乐部swimming pool 一位跑步明星 a runningstar重点句型:1. - what can you do - I can dance. /I can t sing.2. -What club do you want to join - We want to join the chess club.3. He can play chess.( 否定)He can t play chess( 一般疑问句)Can he play chess

17、Yes, he can. /No, he can t.话题写作Dear Sir,I want to join your orga ni zati on ( 组织)to help kids with sports, music and En glish. My n ameis Mike. I am 15 years old. I m a student in N o. 1 Middle school. I can play the guitar well.I can sing many son gs. I can swim and speak En glish well, too. I thin

18、k I can be good with thekids. I also do well in telling stories.I hope to get your letter soon.Yours,MikeUnit 2 What time do you go to school词语辨析1. what time 和when引导的特殊疑问句。when(1)对时间点提问用 what time,也可以用 when。询问日期、月份、年份时只能用 wher。(2) 询问做某事的时间时,两者可以互换。(3)其他询问时间的句子: Whats the time =What time is it 现在几点了

19、It s six o clock.I usually get up at six thirty. (提问) do you usually get up= you usually get upThey ofte n exercise on weekends. (提问) they ofte n exercise2. at/ in/on 表时间at 1) at+ 时刻 2) 固定词组中 at night at noonin 1 ) in+ 月份 / 季节 / 年份 in + January/ February/ March/ April/ May/ June/ July/ August/Septem

20、ber/ October/ November/December, in spri ng/summer/autu mn/win ter ,in 1970,2) 在上午 / 下午 / 晚上 in the morni ng / after noon/ evening on 1 ) +日期/星期几/节日2) 具体的某一天的上午,下午,晚上 on November 1 st,on Mon day , on Childre n s da y , on the morning of July 5 th, on a cold morningon school days 在上学的日子 on school ni

21、ghts 在上学的晚上3. job 可数 n. 具体职业或工作 have an interesting job, find a good jobwork 1) 不可数 n. 各类工作 have too much work to do a piece of work2) 动词 worker 工人 work in a school, work at a radio stati onjob /work 有时可通用 My job/work is a teacher.4. many + 可数n.复数 much+ 不可数 n.lots of = a lot of + 可数n.复数/不可数n.(常用在肯定句

22、中)许多朋友 many friends= lots of friends= a lot of friends 许多钱 much money= lots of money=a lot of money吃许多水果和蔬菜 eat lots of /a lot of fruit and vegetables5. sometimes 频度副词 有时” some times 名词短语几次,几倍”sometime 副词某个时候” some time 名词短语一段时间”6. fun 1) n. 不可数,趣事,有趣的人或事(物)” have fun =have a good time Mr Liis g

23、reat fun. 2) adj. 令人愉快的, 令人快乐的 It fun to do teresti ng adj. 指事物本身有趣 an in terest ing bookfunny 奇怪的, 滑稽好笑的” a funnyman/ story1. always总是usually 通常often常常sometimes有时never从不(用在一般现在时中)频度副词 位置: 实意动词之前,be动词,助动词,情态动词之后,作状语,其中sometimes 可句中,句首, 句末。从不吃早餐 never have/eat breakfast 上班从不迟至U be never late f

24、or workAnna never has/eats breakfast. ( 从不吃早餐 ) I am never late for work.( 上班从不迟至卩)2. go to + 地点名词 女口: go to school 上学 go to work 上班 go to bed 上床睡觉go+地点副词(to 省略) 女口: go home回家go there 去那里3. from to 1) 表时间 from twelve o clock at night to six o clock in the morning2) 表地点 from Beijing to shanghai4. exe

25、rcise 1 ) v. 锻炼 exercise for two hours, exercise every day, 2) un.( 不可数 n.) 锻炼,运动 take exercise, Walking is good exercise.= Walking isa good sport.3 ) cn.( 可数 n.) 练习,习题,体操 ( 常用复数)do one s exercises, do morning/eyeexercises5. eitheror 要么 要么 ,或者 或者 连接两个并列成分, 表示两者之一连接两个主语,谓语(就近原则) Either you or I_ amhe

26、re. Either you or ,_he goes there.either 1 )也(不),否定句末 I don t like it, either.2) 两者之一,两者中的任意一方。 Either is OK.( 两者)任何一个都可以。Sit on either side. (两边)随便坐那一边6. walk 1) n. take a walk=have a walk= go for a walk 散步2 ) v. walk to (school/ work ), wa lk home, walk for half an hour 走半个小时6. homework 1) un( 不可数

27、 n.) have too much homework to do2) do (one s) homework do 实意动词 否定 don t/doesn t doShe does her homework first.( 否定)She her homework first.( 一般疑问句 ) her homework firstones 与主语一致的形容词性物主代词( my/our/your/your/his/ her/ its/their )7. life 可数 n. 复数 lives 1) 生活 have a very healthy life live a very happy li

28、fe2) 生命 save one s life/ lives in my life8. clea n 1 ) v. 打扫 clea n my room/ the classroom do some clea ning2 ) adj. 干净的 The room is clean.( 表语) This is a clean room.( 定语)9. run runner running1) a running star 2) Running is a good sport= Running is goodexercise.10. taste 1 )连系动词 尝起来 + adj 作表语 taste

29、good/ sweet 2) taste like orange juice.2)n.味道, 滋味 This orange has a sweet taste.11. for+ 时间段 提问用How long 半个小时for half an hour一个半小时 for one hour and a half = for one and a half hours12. dress 1)get dressed 穿上衣服 (不接宾语) put on + 服饰穿上 的衣服get dressed in + 衣服/颜色(强调动作)穿上 衣服be dressed in + 衣服/颜色(强调状态)穿着 衣服v.穿衣服dress + 人给某人穿衣服dress + on eself (反身代词)给自己穿衣服n.连衣裙,晚礼服teeth类似的 foot feet brush teeth/ brush ones tee th 刷牙14. brush-brushes

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