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1、appropriately. Weve put together this handy guide, with tips gathered from the business etiquette, to help make sure that someone call you out at your next business meal. Before the Meal餐前礼仪 Shake hands with all present at the table. If necessary, introduce yourself. Concentrate on remembering your

2、host/hostesss name. 与到场的客人握手致意,如果需要,介绍一下自己。努力记住男女主人的姓名。 Remain standing until host sits.在主人落座之前保持站立。Place your napkin on your lap after everyone is seated and after your host has moved his/her napkin.在所有人落座之后,主人展开餐巾,这时你也可以将餐巾展开平铺在膝盖以上部位。Dont ask the waiter to explain everything on the menu; you will

3、 annoy others and appear indecisive.不要让侍者为你一一讲解菜单上的菜品,这样会招人讨厌而且显得你缺乏主见。Let the host take the lead when ordering; this will give you an idea of what to eat. If the host isnt first in line to order, then ask for his/her recommendation.点餐时让主人先点,这样也可以给你一个参考。如果主人不是第一个点餐的,那么你可以让他给你推荐。Dont order the most e

4、xpensive item on the menu and dont order any unfamiliar food.不要点菜单上最贵和最不常见的菜品。Dont drink alcohol; if you choose to drink, limit it to one beer or glass of wine. During the Meal进餐礼仪 If your place is set with more than one fork, begin from the outside and work your way in.如果你面前摆了不止一把叉子,正确的顺序是由外到内依次使用。

5、When looking at the place setting in front of you, remember: solids on your left , liquids on your right .关于食物的摆放:你餐桌的左前方应摆放固体食物(如面包盘),右前方应摆放液体(如水、冰茶、咖啡)。Cut your meat or meal one piece at a time; avoid dicing it into bite-sized pieces all at once.切肉或其他食物时每次只切一小块,而不应一次性全切成小块。Hold your knife or fork

6、with the thumb and three fingers, keeping the index finger extended on the handle.用拇指和另外三个手指拿刀叉,食指保持搭在手柄上。Do keep your elbows off the table.不要把手肘放在桌子上。When you speak, put your silverware on your plate, not on the table.讲话时,把餐具放在餐盘上,而不是餐桌上。Dont speak with your mouth full.满嘴食物的时候不要讲话。Avoid talking abo

7、ut religion, politics and other controversial (有争议的)topics.用餐期间避免谈论关于宗教、政治以及其他争议性话题。Maintain good eye contact.与他人保持眼神交流。Do take your time eating, talking and especially listening to everyone at the table.除了用餐,以及和别人交流,尤其要在餐桌上倾听别人。Dont over indulge; this is not your last meal. And dont ask to finish a

8、nyone elses food.不要暴饮暴食,这不是最后一顿饭,也不要帮别人解决食物。Dont lick your utensils(餐具)or fingers.不要舔餐具或手指。Do say “please” and “thank you,” waiters do notice.需要侍者帮助时,对他们说“请问”和“谢谢”。 After the Meal餐后礼仪 When you are finished eating, place the knife and fork prongs(尖部)down side by side on the plate; the waiter will und

9、erstand this as the “I am finished” position.用餐结束后,将刀叉头朝下放置在餐盘上,侍者见状就明白你已用餐完毕。Dont argue over that check or offer to pay the tip; the host who invited you must take care of both.不要抢着付账或小费,邀请你来用餐的主人一定会有所准备。Dont use toothpicks in the presence of the others.不要在别人面前使用牙签。Make sure you thank the host for

10、the meal. Shake hands before you leave and maintain good eye contact.务必感谢主人,临走前要与主人握手并直视对方的眼睛。篇二:中西方商务礼仪 Different Business Etiquette between China and the West I. Introduction Business etiquette is a kind of civilization accumulation of human becomes fixed during the business communication, being h

11、anded down from generation to generation. It is also a kind of standard behavior observed by the businessmen in their communication. Different countries have different culture traditions, so their business etiquette is also different from one another. There are great cultural differences between the

12、 cultural cores of Confucian in China and the cores of Christian in the West, which leads to some differences in the business etiquette between China and West. II. The Influence of Cultural Differences on Business Etiquette Differences Between China and the West Generally speaking, the differences o

13、n business etiquette between China and the West are influenced by several cultural factors, such as values, view of time, view of space, view of diet, verbal habits and nonverbal. The paper mainly focuses on time and space approach. From the approach of time Thoreau once said,“If a man does not keep

14、 pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.”Now, we use the phrase “the beat of a different drummer”to explain any different pace of life. The attitudes toward time vary from culture to culture. And it is understandable that people of different cultures hold differ

15、ent views toward time. When it comes to international business, the view of time can be divided into two types, such as monochromic time and polychromic time. Countries that follow monochromic time perform only one major activity at a time, while countries obeying polychromic time perform several ac

16、tivities simultaneously. The United States is a monochromic culture. In monochromic culture, time is regarded as something tangible. Time is seen as linear and manageable. Therefore, people concentrate on the task at hand, taking time commitments seriously and being accustomed to short-term relation

17、ships. For example, in the West, time is a kind ofprecious and limited resource. The business people attend the business meeting on time. If someone was late, he would be considered to be lack of honesty. And the business people always expect to solve their business problems within twenty to thirty

18、minutes. In monochromic cultures, it is considered a rude to do two things at once, such as reading a journal in a meeting or answering the telephone while someone is in your office. Schedules and keeping appointments are consistent with value of people in monochromic cultures. Chinese people are ty

19、pical example of polychromic cultures. Chinese people are well adapted to doing several things at once and do not mind interruptions. In their opinion, people are more important than schedules to members of polychromic cultures. Their lifestyle is less organized than that of monochromic people. In t

20、heir eyes time is just like a circle that does not have the end. So Chinese people are highly distracted and subject to interruptions. They consider time to be casual and flexible. For example, to most Chinese today, time simply flows from one day to the next. If a job is not done today, maybe it wi

21、ll be done the next day or the next. And the business meeting would generally last for several hours. Compared with the Westerners, few Chinese equate time with money. When foreign businessmen arrive in China, most Chinese will make them settle down in hotels and give them an opportunity to rest up.

22、 Because Chinese do not expect them to immediately rush into business. However, generally this arrangement will be politely but firmly rejected by visitors. When Chinese are involved in international business, they will get familiar with the Western concept“time is money”. But they do not automatica

23、lly relate it to the pace of business. Besides, Chinese do not pay much attention to the appointment. Sometimes even if there is an appointment, the Chinese would not stick to it seriously. When people of different cultures interact, misunderstandings often arise as a result of different time view.

24、For instance, in the Western countries, the business contact would be pre-arranged within three to four weeks. Business people pre-arrange the business contact at least two weeks in America. The appointment is holy to Americans. In the business communication, if someone asks to have a business conta

25、ct at the lastminute, he will be considered to make trouble or insult the others. On the contrary, the Chinese people pay more attention to relationship. In their business activity, if there is an important person need to be contacted, they could cancel the primary appointment to meet him. It is una

26、cceptable to American business people. This example shows the cultural differences in time sense between China and the West. And it becomes increasingly important as modern business communications put more and more businessmen in daily contact. If we are to avoid misunderstanding, we need to know be

27、tter about our own cultural biases and those of others. From the approach of space Space, is the physical distance between people when they are interacting. It is deeply influenced by culture. When people are having a conversation, the distance between them changes dramatically from one culture to a

28、nother. Generally speaking, there are four zones when people interact: the intimate zone, the personal zone, the social zone, and the public zone. The intimate zone, less than meters, is reserved for a close friend. And it appears briefly when the business colleagues shake hands. The personal zone,

29、from meters to meters, is used for giving instructions to someone in an office. The social zone, from to meters, is used for impersonal and formal business meeting. The public distance, over meters, is the most formal zone. Americans tend to need more spaces than Chinese. When having a conversation

30、with Chinese, Americans will back away for the Chinese partner is standing too close. Standing too close to someone in the United States may leave a bad impression on the others, as it implies the person is upset, overbearing, or he is making sexual advances. These negative positions should be avoid

31、ed in the United States. In China, people prefer to stand close to each other and they think it is a normal and friendly way to communicate with each other. Besides, the arrangement of desks, chairs, and conference table also feature the different styles of communication. When the United States people are conversing, they prefer the face-to-face arrangement of chairs whereas the Chinese prefer side-by-side arrangement. They like this arrangement because they could avoid di

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