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本文(河北省武邑中学届高三上学期课堂练习英语试题43.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、河北省武邑中学届高三上学期课堂练习英语试题43 课堂练习43第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题5每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Recently I spoke to some of my students about what they wanted to do after they graduated, and what kind of job prospects they thought they had. Given that I teach students who are

2、 training to be doctors, I was surprised to find that most thought that they would not be able to get the jobs they wanted without “outside help”. “What kind of help is that?” I asked, expecting them to tell me that they would need a relative or family friend to help them out. “Surgery (外科手术) ”,one

3、replied. I was pretty alarmed by that response. It seems that the graduates of today are increasingly willing to go under the knife to get ahead of others when it comes to getting a job. One girl told me that she was considering surgery to increase her height. “They break your legs, put in special e

4、xtending screws, and slowly expand the gap between the two ends of the bone as it regrows, you can get at least 5 Cm taller!” At that point, I was shocked. I am short, I cant deny that, but I dont think I would put myself through months of agony (痛苦)just to be a few centimeters taller. I dont even b

5、other to wear shoes with thick soles, as Im not trying to hide the fact that I am just not tall! It seems to me that there is a trend toward wanting “perfection”,and that is an ideal that just does not exist in reality. No one is born perfect, yet magazines, TV shows and movies present images of thi

6、n, tall, beautiful people as being the norm. Advertisements for slimming aids, beauty treatments and cosmetic surgery clinics fill the pages of newspapers, further creating an idea that “perfection” is a requirement, and that it must be purchased, no matter what the cost. In my opinion, skills, rath

7、er than appearance, should determine how successful a person is in his chosen career.21. We can know from the passage that the author works as .A.a model B. a teacher C. a doctor D. a reporter22. Many graduates today turn to cosmetic surgery to .A.marry a better man/woman B. attract more admirersC.g

8、et an advantage over others in job-hunt D. become a model23.According to the passage, the author believes that .A. everyone should purchase perfection, whatever the costB. its right for graduates to ask for others to help them out in hunting for jobsC. media are to blame for misleading young people

9、in their seeking for surgeryD. it is ones appearance instead of skills that really matters in one,s career24. What does the author think of his height?A. He just accepts it as it isB. He tries to increase his height through surgeiyC. He always wears shoes with thick soles to hide the fact.D. He hate

10、s to be called a short man.B DUKE-NUS Graduate Medical School Be Part Our 2011 Intake DUKE-NUS Graduate Medical School is a joint collaboration between 2 top universities-Duke University School of Medical and the National University of Singapore (NUS) .Our school follows the American style of medica

11、l education and students graduate with a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree after 4 years. Our 2011 Intake is now open. Apply here.ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS ANDDEADLINESDeadlinesRegular acceptance December 1,2020 Requirements1.Completion ofonlineapplication2.Present 3-5reference letters3.Present latest tra

12、nscripts(成绩单)Present MCAT (The Medical College Admission Test) scoreHIGHLIGHTS OF OUR MD PROGRAM All applicants are considered on an equal basis for admissions and financial assistance regardless of nationality. Over 70% of our students have received some form of financial assistance that does not n

13、eed to be repaid. Our innovative team-based learning environment focuses on problem solving, cooperating and applying what we have learned in the classroom. Start your application For more information on how to apply, please visit our admission page. For students studying in the US, the Preprofessio

14、nal Health Advising Office in your university can offer assistance in putting together your application. Singapore is the leading biomedical and healthcare center in Asia. There are opportunities to work with world class scientists and physicians on programs like stem cells(干细胞)research,many other c

15、omplicated diseases and metabolic(新陈代谢的)diseases.Our students come from varied academic and cultural backgrounds. This rich diversity adds to your unique learning experience.25. If you intend to apply for admission to this college, you need to .A.complete your high school studiesB. visit the college

16、 admission advisersC. attend the exams held by the collegeD. go through the online application procedure26.Once admitted,most of the students can get financial support B. student loans C .different scholarships D. part-time jobs27. The strength of their school learning environment mainly lie

17、s in .A.task-based and school-based B. application and school-basedC.cooperation and competition D. innovation and teamwork28. The advertisement is designed for .A.all potential applicants B. Singaporean students onlyC.US applicants only D. international teachersC To get an extra 14 years of life, d

18、ont smoke, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly and drink alcohol in a proper amount. That is according to a study published this Monday in the Public Library of Science Medicine Journal. After tracking more than 20,000 people aged 45 to 79 years in the United Kingdom from about 199

19、3 to 2007, Kay-Tee Khaw of the University of Cambridge and his colleagues found that people who adopted these four healthy habits lived an average of 14 years longer than those who didnt. “Weve known for a long time that these behaviors are good things to do, but weve not seen this benefit before,”

20、said Susan Jebb, head of Nutrition and Health at Britains Medical Research Council. “The benefit was also seen regardless of whether or not people were fat and what social class they came from.” Study participants (参与者)scored a point each for not smoking, regular physical activity, eating five servi

21、ngs of fruits and vegetables a day and moderate alcohol intake. Public health experts said they hoped the study would inspire governments to introduce policies helping people to adopt these changes. But because the study only observed people rather than testing specific changes,it would be impossibl

22、e to conclude that people who suddenly adopted these healthy behaviors would surely gain 14 years. “We cant say that any person could gain 14 years by doing these things,” said Dr. Tim Armstrong, a physical activity expert at the World Health Organization. “The 14 years is an average across the popu

23、lation of whats theoretically (理论上.地)possible.” “Most people know that things like a good diet matter and that smoking isnt good for them”,Susan Jebb said. “We need to work on providing people with much more practical support to help them change”29. We can learn from the passage that _.A. Susan Jebb

24、 did not take part in the study.B. the study observed people as well as tested specific changes.C. theres no need for people under 45 to adopt these good habits.D. only those from first class can benefit from these healthy behaviors.30. What can be inferred from the passage?A. All the people are wel

25、l aware of the harm of their bad habits.B. People aged 45 to 70 have bad habits in the United Kingdom.C. Governments should take measures to help people change their bad habits.D. People have adopted the four healthy habits after knowing theyre good.31. What would be the best title for this passage?

26、A. Smoking and Drinking Cuts You 14 YearsB. Healthy Habits May Give Extra 14 YearsC. How to Make Your Life Longer Than OthersD. How to Live a Much Healthier LifeD Rock-paper-scissors is a game played all around the world. As kids, we have relied on it to settle disagreements with friends一from which

27、channel to watch to who gets to eat the last ice-creamall because we think the results arc completely random. But are they? Wang Zhijian, PhD, a professor at Zhejiang University, believes that there is a regulation behind this simple game. So he gathered 360 students, divided them into groups of six

28、 and had each group play 300 rounds of rock-paper-scissors, reported USA Today. After the first results, Wang thought he was wrong, because players chose each of the three moves about one-third of the time, suggesting that the game is random after all. However, Wang later noticed a surprising regula

29、tion of behavior in the data.When players won a round, they usually stuck to the same choice. But when they lost, they tended to change to a more powerful move. For example, if Player A had just thrown down scissors to beat Player Bs paper, Player A was more likely to throw down scissors again while

30、 Player B was likely to choose rock, since rock beats scissors. According to Wang, this might be a function that is called “conditional response”. So, for the next step of his study, as he told BBC, Wang plans to do some research about how human brains make quick decisions when competing. Now that y

31、ouve learned how to predict the moves of your opponent,youll have an advantage next time you play rock-paper-scissors with your friends. But there is one problem: make sure they havent read about Wangs study, or your advantage will disappear.32. What does the underlined word “random” in the first pa

32、ragraph probably mean?A.Strange B. Unpredictable C. Amusing D. Equal33. Whats Wangs discovery of the surprising regulation of behavior?A.300 rounds of rock-paper-scissors can be done at onceB. The game rock-paper-scissors is random after all.C. The game is based on “conditional response”.D. The response of players doesnt seem random.34. If Player A has used rock to beat Player Bs scissors, what will they probably do next?A. Play

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