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1、 cheapen 使便宜To become: 变成: redden 变红To cause to have: 使有: hearten 鼓励To come to have: 使成为: lengthen 变长8.connoisseur 鉴赏家9.consummate v. perfect 使圆满adj. 尽善尽美的n. consummation 这个奖是我一生工作的圆满结果。This award consummates my lifes work.10.conversely adv. adj./n. converse the converse = the opposite 他们持相反的意见。They

2、 hold converse opinions.11.cult n. 狂热的崇拜devotion cult of sb./sth.cult of physical fitness对健美的狂热追求12.curl n./v. 使卷曲 curly adj. (头发)卷曲的13.diffusion n. 通过书本和讲座进行知识传播the diffusion of knowledge through books and lecturesv. diffuse 传播,散布 spreaddiffuse a scent, odor, light, heat, knowledge He diffused his

3、enthusiasm all around him. 他热情奔放。政党的宣传海报posters diffusing party propaganda慢慢扩散一滴奶在水中慢慢地扩散开去。A drop of milk diffused in the water. 14.disharmonyharmony 不和睦,不和谐 disagreementI recognized the disharmony between husband and wife.adj. disharmonious disharmonyharmony15.distress n./v. 极大痛苦,悲伤, 使某人痛苦great pa

4、in, sorrowAfter a whole days work, they showed signs of distress.一天的工作之后,他们显出极难受的样子。Her death is a great distress to all the family. adj. distressful,distressing adv. distressfully,distressinglyv. distress I was most distressed to hear the sad news of your fathers death. Dont distress yourself. 请不要忧

5、愁。16.expendexpensiveexpenditure I. expend sth. on/upon (doing) sth. 花费 spend, use在一项目上花费时间,金钱,精力expend time, money, effort on the projectII. use up, exhaust 用光,耗尽expend all the stores, fuel 用光所有的储备和燃料n. expenditure on sth.expenditure on the weapons/ a project 把开销限制在必要的范围内。Limit your expenditure to w

6、hat is essential.17.gait n. 步态manner of walking or running脚步不稳with an unsteady gait 18.hagridden 为噩梦所扰的 护发液 motor 健身器材21.heredity n. 遗传adj. hereditary 遗传的性格,世代沿袭的信仰hereditary characteristics, beliefs22.hitherto adv. (fml) 迄今until now23.hoarding 大广告牌24.indistinguishable 不能区分的,难

7、以辨别的25.ineffectual 无效的,徒劳无益的 in vain,invalid26.instinct n. 本能 natural inborn tendency to do sth.Birds can fly by instinct. have an instinct for survival 有求生的本能相信你的直觉,嫁给他吧Trust your instincts and marry him.adj. instinctive an instinctive fear of fire 天生怕火本能的反应an instinctive reaction adv. instinctivel

8、y27.intrinsic 内在的;固有的28.lament v./n. lament for/over sb./sth.lament for a dead friend 哀悼亡友lament over ones misfortune 悲叹某人的不幸adj. lamentable 惋惜的,可悲的adv. lamentably 29.listless 无精打采的adj. lack of energy, enthusiasmShe was very listless after her illness. 她病后懒洋洋的。adv. listlessly n. listlessness30.matro

9、n 主妇31.medieval 中世纪的medievally 中世纪地32.mimic mimickedpicnic picnickedv./n./adj. 戏弄性模仿 copyTom mimicked his fathers voice and gestures very perfectly. 汤姆对他父亲的声音和姿态模仿的惟妙惟肖。模拟战争mimic warfare 33.momomaniacal 偏执狂的34.negativenegationnegate negate v. 否定的存在deny or disprove the existence of sb./sth. How can y

10、ou negate God?These facts negate your theory, all the traditional value. 35.patent n./v./adj. 专利,专利权,专利证书obtain a patent to protect an invention 申请专利apply for a patent专利局patent office专利权所有人 patentee36.perennial adj. 长久的,持久的lasting;反复出现的,多年生长的adv. perennially 37.preoccupy v. 占据某人的思想,使着迷Health worries

11、 preoccupied him for the whole holiday. 整个假期他都为健康问题担忧。adj. preoccupied 心事重重的,全神贯注的He seemed preoccupied all the time I was talking to him.我跟他谈话时,他总是心事重重。38.prodigious adj. great, gigantic, enormous, numerousa prodigious achievement 巨大的成就a prodigious amount of money 一笔巨款adv. prodigiously39.pronounced

12、 adj. 非常明显的very noticeable 明确的pronounced limp/accent adv. pronouncedly 40.ravish v. 使欣喜若狂,使着迷enchantI was ravished by her beauty.adj. ravishing adv. ravishingly a ravishing smile迷人的微笑41.refrigerator 电冰箱fridge42.repel v. 驱赶,驱逐 drive sth. away拒绝,排斥adj. repellent 令人反感厌恶的 = repulsive be repellent to43.r

13、etrench v. 节省,缩减开支reduce expensesretrench ones expenditure 减少花费n. retrenchment 44.simulate v. I. 假装pretend;simulate anger, joyII. 模仿,伪装adj. simulated 人造珠宝simulated jewels45.slender 苗条的 slim46. stink v./n. stink of sth. 发恶臭 = smell of sth. His hands smell/ stink of fish.47.stupidity 愚蠢,愚笨48.sullennes

14、s 闷闷不乐49.symptom n.症状sign of illnessThe demonstration is a symptom of discontent among the students. 这次示威表明学生当中有不满情绪。symptomatic adj. 症状的symptomatic of sth. Chest pain may be symptomatic of heart disease. 通货膨胀是经济衰退的征兆吗?Is inflation symptomatic of economic decline? 50.tidy 相当大的,相当多的51.transfigure v.

15、改变外表change the appearance Her face is transfigured by pain/happiness. n. transfiguration52.unawareness 不觉察,不注意53.unbearable 无法忍受的 bear: stand, endure, put up with, tolerate54.unenviable 不值得羡慕的55.universally 普遍地56.upkeep n. 维护,保养preserve, maintenance I cannot afford the upkeep of a large house and ga

16、rden. 57.vendor 小贩58.virtuous 有道德的,正直的59.wrinkle 皱纹二、TextThe one American industry unaffected by the general depression of trade is the beauty industry. American women continue to spend on their faces and bodies as much as they spent before the coming of the slumpabout three million pounds a week. T

17、hese facts and figures are “official”, and can be accepted as being substantially true. Reading them, I was only surprised by the comparative smallness of the sums expended. From the prodigious number of advertisements of aids to beauty contained in the American magazines, I had imagined that the pe

18、rsonal appearance business must stand high up among the champions of American industrythe equal, or only just less than the equal, of bootlegging and racketeering, movies and automobiles. Still, one hundred and fifty-six million pounds a year is a tidy sum. Rather more than twice the revenue of Indi

19、a, if I remember rightly.1.slump n./v.v.下跌What caused share values to slump?n.经济萧条depression, recession 2.substantially adv. 大量地,可观地greatly, considerably基本上,大体上essentiallyI do not know what the European figures are. Much smaller undoubtedly. Europe is poor, and a face can cost as much in upkeep as a

20、 Rolls-Royce. The most that the majority of European women can do is just to wash and hope for the best. Perhaps the soap will produce its loudly advertised effects; perhaps it will transform them into the likeness of those ravishing creatures who smile so rosily and creamily, so peachily and pearli

21、ly, from every hoarding. Perhaps, on the other hand, it may not. In any case, the more costly experiments in beautification are still as much beyond most European means as are high-powered motor-cars and electric refrigerators. Even in Europe, however, much more is now spent on beauty than was ever

22、spent in the past. Not quite so much more as in America, that is all. But, everywhere, the increase has been undoubtedly enormous. 3.transform sth. into 把转变为4.beyond ones means 超出某人的能力范围The fact is significant, to what is it due? In part, I suppose, to a general increase in prosperity. The rich have

23、 always cultivated their personal appearance. The diffusion of wealthsuch as it is now permits those of the poor who are less badly off than their fathers to do the same.But this is, clearly, not the whole story. The modern cult of beauty is not exclusively a function (in the mathematical sense) of

24、wealth. If it were, then the personal appearance industries would have been as hardly hit by the trade depression as any other business. But, as we have seen, they have not suffered. Women are retrenching on other things than their faces. The cult of beauty must therefore be symptomatic of changes t

25、hat have taken place outside the economic sphere. Of what changes? Of the changes, I suggest, in the status of women; of the changes in our attitude towards the merely physical.Women, it is obvious, are freer than in the past. Freer not only to perform the generally unenviable social functions hithe

26、rto reserved to the male, but also freer to exercise the more pleasing, feminine privilege of being attractive. They have the right, if not to be less virtuous than their grandmothers, at any rate to look less virtuous. The British Matron, not long since a creature of austere and even terrifying asp

27、ect, now does her best to achieve and perennially preserve the appearance of what her predecessor would have described as a Lost Woman. She often succeeds. But we are not shockedat any rate. Not morally shocked. Aesthetically shockedyes; we may sometimes be that. But morally, no. We concede that the

28、 Matron is morally justified in being preoccupied with her personal appearance. This concession depends on another of a more general naturea concession to the Body, with a large B, to the Manichaean principle of evil. For we have now come to admit that the body has its rights. And not only rightsdut

29、ies, actually duties. It has, for example, a duty to do the best it can for itself in the way of strength and beauty. Christian-ascetic ideas no longer trouble us. We demand justice for the body as well as for the soul. Hence, among other things, the fortunes made by face-cream manufacturers and beauty-specialists,

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