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1、广东省佛山市届高三教学质量检测一英语试题2014年佛山市普通高中高三教学质量检测(一)英语 2014.1本试卷共11页,满分135分,考试时间120分钟注意事项: 1、答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考号填写在答题卡上,用2B铅笔将答题卡试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡上,并在答题卡右上角的“试室号”和“座位号”栏填写试室号、座位号,将相应的试室号、座位号信息点涂黑。 2、选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案答在试题卷上无效。 3、非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答卷上各题目指定

2、区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4、考试结束后,将答卷和答题卡一并交回。I语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 In order to reduce cost, local school board officials are discussing whether or not to continue providing money for afte

3、r-school programs. 1 , there should be no discussion about whether or not to continue paying for them. After-school programs are 2 . In many cities, lots of 3 have jobs, and they work long hours. So whos taking care of the kids until Mom or Dad gets home? A major benefit of after-school programs is

4、4 . They keep children occupied, and 5 children usually stay out of trouble. Besides, after-school programs provide educational, cultural, and personal 6 . In terms of education, research has shown that students who participate in after-school programs have a better 7 , and as a result, they attend

5、class regularly, get better grades, and have a(n) 8 chance of graduating from high school. Also, after-school programs can 9 field trips to concerts, museums, and places that show the history of our city for 10 purposes. In after-school programs, young people may find out what theyre really 11 in an

6、d decide on a future career. While theyre doing a science project or preparing for a dance performance, students can develop their creativity and 12 skills. Many programs give students the chance to work together on a team. Sure, after-school programs cost money, but theyre worth every dollar. Besid

7、es, help is always 13 . Our school board can apply for funds(资金) from the government and ask for 14 from local business groups .Theres no good reason to 15 programs that benefit our children. 1. A. Especially B. Hopefully C. Actually D. Similarly2. A. fundamental B. useless C. convenient D. expensiv

8、e3. A. children B. officials C. students D. parents4.A. knowledge B. money C. safety D. happiness5.A.busy B. young C. lonely D .poor6. A. backgrounds B advantages C. abilities D. views7. A. attitude B. look C. future D. result8.A. slight B. equal C. increased D. unique9. A. suggest B. offer C. gain

9、D. evaluate10. A. musical B. historical C. professional D. cultural11. A. interested B. involved C. stuck D. included12. A. language B. research C. teamwork D. computer13. A. valuable B. available C. necessary D. legal14. A. permission B. employment C. information D. support15. A. bring B. expect C.

10、 develop D. reduce 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卷标号为1625的相应位置上。 Orville and Wilbur Wright were the two American brothers that invented the first airplane .They started out as bicycle repairmen. Soon, they became interested in different types of machines and began t

11、o learn 16 the machines worked. They observed birds flying 17 (get) ideas, as well as read about other inventors attempts to make aircraft. In 1900, the brothers completed their first design of a kite glider(滑翔机) and tested 18 in North Carolina. They tested kite gliders both with and without 19 pilo

12、t. Finally, in 1903, the first engine-powered Wright Flyer 20 (invent). The Wright Flyer I had a gas engine and wooden propellers(螺旋桨). After they 21 (continue) improved it upon earlier designs, the brothers successfully received a patent(专利) in 1906 22 their Flying Machine. Modern airplanes today a

13、re very different 23 the first Flying Machine. They fly faster, are much larger, and have television sets built in for passengers 24 (enjoy). Some planes have seats 25 lie flat to become beds and on the very newest planes, passengers can even use the Internet!II阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40

14、分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A My first wife and I only had one child. It might have been nice to have more. I would have liked a son, but we just had Carmen. I see her as my best friend. I think she always comes to me first if she has a problem. We have the same sense of humour and

15、share many interests, except that shes crazy about animals, obsessed with them-she has always had dogs, cats, and horses in her life. We were closest when she was about four, which I think is a wonderful age for a child. Thats when they need their parents most. But as soon as Carmen went to school,

16、she seemed to grow up and grow apart from her family, and any father finds it difficult with a teenage daughter. She was very moody and had an odd group of friends. There was an endless stream of strange young men coming to our house. I remember once got annoyed with her in front of her friends and

17、she didnt talk to me for days. Ive always wanted the best for her. We sent her to a good school, but she wasnt happy there. She left because she wanted to become an actress, so with my connections I got her into a drama school, but she didnt like that either. She worked for a while doing small roles

18、 in films, but she must have found it boring although she never really said why. She got married a few years ago, her husbands a vet. They must be happy because they work together, and she loves animals. We have the same tastes in books and music. When she was younger, I used to take her to the oper

19、a-thats my passion-but she cant have liked it very much because she hasnt come with me for years. I dont think she goes to the cinema or watches TV much. She might watch my films, but I dont know. Its not the kind of thing she talks to me about. Im very pleased to have Carmen. Shes a good daughter,

20、but I dont think she likes my new wife very much because she doesnt visit us very often. Im looking forward to being a grandfather one day. I hope shell have a son.26. Which is TRUE about the author according to the passage? A. He is disappointed with his first wife. B. His daughter treats him as he

21、r best friend. C. He and Carmen dont have much in common. D. He doesnt seem to be an animal lover.27. What does the author think of getting along with his daughter? A. Its easier for him to get along with her when she was 4. B. He couldnt take care of her after she went to school. C. He tried very h

22、ard to get along well with her friends. D. He once got very angry because she didnt talk to him.28. By saying wanted the best for her, the author means that_. A. he had done everything he could for Carmen B. he was sad when Carmen wasnt happy at school C. he never asked Carmen why she gave up drama

23、D. he was pleased that Carmen married her husband29. What can be inferred about the author and Carmen from Paragraph 5? A. They were both interested in books and music and opera. B. The author greatly influenced her daughters hobbies. C. The author was probably a famous TV presenter. D. The author d

24、idnt know much about Carmens hobbies. 30. According to the author, Carmen was_. A. grateful to her father B. quite lazy at school C. happy to get married D. eager to have a sonB If you hear the sound of a mobile phone beeping in a bag or pocket, you could be forgiven for thinking that someone has re

25、ceived a text message. But nowadays there are so many different ways of messaging someone that it could spell the death of the traditional text as we know it. Text messaging, or texting, is the art of sending a short, electronic message between two mobile phones or tablets(平板电脑) But in the last few

26、years, messaging in this manner has been on the decline. The rise of smartphones and tablets has seen an increase in the use of instant messaging apps(应用程序), which offer a cheap alternative to conventional texts. Using wireless internet connections or mobile data networks, people can send limitless

27、numbers of instant messages to their friends for very little cost. Unlike traditional mobile texts, the user usually only has to pay to download the app once, after which each message they send is free. Web developers soon got the message. Instant messaging apps have become popular all over the worl

28、d. WhatsApp in America and Europe, WeChat in China and KakaoTalk in South Korea are but a few which have attracted hundreds of millions of people, who use the apps to chat to their friends in real time. These apps allow people to send picture messages for free-something which previously was quite co

29、stly. Research firm Informa said that almost 19 billion messages were sent per day using chat apps in 2012, compared with 17.6 billion SMS(short message service) texts. And it expects the chat app market to grow t0 50 billion per day by 2014. So does this really mean the end for communication by tex

30、t? Pamela Clark-Dickson from Informa doesnt think so. She says that there are a considerable number of people who use normal mobile phones, particularly in developing countries, who prefer the SMS messaging tool: They dont have mobile data plans, so there is an awfully big base of mobile phone users

31、 who are still going to find that SMS is the best messaging experience for them for a while.31. When you hear a mobile phone beeping, it means that _. A. you will be forgiven for your mistakes B. someone has got a text message C. the traditional text has disappeared D. someone has got some kind of m

32、essage32. Why has text messaging been on the decline in recent years? A. Because sending text messages is an art. B. Because there are too many tablets nowadays. C. Because instant messaging is much cheaper. D. Because it doesnt need internet connections.33. What does the underlined part got the message probably mean? A. knew what people liked B. received instant messages C. became very popular D. used the apps to chat3

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