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1、detail (n) 细节 steal (v) 偷 (steal-stolestolen) 教学难点:1. 不规则动词的拼写,一般过去时的助动词did 的运用. 表示过去的时间短语 last, ago2. 独立完成自己的日记。课前导学:单词和短语:1._ 穿过,贯穿prep.2._偷,偷窃,盗窃罪n. 3._担心的,发愁的adj. 4._怎样解决,处理,应付5._ 遭到,遇到6._ 给更多的细节7._ 两位女游客8._ 递出东西,伸出手9._ 一件不同寻常的事情10._ 发生什么事了?11._抢某人东西12._拨(电话号码) v.13._ 报告一起盗窃案14._ 下车/船、飞机15._ 盯着看

2、;凝视16._ 在。中穿过17._ 害怕。18._ 匆匆上了船19._ 从。旁边走过20._挂断电话同义词互换:1.argue = _2.following = _3.happen (发生) = _补充词汇、短语、句型、知识点:1. Dealing with trouble 处理麻烦.本例中的deal with 意为“解决,处理,应付”。又如: How would you deal with this case? 你讲如何处理这个案件?2. Paul is writing about an unusual thing that happened to him one day.保罗正在写某天发生

3、在他身上的一件不同寻常的事情。( 1 )happen to 是“遭到,遇到”的意思。强调某人发生某种情况,尤指不幸的事。如:I hope nothing has happened to my friend.( 2 )one day 是指“(将来或过去的)”某一天。I am sure he will succeed one day or another.He dreamed of becoming a famous scientist one day.3. Two women tourists and a young man were shouting at each other.两位女游客和意

4、为男青年正在争吵。( 1 )women tourists 是woman tourist 的复数形式。我们可以用man 或woman 修饰另一个名词来说明该名词的性别,此时若要变成复数形式,须将man 或woman 与被修饰的名词一同变成复数形式。又如: There were only men drivers in Shanghai many years ago.( 2 ) shout at 意为“冲.嚷嚷,冲喊叫”;shout back at 是“冲.回嚷”的意思。 The mother is shouting at her son and the naughty boy is shoutin

5、g back at her.4. The man held out a bag , and showed everyone that it was empty.男青年双手递出一直包, 向周围的人展示它是空的。( 1 ) hold out是“递出东西,伸出手”的意思。Jill held out her glass to be refilled( 2 )拓展:动词hold的主要用法:1)握,持,抱,搂She held a baby in her arm.2) 保持Hold your hand up.3) 装,容纳The car can hold five people.4) 使发生,举行 The

6、meeting was held in the town hall.5) 持有 He holds a Swiss passport.5. Dad just smiled. 爸爸只是笑了笑。 ( 1 )just 是副词, 意为“只是,仅仅是”,如: He is just a child.副词just的主要用法:1) 多用于完成时态中,置于动词与助动词之间,意为“刚刚,刚才”,如:I have just finished my homework.2) 恰恰,正好(不用于否定句中,相当于exactly),如: Its just half past six.3) 相当于only, 意为“仅仅,只是”,

7、如: I was just five years old then.4) 用于祈使句中,以引起别人对某事的注意,有时也可以使语气婉转一些,意为“就,请”,如: Just listen to me.5) 与 just 相关的短语 just now 用于过去时, 意为“刚才”,即a moment ago. just as 正如,恰似 just then 就在那时 just the same 照样词性互换1.argue (n.) _ (n.)2.rob (v.) _ (n.)3.following (a.) _(v.)4.usual (a.) _ (反a.)5.hurry (v. / n.) _(a

8、.) (v. / n.) _ (n.) exercise:1.The babies are sleeping.Please leave the room_.(quiet)2.The _were arrested at last.(rob)3.Tom went to school in a _in order narot to be late again.(hurried)4.Mrs. Smith had an_ with her neighbour yesterday. (argue)阅读练习( A )Young people are often unhappy when th

9、ey are with their parents. They say that their parents dont understand them. They often think their parents are too strict with them, and they are never given a free hand. Parents often find it difficult to win their childrens trust and they seem to forget how they themselves felt when they were you

10、ng. For example, young people like to do things without much thinking. Its one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can deal with anything difficult. Older people more easily get worried. Most of them plan things ahead of time and dont like their plans to be changed.When you want y

11、our parents to let you do something, you will have better success if you ask before you really start doing it.Young people often make their parents angry about the clothes they wear, the music they enjoy and something else. But they dont mean to cause any trouble. They just feel that in this way the

12、y can be cut off from the old peoples world and they want to make a new culture of their own. And if their parents dont like their music or clothes or their manner of speech, the young people feel very unhappy.Sometimes you even dont want your parents to say, “Yes” to what you do. You just want to s

13、tay at home alone and do what you like.If you plan to control your life, youd better win your parents over and try to get them to understand you. If your parents see that you have a high sense of responsibility, they will certainly give you the right to do what you want to do.Choose the best answer:

14、6%( )1. Young people often feel unhappy when_.A.their parents dont trust them B. their parents forget them C. they dont live with their parents D. they stay with their parents( )2. Young people think their their childrens trust B. dont understand them C. give them a free hand D. do th

15、ings without much thinking( )3. Young people _.A. like to do things after much thinking B. can do lots of difficult things C. make their parents angry with what they do D. want their parents help them more often( )4. Old people _.A.Like to plan things ahead of time B. make their children angry C. of

16、ten change their plans D. never worry about anything( )5. From the passage you know that_.A.young people want to cause some trouble B.young people want to make a new culture of their parents C.parents like to let their children do what they like D.sometimes parents dont like their childrens manner o

17、f speech( )6. Young people often make their parents angry because of _.A. their clothes B. their speech C. their culture D. their plans (B)Has a doctor ever given you a note to _1_ the chemist for some medicine? Are you able to read the note easily? Some doctors write clearly, but most doctors do no

18、t. Chemists have more chances to read doctors notes but sometimes doctors write _2_ that even the chemist cant read them.One day a woman wrote to a doctor inviting him to have dinner at their house. The doctor wrote _3_, but he didnt write clearly and the woman couldnt read it.“What shall I do?” she

19、 said to her husband, “I dont know whether he is coming or not. I dont want to give him a telephone call and say that I cant read his writing.” Her husband thought a moment, and then he had an idea.She went to the _4_ shop and gave the doctors note to the chemist. The chemist looked at it very caref

20、ully. Then he said politely, “Could you wait a moment, madam?” He went to the back of the shop. After a moment he returned _5_ a large bottle. He gave the bottle to the lady and said, “Three times a day and one spoonful _6_.”Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage:7%( )1. A. bring fo

21、r B. bring to C. take for D. take to( )2. A. changes B. charge C. chances D. check - up( )3. A. such bad B. so bad C. such well D. so well( )4. A. an answer B. an information C. a telegram D. an envelop( )5. A. chemical B. chemistry C. chemists D. chemists( )6. A. carry B. carried C. carrying D. to

22、carry( )7. A. at a time B. at once C. on time D. in time ( C )Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(首字母填空): Do you keep your word?Keeping your word is very important. In this way, people around you will get along w_ with you. In order to make f_ and keep them, you have to keep yo

23、ur word. If you promise to meet someone at a certain time , you should be at the appointed (约定的) place at the appointed h_ . Of course there are times the unexpected happens and you cant do what you have p_ to do. Your friends will u_ this. A person who is always making excuse for breaking his word

24、will soon be known as undependable. Would you like to have an undependable person as one of your best friends? One way to avoid breaking your word is to be more careful about m_ promises. Dont have “Maybe” i_ your mind when you make promises about what you are going to go.( D)As I was leaving to mee

25、t Lynne, my roommate told me that Id better take some money, but I didnt listen to him. I thought that Lynne would pay because she had invited me.I arrived at the restaurant exactly on time. Id been told that Americans expect you to be on time. Lynne and I sat at a table in the corner of the restaur

26、ant and a waitress came and took our order.The dinner was a great success. I talked a lot about Saudi Arabia and Lynne told me all about herself. After two hours the waitress finally came and asked if we wanted one check (账单) or two. Lynne said two. We went to the cashier and Lynne paid her check. I

27、 was embarrassed when the cashier gave me my bill. I had no money to pay for my meal. Then I had an idea. I pretended to look for something in my pockets and said, “Oh! I forgot my money! Can I call my roommate, please?” The cashier showed me where the phone was and I quickly called my roommate. In

28、a few minutes he arrived with some money, but he couldnt hide how he felt. He laughed all the way home.Now, I think its funny, too, but at the time I was terribly embarrassed. I thought that an invitation to have dinner meant the same thing in the United States as in my country. I guess you have to understand that your customs are only your customs. When you visit a foreign country, you have to learn about their customs, too.Questions:1.What did the writers roommate advise him? _2.How was the dinner?3.What happened after the dinner? _4.How did he feel? _

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