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1、1) adj. 胆怯,怕 be afraid be afraid of sth./sb. be afraid of doing sth. be afraid to do sth.His sister is afraid of dogs.- - - - - him.Im afraid of getting up early.2) 紧张,恐怕 be afraid + 从句Im afraid (that) I will be late.Im afraid he cant do the work.6. have to do sth. 不得不做.(客观) must do sth. 必要做. (主观)Yo

2、u must be careful.Its raining. I have to stay at home.He has to finish the work before having supper.I dont have to finish the work today.They dont have to go far.have to do sth.dont /doesnt have to do sth. = neednt do sth.7. thinkI think we have to go up again.I dont think we have to go up again.I

3、think it is very big. 我以为它非常大.I dont think it is very big. 我以为它不是非常大.8. go on a triphave a tripgo for a tripgo on an outing9. plan sth.plan a class tripplan to do sth.plan to visit Sunny Garden10.方向north: northern adj. in the northern part of China1) n. in the north2) adj. in North China华北in North A

4、merica北美adv. travel north go north11. A地 +be +方位词+ of +B地 “A 地在B地方向” The hospital is north of my school.My home is south-west of the cinema. “A 在B方向”1) A地+ be + (to the) +方位词+ of + B地-in the -on the -Japan is (to the)east of China.Beijing is in the north of China.Yangzhou is on the north of Zhenjian

5、g.2) be (to the) north of 指在某一地区范畴之外北方 be on the north of 指在某一地区边界相接北方 be in the north of 指在某地区范畴之内北方 12. be far (away) frombe +距离+( away) fromaway adv. 离开,向远处1) A be far (away) from B (A距离B远)The school is far away from my home2)The school is 2 kilometres (away) from my home.= Its 2 kilometres from

6、the school to my home.(句中it指路程)注意:当浮现详细路程时不用far。对 2 kilometres 提问用特殊疑问词_.13. go to the zoo by bus=take the bus to the zoo (bus,train,plane,underground,taxi)ride a bike to the cinema= go to the cinema by bikewalk to the library= go to the library on footdrive to the supermarket= go to the supermarket

7、 by car get there by bus (here,there,home) how14. 不定代词anybody anythingsomebody somethingnobody nothingeverybody everything1)不定代词做主语,谓语动词三单2)不定代词+adj.He is looking for something cheap.Is there anything interesting in todays newspaper?15. straight1) adj. a straight road have straight hair2) adv. go/wa

8、lk straight on16. 1)祈使句+ and +将来时句子=条件状语从句条件 成果 Go straight on,and youll find the Panda House.= If you go straight on,youll find the Panda House.Turn right,and youll see a hotel. = _. Cross the road and youll see the museum.2)祈使句+ or +将来时句子=条件状语从句Hurry up,or youll be late for school.=If you dont hur

9、ry up,youll be late for school.17. all day long the whole day all year long all night long all month long18. along prep. go along the road (go down the road) walk alongrun alongon the roadin the street19. an animal/elephant/ear/eye20. remember sth. (反:forget) remember +从句remember doing sth.- to do s

10、th.I remember closing the door,but it is open.Remember to close the door when you leave the classroom.21. dangerous adj. 反:safe Its dangerous to cross the road when the traffic light is red.danger n. 反:safetybe in danger dangerously adv. 反:safely22. Never go near them. =Dont go near them.23. left 反:

11、right1) n. on the left/right - your - /-2) adj. on the left side of the road my right hand3) adv. turn left/right24. fun 1) (u)n. have fun Hed like to read something for fun. Reading is fun.2)adj. fun facts3) funny adj. be funny25. jump around show sb. around show sb. around sp. turn around26. make

12、people laugh make sb. do sth. make sb. +adj. laugh at sb. smile at sb.27. cross the bridge cross v. cross the bridge/the road/the street/ river across prep. cross the bridge = go across the bridge28. like1) v. 喜欢 like doing sth.2) prep. 像 be likelook likelive in tall buildings like this.Can

13、 you swim like a fish?I like the coat like yours.喜欢 像 Their large ears are like open fans. You are like your mother.29. visit 1)n. start their visit 2) v. visit your school visit your friend30. How was your trip to the zoo? Not bad.31. There are also birds,arent there? 反义疑问句32. 语法:不定冠词 a/an1)表达某人(某物

14、)某一种类 My father is a driver. Do you like an apple or a pear?2)表达某一事物中任何一种 A monkey can climb a tree.3)表达某人某物,但不详细阐明何人何物 A man is calling now.4)表达数量有“一”含义 There is a book on the desk.5)用于固定词组 half an hour a lot of定冠词1)特指某些人或某些物The man in the car is my father.2)指谈话双方都懂得人或物- Where is the hospital?-Over

15、 there.3)上文提过,下文重复I have a new pen. The pen is pink.4)世界上独一无二事物 the Sun , the Moon,the Earth5) 序数词前,表方位名词前,形容词最高档前the first,in the West, the best student6) 乐器名词前play the piano(钢琴)7) 在复数姓氏前,表达一家人the Blacks8)某些形容词前,表达一类人 the old ,the poor9)专有名词和习惯用语 the Great Wallin the morning不用冠词状况:1)节日、星期、月份、季节、年、学

16、科等 on Teachers Day on Sunday in March, in summer, in 1996, learn English2)某些专有名词,不可数名词,称呼,头衔前 in Grade Two Mum3)表达颜色,语种,国家 in purple, in China, speak English4)某些习惯用语中 at least at night by bus5) 在一日三餐,球类运动前 have breakfast play football6) 名词前已有作定语词:this/that/your/some/any等 go down this street7) 复数名词表一

17、类人或事 like reading books be afraid of dogs33. 方位介词Prepositions of placeabove,over,on “在上”1) above “在上方” (只着眼于相对高度,不一定在正上方) There is a picture above the desk.2) over “在正上方” (强调垂直上方) There is a light over the desk.3) on “在上面” (指与物体表面接触) above below (prep. 在下面) over underat,in at 常表达在小地方 at the bus stop

18、 at home in 侧重表达范畴 “在里” in Beijing in the townin front of “在前面” (外部) in the front of (内部) behind “在背面” There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom. There is a tree in front of the to,beside ,near “在旁边”between “在两者之间” among between mealsbetween Simon and me(宾格)in,insideoutside

19、反:inside outside the toy shop ( go outside adv.)inside/in the shop along 沿着 across 从一边到另一边 into 到里面34. on the football field in the field35. in the tree on the tree in the wall on the wall36. one the otherother:1) adj. the other student the other students2) pron. one .,the other.some.,the others.som

20、e., others.37. 1) past prep. walk past the house at half past seven 2) past n. in the pastpass v.1)pass the house2)pass sth. to sb.38. take the second turning on the right= turn right at the second turning take the first crossing on the left=turn left at the first crossing39. 问路几种方式:_ Can you tell m

21、e the way to? Can you tell me how to get to?Can you tell me how I can get to?Can you tell me which way is to?Can you tell me which is the way to?Where is ?How can I get to?40. corner n. in the corner 在室内角落里 at - - 在路拐角处 Can you see the ball in the corner of the room?Lets meet at the corner of the st

22、reet.41. traffic n. at the traffic lightsa traffic accidentThere is too much traffic on the road.42. invite v. invite sb to sp. invite her friends to her birthday party invite sb. to do sth. invite them to have dinner with us invitation n. an invitation letter43. start at 2 p.m. on Sunday,21 April44

23、. prepare v. preparation n. prepare plenty of food and drinks for us =get plenty of food and drinks ready for us prepare sth. for sb/sth. =get sth. ready for sb./sth. prepare to do sth. (get ready to do sth.) prepare for the meeting/a trip prepare the room for the meeting prepare to go out45. plenty

24、 of +(u)n./(c)n. 大量 (a lot of,lots of) There is plenty of time/ money/food/ paper on the table. There are plenty of books/applesin the bag. plenty of 惯用于必定句中 We dont have much time to read books.46. get out at Exit A an exit an entrance the exit to sp. the entrance to sp.47. be happy to sth. be glad

25、 to do sth.48. have a big dinner have dinner have breakfast have lunch have supper have a meal have three meals49. underground by underground= take the underground The students go to the Summer Palace by underground.= The students take the underground to the Summer Palace.50. arrive v. 到达 arrive in +大地点 arrive at +小地点= get to = reach I arrive at school at seven every day.= I get to school at seven every day.She will arrive in Nanjing.= She will get to Nanjing.get home=arrive home get to her home-When will your father arrive?-He will arrive next week.

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