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1、(job) 1.职位:(posting) pusti2.工作分析:(job analysis) nlsis3.工作说明:(job description) diskripn 4.工作规范:(job specification) spes ifikein 5.工作分析计划表:(job analysis schedule,JAS) edju:l6.职位分析问卷调查法:(Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ) 7.行政秘书:(executive secretary) 8.地区服务经理助理:(assistant district serv

2、ice manager) 四、人力资源计划:(Human Resource Planning,HRP) 1.战略规划:(strategic planning) 2.长期趋势:(long term trend) 3.要求预测:(requirement forecast) 4.供给预测:(availability forecast) 5.管理人力储备:(management inventory) 6.裁减:(downsizing) 7.人力资源信息系统:(Human Resource Information System,HRIS) 五、招聘:(recruitment) 1.员工申请表:(empl

3、oyee requisition) 2.招聘方法:(recruitment methods) 3.内部提升:(Promotion From Within ,PFW) 4.工作公告:(job posting) 5.广告:(advertising) 6.职业介绍所:(employment agency) 7.特殊事件:(special events) 8.实习:(internship) 六、选择:(selection) 1.选择率:(selection rate) 2.简历:(resume) 3.标准化:(standardization) 4.有效性:(validity) 5.客观性:(objec

4、tivity) 6.规范:(norm) 7.录用分数线:(cutoff score) 8.准确度:(aiming) 9.业务知识测试:(job knowledge tests) 10.求职面试:(employment interview) 11.非结构化面试:(unstructured interview) 12.结构化面试:(structured interview) 13.小组面试:(group interview) 14.职业兴趣测试:(vocational interest tests) 15.会议型面试:(board interview) 七、人力资源开发:(Human Resour

5、ce Development,HRD)1.培训:(training)2.开发:(development)3.定位:(orientation)4.训练:(coaching)5.辅导:(mentoring)6.经营管理策略:(business games)7.案例研究:(case study)8.会议方法:(conference method)9.角色扮演:(role playing)10.工作轮换:(job rotating)11.在职培训:(on-the-job training ,OJT)12.媒介:(media)八、企业文化:(corporate culture)1.组织发展:(organ

6、ization development,OD)2.调查反馈:(survey feedback)3.质量圈:(quality circles)4.目标管理:(management by objective,MBO)5.全面质量管理:(Total Quality Management,TQM)6.团队建设:(team building)九、职业:(career) profession1.职业计划:(career planning)2.职业道路:(career path)3.职业发展:(career development)4.自我评价:(self-assessment)5.职业动机:(career

7、 anchors)十、绩效评价:(Performance Appraisal,PA)1.小组评价:(group appraisal)2.业绩评定表:(rating scales method)3.关键事件法:(critical incident method)4.排列法:(ranking method)5.平行比较法:(paired comparison)6.硬性分布法:(forced distribution method)7.晕圈错误:(halo error)8.宽松:(leniency)9.严格:(strictness)10.360度反馈:(360-degree feedback)11.

8、叙述法:(essay method)12.集中趋势:(central tendency)十一、报酬:(compensation) reward;pay1.直接经济报酬:(direct financial compensation)2.间接经济报酬:(indirect financial compensation)3.非经济报酬:(no financial compensation)4.公平:(equity) 外部公平:(external equity)5.内部公平:(internal equity)6.员工公平:(employee equity)7.小组公平:(team equity)8.工资

9、水平领先者:(pay leaders)9.现行工资率:(going rate)10.工资水平居后者:(pay followers)11.劳动力市场:(labor market)12.工作评价:(job evaluation)13.排列法:14.分类法:(classification method)15.因素比较法:(factor comparison method)16.评分法:(point method)17.海氏指示图表个人能力分析法:(Hay Guide Chart-profile Method)18.工作定价:(job pricing)19.工资等级:(pay grade)20.工资曲

10、线:(wage curve)21.工资幅度:(pay range)十二、福利(间接经济补偿) welfare1.员工股权计划:(employee stock ownership plan,ESOP)2.值班津贴:(shift differential)3.奖金:(incentive compensation)4.分红制:(profit sharing)十三、 安全:(safety)频率:(frequency rate)3.紧张:(stress)4.角色冲突:(role conflict)5.催眠法:(hypnosis)6.酗酒:(alcoholism)十四、 工会

11、:(union)1.地方工会:(local union)2.行业工会:(craft union)3.产业工会:(industrial union)4.全国工会:(national union)5.谈判组:(bargaining union)6.劳资谈判:(collective bargaining)7.仲裁:(arbitration)8.罢工:(strike)9.内部员工关系:(internal employee relations)10.纪律:(discipline)11.纪律处分:(disciplinary action)12.申诉:(grievance)13.降职:(demotion)1

12、4.调动:(transfer)15.晋升:(promotion)一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship2. Career support3. Outsourcing4. Database5. Employee empowerment6. Goals7. Human resource information system (HRIS)8. Job rotation9. Learning organization10. Psychological contract11. 薪资调查12. 任务分析13. 招募14. 绩效管理15. 工作丰富化Answer:1. 学徒制

13、2. 职业支持 3. 外包 4. 数据库 5. 员工授权 6. 目标 7. 人力资源信息系统 8. 工作轮换 9. 学习型组织 10. 心理契约 11. Wage and salary survey 12. Task analysis 13. Recruitment14. Performance management 15. Job enrichment1. Centralization2. Assessment center3. Cultural shock4. Expatriate5. Hourly work6. Internship programs7. Job involvement8

14、. Management by objectives(MBO)9. Pay-policy line10. Self-appraisal11. 360度反馈12. 甄选13. 绩效评价14. 工作规范15. 间接成本1. 集权化 2. 评价中心3. 文化冲击 4. 外派雇员 5. 计时工资制 6. 实习计划 7. 工作认同 8. 目标管理 9. 工资政策线 10. 自我评估 11. 360-degree feedback 12. Selection 13. Performance appraisal 14. Job specification 15. Indirect costs1. Bonus

15、2. Compensable factors3. Delayering 4. Forecasting5. Gain sharing plans6. Job classification system7. Minimum wage8. Performance feedback9. Staffing tables10. Wage-rate compression11. 培训12. 即时奖金13. 工资结构14. 劳动力市场15. 精简1. 奖金 2. 报酬要素3. 扁平化 4. 预测5. 收益分享计划 6. 工作分类法 7. 最低工资 8. 绩效反馈 9. 人员配置表 10. 工资压缩 11. T

16、raining 12. Spot bonus 13. Pay structure 14. Labor market 15. Downsizing1. Work permit2. Strategic congruence3. Return on investment (ROI)4. Personnel selection5. Peer appraisal6. Mediation7. Job satisfaction8. Downward move9. Database10. Critical incident method11. 行动计划12. 职业13. 员工授权14. 人力资源信息系统15.

17、 关键工作1. 就业许可证 2. 战略一致性 3. 投资回报 4. 人员甄选 5. 同事评估 6. 调解 7. 工作满意度 8. 降级9. 数据库 10. 关键事件法 11. Action plan 12. Career 13. Employee empowerment 14. Human resource information system (HRIS) 15. Key jobs1. Assessment center2. Bonus3. Development planning system4. Expert systems5. Human capital6. Intraorganiza

18、tional bargaining7. Job evaluation8. Organizational analysis9. Peer appraisal10. Wage and salary survey11. 自我评估12. 产出13. 工作结构14. 计时工资制15. 集权化1. 评价中心 2. 奖金 3. 开发规划系统 4. 专家系统 5. 人力资本6. 组织内谈判 7. 工作评价 8. 组织分析9. 同事评估10. 薪资调查 11. Self-appraisal 12. Output 13. Job structure 14. Hourly work 15. Centralizati

19、on2. Career management system3. Cross-training4. Differential piece rate5. Employee leasing6. Human resources planning7. Job enrichment8. Management by objectives, MBO9. Outsourcing10. Reengineering11. 技能工资12. 利润分享13. 工作轮换14. 投入15. 数据库1. 学徒制2. 职业管理系统 3. 交叉培训 4. 差额计件工资 5. 员工租借 6. 人力资源计划7. 工作丰富化 8. 目标

20、管理 9. 外包 10. 流程再造 11. Skill-based pay 12. Profit sharing 13. Job rotation 14. Input 15. Database1. Behavior modeling3. Electronic performance support system (EPSS)4. Feedback5. Internship programs7. Mediation8. On-the-job training(OJT) 12. 津贴15. 职业支持1. 行为模拟 2. 报酬要素 3. 电子绩效支持系统 4. 反馈 5. 实习计划 6. 工作分类法

21、 7. 调解 8. 在职培训 9. 同事评估 10. 心理契约 11. Training 12. Perquisites 13. Job structure 14. Hourly work 15. Career support2. Competitive advantage3. Employee empowerment4. Formal education programs 5. Internal growth strategy6. Job progressions7. Management by objectives, MBO8. Performance feedback 9. Replac

22、ement charts10. Strategic congruence11. 网上培训12. 招募15. 奖金1. 学徒制 2. 竞争优势 3. 员工授权 4. 正规教育计划 5. 内部成长战略 6. 工作提升 7. 目标管理8. 绩效反馈 9. 替换表 10. 战略一致性 11. Web-based training 12. Recruitment 13. Pay structure 14. Labor market 15. Bonus1. Boycott2. Cultural environment3. Factor comparison system4. Job posting and

23、 bidding 5. Leaderless group discussion6. Outsourcing7. Point system8. Situational interview 9. Strategic human resource management (SHRM)10. Skill-based pay11. 任务分析12. 绩效管理13. 工作满意度14. 全球化15. 仲裁1. 联合抵制 2. 文化环境 3. 因素比较法 4. 工作张贴和申请 5. 无领导小组讨论法 6. 外包7. 积分法 8. 情景面试 9. 战略性人力资源管理 10. 技能工资11. Task analysi

24、s 12. Performance management 13. Job satisfaction 14. Globalization 15. Arbitrary1. Benchmarks2. Downward move3. Gain sharing plans4. Internal analysis 5. Job ranking system6. Merit guideline7. Peer appraisal8. Reengineering 9. Role ambiguity10. Team leader training12. 晋升13. 学习型组织14. 反馈1. 标杆 2. 降级 3. 收益分享计划 4. 内部分析 5. 工作重要性排序法 6. 绩效指南 7. 同事评估 8. 流程再造9. 角色模糊 10. 团队领导培训 11. Self-appraisal 12. Promotion 13. Learning organization14. Feedback 15. Bonus

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