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1、Hey, a-a toast. 敬个酒Thank you all for your support 谢谢你们在while we worked on our Air Force project. 我们做这个空军项目时给予的各种支持And please know that 希望你们明白we could not have done it without you, 我们的成功有你们的一份功劳so cheers. 干杯Cheers. 干杯You know, its nice of you to acknowledge us, 很感激你愿意答谢我们but this is your accomplishme

2、nt. 但这是属于你们的成就Yeah, you guys did this all on your own. 对啊 你们仨齐心协力把它完成了Without me. 三缺一To success without Raj. 敬抛下拉杰并获取成功一杯So what happens next? 那接下来呢Phase two, 第二阶段we test it, perfect it, 测试它 再完善它and hope to live long enough to see the movie 然后祈祷自己命长到足以based on our lives starring more attractive vers

3、ions of us. 看到由超帅气演员来扮演我们的传记电影Yeah, Ill definitely live long enough- 我肯定能活够久vitamin C. 维他命CFirst thing tomorrow morning, were back at it. 明早第一件事 就是我们仨继续开工Without me. 继续三缺一I hope his character doesnt make it into the movie; 希望他这个角色不会被写进电影里hes kind of a bummer. 太扫兴了Leonard Hofstadter. 莱纳德霍夫斯塔德Access g

4、ranted. 允许进入I dont care if this things burning out my retinas; 就算这玩意会烧掉我的视网膜也没关系it makes me feel special. 它让人家感觉好特别Now, before we field test, I think we. 在我们实地测试前 我们.What the hell? 什么鬼Where is everything? 东西都去哪了Who else has access to this room? 还有谁有进入许可s a secure lab in a classified facility; 这是机密建筑

5、里的安全实验室only the U.S. Government and us. 只有美国政府与我们才可进入This is very disconcerting. 好令人不安啊But the movie did just get good. 但我们的电影一下就精彩了起来Sir, I-I-Im sorry but I just dont get it. 长官 抱歉 但我就是想不明白Y-You came into our lab in the middle of the night 你大半夜跑进我们的实验室and took our prototype and all of our research

6、拿走我们的原型机与实验成果and didnt even tell us? 完全不知会我们一声吗Sounds like you get it. 听起来你已经想明白了啊Well, why would you do that? 你为什么要这么做You guys completed phase one, well take it from here. 你们完成了第一阶段 剩下我们来接手就行Where did you move it? 你把东西转移到哪里了I cant tell you that. 无可奉告Are you implementing phase two? 你要施行第二阶段计划吗Wait,

7、so youre just going to take all the work 所以你打算抢走我们weve done for the last year and toss us aside? 去年一整年的成果 然后把我们一脚踢开That one I can tell you, yes. 这个我能告诉你们 是的This is all very upsetting. 这好令人伤心啊Im sorry to hear that. 听到你伤心我也很遗憾As you know, the primary focus of the United States military 毕竟美国军方的主要焦点就放在i

8、s peoples feelings. 照顾人民情感上了If thats sarcasm, please save it for our enemies. 如果你是在讽刺 请留去讽刺我国的敌人Well, I may be moving out soon. 我可能很快就搬走了I think I found a place to live. 我找到地方住了Oh, Im sorry to hear that. 真不想听到你要搬走Really? 真心的吗You kept sending me apartment listings. 你一直给我发公寓租赁广告Um. well, I. 这个嘛 我.yeah

9、, you got me. 好吧 我无力反驳Where are you moving? 你要搬去哪里And when? But a-also where? 什么时候搬 还有搬去哪里Bert has a room for rent. 伯特有一间房出租So youre gonna be roommates with Bert? 所以你要跟伯特当室友吗Uh, no, its, uh, pretty private, actually, 不是 其实那房间挺私密的its over his garage. 在他的车库楼上So the only time Ill see him is when he pul

10、ls his car in, 所以我唯一会见到他的时间是他停车进来does his laundry or practices drums in my dining room. 洗衣服或在我餐厅练鼓的时候Well, good for you. 那挺好的I actually have a little news myself. 其实我也有个消息要分享Okay, were just gonna circle back to when hes moving out? 好吧 话题会回到他什么时候搬走吗Okay, thats cool. 算了 没关系I was, uh, asked to be a vis

11、iting researcher at Princeton. 我受邀赴普林斯顿大学任访问学者Hey, thats amazing. 太厉害了- Good for you. - Congratulations. -真棒 -恭喜你Thanks, but the thing is Ill be gone for a few months 谢谢 但问题是我得离开几个月and I dont know how Sheldons gonna feel about that. 我不知道谢尔顿会对此作何感想Oh, come on, hes a grown man, he can take care of him

12、self. 拜托 他是个成年人 完全可以照顾自己You really believe that? 你真的这么认为吗Once again, you got me. 我再次无力反驳How can you work on something for a year 你努力了一年的心血and they just take it? 他们怎么可以就这样夺走t believe the Air Force would treat us like that. 真不敢相信美国空军会这样对我们You know, I have a good mind to stop paying my taxes. 我很想从今天开始不

13、再交税s too bad I enjoy doing them so much. 我超享受计算税费的过程 可惜了The Air Force did it again. 美国空军又出手了Theyre erasing our lives! 他们要抹去我们的生活Third floor, wrong apartment. 这是三楼 走错公寓了Although, if anyones gonna clean out your apartment 不过如果有人要把你们公寓清空and disappear, itd be Penny. 然后消失 那人一定是佩妮She might disappear, 她可能会

14、消失but shes definitely not cleaning anything. 但要想她会清任何东西 那是不可能的s okay, everythings here. 没事 一切都在Oh, hey, whats going on? 发生什么事了You wont believe it; 说了你们也不会信the military confiscated our project. 军方没收了我们整个项目- What? - Youre kidding. -什么 -开玩笑吧Why would they do that? 他们为什么要这么做They wouldnt say. 无可奉告I feel

15、so betrayed. 我深深地觉得被背叛了You know, all my life I thought Uncle Sam was a friendly uncle 我此生一直以为山姆大叔美国政府是who brought you presents. 友好会送人礼物那种大叔Turns out hes the other kind. 结果他恰恰相反Sheldon, Im so sorry. 谢尔顿 真是太遗憾了Thank you. Can we just talk about something else? 多谢关心 我们能聊点别的吗Yeah, whats going on with you

16、 guys? 对啊 你们有什么消息要分享吗Give us some good news. 给我们来点好消息Amys got some news. 艾米有话说Yeah, um. 是的Raj is moving out. 拉杰要搬走了Oh, no. 不要啊When? 什么时候You doing okay? 你还好吧Not really. 不好Want me to put on some Neil Diamond? 用我给你放尼尔戴蒙德的歌吗 美国杰出老牌歌手That always makes you feel better. 你每次听了都会开心点No. 不用了Then youll get all

17、sexed up and Im not in the mood. 你听一听就会开始发情 而我现在没心情I mean, an entire year wasted. 整整一年都白费了You might be forgetting another accomplishment of the past year. 你或许忘记了去年你还有一项成就Yeah, yeah, we brought life into the world. 是是是 我们还将一个小生命带来人世 不是吧Thats the importance you put on us having a baby? 你就这么形容我们生孩子的重要性

18、吗m happy about it, but, I mean, its not like I did much. 我对此当然开心啊 但我又没怎么出力I mean, after the first three minutes 我是说 前三分钟过后it was pretty much all you. 剩下的都是你的功劳So, did you tell him about Princeton yet? 你跟他说了去普林斯顿大学的事了吗No, Im waiting till hes in a good mood. 还没 我想等他心情好时再说Oh, sweetie, you might not liv

19、e that long. 亲爱的 那你可能活不到那个时候t know, maybe I shouldnt go. 我不知道 或许我不该走Oh, stop it, hell be fine. 别闹了 他会没事的I guess. 应该吧And hell have you and Leonard 反正他还有你和莱纳德right across the hall the whole time. 你们就住在对门Oh, damn, wait, you know, maybe you shouldnt go. 糟糕 等等 或许你不该走Got to go. 挂了啊Morning. 早上好I apologize

20、for exceeding my allotted bathroom time. 我为占用超过分配好的如厕时间道歉Are you feeling okay? 你还好吗Apparently grief can make one less regular. 显然悲伤会影响人如厕的规律性m sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我也很难过No, I sat and I sat, but to no avail. 我坐在马桶上等了又等 但徒劳无功Oh, the-the more details, the more sorry. 细节越多 我越难过Well, maybe thisll ch

21、eer you up. 或许这个能让你开心一点I made your favorite oatmeal. 我做了你最喜欢的燕麦片plain. 什么都没加Whats the occasion? 今天是什么好日子啊No occasion, I just wanted to do something nice for you. 没什么 我只是想做点让你开心的事Youre so kind. 你人真好You know, I dont know how I ever got by without you. 真不知道认识你之前 我是怎么活过来的s sweet, but you. you did just f

22、ine on your own. 你嘴真甜 但你之前一个人也活得好好的Well, I thought that, too, 我本来也以为是这样but Ive come to realize, I am completely dependent on you. 但我逐渐意识到 我对你十分依赖Sheldon, youre, youre being silly. 谢尔顿 说什么傻话No, to wake up every morning and know youre there 不 每天早上醒来 知道你在身边is a great comfort to me. 我都感到很安心Mmm, tasteles

23、s. 寡淡无味How do you do it? 你手艺怎么那么巧You know, what you need to do is 你现在要做的就是put this Air Force project behind you 忘掉这个空军项目and just dive into something new. 把精力投入新的研究Well, there is our quantum cognition experiment. 倒是可以投入我们的量子认知试验You and I could spend more time on that. 我和你可以多花点时间在那上面Oh, I dont know, 我

24、说不好I mean, lets say we succeed in proving 就算我们成功证明了that our consciousness creates reality. 我们的意识创造现实I mean, what will we have really accomplished? 那也算不上什么伟大成就You know, a loaf of breads still three bucks. 一块面包还是卖三块钱啊m confused. 我不懂了re always saying that you want to spend more time with me. 是你总说希望有更多时

25、间和我相处That is true, I have said that. 对 我是这么说过Well, a lot, its very annoying. 你整天说 真的很烦Has something changed? 发生什么变化了吗Um, is there something that youre not telling me? 你是不是有事瞒着我I was offered a summer research fellowship at Princeton. 我得到了普林斯顿大学的夏季研究奖学金Princeton? 普林斯顿吗A fine institution. 很不错的大学The pla

26、ce where Albert Einstein taught. 阿尔伯特爱因斯坦教过书的地方And where Leonard got his PhD, 莱纳德也是在那里拿到博士学位so it may have gone downhill. 所以那学校可能没落了Yeah, thats the one. 对 就是那所Well, thats wonderful. 这是很棒的消息Congratulations. 恭喜你Well, I-I havent accepted it yet. 我还没接受I wanted to talk to you first. 我想先跟你商量一下Wh-What is t

27、here to talk about? 有什么好商量的You have to take it. Its important. 你必须接受 这很重要So are you. 你也很重要Thank you, but Ill be fine. 谢谢 但我不会有事的Are-are you sure? 你确定吗Yes. I may have lost my guidance system and my girlfriend, 是的 虽然我可能失去了导向系统和女友but I still have a colon full of yesterdays meals 但我结肠里还有昨天吃的食物to keep me company. 陪伴着我Although, thanks to your high-fiber breakfast, 不过 因为你做的高纤早餐m sure thatll be leaving me, too. 它们很快也要离我而去了 真的吗He doesnt put raisins or

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