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本文(人教版高中英语选修七第8讲Unit4 Sharing语法篇学生版方庄张晶.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教版高中英语选修七第8讲Unit4 Sharing语法篇学生版方庄张晶.docx

1、人教版高中英语选修七第8讲Unit4 Sharing语法篇学生版方庄张晶第8讲Sharing 语法篇_1.掌握定语从句的结构与功能;2.能够熟练选用合适的关系代词和关系副词。一. 概述:(1) 定语从句:在主从复合句中用作定语的从句叫定语从句。定语从句一般紧接在先行词(antecedent)后面。(2) 先行词:被定语从句修饰的成份。先行词可以为一个词,短语,或整个主句。(3) 引导定语从句的词叫关系词,分为关系代词和关系副词。关系词的作用:1) 引导定语从句,连接主句和从句,相当于一个连词;2) 必在从句中作某个句子成份(可以做主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语)常用的关系代词(在从句中作主语,宾

2、语): that, which, who, whom, as, whose(定语)常用的关系副词(在从句中只作状语): when、why、 whereThe student who answered the question was John. I know the reason why he was so angry.The boy (whom) you are talking to is my brother. Id like a room whose window looks out over the sea. 定语从句三步:第一找出先行词;第二看先行词在定语从句中的语法功能(做主语、宾

3、语或状语);第三选择合适的关系词。二. 几个关系代词的基本用法:that: 可指人或物;在定语从句中作主语,宾语,表语。(指人时,相当于who或 whom;指物时,相当于which)(一般不用于非限制性定语从句; 不可置于介词后作宾语) 如:Do you know the gentleman that/who spoke just now?You can take anything (that) you like. What is the question (that/which) they are talking about?Here is the man (who/whom/that) y

4、ou want to see.Shes no longer the girl (that) she used to be before.which: 指物;在定语从句中作主语,宾语,表语,定语。如:The book which/that was on the desk was bought by my father.The book (which/that) I bought yesterday is very interesting.The factory in which his father works is far from here.who, whom, whose:who: 主格,

5、 在从句中作主语,在口语或非正式用法中作宾语; 只可指人whom: 宾格,在从句中作宾语; 只可指人whose: 属格,在从句中作定语,可指人也可指物。I like the students who/that work hard. All who heard the story were amazed. (代词如he, they, any, those, all, one等后多用who.)Hes a man from whom we should learn. = Hes a man (whom/who/that) we should learn from.A child whose pare

6、nts are dead is called an orphan.Id like a room whose window faces south. =Id like a room of which the window faces south. =Id like a room the window of which faces south.关系代词作介词宾语:(介词+ whom / which)关系代词在定语从句中用作介词宾语时, 介词可放于从句之首, 也可放于从句之末. 但以放于句首较为正式.(介词前置,必须注意不影响动词词组的含义。)This is the book for which y

7、ou asked. =This is the book (that/which) you asked for.Do you know the person with whom I shook hands?= Do you know the person (whom/who/that) I shook hands with?Is this the factory to which you paid a visit last week?Is this factory the one to which you paid a visit last week? This is the girl whom

8、 they are looking after. (介词after与look构成固定词组,不可前置。look at, look for, look after, take care of等)三. 几个易混淆的关系代词的比较:(A)that & which:在定语从句中,which 和that 在指代事物时,一般可以互换使用,但并非在任何情况下都是这样。1. 宜用that, 而不宜用which 的情况.先行词为不定代词,all, much, something, everything, anything, nothing, none, the one等, We should do all tha

9、t is useful to the people.Theres nothing that can be said about it.Do you mean the one that was bought yesterday?先行词被only, any, few, little, no, just, very, one of等词修饰时。The only thing that we could do was to wait.Thats the very word that is wrongly used.The last place (that) we visited was the chemi

10、cal works.比较 *This is one of the best novels that were published last year.*This is the only one of the best novels that was published last year.先行词是序数词时或被序数词修饰时。When we talk about Wuxi, the first that comes into mind is Tai Lake.This is the third film that has been shown in our school this term.先行词

11、是最高级或被最高级修饰时。This is the best that can be done now.The most important thing that should be done right now is how to stop him from going on.先行词既有人又有物,用which和who都不适合,这时宜用that. 如:The writer and his novel that you have just talked about is really well known.The rider and his bike that had run over an ol

12、d woman were held up by the police.被修饰词为数词时. 1. Yesterday I caught two fish and put them in a basin of water .Now you can see the two that are still alive.如果有两个从句,其中一个关系代词已用which ,另一个关系代词宜用that,以避免语言的单调或重复。Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.疑问词是who或which,

13、关系代词宜用that,以避免重复。Which is the book that you like best?Who is the man that is standing at the gate?主句是There be 结构,修饰其主句的定语从句宜用that 作关系代词. 如:There is still a seat in the corner that is still free.被修饰成分为表语时,或者关系代词本身是定语从句的表语时,该关系代词宜用that. Thats a good book that will help you a lot.My home village is no

14、longer the place (that) it used to be.2. 定语从句中宜用which而不宜用that 的情况:当关系代词的前面有介词时. A zoo is a park in which many kinds of animals are kept for exhibition.Is this the room in which Mr. White lives?在非限制性定语从句中. Crusoes dog, which was are now very old, became ill and died.More and more people are beginning

15、 to learn English, which is becoming popular in our country. (which指代主句)在一个句子中有两个定语从句,其中一个定语从句的关系代词用了that, 另一个宜用which . Let me show you the novel that I borrowed from the library which was newly open to us. 当关系代词后面带有插入语时. Heres the English grammar which, as I have told you, will help improve your English.先行词本身是that, 宜用which . Whats that which she is looking at?先行词是those+复数名词. A shop should

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