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七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing things词汇与语法基础训练 新版牛津版Word格式文档下载.docx

1、search vt.&vi.搜查,搜寻,搜索himself pron. 他自己weak adj. 虚弱的,无力的miaow vi.(猫叫声)喵pick vt. 拾起surprised adj. 吃惊的,惊讶的later adv. 随后,后来somebody pron. 某人, 有人ago adv. 以前centimetre n. (=cm)厘米,公分 =centimeterdodo n. 渡渡鸟snake n. 蛇camel n. 骆驼ant n. 蚂蚁little pron.&det.不多的,少数的dry adj. 干的;干燥的without prep. 没有chalk n. 粉笔sandw

2、ich n. 三明治by prep. 不迟于,在之前use n. 使用,利用;用途per prep. 每,每一inch n. 英寸二、重点词汇1. amazing adjective /me.z/extremely surprising令人惊诧的,惊人的;令人惊喜的例句: The amazing thing is that it was kept secret for so long. 令人诧异的是,这件事竟然保密了那么长时间。This stain remover really works - its amazing!这种去污剂很有效真想不到!2. reply verb & noun. /rp

3、la/v.1). to answer回答;回复;答复I try to reply to letters the day I receive them. 我尽量在收到信的当天就回信。2). to react to an action by someone else作出反应;回应She replied to the threats by going to the police. 她受到威胁后便去报了警。 answerI asked why, but he made/gave no reply. 我问为什么,但是他没有回答。3. wonder verb & noun. /wn.dr/1).

4、to ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about something疑惑;想知道Hes starting to wonder whether he did the right thing in accepting this job. 他现在开始怀疑自己接受这份工作是否正确。2). used in phrases, at the beginning of a request, to make it more formal and polite(用于短语中,使某一请求更加正式和礼貌)不知能否I wonder if you could

5、 give me some information about places to visit in the area?不知你能否给我提供一些这个地区可供游玩的地方的情况。1). a feeling of great surprise and admiration caused by seeing or experiencing something that is strange and new惊讶;惊叹The boys gazed in wonder at the shiny red Ferrari. 男孩子们惊讶地盯着那辆锃亮的红色法拉利跑车。2). an object that caus

6、es a feeling of great surprise and admiration奇观;奇迹;奇事We spent a week visiting the wonders of Ancient Greek civilization. 我们花了一周时间游览古希腊文明的奇观。4. without preposition & adverb /wat/not having or doing something, or lacking something没有;无;缺少I left without my umbrella. 我没有带伞就出来了。He went without my knowledg

7、e. 他没有让我知道就去了。You shouldnt drive for more than three hours without taking a break. 你不该连续开车3个多小时而不休息。5. strange adjective /strend/1). unusual and unexpected, or difficult to understand不寻常的;奇怪的;不可思议的I had a strange feeling that wed met before. 有个奇怪的感觉,觉得我们以前见过面。2). not known or familiar陌生的,不熟悉的With so

8、 many strange faces around her, the baby started to cry. 看到周围有这么多的陌生面孔,婴儿开始哭了起来。三、必背短语as usual 照例,像往常一样 sit down 坐下turn around 转身;(使)翻转 say to oneself 自言自语pick up 拿起,举起 run away 逃离,跑开the day before yesterday 前天 be afraid of 害怕not any more 再也不,不再 hear of 听说,知道the other day 那天, 前几天 at the same time 同时

9、all over the world 遍及全世界 at least 至少ask for 请求;要 stop doing something 停止做某事on someones way 在路上 on the way 在路上四、经典句型1. Fish sleep with their eyes open.鱼睁着眼睛睡觉。2. Our eyes are the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.我们的眼睛从生下来就没有变过,但我们的鼻子和耳朵从没有停止过生长。3. The Sun is over 1,300,0

10、00 times larger than the Earth.太阳的体积是地球的约130万倍。4. Isnt that amazing?是不是很神奇啊?5. They turned around but saw nothing.他们转过身但是什么也没看见。6. Now I am not afraid of animals any more.现在我再也不害怕动物了。三点剖析一、考点一般过去时的基本用法和动词过去式的构成1. 一般过去时的基本用法1). 过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。常与表示过去时间的状语yesterday, last night, an hour ago, just now,

11、in 2006等连用。He went to the theatre last night. 昨天晚上他去了剧院。2). 过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。常与always,often等连用。He always played basketball with his friends when he was a child.当他小的时候经常和朋友们一起打篮球。2. 动词过去式的构成动词过去式变化规则:1). 一般情况下,直接在结尾加-ed. Eg.: cook - cooked2). 以e字母结尾的动词,加-d. Eg.: taste - tasted3). 以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,把y变i加ed.

12、 Eg.: study - studied4). “辅元辅”结构的动词,双写尾辅音字母加-ed. Eg.: stop - stopped5). 常见 不规则动词过去式:am, is-was, are-were, do-did, see-saw, say-said, give-gave, get-got, go-went, come-came, have-had, eat-ate, take-took, run-ran, sing-sang, put-put, make-made, read-read, write-wrote, draw-drew, drink-drank, fly-flew,

13、 ride-rode, speak-spoke, sweep-swept, swim-swam, sit-sat, think-thought二、易错点1. hear, listen与sound1). hear动词,表示“听见;听到”,但不一定是有意识地听,强调听的结果。Can you hear what he said? 你能听见他说的话吗?2). listen表示有意识地听,仔细听,但不一定听到什么,强调听的动作。可以单独使用,以提醒对方的注意;若跟宾语时需要在listen 后加介词to。She listened but heard nothing. 她听了听,可什么也没听见。Listen

14、 to the teacher carefully in class. 在课上认真听老师讲课。3). sound意为“听起来”,常作系动词,后面常跟形容词或like 短语。That sounds like a good plan. 那听起来像是个好计划。That sounds great. 那听起来好极了。2. few, a few, little, a little修饰可数名词修饰不可数名词含义fewlittle否定含义,几乎没有a fewa little肯定含义,还有一些He has a few friends. 他有几个朋友。He has few friends. 他几乎没有朋友。We

15、still have a little time. 我们还有点时间。There is little time left. 几乎没剩下什么时间了。题模精选题模一:Unit 5 词汇应用例1.1.1 - Do you like the songs by Taylor?- Yes. Country music _ nice and full of feelings.A soundsB listensC hearsD looks例1.1.2 根据句意及首字母或中文提示写出单词。1). The little girl is a_ to go out alone at night.2). We are h

16、aving an important meeting._ (突然), a fat woman comes in and shouts at us.3). I hope _ (每件事) goes well.题模二:一般过去时例1.2.1 - When _ you _ here?-Two days ago.A did; comeB have;C will;D do;例1.2.2 翻译句子。1). 一个月前,他么去了奇趣世界博物馆。_2). 你们再回家的路上还看到了什么其他的?随堂练习随练1.1 Its said that _ 11-year-old girl saw _ UFO yesterday

17、.A an; anB a;C an; aD a;随练1.2 We are all tired. Lets _ a rest.A to stop havingB stop havingC to stop to haveD stop to have随练1.3 I went to the door and _, but I didnt _ the sound of the knock.A heard; listenB listened; hearC heard; listen toD listened to;随练1.4 Amy gets up early now. She is _ late for

18、 school _.A no; any moreB not; any moneyC any; no moreD any; not more随练1.5 根据句意及首字母或中文提示写出单词。1. How many _ (骨头) are there in a mans body?2. .My brother went to school w_ breakfast. So he is very hungry now.3. You should listen to your teachers c_ in class.4. -Do you feel afraid when you see _ (蛇)?-N

19、o, I like them.5. How _ (奇怪的) the cat is! It has only three legs.6. Our teachers usually use _ to write words on the blackboard.7. -Yesterday was Sunday. What day was the day _ yesterday?-It was Saturday.8. We all know a meter has 100 _.9. -Did you see _ (渡渡鸟)once, Dale?-No, I didnt.10. -What h_ her

20、e yesterday?-Sorry, I dont know.随练1.6 What a surprise to see you here! When _ you _ back?A do; getB did;C have; gotD will;自我总结课后作业作业1 -There are some things on the floor. Will you _, Jack?-OK, Mrs. Wang.A pick them upB pick it upC pick up themD pick up it作业2 -What did the students see in the park?-T

21、hey turned _ but could not see _.A around; nothingB round;C around; anythingD round; something作业3 The old man is _ to hear about the _ story in todays newspaper.A surprised; surprisedB surprised; surprisingC surprising;D surprising;作业4 Rose finished her study in the university and went to _ a good j

22、ob.A take afterB look afterC care forD search for作业5 -I met my aunt _ yesterday.-You must be very happy to see each other.A on my way homeB on my way to homeC in my way homeD in my way to home作业6 翻译句子。1. 蚂蚁的嗅觉很灵敏。2. 长颈鹿的长脖子中只有七块骨头。3. 骆驼住在很干燥的地方。4. 那天我在公园看到一条蛇,我再也不去那儿了。5. 感谢你的帮助,现在我知道应该保持房间清洁了。6. 昨天他

23、看了电视,了解了更多关于月球的事。答案解析例1.1.1【答案】A【解析】 考查系动词辨析,句意:你喜欢泰勒唱的歌吗?是的。乡村音乐听起来很优美,充满了感情。sound“听起来”;listen“听”;hear“听到”;look“看起来”。根据题意可知故选A。例1.1.2【答案】 1). afraid2). Suddenly3). everything【解析】 考查本课词汇的应用,需注意联系语境、时态、人称的数及名词的单复数。例1.2.1【解析】 考查动词时态,根据Two days ago可知问句问的是过去发生的动作,须用一般过去时态,故选A。例1.2.2【答案】 1). A month ago,

24、 they went to the Fun World Museum.2). What else did you see on your way home?【解析】 考查本课语法的应用,需注意联系语境、时态、人称的数及名词的单复数。随练1.1【答案】C【解析】 考查冠词,句意:据说一个11岁女孩昨天看到了一个不明飞行物。第一空11-year-old以元音因素开头,不定冠词用an;第二空UFO 以辅音音素开头,不定冠词用a。故选C。随练1.2【答案】D【解析】 考查固定搭配,句意:我们都累了,咱们停下来休息一下根据let sth.“让某人做某事”排除A 和C;stop doing sth.停止做某事;stop to do sth.停下来去做某事。故选D。随练1.3【答案】B【解析】 考查动词及词组辨析,句意:我走到门口去听,但我没有听到敲门声。listen“听”,强调听的过程;hear“听见”,强调听的结果;listen to“听”,后要接宾语。故选B。随练1.4Amy 现在起床早了,她上学不再迟到了。notany more“不再”。随练1.5【答案】 1. bones2. without3. carefully4. snakes5. strange6. chalks7. before8. centimeters9. dodos10. happened

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