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国际品牌酒店 FBBQT SOPWord格式文档下载.docx

1、(Set up can differ per hotel, some hotel use mobile bar or glass tables, need to adjust according to individual hotel standards)摆好酒水台并围好台裙。酒水台的大、小和数量要根据活动的需要来决定。如有多少客人,酒水的品种和数量等。(每家酒店的布置都会不一样,一些酒店会使用可移动的酒水台或者玻璃台,可根据自己酒店的需要来做调整)Table must be in good condition and balanced.桌子要完好无损并平稳Table cloth and sk

2、irting must be well pressed without any stain and holes.台布和台裙要熨烫整齐并无污点和破损2)Set glassware on table在酒水台上摆放杯具 Set glassware according to the types of beverage ordered.根据酒水单的要求摆放好不同种类的杯具All glassware must be polished, free of spots and no chips.所有的杯具必须擦拭干净,不得有污点和破损3)Set liquors烈性酒的摆放Arrange the liquor i

3、n descending order in term of bottle height with the tallest bottle in the middle.摆放烈性酒的时候酒瓶要按照高、矮顺序排列,高的酒瓶要摆放在中间All bottles must be full.所有的酒瓶必须是未开封和满的All bottles must be clean without any stain.所有酒瓶必须是干净和无污点的4)Set condiments and others酒水辅助用品和其它用品的摆放Arrange ice cubes, lemon, straws, stirrer, etc.摆放

4、冰块,柠檬片,吸管,搅拌勺等Ensure beverage service trays are clean, sufficient, in good condition and ready for use.确保有充足、干净和状态良好的酒水服务托盘来使用CONDUCTING AND ATTENDING STAFF BRIEFINGS建立并主导员工班前会1)Line up the staff集合员工Staff to sand straight in one straight line.员工应整齐地站成一排2)Check grooming检查仪容、仪表Check grooming of the st

5、aff at the same time.检查员工的仪容、仪表在员工集合的时候Check:检查:Hair头发Nails指甲Uniform制服Shoes鞋Body odor体味3)Do the briefing开班前会To conduct pre-service briefing on:Number of guests for the event宴会客人的人数Meal type set menu/buffet宴会的类型桌餐/自助餐Service type服务类型Station & job responsibilities allocation per staff每位员工的职责和工作岗位的分配VI

6、Ps介绍宴会的贵宾Any other information the staff need to know to fulfill guests requests or to give to good service任何能够满足客人要求和提高服务的其它信息1)Time时间Attend the pre-service briefing at the time indicated on the white board.在每一次班前会的时候都要将宴会摘要写在白板上2)What to take什么道具Be sure to take a pen and notebook, which is require

7、d for you to possess throughout the course of the service period.确保有笔记本和笔,那些在服务过程中你的必需工具3)Things to Write Down需要写下来的事情1.Listen attentively to the following sequence of events:留意以下的有关宴会进展的事宜:name of function活动名称number of guests客人人数Timing时间pre-dinner drink requirements每次宴会酒水的要求meal to be served餐间服务dri

8、nks served during meal餐间酒水服务speech times演说时间Other work to be completed during shift其它的在宴会期间需要完成的工作NOTE: Timings can sometimes change during the function; therefore it is absolutely essential that all staff check the white board throughout the function.注意:时间在宴会期间会有变化,因此要让员工在整个宴会期间能够在白板上看到宴会的摘要CHECKIN

9、G THE BUFFET自助餐检查1)Check the buffet table检查自助餐台Check the number of buffet tables against guest attendance.根据客人出席自助餐的人数核对构成自助餐台的桌子数量和尺寸Check the access to the different station and is there enough space around it for the guests to move around.核对自助餐台周围的通道并确保有足够的空间供客人走动2)Decoration / appeal装饰/展示s the b

10、uffet themed according to the event order自助餐的主题要根据宴会单的要求来制定Does the buffet have a appealing look让自助餐看上去很好看Does it look attractive让自助餐看上去很吸引人Is the decoration clean, free of stains and in general good condition所有的装饰品要干净、整洁、有好的状态3)Check the food items检查食品的陈列、布置Hot food hot & Cold food cold?热菜要热、凉菜要冷Ch

11、eck the distribution of food items over the different stations/buffets.核对不同种类的食品是否放置合理并在适当的食品台和自助餐台上Check the food presentation; colour, fresh look, final food decoration, etc.检查食品的陈列,颜色,看上去是否新鲜和食品最后的装饰4)Check chinaware and cutleries检查餐具和瓷器Check the quantity of all chinaware and serving cutleries ac

12、cording to the attendance.按照自助餐出席的人数来核对所有的瓷器和服务餐具Make sure all chinaware and cutleries are free of spots.确保所有的瓷器和餐具不会有污渍Are there sufficient chinaware stations and easyaccessible for the guests.要有易于客人取用的足够摆放瓷器的地方5)Check the bar检查酒水台Enough beverages to be offered for the gusts.提供足够的酒水给客人Enough glassw

13、are to be served.准备好足够的杯具All glassware must be free of spots and no crack.所有的杯具要无污渍和裂痕Bar tender on stand by / beverage service trays酒水员要在岗/酒水服务托盘6)The following can be taken into consideration:以下的顺序需要考虑Liaise with chef to check buffet for standards:与厨师长一起用标准来检查自助餐:Number of buffet tables against at

14、tendance.自助餐桌子的数量根据用餐人数来定Distribution of food items.食品的陈列Sequence of food食品的顺序According the event order to check the items of the food set up.对照宴会单来核对食品的品种REFRESHING A FUNCTION ROOM会议厅翻台Standard标准Rooms will be refreshed at every luncheon and coffee break.会议室翻台要在每一次午餐和茶歇的时候1)Check with the organizer同

15、联系人一起检查When the meeting is stopped for a break or lunch, ask the organizer if it is ok to reset the room during the break.当会议停下来在休息或者午餐的时候,征询联系人是否可以在这期间进行重新布置Say with a smile and pleasant voice: “Excuse me sir/madam or Mr. / Mrs. XXX, would it be suitable for us to refresh your meeting room now?”以温和

16、的声音并带着微笑说“对不起先生/小姐或者某某先生/某某太太,现在可以对您的会议室翻台了吗?”If no, leave the room as is and check again during the next break. If yes, continue below.如果不行,离开会议室然后重复该步骤在下一次休息的时候.如果可以,就继续下面的步骤2)Check and clean the room检查和清洁会议室Empty the waste baskets清空废纸篓Remove the ashtrays and replace them with fresh ones.更换烟灰缸Put

17、the fresh water in the water pitches / replace bottle.在水瓶中加入新鲜开水/更换瓶装水Upon the guest leaving the room for their break, collect used glassware and stack neatly onto trolley. Glassware is only changed during a lunch break.在客人离开会议室去休息的时候,Replace sweets.补充糖果Move chairs so that they are perfectly straigh

18、t.整理整齐椅子Set the fresh glasses on the tables.摆上干净的新杯子Pick up any excess paper on the tables or floor.收拾在桌上和地上的无用的纸Take out any finished food items.拿走所有吃过的食品Remove any obvious rubbish from the guests tables. Replace any damaged coasters.拿走所有客人桌上看得见的垃圾.更换有破损的杯垫Reset coffee station in room with sufficie

19、nt cups for afternoon catering.整理会议室里的咖啡台并准备足够的咖啡杯为下午的安排做好准备3)Refill condiments补充辅助用品Refill stationery box or replace with fresh one.补充文具盒或者更换新的Refill flip chart papers.补充夹纸板的纸Refill makers of required.补充必需的油性水笔4)Check organizer同联系人核对Use this moment to check with the organizer if the function is sat

20、isfying.利用这段时间同联系人核对是否对活动满意 “Excuse me sir/madam or Mr. / Mrs. XXX, is everything to your satisfaction?以温和的声音并带着微笑说“对不起先生/女士或者某某先生/某某太太,活动的一切让您满意吗?SET UP FOR A WESTERN MEAL西式摆台1)Establish the correct location of the table餐桌摆放要合理Ensure the location of the table is right.确保餐桌要有正确的位置Set the chairs arou

21、nd the table according the number of guests.按照客人的人数布置餐椅Make sure the table top is clean and free of water spots.确保餐桌桌面是干净和没有水渍的2)Lay the table cloth铺台布Position the table clothes according to standard use the chair as guidance.铺桌布按照椅子摆放的标准来定位Do not touch the table cloth unnecessarily and ensure the m

22、iddle fold is in the middle of the table.不要过多地触摸台布同时要确保台布的中缝要在餐桌的正中 Should you have to use two table cloth to cover the table, ensure the edge of the upper cloth is folded inwards and in the middle of the table.在餐桌上使用两层桌布,确保桌布上面的边缘线缝是向内折叠的,在餐桌的中部3)Set equipment布置用具According to the amount of the cove

23、rs on the table set:桌面布置按照餐位总数来:1.Salt & pepper shakers盐盅&胡椒盅2.Ashtray and matches烟缸和火材3.One flower arrangement鲜花一盆Make sure it is in easy reach of the customer.确保这些是客人可以很容易拿到的Place napkin, use this as guidance for the rest of the setting. Napkins must be clean, pressed and folded into a napkin fold

24、.餐巾定位,以餐巾的摆放来为其它的布置定位.餐巾一定要干净,熨烫齐整的并且餐巾的边缘线缝向内的Place dinner knives on right hand side of the covers:摆放正餐刀在餐位的右手边:1.Blade face in刀锋向内2.Straight摆放笔直3.One thumb from edge of table和桌边有一根拇指的距离Place dinner fork on left hand side of cover:摆放正餐叉在餐位的左手边1.Straight 笔直摆放2.One thumb from edge of table和桌边有一根拇指的距离

25、Allow enough space between fork and knife to be able to place a dinner place 30cm. 在正餐刀和正餐叉的中间要留大约30CM的空间摆放正餐盘4)Hold the cutlery by the handle; make sure no fingerprints are on the blades拿餐具的时候要拿柄,确保没有手指印在刀刃上Place the butter plate on the left side of the cover and the dinner fork 6cm from edge of ta

26、ble.黄油盘在餐位的左边,正餐刀距离桌边6CM Place the butter knife on the plate.黄油刀在黄油盘上5)Set glassware摆放杯具Place the white wine glass at the tip of knife, set the red wine glass above the white wine glass, left top corner and place the water goblet / glass on the right top. All three glasses together should form a tri

27、angle.白葡萄酒杯摆放在正餐刀的顶端,红葡萄酒杯些许超过白葡萄酒杯摆放在它的左边一点,水杯摆放在红葡萄酒杯右边上面。这三中杯子摆放在一起成三角型Make sure the glasses are polish and clean.确保所有杯具是干净和铮亮的CHECKING A FUNCTION ROOM检查活动房间1)Get the event order拿到宴会单Event orders to be collected by the clerk form the catering office every day.每天从宴会销售办公室收集宴会单并装订成册Request the lates

28、t update from the catering sales on the function要求宴会销售部提供最新的活动更新Study event order, so you fully understand the guests requirements研究宴会单,这样你会全面了解客人的需求2)Set up of the room活动房间布置Walk around table, look at the set-up and look at the skirting, tables, glasses, pads and pencils.绕着桌子,着眼于布置和台裙,桌子,杯子,便签和铅笔Sk

29、irting must be well pressed and straightened.台裙要是笔直和熨烫齐整的Table cloth (if any) must be clean without any spot and cracks.台布(无论哪种款式)一定要是干净和没有污渍、破损的Every seat must have a pad and pencil.每个位上一定有便签和铅笔3)Check room status检查活动房间的状态Use the “Events Checklist” 使用“宴会单检查表”White board and flip chart must be clean and without dust and marker prints.白板和夹纸板一定要是干净的、无灰尘,有白板笔

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