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1、贵州普通考试)When a woman took the seat beside me on a plane, I _1_ (feel) unhappy. She had to lower herself slowly, squeezing her body into the small space. “My name is Kelly. Im from Canada. Where _2_ you from?” She waved a hand in front of my face.“China,” I said as I shook her hand unwillingly. Kelly

2、kept talking to me. She was very thoughtful. When we _3_ (serve) drinks and meals, she made sure that I had enough room in my seat. “I dont want to make you _4_ (comfort) with my elephant size!” she said sincerely. I couldnt help letting down my guard. As we talked, I was surprised by her wise _5_ (

3、word). She had read many books and was very smart. I asked her if she ever thought about _6_ (lose) some weight. “Arent you worried about the diseases that come with being overweight?” “Not at all. I eat _7_ (health) food and walk regularly,” She said.“I believe in my heart, the people who get disea

4、ses are the ones who worry. You see advertisements from exercise centers that read, Free yourself from your extra baggage, so you are free to be _8_ (you) Youre free only _9_ youre comfortable with who you are!” I suddenly realized that Kelly was _10_ most beautiful and clever woman I had ever met i

5、n my life.【解题导语】本文讲述了作者乘坐飞机时起初对旁边胖胖的女乘客没有好感。后来她的热情及对生活的感悟让作者刮目相看。1felt考查时态。本处叙述的是发生在过去的事情,应用一般过去时,故用felt。2are考查时态和主谓一致。本处“你来自哪里”是女乘客的问话,应用一般现在时;根据主语you可知,应用are。3were served考查时态和语态。we与serve是逻辑上的动宾关系,且结合全文的时态可知,应用一般过去时的被动语态,故填were served。4uncomfortable考查形容词。句意:我不想因为我的大块头让你不舒服。本处用形容词uncomfortable“不舒服”作


7、句子意思用所给词的首字母或所给汉语填空 1. Although we are burning coal in huge q , we will not run out of it for centuries.2. Theres evidence to suggest that child abuse is not just a recent (现象).3. Global warming will have serious c for the environment.4. Scientists have many theories about how the universe first cam

8、e into e .5. Paul tried to sound c but I could tell something was worrying him.6. There is no point in a improved public transport unless we can pay for it.7. Vitamins are essential for healthy (健康成长).8. Sleep (使恢复) the body.9. It is difficult for a teacher to give (个别的) attention to children in a l

9、arge class.10. The electricity industry (消耗) large amounts of fossil fuels. 1. quantities 2. phenomenon 3. consequences 4. existence 5. casual6. advocating 7.growth 8. refreshes 9. individual 10. consumes 三、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从21-40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 It was the old ladys birthday. She got

10、up early to be ready for the post. From the second floor flat she could see the postman when he came down the street,and a little boy,Johnnie,_1_her letters from the ground floor on the rare_2_when anything came.Today she was sure there would be something.Myra_3_forget her mothers birthday,even if s

11、he_4_wrote at other times. Of course Myra was busy,but?_5_,Enid,the daughter the old lady loved most,died two years ago. Since then Myra had been to see her mother three times,but her husband,Harold,never.The old lady was eighty today. She had put on her best dress. Perhapsperhaps Myra might come. A

12、fter all,eighty was a_6_birthday,another decade lined or tolerated just as you chose to look at it._7_Myra did not come,she would send a present. The old lady was_8_of that. Two spots of colour_9_her cheeks. She was_10_like a child. She would enjoy her day!Now,she stood by the window,_11_.The postma

13、n turned round the corner on his bicycle. Her heart beat_12_.Johnnie had seen him too and ran to the gate. Then clatter (咔嗒声),clatter up the stairs. Johnnie knocked at her door. He had got her postfour envelopes. Three were unclosed cards from old friends. The fourth was closed,in Myras writing. The

14、 old lady felt a sharp pain of_13_.There was no parcel for her!Maybe the parcel was too large to come by letter post. That was it. It would come later by parcel post. She said to herself. She must be_14_.Almost_15_she tore the envelope open._16_in the card was a piece of paper. Written on the card w

15、as a message under the printed Happy Birthday Buy yourself something nice with the_17_,Myra and Harold. The cheque moved quickly to and for in the air to the floor like a bird with a broken wing. Slowly the old lady_18_to pick it up. Her present!Her_19_present!With_20_fingers she tore it into little

16、 bits.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个80岁老人在生日来临之际对自己唯一的亲人的殷殷期盼,但她最终盼来的确是一种无言的伤痛和失望。1.A.took away Bbrought upCmoved off Dset down解析根据语境可知,此句是说老人把信件从“the ground floor”拿到“the second floor”。bring up意为“拿上来”,符合语境;take away意为“拿走,带走”,move off“意为“离开,出发”,set down意为“记下,放下”,均不符合语境。答案B2A. occasion BopportunityCceremony D

17、anniversary解析根据语境可知,此处是指在特别的“场合”,与下文的other times作对比。occasion意为“场合”,符合语境;opportunity意为“机会”,ceremony意为“典礼,仪式”,anniversary意为“周年纪念日”,均不符合语境。答案A3A. mustnt BmightntCwouldnt Dneednt解析根据语境可知,此处是指老人坚信女儿一定不会忘记自己的生日。表示“一定不会”时,应用wouldnt。答案C4A. occasionally BalwaysCalmost Dseldom解析根据下文可知,Myra由于工作繁忙,平常很少给妈妈写信。sel

18、dom意为“很少,不常”,符合语境;occasionally意为“偶尔,间或”,always意为“总是,一直”,almost意为“差不多,几乎”,均不符合语境。答案D5A. Unhappily BUnfortunatelyCUnforgettably DUnkindly解析根据常识可知,最爱的女儿Enid的离去自然是一件“不幸”的事情。unfortunately意为“不幸地”,符合语境;unhappily意为“不开心地”,unforgettably意为“令人难忘地”,unkindly意为“刻薄地,不客气地”,均不符合语境。6A. casual BremoteCspecial Dconventi

19、onal解析根据常识可知,“人生70古来稀”,80岁生日自然尤为“特别”。special意为“特别的”,符合语境;casual意为“随便的,临时的”,remote意为“遥远的,疏远的”,conventional意为“传统的,常见的”,均不符合语境。7A. Even if BSo thatCIn case DNow that解析句意为:即使Myra不来,她也会送一份礼物。由句意可知,前后分句之间为一种让步关系,所以应用表示让步关系的连词even if,意为“即使”。8A. proud BcapableCsure Dafraid解析根据下文的描述可知,老人坚信她的女儿即便不来也会送她礼物。be s

20、ure of为固定短语,意为“坚信,确信”,符合语境。9A. sharpened BweakenedCwidened Dbrightened解析根据下文中的“She would enjoy her day!”可知,此处应指老人红光满面,面露喜 色。brighten意为“使闪亮,使快乐,使露喜色”,符合语境。10A. excited BalarmedCinspired Dsatisfied解析根据语境可知,老人此时兴奋得像个孩子。excited意为“兴奋的,激动的”,符合语境。11A. thinking BimaginingCwelcoming Dwatching解析根据上下文语境可知,此句是指

21、老人久久地站在门口,期盼着礼物的到来。因此选watching最符合语境,意为“守望,眺望”。12A. steadily BwildlyCnervously Drandomly解析根据语境可知,此处应选wildly,该词是一种夸张的表达,旨在体现老人无法掩饰的、因迫切而慌乱激动的心情。13A. discontent BlonelinessCdisappointment Dannoyance解析根据上下文语境可知,此句是指老人的心情由先前“狂乱的兴奋”跌之“沉重的失望”,是一种修辞上的对比。disappointment意为“失望,沮丧”,符合语境。14A. patient BanxiousCurg

22、ent Dmild解析根据语境可知,此句是指老人自我解嘲、自我安慰的一种无奈的表达,同时也暗含着一丝苦涩的期盼,所以老人告诫自己还要“耐心一点儿”。patient意为“耐心的”,符合语境。15A. immediately BcheerfullyCangrily Dunwillingly解析根据语境可知,此句是指老人对自己期盼的“礼物”非常失望,因此不愿意打开它。unwillingly意为“不情愿地,勉强地”,符合语境;immediately意为“立刻,马上”,cheerfully意为“高高兴兴地”,angrily意为“愤怒地”,均不符合语境。16A. Pinned BFoldedCLined

23、DRoped解析根据下文的“a piece of paper”可知,此处应选fold,意为“折叠,合拢”,表示“在卡片里折了一张纸”。17A. card BbonusCcheque Dcash解析根据下文中的“The cheque moved quickly”可知,此处应选cheque,意为“支票”,符合语境。18A. bent BleanedCstruggled Dstretched解析综合考虑老人此时的心情和神态可知,她拾起支票的姿势应该是“弯腰”。bend意为“弯腰,弯曲”,符合语境。lean意为“倾斜,倚靠”;struggle意为“努力,挣扎”,是一个中性词汇,不能体现身体的姿势;st

24、retch意为“伸展,延伸”,均不符合语境。答案A 19A. painful BsadCexpensive Dlovely解析根据语境可知,此处应选lovely,表现的是一种强烈的讽刺效果,增强了语言的表现力。而painful,sad两词会使语言的色调索然无味,暗淡无光。答案D 20A. moving BtremblingCreacting Dfreezing解析根据语境可知,当老人看到女儿给自己的礼物竟然是一张支票时,她感到既失望又痛心,所以应选trembling,意为“颤抖的,战栗的”,生动地表现了老人当时的心情和神态;moving意为“动人的”,reacting意为“反应的”,freez

25、ing意为“冰冻的,严寒的”,均不符合语境。四、阅读理解A“Stop making excuses for him,Mom,”I said.“But maybe he is feeling unwell.” Mom said.“Maybe nothing,” I interrupted.I had been tending Mom since her health began to decline and this would be the first time in a year that my husband and I had a night out together.Jerry had

26、 promised to stay with Mom.But again he let us down.And more often than not,his drinking had a lot to do with it.His irresponsibility upset me.I remembered our happy growingup years in a small town in West Virginia.With good family education,Jerry had been a kind kid.He was only 15 when Dad died.Unl

27、ike him,I got over the sorrow soon,but he started drinking.Soon he began hanging out with bad guys.Jerry and I didnt see each other often,but we talked on the phone.Usually,though,we ended up fighting.When Mom came to live with us,Jerry dropped in regularly at first,but after a while his visits beca

28、me sporadic.He explained he couldnt handle seeing Mom in such a bad condition.Another excuse,I thought.One day I went to see the doctor about my back.It had been aching for months.“I cant find anything wrong with you physically,”the doctor said.“But I can tell youre very tense.Is something bothering

29、 you?” I poured out my story about Jerry.“Do you think hes likely to change?” he asked.I shrugged.“Probably not.”“But,you can,”he said gently.Me?Why did I have to change?He was the one who constantly let us down.But what had I done?Maybe the doctor was right.I couldnt love his behavior,but I could love himthe way I did when we were little.As

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