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1、六年级英语上册知识点梳理整理版六年级英语上册知识点梳理Unit1 The kings new clothes 一、词组1. 皇帝的新衣the kings new clothes 2. 很久很久以前 long long ago 3. 某一天 one day 4. 两个男子/女子 two men/women 5. 拜访国王visit the king 6. 为你做新衣服 make new clothes for you 7. 给国王看他的新衣show the king his new clothes 8. 这些魔法衣 these magic clothes 9. 聪明的人 clever peopl

2、e 10. 愚蠢的人 foolish people 11. 看见他们 see them 12. 穿过城市 walk through the city 13. 看着国王 look at the king 14. 穿着他的新衣 in his new clothes/ wear his new clothes 15. 一个小男孩 a little boy 16. 指着国王 point at the king 17. 嘲笑他 laugh at him 18. 非常合身 fit well19. 得到一张来自我好友的卡片 get a card from my good friend 20. 来参加我的聚会

3、 come to my party 21. 一个美国牛仔an American cowboy 22. 穿着牛仔裤 wear jeans 23. 一个苏格兰男士a Scottish man 24. 穿一条苏格兰裙 wear a kilt 25. 在山上 on the mountain26. 下一句the next sentence 27. 给男孩讲了一个故事tell the boy a story 28. 努力地想 think hard29. 不得不重新开始讲故事 have to start the story again 30. 住在森林里 live in the forest 31. 在狮子

4、的房子前面 in front of the lions house32. 在房子旁边散步 walk by the house 33. 愤怒的狮子 the angry lion 34. 对着老人大喊 shout at the old man 35. 把你的孩子给我 give me your child=give your child to me36. 和狮子住在一起live with the lion 37. 对她很好be nice to her 38. 生病了be sick/be ill 39. 照顾他 look after him40. 变成一个王子turn into a prince 41

5、. 背诵课文 recite the text 二、句子1. Long long ago, there was a king.很久以前,有一个皇帝2. The king was happy.皇帝很高兴。3. There were a lot of people in the street.在街上有许多人。4. He liked new clothes.他喜欢新衣服。5. Two men visited the king.两个人来拜访皇帝。6. Each student says one sentence. 每个学生说一个句子7. It is Bobbys turn. 轮到Bobby了。8. Wh

6、ats next? 下一句是什么?9. What beautiful clothes! =How beautiful the clothes are! 多么漂亮的衣服啊!三、知识点梳理1、一般过去时态概念:是指过去发生的事情或是动作。结构:主语+动词的过去式+其他。一般过去时态的时间状语有:yesterday, just now, ago, last2、动词过去式的变化规律:a、动词过去式 动词的规则变化 动词的不规则变化规则动词的一般过去时的四种变化:(1)一般情况下,在动词后直接+ed; (2)以不发音的e结尾,在单词后+d;(3)辅音+y结尾的,变y为i,+ed;(4)以重读闭音节(或是

7、r 音节)结尾的,末尾是辅音字母加一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再+ed。3、有关动词过去式的变化:规则动词有:+ed:Unit1 拜访 visitvisited展示 showshowed散步 walkwalked看 looklooked喊,叫 shoutshouted指着 pointpointed大笑 laughlaughed想要 wantwanted采,摘;选 pickpicked变为 turnturned+d:Unit1 喜欢 likeliked 居住 livelived不规则动词有:Unit1 是 am, iswas 是 arewere 可以 canco

8、uld 得到 getgot 说 saysaid 讲,叙述 telltold4、规则动词过去式+ed的发音规律:清念/t/,元浊/d/,/t/d/之后读念/id/。5、there be结构在一般过去时的各种句型转换:There be结构的组成: There be + 名词短语 +方位短语. (数量词+名词)(1) 肯定句:e.g.: Long long ago, there was a king. / There were a lot of people in the street.(2) 否定句:在be动词was或were后+not, some要改成any.e.g.: There were s

9、ome people in the street.(否定句)There were not any people in the street.(3) 一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答:e.g.: A: Was there a house on the mountain?B: Yes, there was. / No, there wasnt.(4) 有关there be的特殊疑问句的问答: A1:What was in front of the lions house?(针对名词短语提问) B1: There were some flowers . A2: How many houses were

10、there on the mountain?(针对数量词提问) B2: There was one.6、感叹句的变化及用法概念:一般是用来表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感。英语感叹句常用what和how引导1、what 引导的感叹句: What+(a/an)+adj.+名词单数+主语+谓语。 What+ adj.+名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语。如: 1 What a clever girl!多么聪明的姑娘呀!2 What clever girls! 多么聪明的姑娘们呀!2、how引导的感叹句: How+adj.(adv.)+主语+谓语!如: 3 How clever the girl is!多

11、么聪明的姑娘呀!4 How clever the girls are! 多么聪明的姑娘们呀!7、show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb.向某人展示某物8、make sth.for.为.做某物9、a lot of people=lots of people=many people people是集合名词,作为人讲,单复数一样。但作为民族讲可以加s。10、look at看 look after照顾 look for寻找11、名词变复数不规则变化:man-men woman-women mouse-mice tooth-teeth foot-feet child-children

12、 12、live in +地点 居住. with+人 和某人居住.13、each +单数名词 every +单数名词 每一,(主语要看成单数)14、in front of 在前面(外部的)-behind在后面in the front of 在前面(内部的)-at the back of在后面 15、turn into变成 turn off关上 turn on打开 Its ones turn.16、be sick= be ill 生病17、成双成对的物品,如:jeans, trousers, socks, gloves, shorts, shoes,也可以用a pair of 来修饰。18、Sc

13、ottish苏格兰的/苏格兰人 Scotland苏格兰(国家)19、tell sb. sth =tell sth. to sb.告诉某人某事tell 讲述 talk讨论 speak说的语言/电话用语 say说的话(直接引语)20、point at 指着(侧重于事物或是人)Point to 指向(侧重于方向)21、try on.试穿 如果使用them,it,要放中间,如:try them on.相似用法的还有pick up.Unit2 What a day一 、词组1骑车去公园 go to the park by bike=ride a bike to the park 2 鹦鹉表演 a par

14、rot show 3一些有趣的鹦鹉some interesting parrots 4高高地放飞风筝 fly kites high5变得有风且多云become windy and cloudy 6在天空中 in the sky 7带来一些饺子 bring some dumplings 8一些面包和蜂蜜 some bread and honey 9一些饮料 some drinks 10 一些蜜蜂 some bees 11看见一些蚂蚁在面包和蜂蜜 see some ants on the bread and honey12乌云black clouds 13又饥饿又潮湿 hungry and wet

15、 14我亲爱的 my dear 15在操场上打篮球 play basketball in the playground 16快到了 be nearly here 17改天,改日 another day18看起来伤心 look sad 19想知道为什么want to know why20 丢了我的新风筝 lose my new kite 21爬上山 climb up the hill 22 遇见Bobby meet Bobby 23飞得太高 fly too high24抓紧 hold onto 25飞走 fly away 26 在山边发现了它 find it near the hill27 上个星期天 last Sunday28 野餐 have a picnic 29 做家务do the housework二、句型

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