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1、 agency fee 中介费 home stay 寄宿家庭,指和房东住在一起,由房东提供食宿)university accommodation学校宿舍(住在大学提供的宿舍里)private accommodation私人住房 Room(房间) cozy温馨的 living room/lounge起居室 ;客厅 bedroom卧室 main bedroom主卧 carpet地毯 coffee table(置于沙发前的)茶几 armchair单人沙发 sofa沙发 remote control遥控器 radiator暖气片 central heating中央供暖 fridge/ freezer冰

2、箱 kettle电烧水壶 stool 厨房高脚椅 oven烤箱 dishwasher洗碗机 tap 水龙头 sink洗碗池 cupboard橱柜 shower 淋浴/冲凉 bath 浴缸 bathroom 卫生间 main bathroom 主卫 toilet马桶 Buy a (an)flat/ apartment 买房 real estate房地产 mortgage按揭(指向银行借长期抵押贷款,用来买房子) down payment 首付 completed apartment/flat现房(指已建好供销售的房子) forward housing delivery期房 resold apar

3、tment二手房 affordable housing经济适用房 housing price 房价 semi-detached house 半独立式房子(一栋房子从中间隔开,成为两户人家,花园也用篱笆隔开)detached house 独立式房子(一家拥有) terraced houses/ row houses 连栋房屋(互相连接的一排房屋;两幢之间只有一层墙壁相隔) fence篱笆 front door房子前门 garage车库 driveway车库通向马路的空地 Flat/Apartment (公寓) block of flats公寓楼 ground floor第一层 first flo

4、or 第二层lift/elevator 电梯stairs楼梯 steps 楼外的台阶balcony 阳台 篇二:和房屋各个结构有关的英语单词 和房屋各个结构有关的英语单词 梁 beam 檐口 eave 窗台 window sill arch 拱 vault 穹顶 ogive 葱形饰;尖形拱顶 facade 侧面 frontispiece 三角墙,山墙 column 柱 pilaster 壁柱,半露柱 pediment 山墙饰,山花 fronton 山墙 ground plan 平面图 floor, storey 层 ground floor 第一层 (美作:first floor) flat

5、套 (美作:apartment) stair well 楼梯间 lift shaft 电梯,升降梯 (美作:elevator shaft) fire escape 防火梯 staircase 楼梯 lift 电梯 (美作:elevator) goods lift 公务电梯 (美作:freight elevator) central heating 暖气 ventilation shaft 通风井 air conditioning 空调 air-conditioned 带空调的 flooring (一块)地板 floorboard 地板(总称) parquet 木条地板 herringbone

6、parquet 人字形木条地板 tile 瓷砖 terrazzo 磨石子地 wall 墙 main wall 承重墙 partition wall 隔断墙 plastering 抹灰 skirting board 壁脚板 to whitewash 粉刷 facade 建筑物正面 window 窗 basement 地下室 penthouse 遮檐,披屋 attic, garret 阁楼 kitchen 厨房 dining room 饭厅 living room 起居室 lounge 吸烟室,大厅 bathroom 浴室 toilet 卫生间 chimney 烟囱 fireplace 壁炉 gu

7、tter 排水沟 drainpipe 雨水管,落水管 ceiling 天花板 flat roof, roof garden 屋顶平台,屋顶花园 roof 屋瓦顶 tile, roof tile 瓦 房屋:house/buildings;门槛:threshold;窗台:window sill;窗户:window;房檐(复数):eaves;屋脊:ridge;屋顶:roof/housetop;梁:roof beamC 篇三:与房屋有关英语词汇 与房屋有关的词汇 House(房子) semi-detached house 半独立式房子(一栋房子从中间隔开,成为两户人家,花园也用篱笆隔开) detach

8、ed house 独立式房子(一家拥有) terraced houses/ row houses 连栋房屋(互相连接的一排房屋;两幢之间只有一层墙壁相隔) fence 篱笆 front door 房子前门 garage 车库 driveway 车库通向马路的空地 Flat/Apartment (公寓) block of flats 公寓楼 ground floor 第一层 first floor 第二层 lift/elevator 电梯 stairs 楼梯 steps 楼外的台阶 balcony 阳台 Renting (租房) landlord 房东 rent 房租 House Leasing

9、 Contract 房屋合同 deposit 定金furnished house/ apartment有家具的房子/公寓 unfurnished house/ apartment 无家具的房子/公寓a vacant room/ a spare room 空房 single room 单人间 double room 双人间 utilities 水.电.煤气和垃圾处理等费用flatmate 合住一套公寓的人;合租者letting agency 房屋中介agency fee 中介费 home stay 寄宿家庭,指和房东住在一起,由房东提供食宿) university accommodation 学

10、校宿舍(住在大学提供的宿舍里) private accommodation 私人住房 Room (房间) cozy 温馨的 living room/lounge 起居室 ;客厅 bedroom 卧室main bedroom 主卧 carpet 地毯 coffee table (置于沙发前的)茶几 armchair 单人沙发 remote control 遥控器 radiator 暖气片central heating 中央供暖 fridge/ freezer 冰箱 kettle 电烧水壶 stool 厨房高脚椅 oven 烤箱 dishwasher 洗碗机 tap 水龙头 sink 洗碗池 cu

11、pboard 橱柜 shower 淋浴/冲凉 bath 浴缸 bathroom 卫生间 main bathroom 主卫 toilet 马桶 Buy a (an)flat/ apartment 买房 real estate 房地产 mortgage 按揭(指向银行借长期抵押贷款,用来买房子) down payment 首付 completed apartment/flat 现房(指已建好供销售的房子)forward housing delivery 期房 resold apartment 二手房 affordable housing 经济适用房 housing price 房价 Financi

12、ng is the key to most real estate transactions , so if you are buying real estate for your personal use , consumer credit considerations are of paramount importance . Unlike the standard stock leveraging scheme , where the debt is capped at 50 percent of the principal value of the transaction , the

13、standard debt-to-asset ratio in real estate or what the banks call the loan-to-value ratio , is 80 percent ,with a _ percent down payment . In such an instance , the lender looks as much to the credit of the borrower as to the value of the property , to be sure of repayment . Hence , your record of

14、payment of other debts , or lack thereof , will be a critical factor in whether or not you get credit for a home purchase . Other factors that come into play are your overall financial picture . If you have large amounts of other assets such as stocks , that will help . Retirement assets such as ind

15、ividual retirement accounts (IRAs) cannot be used to secure loans , but even they may indirectly count in a borrowers favor as evidence of astuteness . If you are buying property for rental as a business , then more businesslike considerations apply . The bank will still want to evaluate loan-to-val

16、ue and income-to-debt service ratios , but may give lesser weight to your personal financial situation . Your past business e_perience , either in real estate or in other areas , will be taken into account , as will your business credit record . In unusual cases , the lender may require you to sign

17、for loans personally , in which case your personal financial situation will matter . There are several types of lenders . The most common one is a financial institution such as a bank or a savings and loan . A second is government agencies such as Veterans Administration or the Federal Housing Autho

18、rity . The third source of financing is owner financing . 对于大多数房地产交易来说,关键在于资金问题的解决.一旦你决定买房,重中之重便是考虑消费品信用贷款.与标准存量中要求债务上限为交易本金的50%的平衡计划不同,在房市中,标准负债与资产比率(银行称之为贷款与价值比率)可达80%,只需_%的预付定金.在这种情况下,贷方把借方的信誉和资产看得同样考试 大重要,以确保借方有能力偿还债务.所以,你的其它债务的还款记录(或者记录缺失)将会成为致命因素,直接影响你能否获得购房信贷.当然,还有一些因素在起着作用,它们也会影响你的整个筹资计划.你如果

19、有大量的诸如股票之类的另类资产的话,这会对你的信贷非常有利.个人退休金帐户之类的退休资产虽然不能用来做贷款担保,可即便如此,它们却会证明你很精明,并因此而博得贷方的好感. 如果你购房是为了商业经营,那你就需要一步步深思熟虑.银行仍然会对你的贷款与价值和工资与债务的偿还比率进行评估,但可能会低估你的个人财务状况.你的商业信贷记录也会被纳入评估的考虑范围,以往的经营经验(房地产或是其它领域)也会被予以考虑.特殊情况下,贷方可能要求本人亲自签收贷款,此时,你的个人财务状况就会与此挂钩.贷方分为好多种.最常见的就是银行和信用合作社等金融机构.第二种就是退伍军人管理局和联邦房屋管理局的政府机构.第三种资

20、金来源就是业主融资 A bank will look at the borrowers income relative to the proposed debt service payments . The rule of thumb during the middle of the twentieth century was that a mortgage should not be more than two and a half times income . A more current rule of thumb was that mortgage payments should no

21、t be more than 28 percent of income , and total debt service payments should not be more than 34 percent of income . In recent years , the latter ratio has been rela_ed to as much as 40 percent , a financial stretch . A borrower can even apply for a loan with no income verification . Typically , how

22、ever , the bank requires a large-than usual down payment 25 to 35 percent or more , and a clean credit record . Somewhat different requirements apply for a government loan . For instance , the Veterans Administration will make loans to war veterans at low interest rates . Other government agencies t

23、arget other constituencies such as low-income housing . If you have a good record of running multi-family houses , you may qualify for government loans for the development and management of low-income units . In such cases , your ability to get the loan is contingent on your meeting the particular p

24、olitically requirements . Also , government loans are more likely to have onerous terms such as prepayment penalties . A third source of financing , if you find the right seller and are persuasive enough , is owner financing . A mortgage is nothing more than an IOU in which a buyer agrees to pay a l

25、ender the value of the house over a period of time . It is really a way of borrowing money using the house as collateral. The borrower issues a mortgage , and is known as a mortgage , while the lender is known as the mortgage . In this particular instance , the seller is also the lender of the last

26、resort . Occasionally , there will be home advertisements in the newspaper that say OWC , or owner will carry . 针对预定的债务偿还量,银行还会了解借方的收入情况._世纪中期单纯经验的方法就是抵押最多为工资的二点五倍.更为流行的单纯经验方法就是抵押贷款月供最多为月薪的28%,总偿债支付款最多为还款期间工资总额的34%.在最近几年,后者已经达到了40%,这就是金融延伸.借方甚至没有收入证明也可以申请贷款,可尽管如此,银行却会特别要求一笔25-35%甚至更多的巨额首付和一个无污点的信贷记录

27、. 申请政府贷款要求多少会有些不同.例如,退伍军人管理局会给予曾经参战的退伍军人低息贷款.其它政府机构提供的是一些赞助服务,比如对那些低收入家庭.如果你具有一个经营多户住宅的良好记录,你就可以获得政府贷款以对低收入住宅进行开发管理.在这些情况之下,你能否获得贷款取决于你能否遇到政治上的特殊需要.当然,政府贷款更可能包括一些繁苛的条款,比如说提前预付罚金. 第三种资金来源为业主融资,即通过你的能力,自己发现和说服卖家.其实抵押就是借据,通过这个借据,买方同意在一定的时间范围内偿还房价借款,说到底只是贷款买房方式的一个担保.借方提供了抵押,并将其作为抵押,而且贷方也认可了这个抵押.在这个特例中,卖

28、方其实就是最后贷方.偶尔,新闻上刊登一些房屋广告会提到业主负责还款. The buying and borrowing transactions are handled simultaneously by a closer . She will take the down payment , typically in the form of a certified check from the buyer , and the check from the lender for the amount of the mortgage . She will then take title from

29、the seller and re-register the property in the name of the buyer . Finally , she will hand over the monetary proceeds to the seller . If the parties want to make absolutely sure of the validity of the transaction , they will close in escrow . For most transactions , such a level of detail is not nec

30、essary . It is said that the three basics of real estate are location , location , and location . That is true , all other things being equal . It means that you should not buy in a poor location . But it is also does not mean that you should necessarily pay up for the best . Just as with stocks you

31、 can make money from an e_panding multiple ,as well as from rising rents . Some of the best multiple plays are in neighborhoods where the economies and the quality of the tenants is improving . These situations are most often found in large metropolitan areas like New York City . The best deals can be obtained from motivated sellers , sometimes colloquially

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