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1、ON LOADER : 1935(H) x 2855(L) x 3590(W)UNLOADER : 1.2.7 重量:ONLOADER 3.5TONUN LOADER 3.5TON1.3安装与维护 1.3.1 system cover area1.3.2SYSTEM MOVING & LOCATION移动 移动设备时请关闭电源与设备内存的压空阀,提高机器底部的连铸机转动螺母,并仔细检查电源连接线与压缩空气管是否断开。 LOCATION 连接电源电源: 380ACV10%, 50Hz, 3Phase在设备顶部连接电源并打开电源开关。

2、连接压空连接空气软管连接器的空气在系统的一边。提供空气压力:56kgf /连接管路: 10 , 2PLS1.3.2.5 气压控制调节控制: 手动调至5-6公斤1.3.2.6 空气过滤器的拆装1.4. TOWER LAMP 红黄绿Red Blinking: Machine stopped due to some errors.Red: Machine is stopped by operator or by host computer.Yellow: Warning, Some action by operator is required.Machine is still running.Gre

3、en: Machine is running in Auto modeOff: Machine is in stand by mode1.5. 手册使用(1)本手册定义为经营者的参考基本条件。因此,请充分了解每学期前阅读本手册。(2)本手册提供的基本信息和方法,以有效地操作本系统生产。(3)本手册显示的错误,在操作过程中可能发生,并提出快速的解决方案。请参考手册第一,如果发生任何问题。如果问题不能得到解决,请接受维修工程师的帮助。(4)本手册介绍了实用的规格,这是必然要求运行系统。请检查系统安装前的实用工具的所有要求。(五)本手册介绍的安全标准和拆包的细节,移动和安装。请按照本手册中列出的程序

4、。(6)有关更多信息,请与我们联系如下。Fortix科技有限公司地址:548-19,佳佐洞,西区,仁川,韩国。电话:82-32-819-5420传真:82-32-819-5418电子邮箱:fortixfortix.biz1.6. 安全1. 机器运转时,不要将你身体的任何部位或其他东西放在机器里面。2. 在紧急情况推向紧急开关,所有的操作将停止。3. 当紧急情况结束后,将机器打到开始运转模式然后进行下一步操作4. 因为机器所有的安全门都装有传感器,设备运转时请不要打开安全门。1.6.1. 紧急关机按钮该应急电源开关切断主电源,以保护操作者和 系统由系统故障和错误操作所造成的损害。 紧急开关红色按

5、钮,它上面有一个箭头标志。为紧急开关程序不能修改,除非客户要求 并关闭主电源完全停止系统。1.6.2. 急停开关操作按下急停开关1.6.3. 急停按钮解除Rotate the Emergency switch clockwise, then the button will be released.1.6.4 How to do under emergency situation1) Press the Emergency switch first.2) If the system is in dangerous situation or the operator gets injured, c

6、all for thesupervisor in charge.3) The supervisor should take an action as below for different situation.A. If the operators hand is injured by Transfer unit- Release the emergency switch. If the power is on again, all the moving parts willmove to their original home position automatically. If not,

7、disassemble the transferunit and take out the hand.B. If operators body is held by Picker or Tray elevator.- Release the emergency switch. Go into the manual mode and move the moving partby ten-key to rescue the operator.C. If operators body is held by other moving part- If the power is not on, thos

8、e moving parts can be moved by hand easily. So, movethe part and rescue the operator.D. If some of the parts crashed to other part. PART I TECHNICAL MANUAL2. SYSTEM MANUAL综述- 2.1.上料输送机部分- - 2.2.CASSETTE M/Z 升降机部分 - - 2.3.行走臂部分 - 2.4.装片部分 - 2.5.硅片托盘部分 - 2.6.主传送部分- 2.7.托盘升降部分- 2.8.下料抓放部分 - 2.9.下料测量输送机

9、部分 - 2.10.硅片下料部分- 2.112. 系统部分2.1 综述本手册对设备每部分的功能与结构进行了描述。.This system is to load & unload the wafers for Roth & Rau PECVD system.Two 100 slot cassette magazines are loaded and each wafer is transferred toloading conveyor by working beam. When 5 wafers are ready on the conveyor, mainpicker robot picks

10、 up 5 wafers and transfer to the tray.When the tray is filled with wafers, it will be loaded into Roth &After PECVD process, the tray is transferred from Roth & Rau PECVD system tounloading zone by bottom conveyor, lift unit and top conveyor. Then, the picker robotpicks up 5 wafers each time and tra

11、nsfers them to two offloading conveyoralternatively. Each wafer is transferred to stack magazine through flipping unit andoffloading picker picks up the wafer and places it into stack magazine (Dual stackmagazine loading/unloading).2.2装在传送部分2.2.1 功能装满硅片的cassette从底部的传送传送带装载,然后通过底部的传送带传送到cassette升降部分。

12、Cassette magazines空了以后,将从顶部的传送部分卸载。2.2.2 组成2.2.2.1 底部传送部分该部分takes 100 slot cassette magazine to cassette 升降机部位. 顶部传送部分该部分 takes 100 slot cassette magazine out cassette 升降机部位2.2.3 执行器2.2.3.1 MAGAZINE STOPPER 上下执行器: CQ2B16-10D (气缸) SMC The cassette magazine stopper work by cylinder.如果气缸持续三秒没有动作

13、, time over error 出现在监视器上.Check item : * 气体供给* 传感器* 零部件的干扰2.2.3.2 MAGAZINE 检测传感器型号: EX-14A SUNX; 检测magazine的装载与到达.检查项目 : * 传感器连接(线弯曲或断开)* C/P 电路板的连接点2.2.3.3 传输电机驱动器: 2IK 6RGN C (速度控制电机) ORIENTAL 如果电机持续30秒无动作,黄色指示灯报警检查项目: * 设备前端的音量开关.* 电机控制电路板继电器* C/P 连接点*电机接线.2.3.1 功能向上移动cassette magazine与行走臂移动每片硅片一

14、致Cassette magazine空了以后,将被传送到顶部的传送部分2.3.2 执行器2.3.2.1 Z轴升降机部分执行器r: HF-KP43B (伺服电机) MITSUBISHI如果cassette magazine 不能移动到Z轴. * 传感器设置* 零部件干扰* 驱动盘故障.* 电机连接线2.3.2.2 CASSETTE MAGAZINE CLAMP UNIT(夹具部分) CDQ2B20-25DM-A73C (气缸) SMC 如果气缸持续3秒没有上下动作, time over error will appear onthe monitor. * 气体供应* 传感器设置2.3.2.3 C

15、ASSETTE MAGAZINE 到达检测传感器传感器型号:检查 cassette magazine 是否到达 * 传感器连接线(线弯曲或未连接).* 检查I/O输出是否正常. CASSETTE 传输电机 2RK 6RGN C (可逆调速电机) ORIENTAL2.4 行走臂部分2.4.1 功能将cassette magazine里的硅片传送到上料部分的传送带The conveyor transfers each wafer after aligning until 5 wafers are ready on the conveyor.2.4.2 ACTUATOR2.4.2.1

16、FORK MOVINGActuator: HF-KP13 (SERVO MOTOR) MITSUBISHI It transfers the wafer from cassette magazine to pitch conveyor. * Sensor setting.* Parts interferences.* Panel driver alarm.* Motor Connector. FORK UP/DOWNActuator : CDQ2B80-10DM-A93 (CYLINDER) SMC If the cylinder does not work 3 sec, tim

17、e over error will appear on the monitor * Air supply.* Sensor setting.* Parts interference. GAGING UNIT KH56QM2-901 (STEEPING MOTOR) ORIENTAL If the Motor does not move for 3 sec, time over error will appear on themonitor. WAFER HOLDING UNIT ZQ1073-Q15L-FK (VACUUM EJECTOR) SMC If the p

18、icker can not pick up the wafer due to lack of air to vacuum pump, misloadingerror appears on the monitor.* SOL V/V.2.5 LOADING PICK & PLACE UNIT2.5.1 FUNCTIONThis unit is transfer the wafer from pitch conveyor to tray.2.5.2 ACTUATOR2.5.2.1 WAFER HOLDING UNIT2.5.2.2 WAFER DETECT SENSORSENSOR: SKD 12

19、M-T SANIL It check the wafer on the pitch conveyor * Sensor connector (wire bending or disconnection).* Check whether the I/O on the input/output monitor is working. PICKER UP/DOWN HF-KP43B (SERVO MOTOR) MITSUBISHI Cylinder up/down for the wafer pick up.If the cylinder does not move for 3 sec

20、, time over error will appear on the2.5.2.4 PICKER MOVING LPS180S-F1700-S10-W (LINEAR ROBOT) LPK Picker moving motor.If the Motor does not move for 3 sec, time over error will appear on the2.6 WAFER NEST & TRAY CLAMP UNIT2.6.1 FUNCTIONWafer nest unit receives the wafers before loading them into tray

21、 pocket and tray clamp unitaligns the tray during wafer loading by picker.2.6.2 ACTUATOR2.6.2.1 TRAY CLAMP MXS16-20B-A93 (CYLINDER) SMC If the cylinder does not move for 3 sec, time over error will appear on the MXS20-10BT-A93 (CYLINDER) SMC2.6.2.2 TRAY NEST MXS25-30B-A93 (CYLINDER) SMC2.6.2.3 TRAY

22、DETECTOR TOUCH SENSOR N-MSTKE MISUMI If it does not detect tray, an alarm will appear on the monitor.* Check whether the i/o on the input/output monitor is working2.7 MAIN CONVEYOR UNIT2.7.1 FUNCTIONThis unit is to transfer the tray.After PECVD process, the tray will be transferred from Roth & Rau P

23、ECVD system to trayelevator by bottom conveyor unit and the tray elevator moves the tray upward and then the topconveyor transfers the tray to unloading pick up zone.When the tray is empty, the empty tray will be transferred to wafer loading zone again byconveyor.2.7.2 ACTUATOR2.7.2.1 CONVEYOR MOTOR 5IK40GN-SW (SPEED CONTROL MOTOR) ORIENTAL If the motor does not move for 30 sec, the yellow light of the tower lamp willbe on to alarm.

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