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2、他们的节目里所涉及到与我们不同的经历和文化传统。为了达到这些目标,我们必须更关注合作制作节目、新闻交换、记录片服务及培训。这也意味着欧洲国家之间需要达成协议,创建一个电视节目制作的欧洲银行,该银行可参照欧洲投资银行的模式,处理与制作成本相关的财务问题。要应付如此规模的挑战,可以毫不夸张地说,“联合,我们就生存;分裂,我们就灭亡”。如果我不得不选择一个口号的话,它应该是“多样中的统一”。既具有一致的目标,但又尊重每个国家不同的特点。核心词汇79.flexiblea. 易曲的, 灵活的, 柔顺的, 能变形的, 可通融的 2次例句:Working hours should be flexible.

3、工作时间应该是弹性的。词组:flexible pressure流体压力反义词:inflexible 80.fabric n. 织物, 布, 结构, 构造, 建筑物 1次This is a fine fabric for ladies dresses. 这是一种适于做女服用的织法精美的布料。fabric gloves毛线手套同义词:clothgoodsmaterialtextile81.integration n. 综合, 与环境协调的行为, 集成This enables users to leverage their installed infrastructures for the ulti

4、mate in network integration and support. 这就使用户们能利用其已安装的基础设施,实现网络集成和支持的最终目标。82.mixture n. 混合, 混淆, 混合物 1次He scraped the mixture out of the bowl with a plastic spatula.他用塑料铲把盆里的混合料刮了出来。the mixture as before 照原来的处方, 服法同前; (喻)照原来的办法办理; 换汤不换药83.overwhelmingly ad. 压倒性地, 不可抵抗地The candy looked overwhelmingly

5、 desirable to the dieting man. 糖果对于吃限定食物的人来说具有无法抗拒的力量。84.peculiarity n. 特质, 特性, 怪癖He used to mimic speech peculiarities of another. 他过去总是模仿别人讲话的特点。85.recent a. 新近的; 近来的He quoted me a recent instance. 他给我举出一个最近的例证。recent news最近的消息latemodernnewup-to-dateancient86.skepticism n. 怀疑论All skepticism should

6、 by now have vanished. 所有的怀疑都可以消除了。87.strategic a. 战略的, 战略上的We made no strategic assessment, instead, we bandied technical expedients about. 我们没有从战略上进行估计,相反,我们只在技术性的办法上转来转去。strategic weapons战略武器Passage 6A report consistently brought back by visitors to the US is how friendly, courteous, and helpful

7、most Americans were to them. To be fair, this observation is also frequently made of Canada and Canadians, and should best be considered North American. There are, of course, exceptions. Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill-mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US. Yet it is an ob

8、servation made so frequently that it deserves comment.For a long period of time and in many parts of the country, a traveler was a welcome break in an otherwisedull existence. Dullness and loneliness were common problems of the families who generally lived distant from one another. Strangers and tra

9、velers were welcome sources of diversion, and brought news of the outside world.The harsh realities of the frontier also shaped this tradition of hospitality. Someone traveling alone, if hungry, injured, or ill, often had nowhere to turn except to the nearest cabin or settlement. It was not a matter

10、 of choice for the traveler or merely a charitable impulse on the part of the settlers. It reflected the harshness of daily life: if you didnt take in the stranger and take care of him, there was no one else who would. And someday, remember, you might be in the same situation.Today there are many ch

11、aritable organizations which specialize in helping the weary traveler. Yet, the old tradition of hospitality to strangers is still very strong in the US, especially in the smaller cities and towns away from the busy tourist trails. “I was just traveling through, got talking with this American, and p

12、retty soon he invited me home for dinner amazing.” Such observations reported by visitors to the US are not uncommon, but are not always understood properly. The casual friendliness of many Americans should be interpreted neither as superficial nor as artificial, but as the result of a historically

13、developed cultural tradition.As is true of any developed society, in America a complex set of cultural signals, assumptions, and conventions underlies all social interrelationships. And, of course, speaking a language does not necessarily mean that someone understands social and cultural patterns. V

14、isitors who fail to “translate” cultural meanings properly often draw wrong conclusions. For example, when an American uses the word “friend”, the cultural implications of the word may be quite different from those it has in the visitors language and culture. It takes more than a brief encounter on

15、a bus to distinguish between courteous convention and individual interest. Yet, being friendly is a virtue that many Americans value highly and expect from both neighbors and strangers.访问过美国的人经常回来报告说,大多数美国人对他们是如何友善、好客、乐于助人。公平地说,这个印象也适用于加拿大和加拿大人,因而,最好认为这适用整个北美。当然也有例外。在美国,心胸狭隘的官员,粗鲁的男招待,举止粗俗的出租车司机也并非罕



18、分礼貌是出于文化习俗还是个人兴趣,单凭一次公共汽车上的偶遇是不够的。不过,友好是很多美国人推崇的美德,同时希望邻居和陌生人也能如此。88.assumption n.假定, 自负, 担任, 假装 4次The hostress bustled about with an assumption of authority. 女主人摆出一副权威的样子忙来忙去。conclusion89.courteous a. 彬彬有礼, 谦恭的They are courteous to their guests. 他们对来宾彬彬有礼。civilgraciousobligingpoliterespectfulcoward

19、ly; timid90.charitable a.大慈大悲的, 宽厚的, 慈善的He is a charitable judge of character. 他对于个性的判断很宽容。generousgivingkindly91.convention n.大会, 协定, 惯例, 约定 4次派生:conventionalize vt.常规化 conventionalitu n.常规化;惯例It is the convention for men to wear suits on formal occasions. 男子在正式场合穿套装是一种社会习俗。the Geneva Conventions (

20、有关战俘的待遇等的)日内瓦协定social conventions社会习俗a matter of convention常规问题break away from convention打破常规惯例by convention出于习俗, 按照惯例92.dull a.钝的, 无趣的, 呆滞的, 阴暗的vt.使迟钝, 使阴暗, 缓和vi.变迟钝, 减少dullish a.有点迟钝的A hissing gas lamp suspended from the ceiling cast a dull light. 一盏煤气灯嗡嗡地响着,从顶棚投射出暗淡的光。a dull mind迟钝的头脑a dull villa

21、ge冷清清的村庄(as) dull as ditch-water (口)非常沉闷乏味bluntboringdingydrearydryflatgrayinactiveslowsluggishstupiduninterestingbrightkeensharpvivid93.distant a.远的, 疏远的distance n.距离;远处The distant cry trailed off. 远处传来的喊声逐渐地消失了。be distant towards sb. 对某人冷淡close; near94.distinguish vt.区别, 辨别vi.区别, 辨别 4次distinguishe

22、d a.著名的Can you distinguish goat from sheep?你能把山羊和绵羊区分开吗?be distinguished as 辨明为, 称之为be distinguished by 以为特征be distinguished for 以而著名be distinguished from 不同于; 与加以区别distinguish.from. 辨别, 识别; 把和区别开distinguish oneself 使自己与众不同; 使自己出名definedetectdignifyhonorsee95.encounter n.相会, 相遇, 遭遇vt.遇见, 邂逅, 会战vi.偶然相遇 1次We did not encounter fierce resistance anywhere. 我们在任何地方都没有遭遇到大的抵抗。battlecollidecome acrossconfrontmeetoppose96.frequently ad.频繁, 经常地While reading, he fluffed frequently. 他读的时候常常读错。 n.边界, 边境Sam quickly adjusted to the rugged life of a

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