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The Million Pound BankNote教案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、教学过程必须关注学生的个体差异和不同的学习需求,充分激发学生的主动意识和进取精神,倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式。”为此,我校英语教学提出构建以讨论、辨析为主的英语阅读教学模式。二 、模式内涵以讨论、辨析为主的英语阅读教学模式以主体教育理论为指导思想,以学生活动为切入点,注重培养学生的领悟能力、质疑精神和创新意识,并以促进学生发展为最终目标。模式有三个基本含义:(1)坚信每个学生都是有能动性的发展着的主体,每个学生都存在着巨大的发展潜能,教育者必须引导学生认识到自己的潜能,并得到最好的发展。(2)主体意识是最能体现主体性堂教学的关键要素。使学生在学习过程中确立学习意识、问题意识、参与意识、全体



4、素,发展了学生的思维,激发了学生的求知欲望,锻炼了学生的阅读理解及表达能力,帮助学生掌握了正确的学习方法,提高了堂效率,比较好地完成了教学目标,达到了预期的效果。简单教案高一必修3 Unit 3 the illin Pund Ban-NteTeahing Ais:1 Learn re abut ar Tain2 Read and retell the illin Pund Ban-Nte3 Learn useful expressins: a large aunt f, ae a bet, perit sb t d sth, b hane, stare at, t be hnest Teahi

5、ng Iprtant Pints: 1 Retell the illin Pund Ban-Nte 2 Useful expressinsTeahing Diffiult Pints:H t help students have a rret attitude tards neTeahing ethds:1 Diret pereptin teahing ethd; 2 Heuristi ethd;3 Disussing ethd Teahing Aids:1 a rerder ; 2 a slide pretr; 3 a puterTeahing Predures:Step I Intrdut

6、in Step II Reading Read the passage n page 23 Find re infratin abut ar TainStep III Reading Read Sene 3, At 1 f the illin Pund Ban-Nte and anser se questins abut itStep IV ListeningListen and slve se prehensin questins Step V athing part f the vie the illin Pund Ban-NteStep VI Retelling the illin Pu

7、nd Ban-NteStep VII Debate the iprtane f the neStep VIII Assignents Step IX Rerd after teahing详细教案高一必修3 Unit 3 The illin Pund Ban-Nte 3 a puter 4 a VDStep I Intrdutin and reading T: rning, everne, d u lie hur?Ss: es, f urse e, t And I lie athing hurus pla L at the sreen; an u guess hat pla it is? es

8、It is alled THE ILLIN PUND BAN-NTE Then, d u n the riter f the pla?SS: es It is ar Tain hat d u n abut the Aerian riter ar Tain?Next, read “ABUT AR TAIN” n page 23 s that u an n re abut hi Have u finished reading? L at the sreen and sa sth abut AR TAIN 1 Tell us his experienesS1: ver the next t dead

9、es he as a printer, a riverbat pilt, a sldier, a gld iner, a business- an and a nespaper reprter 2hat as his pen nae?S2: ar tain Sauel Langhrne leens as his real nae 3 Tell us the eaning f his pen nae S3: “Tain” is an ld rd fr “t” “ar Tain” is t sa that the ater is t faths deep 4hat as his first sue

10、ssful str?S4: His first suessful str as abut a uping frg ntest hat are his st faus bs?S: The adventures f T SaerThe Adventures f Huleberr Finn Life n the ississippiT : h did u frget this ne-THE ILLIN PUND BAN-NTE? As e n, ar Tain is nn as a hurist during his life And this is refleted in THE ILLIN PU

11、ND BAN-NTE S, tda ell learn se parts f this faus pla Step II Listening and Reading First, express ur pinins freel If a rih persn gives u a large aunt f ne t use as u lie, fr exaple, ne illin pund, hat ill u d? h? Please disuss in grups f fur Ill bu a big huse, a ne ar f n and get arried ith a beauti

12、ful girl In pinin, the st iprtant thing fr a persn is t en the life S, if I have a lt f ne, Ill ae full use f it t eet needs fr a rih life Ill give se ne f the ne illin pund t the pr peple in the est part f ur untr t help the live a happ life, espeiall the hildren Beause the reall need help and the

13、an learn re nledge in rder t develp the est part f ur untr This a f spending ne is eaningful I thin all f u have a gd idea D u ant t n hat happened t Henr Adas in THE ILLIN PUND BAN-NTE ritten b ar Tain? ell learn the str tgether1 Listening T: N e are ging t learn AT NE Sene 3 Listen the hle sene qu

14、il and find ut the ansers t the fur questins here Sh the questins n the sreen:1 H did Henr Adas e t England?2 here did Henr r? H uh ne did he have?3 hat did the t gentleen give Henr?4 hen an Henr pen the letter? ell, lass, have u finished reading the hle sene? es , h an anser the first questin? H di

15、d Henr Adas e t England? It as the ship that brught hi t England Ver gd u did a gd b Next, here did Henr r? He red fr a ining pan and he had n ne at all Ver gd Then hat did the t gentleen give hi? The gave hi a letter hen an Henr pen the letter? He ant pen it until t l , great Next, lets d se listen

16、ingStep III Reading and prehending Please listen t the tape and tr t find the harateristis f the hle sene(Students listen t the tape) ell, an u tell e the harateristis f the passage? es This is part f a pla S, the tale is ritten in the present tense , all f u did a gd b Next, lets read the sene agai

17、n and d se exerises These questins in ral a help understand the prble:1hat happened t Henr Adas at sea?2Did he have an ne r r?3hat happened t Henr in a huse in Lndn?Step IV Pst-reading1 D prehending exerisesGet the students t d this exerise b theselves, and then as the t he their ansers ith the hle

18、lass2 Explain language pints ell, lass hat d u thin f the sene? D u thin it is diffiult t understand se sentenes? N, please l at the sreen and let e explain se sentenes(1) a large aunt f: a large quantit f; a great deal feg The bught a large aunt f furniture befre the ved their ne huse(2) perit sebd

19、 t d sething: all sebd t d sethingeg ther desnt perit e t ride in the street after it rained(3)b aident: as a result f hane r ishapeg I nl fund it b aident(4) t be hnest: t tell u the truth; t be franeg T be hnest, I dnt thin e have a hane f inning Step IV athing part f the vie the illin Pund Ban-Nt

20、e ell, lass, have u gt the ain idea? hats the ain idea? And uld u lie t retell it t ur parents r ur friends?Step V Retelling the illin Pund Ban-Nte N, l at the e rds Prepare fr retelling the hle senesuer, 1903, Henr Adas, Aerian businessan, resued, British ship, Lndn, ithut ne, lst, al dn, street, l

21、ed t, t rih brthers, ade a bet, a letter, a illin-pund ban-nte, pen, t l It as the suer f 1903, and Henr Adas, an Aerian businessan, had se ver lu He as resued at sea b a British ship that taes hi t Lndn here he finds hiself ithut ne, friends r the prspet f a gd b He as lst and alne in Lndn He had n

22、 ne and did nt n hat he shuld d aling dn the street, he heard sene alling hi Then he ae in and as led t t rih brthers, Rderi and liver, h ade a seret bet and gave hi a letter in hih there as a ne-illin-pund bannte He as ased t pen the letter until t l in the afternn Gd, the next ne, h ants t tr?(The

23、n anther student retells the hle sene)Step VI Debate the iprtane f the ne , lass, hat d u thin f this pla? Is ne s iprtant? n Se peple sa that ne is everthing hat d u thin f this pinin? I dnt thin s es, ne is ver iprtant in se asin But that desnt ean it is everthing Fr exaple, hen ur hetn is flded a

24、nd u are trapped in the ater, an u save urself even if u have a lt f ne ith u? N! S, e shuld nt regard ne as everthing Great! But se peple still thin that ne an bring the happiness hat d u thin f this? I dnt agree this Sine ne desnt ean everthing, s it ant bring happiness t us Fr exaple, u have a lt f ne but u havent a happ fail, ant u sa that u are happ? S, lass, e shuld have a rret attitude tards ne N, lets l at tdas herStep VII Assignents 1 Revie the e sentenes in this part2 At ut the pla in grups

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