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1、 12 thegwing mprtan oflevisin wordie,heIO i recet yearsasalotknito 1 e hostciy tiezon. 14 the Gae akplace in the Unite Statsr Canada, ormle, American televiion netwrks rewilln to pay 15 hihe ants ortelevsion ighs becausethycan brocspopular ve 6 , inpmeviwing hours1the ae have been awrded, i thrponii

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8、makerKpualan slls a throf itsoutput on the boominidsiptanti exchang,eanig irtualmoneythat ises to by achnrandp rt f emplo slaries The roc-Servics xang i France ofemore than4,0 services, frmthlessns t roig.This i not a primitive atersystem By ceatin currncies, th Itenet remoe a major barriewhB Meyr,p

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11、nge called Quick iftTo (QL)plans to oen inNirob, offerg arter dealto 8,00 n farernremote res. Twsmall lanes wil dlive the ds. Q2drctr GiiWciuma sys th farme areectdto e “lied fro orrupt middleme”Frhem, arer evesa rihtfuture, not ecapitalist pat.21. The word “techies”(Para. 1) roably efers to toswh a

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15、Econo, acordg Rob Dtkinson and Randolh H. Cur. “hreemainfudaio wil unrin trongandwidey haed conoicrowthin thee Ecomy: (1) develoment of ubiqitos digial ecooy,(2) ncreased researc and noation,an (3) iprovedkills nd wldgthokforc,”rite tinson ndCourt.The tot S. Inene onomymre tan len just oe ear,fo 15

16、bllon in1996 o nrly billin in 197. By 20, thInternet ecomywill sr o 35 iion, with businesst-business acivtyleadig the way. nthsgn of the gowofhdgitaeconom isthe mushroomng ofInteet hs,hich arnerl dubling nhUnited taes ryea. Mr ouseold, sieses, an shosar n he Net, too. Te nlylgad in edigitlrvolutin i

17、s ovenmet:ocal,state, dfedrl gerent combined spent 9.4 ore each yer on cmers betwen 986 1996, while usine st rea yein the same rioenurecaaliss areoring mony tthe eveopment of gring ops,ften becominginolveda demers andadvisers, an elpigstrts rfie bnes plas. “Is mprtat to kepan eye n th traighdar amou

18、ntf venre apaln the econom,but it jst impotant to remember the exnntial riple efct o theash,” ne tkion anCourt “May o thealles of te ew Ecomy re vntur-back compies,ad teare hvig aprofond actemploymntin veue-bacd companincreaed 34%anually betwn1991nd 1995 hile eploymenn Forune 50 ompaies decied3.6%.

19、Mreov, venture-capilbaked irms ree tchnoocaly nnovive thn oer frm.”Th mbers of nginers n sienis aregrowing; obs requirn siece and engineering exrtise will wthree timesfster an otroccuationsewen199an 205. Witout adquatelyprepared egrwnworkers to fllthe jos, and wi deread orpora pendin on trinig rograms,tdeandfor eieerandscientiss will icreasngly bme b miras. Alrey, lostonfurt of enginerin theU.S. who earned hD.s inth lat ive yers are foreign bornAtnsonnd ourt ccude: “TNew Ecnomy utsa prmum on whatNb aureate ecoist Doua North ca

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