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沪教英语六年级上册Unit 6《Efriends》word省优获奖教案Word文档格式.docx

1、3.运用英语知识结识外国笔友,体会用英语交流的乐趣。重点难点:1.能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇。2.能用Would you like to? Id like to询问和表达愿望。教学用具:录音机、自制课件、照片等教学过程:StepWarm up and revision(热身与复习)1.Sing a song:All animals are bright and beautiful.2.Talk about families and relatives.Step Presentation and practice (自主探究)1.生词关T: Please write the meanin

2、gs on your paperother_ country_ e-friend_favourite_ Canana_ the UK _the US_ Australia _T:Show the pictures of the countries and learn the new words.Ss:read these words after teacher.3.Work in groups to read the new words. Recite the new words, and then recite in groups。4.Watch the screen and learn t

3、o say the sentences.Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?Yes, I would like. / No, I wouldnt.5.Ask pupils to practise in groups .Sept Learn the story (学习课文)1、自读课文,找出不会读的单词或不理解的地方,用笔圈出来。2、听录音,跟读两遍。3、组内交流,翻译句子,然后互查。4、我会总结本课的重点句型。做37页练习题:Match and say.Step Show(展示交流)Task1: 识记单词和短语。Task2:

4、句型讲解。Task3:熟练地朗读课文并尝试背诵。Students follow the recording to read the story.The pupils read the text carefully. And then try to do some exercises.Step Consolidation(拓展延伸)Ask some students to introduce their own photos.教学反思:本节课开展小组教学,小组比赛朗读、小组交流展示、小组检查并汇报等活动,教学效果较好。但在今后的课堂教学中,要注意调动小组每个成员参与的积极性,给学生更多的练习时间

5、。牛津版六上Great cities of the world教案capital , north, south, east,west, Beijing, London and Tokyo- How long does it take to get to Shanghai from Beijing by train?- It takes about five hours.3.能介绍城市的地理位置。1.能在语境中正确使用本单元的核心词汇。2.能用句型How long does it take to get to from by ?询问来往两地所需的时间,并能用句型 It takes about 回

6、答。Sing a song。Guessing game. Please name some other famous cities in China.Ss: Shanghai, Hangzhougreat_ far away _ from_ fast_by plane_ hour_ city _ travel_Show the films and learn the new words. Beijing is the capital of China. Pairs is the capital of France. London is the capital of the UK. Capita

7、l,capital read these words after teacher. Where is Beijing? Its in the north of China.- How long does it take to get to Shanghai from Beijing by train?Ask pupils to talk about the famous cities of the world in groups .Sept Learn the story (学习课文)1、观看课文动画,理解课文。5.做59页练习题:Complete the notes.Task2:Task3:Act out the conversation in groups.本单元生词多、句型长,学生掌握起来有困难,我把句型划分成4个短句子,由易到难,学生学起来又快又好。

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