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1、(主语从句) I told others that he would not come. 我告诉其他人, 他不来了。(宾语从句) The news was that he would not come. 消息是他不来了。(表语从句) The newspaper proved the fact that he would not come. 报纸证实了一件事: 他不来了。(同位语从句) Those who would not come would be punished. 不来的人会受到惩罚。(定语从句) Ill tell him when he comes. 他来的时候我会告诉他。(状语从句)

2、 巩固练习判断下列各句的结构分类:1) ithe girl who is driving is my good friend. 2) Both Mary and I have cars. 3) ithat he can drive surprises all of us. 4) ithe light was red, so I had to stop my car. 5) I have a car and a house. 6) I have a car and he has a house. 7) I was driving when I saw her. 8) Some people do

3、nt have cars while I have. 9) I stopped the car and waited for him. 10) ithe reason for his lateness is that he cannot drive. 巩固练习解析1) 带有由who 引导的定语从句的复合句。译文: 正在开车的那个女孩是我的好朋友。2) 带有并列主语的简单句, 并列主语共有一个谓语动词have。 我和玛丽都有车。3) 带有由that 引导的主语从句的复合句。 他会开车的事让我们都很吃惊。4) 由so 连接的并列句。 红灯亮了, 我必须停车。5) 简单句。 我有车有房。6) 由an

4、d 连接的并列句。 我有车, 他有房。7) 带有由when 引导的时间状语从句的复合句。 我看见她时正在开车。8) 由while 连接的并列句。 一些人没有车, 而我有。9) 带有并列谓语的简单句, 并列谓语共有同一个主语I。 我停车等他。10) 带有由that 引导的表语从句的复合句。 他迟到的原因是他不会开车。2. 用途分类 英语句子在用途上可以分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。I invited him to the party. (陈述句) 我邀请他参加聚会。Did you invite him to the party? (疑问句) 你邀请他参加聚会了吗?Invite him to

5、 the party. (祈使句) 邀请他参加聚会。How lucky he is to be invited to the party! (感叹句) 被邀请参加聚会, 他有多幸运呀!特别提醒1) 陈述句可以是肯定句, 也可以是否定句。2) 疑问句包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。在英语(一) 和英语(二) 的考试中, 常见的疑问句有一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。i) 用yes 或no 来回答的疑问句是一般疑问句。一般疑问句中的助动词(do,dose, did),be动词(is, are,am)或情态动词(can, may)要放在主语之前(助动词/情态动词+主语+动词), 形成倒装

6、语序。通常情况下, 一般疑问句的目的就是为了得到另一方的确认。He knows the answer. Does he know the answer? 他知道答案吗?Mary can cook. Can Mary cook? 玛丽会做饭吗?ii) 针对句中的某一部分提问的疑问句是特殊疑问句。常引导特殊疑问句的WH疑问词有: who(“ 谁”, 主格, 针对主语提问), whom(“谁”, 宾格, 针对宾语提问), whose(“ 谁的”, 针对定语提问), which(“哪个, 哪些”, 针对主语、宾语或定语提问), what(“什么”, 针对主语或宾语提问), where(“ 什么地方”,

7、 针对地点状语提问), when(“ 什么时候”, 针对时间状语提问), why(“为什么”, 针对原因状语提问), how(“ 如何”, 针对方式状语提问)等。除对主语提问之外, 其他都要使用倒装(疑问词+ 一般疑问句)语序。He is reading. Who is reading? 谁在看书? (针对主语提问) Mary told me yesterday. whom did Mary tell yesterday? 玛丽昨天告诉谁了? (针对宾语提问) ithis is his book. Whose book is this? 这是谁的书? (针对定语提问) I like the s

8、mall bag. Which bag do you like? 你喜欢哪个包?This is hers. That is mine. Which is hers? 哪个是她的?I prefer tea to coffee. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? 茶和咖啡, 你喜欢哪个? (针对宾语提问) The news made her happy. What made her happy? 是什么让她高兴?He is doing his homework. What is he doing? 他在做什么?Yesterday , he went to ho

9、spital by taxi because he felt terrible . hen did he go to hospital? 他什么时候去的医院? (针对时间状语提问) Where did he go by taxi yesterday? 昨天, 他坐计程车去哪儿了? (针对地点状语提问) Why did he go to hospital yesterday? 他昨天为什么去医院? (针对原因状语提问) How did he go to hospital yesterday? 昨天他怎么去医院的? (针对方式状语提问) 3) 祈使句一般表示请求或命令, 主语往往是听话的一方, 即

10、you, 且常被省略。它的否定结构是在肯定结构前加dont。Open the door, please. 请打开门。Dont tell me this. 别告诉我这个。4) 感叹句由how 或what 等感叹词加被强调的部分以及陈述句的其他部分构成。how 后接形容词或副词,what 后接的中心词为名词。How hard he works! 他工作多努力啊!What an interesting story it is! 多有趣的故事!判断下列各句的用途分类。1) He attended a meeting yesterday. 2) When did he attend a meeting?

11、3) What did he attend yesterday?4) Attend the meeting today. 5) He did not attend the meeting yesterday. 6) Did he attend the meeting yesterday?7) What an interesting meeting he attended yesterday!8) Who attended a meeting yesterday?9) How interesting the meeting he attended yesterday!10) Dont atten

12、d the meeting today. 1) 陈述句的肯定形式。 他昨天参加了一个会。2) when 引导的特殊疑问句, 针对时间状语提问。 他什么时候参加的会议?3) what 引导的特殊疑问句, 针对句中宾语提问。 他昨天出席了什么场合?4) 祈使句的肯定形式。 今天去参加会议。5) 陈述句的否定形式。 他昨天没参加会议。6) 一般疑问句。 他昨天参加会议了吗?7) what 引导的感叹句。 他昨天参加的会议太有趣了!8) how 引导的特殊疑问句。 昨天谁参加会议了?9) how 引导的感叹句。10) 祈使句的否定形式。 今天别参加会议。二、基本句型 构成每种基本句型的主要成分是主语、

13、谓语和宾语。他们都可以用“ 动作”一词来解释, 即: 主语是“ 动作的发出者”, 由名词或相当于名词作用的其他词、词组或从句构成; 谓语就是“所发出的动作”, 由动词构成; 而宾语是“ 动作的承受者”, 由名词或相当于名词作用的其他词、词组或从句构成。每一个完整的句子都有主语和谓语, 而宾语则取决于谓语动词: 及物动词后可以直接加宾语; 不及物动词后面不可以接宾语。如若接宾语, 则必须在不及物动词之后加上介词。系动词后只有表语。陈述句是英语里最基本的句子, 包括五种基本句型, 即:主 动(SV) ; V为不及物动词(后面不可加宾语)主动宾(SVO) ; V为及物动词主动宾 宾(SVOO) ;

14、第一个O应该为人(间接宾语),第二个O应该为物(直接宾语)主动 宾补(SVOC) ; C宾语补足语补充宾语的成分。主 动 表(SVC)。(S: subject 主语; V: verb 动词(系统动词);O: object 宾语; C: complement 补足语) 例如:The store has closed. 商店已经关门了。(SV) I cant find my book. 我找不到我的书。(SVO) He gave me a pen. 他给了我一支钢笔。(SVOO) I always find her happy. 我总看见她很快乐。(SVOC) She is young. 她很年轻

15、。(SVC) 特别提醒1) 主动(SV) 里面的动词是不及物动词, 即后面不能接宾语;2) 主动宾(SVO)、主 动 宾 宾(SVOO) 和主动宾 补(SVOC) 这三个句型里的动词是及物动词, 即后面一定接宾语;3) 主动表(SVC)里面的动词为系动词, 后面要接表语, 即表示主语性质的形容词或名词。常见的系动词有: be(是), seem (似乎), look(看起来), become (变得), appear (显得), get (变得), feel(感到), turn(变成), remain(仍然是)等。判断下列各句的句型。1) the sun sets in the west. 2)

16、 She is my teacher. 3) She has got everything ready. 4) His dream has come true. 5) We have elected him our monitor. 6) She seldom showed her feelings. 7) He advised the young man to give up smoking. 8) Mary told me the right time. 9) Computers need electricity. 10) ithe plane will take off soon. 1)

17、 V, S: the sun, V: sets。 太阳从西方落下。2) VC, S: she, V: is, C: my teacher。 她是我的老师。3) VOC, S: has got, O: everything, C: ready。 她已经把一切都准备好了。4) VC, S: his dream, V: has come, C: true。 他的梦想实现了。5) VOO, S: we, V: have elected, O: him, O: our monitor。 我们选他当班长。6) VO, S: showed, O: her feelings。 她很少表露出她的感情。7) VO

18、C, S: he, V: advised, O: the young man, C: to give up smoking。 他建议年轻人戒烟。8) VOO, S: Mary, V: told, O: me, O: the right time。 玛丽告诉了我准确的时间。9) VO, S: computers, V: need, O: electricity。 计算机需要用电。10) V,S: the plane, V: will take off。 飞机马上就要起飞了。第一章 强化练习 1. 判断下列各句是简单句、并列句还是复合句。1) they find it easy to practi

19、ce using the language regularly. 2) One such idea is that fish is the best brain food. 3) We move our heads from side to side when we want to say “no”. 4) Here the water is quiet, for there is little wind. 5) In newspapers, in magazines, on radio and TV, we see and hear the messages for different pr

20、oducts and services. 6) Information that does not make any sense to you is difficult to remember. 7) Diamonds are rare, beautiful, and also quite useful. 8) Some families have long histories, while others know very little about their ancestors. 9) the satellite receives the radio waves and sends the

21、m back to earth. 10) raditionally, the father earned money for the family while the mother cared for the house and children. 2. 判断下列各句是陈述句、疑问句、祈使句还是感叹句。1) ractice speaking the language every day. 2) they do not depend on the book or the teacher. 3) How happy we are to see you today!4) Do animals thi

22、nk?5) People always complain about taxes. 6) What is the difference between a plant and an animal?7) Why do we seldom hear people speak so honestly?8) Among the people you know, how many have never broken the law?9) What an interesting story she told!10) Dont translatetry to think in English. 3. 判断下

23、列各句的句型。1) after another wrong idea about tomatoes grew up. 2) the waiter brought him wine. 3) Learning a language is easy. 4) Water makes the digestive juices flow more freely. 5) He is writing a letter. 4. 将下列各句改写为一般疑问句。1) e attended the meeting yesterday. 2) ithere is a book on the table. 3) She u

24、sually gets up early in the morning. 4) Mary can finish her homework by herself. 5) ithey will leave here tomorrow. 6) Students were laughing when the teacher entered the classroom. 7) ithe train had left when he arrived at the station. 8) I have passed the exam. 9) She was able to swim across the l

25、ake. 10) Making good grades is only one of our goals. 5. 针对下列句子中的划线部分提问。1) moment to see him yesterday. 2) He has told ary bout the news. 3) He came to borrow y ar. 4) the child wanted to buy he big oy car. 5) he words immediately set us laughing. 6) He showed us is passport 7) they are studying n the reading room 8) the play will begin t 800 this evening 9) they usually go to school y bus 10) he was late ecause of the traffic jam 第一章 强化练习答案 1) 是简单句, 只有一个主语they 和一个谓语find。 他们发现有规律地练习使用语言很容易。2) 是带有由that 引导的表语从句的复合句。 一个观点是鱼是最好的补脑食

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