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1、5、请给出下面单词的英文翻译生活污水_sewage6、请给出下面单词的英文翻译恒向线_rhumb line7、请给出下面单词的英文翻译杂货船_General cargo ship8、请给出下面单词的英文翻译托运人_Shipper9、请给出下面单词的英文翻译垫舱物料_Dunnage10、请给出下面单词的英文翻译扭锁_twist locker11、请给出下面单词的中文翻译collision bulkhead_防撞舱壁12、请给出下面单词的中文翻译chain locker_锚链舱13、请给出下面单词的中文翻译loadline_载重线14、请给出下面单词的中文翻译shifting boards_止移板

2、15、请给出下面单词的中文翻译lien_留置权16、请给出下面单词的中文翻译laytime_装货时间17、请给出下面单词的中文翻译charter party_租船合同18、请给出下面单词的中文翻译bill of lading_提单19、请给出下面单词的中文翻译BWE_防波堤入口20、请给出下面单词的中文翻译FWE_完车二、 单选题(共10题,20分) 1、The said accident was caused by your shipA、 sailing B、 damaged C、 sounded D、 above-mentioned D 2、A vessel in ocean servic

3、e that does not have an approved means of processing oily bilge slops oroily ballast must have _.A、 a fixed piping system for ballast discharge to a reception facilityB、 a discharge outlet for the ballast system on each side of the weather deckC、 one portable adapter for a shore connection to the ba

4、llast lineD、 All of the above A 3、SBT is an abbreviation of _ in MARPOL 73/78.Segregated Ballast TankersSegregated Bottom TankersSingle bottom TankerD、 Single Bottom Tanker 4、A security level, for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a

5、 result of heightened risk of a security incident is defined as _.A、 Security level 1 B、 Security level 2C、 Security level 3D、 Security level 4 B 5、Angular motion about the vertical axis of a vessel is called_.yawB、 surge C、 swayD、 roll 6、The device to control the slanting, capsizing and slidingof c

6、ontainers should be _.A、 cellguide twistlock C、 steel wireD、 stopper 7、Please have the damaged derrick_repairB、 repaired repairingD、 to repair8、Roll-on/roll-off ships are equipped with_.A、 cargo elevatorsB、 conveyor beltsrampsD、 derricks and winches for cargo handling C 9、My propeller was hit by a s

7、teel barge lying_A、 aheadasternalongside my port bowalongside my starboard bow10、A seaman assaults the Second Mate and injures him with a beer bottle while the ship is at sea. The incident is logged in the Official Logbook. In subsequent suspension and revocation proceedings against the seaman,accor

8、ding to the regulations,_the Second Mate and the Master must testify as to the facts of the assaultthe case will be dismissed if the logbook entries are improperly madethe logbook entry is prima facie evidence of the facts if it complies with the lawthe logbook is inadmissible if the logbook entries

9、 do not conform to the law三、 简答题(共4题,20分) 1、请将下面句子翻译成英文0830物料和食品按定单供船,1200首尖舱加200吨淡水0830 got stores and provisions as ordered.1200 Took fresh water 200t in fore peak tank2、请将下面句子翻译成英文(尽量用缩写)船长命令改航电罗经084度, 计程仪416海里,主机减速至100转/分.A/C G/C 084 under captains order.Log 416,reducedmain engine speed to 100 R

10、PM.3、请将下面句子翻译成中文On a voyage charter,when a vessel is ready to load cargo,the Master should render to the charterer a Notice of Readiness.在航次租船的时候,当船舶准备好装货时,船长应该给租船人发一份装货就绪通知书4、请将下面句子翻译成中文Should it appear that war or blockade would prevent the vessel from safely reaching the port of destination and/o

11、r discharging the goods thereat, the Carrier is entitled to discharge the goods at the port of loading or any other safe and convenient place and terminate the contract of carriage.如果很明显战争或封锁会阻碍船舶安全抵达目的港并/或在那卸货,承运人有权把货物卸在装货港或者其他安全且方便的任何地点并中止运输合同。四、 资料题(共1题,20分) 1、“育锋”轮(总吨:9378,船籍港:上海,船东:上海育海航运公司,货物种

12、类:集装箱,载货吨:10134吨)2008年9月10日从南京港出发,途经张家港,9月13日抵达韩国釜山(PUSAN)港。9月12日航行途中,船舶在黄海遭遇2008年第13号台风“森拉克”(SINLAKU),有大风浪。根据以上情景,假定你是“育锋”轮船长,请给釜山港港口当局拟一份海事声明。NOTE OF SEA PROTESTPort:PUSANDate: 13 Sept. 2008To: PUSAN Port AuthorityName of vessel: YU FENG Gross tonnage: 9378Port of registry: Shanghai Ship owners: S

13、hanghai Yuhai Shipping Co.Kind of cargo: Container Tonnage of cargo: 10134tThe above mentioned vessel under my command sailed from NAJIN, on 10 Sept. 2008, bound for PUSAN, calling on route at ZHANGJIAGANG, and arrived at PUSAN on 13 Sept. 2008.While en route on 12 Sept. 2008 at HUANGHAI Sea, the vessel encountered Typhoon 0813 SINLAKU, with rough sea. Fearing losses or damage,I hereby note my protest against all losses, damages, etc., reserving the right to extend same at time and place convenient.Yours faithfullyMaster:Witnesses on board:Enclosures:extracts from deck logbook

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