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六年级下英语教案Unit 1 Lesson 6 Baby Becky Answ 冀教版一起Word格式文档下载.docx

1、1. GreetingT: Hello, Boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Yang.T:Nice to see you. Nice to see you, too.2. Guessing game Today I bring a gift for you. Whats the gift? Try to guess. It has a wire. The wire looks like a long line. There are many numbers on its body. We can use it to talk to other people even

2、 in a far-away place. What is it?S: Telephone/Phone. Yes, you are so great. We can make a call with it. (出示PPT)I also bring a friend for you. Who is she? Baby Becky. Do you want to call Baby Becky? Yes. / Of course. / Okay. When you answer a question, you can get a number. If your team can get Baby

3、Beckys phone number at the end of our class, you can call her. Pay attention, everyone in your team should get a number at least. Come on!【设计意图:教师通过猜谜语的游戏充分激活学生的已知,发散学生的思维,并快速聚焦本课的话题,从而引出与本课主题相关的评价方式,激发起学生的阅读兴趣。】3. Watch and choose Baby Becky is very cute. What does Baby Becky like to do? Do you rem

4、ember? She likes to play in the toilet. She likes to make a house with the dishes. She likes to cook. She likes to do many funny things.Today we will learn a new story about Baby Becky. What does Baby Becky like to do in this story? How many times does Baby Becky answer the phone? Lets watch the sto

5、ry and try to choose the right answer. (Watch and choose.) Have you got the answer? Lets check! What does Baby Becky like to do in this story? She likes to answer the phone. Yes. Baby Becky likes to answer the phone. (板书课题) Twice.通过此活动,让学生整体感知故事内容,初步了解故事大意,获取关键信息,从而引出文章的标题,帮助学生理清文本的主干,为接下来的阅读活动开展做好铺

6、垫。. While-reading1. Read and underline What does Baby Becky do when the phone rings the first time? Read the story silently and underline the key words quickly. Lets see who can find the key words quickly. Got it?What does Baby Becky do? She answers the phone. Yes. (板书answer the phone) What else doe

7、s Baby Becky do? She listens. She hangs up the phone. Very good. (板书hangs up) Whats the meaning of “hang up the phone”? (播放电话挂断的声音) 挂断电话。2. Read and answer Baby Becky hears a woman talking on the phone. Who is the woman? What does Baby Becky do when the phone rings the second time? Read the story si

8、lently and try to find the answers quickly. Who is the woman? She is Mrs. Patrick. How do you know? Because she says “Its Mrs. Patrick speaking.” You are so smart. What does Baby Becky do this time? She hangs up the phone again. (板书again)Shes very naughty. 教师分层次提问题,学生尝试运用寻读、跳读等策略进一步搜集并获取具体信息,回答相关问题,

9、将阅读推向深入。教师在此过程中进行板书,帮助学生梳理故事情节。3. Read and judge. Mrs. Patrick makes a call again and again. Baby Becky hangs up the phone again and again. Beckys mother comes into the room. (板书comes into the room) If you were Beckys mother, how would you feel? I am surprised /angry What would you say? Wow! My litt

10、le baby, you are so clever!/ Baby Becky! Go out quickly! / I think you are a gentle /strict/mother.Is Beckys mother angry? Lets listen! Who wants to be Beckys mother? Try to read the sentences with emotion.教师引导学生进行角色换位,猜测“假如你是Becky的妈妈,你会有怎样的感觉?你会说什么?”学生在思考、发言后产生了更加强烈阅读欲望,更渴望知道在故事中主人公到底说了些什么。让学生进行角色扮

11、演朗读,激发同学朗读故事的兴趣,同时促进孩子们朗读能力和语感的培养。 Beckys mother makes a call. Who does she call? What will happen next? Read the story carefully. Try to judge. Have you got it? Check your answer in groups, please. Now lets check together. Beckys mother calls Mrs. Patrick. Its right. Who is Mrs. Bell? Mrs. Bell is

12、Baby Beckys mother. Baby Becky finds numbers on the phone. Is that right? Yes, its right. How about No.3? Its wrong. Because Mrs. Patrick says: “No, thank you.” Very good! Can you correct it? Mrs. Patrick wouldnt like to come for tea. Excellent! How about No.4? Its right. Do you think so? Yes! Why i

13、s Mrs. Patrick angry? Because Baby Becky hangs up the phone again and again. We know Baby Becky hangs up the phone. Does Mrs. Patrick know that? No, she thinks Mrs. Bell hangs up the phone. So she is angry. (板书angry) How about the last one? Its wrong. Mrs. Bell is going to make lunch.引导学生仔细阅读,关注细节信息

14、,帮助学生从细节理解故事。通过判断考察学生的提取信息的能力,反馈学生对于故事内容是否理解。4. Read and ask. Beckys mother is going to make lunch. What is Baby Becky going to do? (出示PPT) She is going to make a call. (出示PPT) But why does she cry? Maybe. Read the story carefully and try to find the answer. Because the woman hangs up the phone. But

15、 Baby Becky wants to talk to her. So Baby Becky cries. Just now I ask you many questions, can you ask a question about the story?预设: What does Baby Becky do?Why does baby Becky make a call? Who answers the phone? Is the woman Mrs. Patrick? Why does the woman hang up the phone? What does the woman sa

16、y? What does Beckys mother say?(Students ask and answer by themselves.)在基本理解故事文本的基础上,给学生自主提问的机会,由学生问学生答,实现生生互动,梳理故事线索,真正实现课标要求的课堂要以学生为主体,还时间与空间于学生,由学生自主学习与探究,加深对故事的深层理解。另一方面旨在培养学生根据本文内容整合并加工信息的能力,提高学生语言的输出能力。5. Read the story. Read the whole story aloud. Pleasepay attention toyourpronunciation andin

17、tonation.学生个体通读故事,再次完整感受故事。在此过程中,学生会对文本有更深层次的理解。. Post-reading1. Read and number.通过将句子排序检查学生理解故事的情况,帮助学生梳理故事脉络,加深故事理解,也为下面的复述故事提供帮助和示范。2. Retell the story. Now, lets see the story again.Retell the story with the teacher.Retell the story in groups.复述是语言输出的重要形式,可以培养学生的语言记忆能力和表达能力。学生的年龄阶段属于形象思维为主,故事图片和

18、板书起到了辅助学生复述故事的作用,在降低复述难度的同时让学生内化所学语言。3. Summary Have you got Baby Beckys phone Number? Lets see! Congratulations! You can call Baby Becky after class. You can login the mailbox to watch a video, maybe you will know more about Baby Becky.4. HomeworkRetell the story to your parents.Why do they call Da

19、d? What will her father say?Continue to write(续写) the story. 课后作业是课堂教学的延伸,是学生对所学内容进行及时巩固的重要手段,两种不同星级的作业供学生根据自己的需求和能力去选择完成,既面向全体学生,又充分尊重学生的个体差异。板书设计:设计意图:本课板书以故事主题“Phone”为背景,以长长的电话线作为故事发展的推进轴,在讲故事的过程中将图片和重点短语逐渐补充完整,清晰的梳理出故事发展脉络。整个版面设计简洁、生动形象,不仅可以吸引学生的注意力,渐进式的板书过程还可促进学生思维的发展,加深对故事文本的理解,有效帮助学生复述故事。评价方案

20、:教师能够根据学生的年龄特点设计教学任务,让学生带着任务完成阅读,理解文章大意。同时将课堂评价与本课的故事主题、教学任务巧妙结合,以完成任务获取Baby Becky电话号码的比赛形式来激发学生的学习兴趣,让其主动参与到教学活动中来。学生在本节课中不但掌握了阅读技巧,同时也对电话使用礼仪有了一定的了解。经过扎实地学习,最终能够达到理解文章大意,借助板书对文章进行复述,有效地完成了本节课的教学目标。本着learning by doing的理念,本课从教学设计到教学实施都充分体现了以学生为主体,围绕阅读技能采用任务型教学模式展开教学活动,通过不同教学任务的设置与实施,帮助学生完成自主学习,重点突出,


22、户”,透过眼睛就能看到人的内心。同理,学习一篇故事也要找准切入点,这个切入点称之为“故事眼”。本课整篇故事都是围绕Phone展开的,于是我把Phone选为“故事眼”。上课伊始我通过猜谜语的游戏引出phone,充分激活学生的已知,快速聚焦本课的话题Baby Becky Answers the Phone,并引出与本课主题相关的“收集电话号码”评价方式,使学生能够以极大的兴趣来开始学习这个故事。二、创设空间,提高学生思维能力提出一个问题比解决一个问题更重要。在课堂教学中,学生既是学习的主体,又是自身发展的主体,要使课堂充满活力,就要把课堂还给学生,把提问的权利还给学生。因此,在处理故事最后一部分时


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