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1、答案working;to stop6.It is difficult to imagine his (accept) the decision without consideration.答案accepting7.Tom often attempts to avoid (fine) whenever he breaks traffic regulations.答案being fined8.What do you think made Mary so upset?(lose) her new bike.答案Losing9.What do you think of the book?Oh,exce

2、llent.It is worth (read) a second time.答案reading10.The windows are too dirty;they require (clean).答案cleaning/to be cleaned11.She was lucky enough (miss) being hit by the car on her way home.答案to miss12.Its no use (look) forward to (hear) from her son,because he was badly wounded in the battle.答案look

3、ing;hearing13.There is no point (talk)with the little boy about the matter.答案talking14.Im tired of my present job,so I am considering (change) my job.答案changing15.This X-ray machine doesnt work,so it needs (repair) for further use.答案repairing/to be repaired16.When Peter speaks in public,he always ha

4、s trouble (think) of the right things to say.答案thinking17.One learns a language by making mistakes and (correct) them.答案correcting18.Lydia doesnt feel like (study) abroad.Her parents are old.答案studying19.Passengers are permitted (carry) only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.答案to carry20.I do

5、nt want to miss (see) that film on television tonight.答案seeing二、将下列句子改成动词-ing形式作主语1.It is not easy for everyone to learn English well.答案Learning English well is not easy for everyone.2.It is very important to train our children to use chopsticks.答案Training our children to use chopsticks is very impo

6、rtant.3.It is harmful to smoke in public places.答案Smoking in public places is harmful.4.It is our main task to rid our country of poverty.答案Ridding our country of poverty is our main task.5.It is easier to buy houses in our city than in Beijing.答案Buying houses in our city is easier than in Beijing.三

7、、翻译句子1.Doing morning exercises is very good for your health.答案做早操对你的健康有益。2.We are very interested in collecting stamps.答案我们对集邮很感兴趣。3.He felt sorry for not having done the work well.答案他为没有把工作做好而感到难过。4.Climbing mountains is really fun.答案爬山真是有趣。5.It took the workmen only two hours to finish repairing m

8、y car.答案工人们只用了两个小时就修理好了我的汽车。四、阅读理解ACarrots are grown on farms and in family gardens throughout the world.Carrots are easy to raise and easy to harvest.They taste good.When people think of carrots,they usually picture in their minds a vegetable that is long,thin and orange in colour.But carrots come

9、in many different sizes and shapes.And not all carrots are orange.For the best results,carrots should be grown in sandy soil that does not hold water for a long time.The soil also should have no rocks.To prepare your carrot garden,dig up the soil,loosen it and turn it over.Then,mix in some plant mat

10、erial or animal fertilizer.Weather,soil conditions and age will affect the way carrots taste.Experts say warm days,cool nights and a medium soil temperature are the best conditions for growing carrots that taste great.Carrots need time to develop their full sugar content.This gives them their taste.

11、But carrots lose their sweetness if you wait too long to remove them from the ground.The best way to judge if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its colour.Usually,the brighter the colour,the better the taste.Carrots are prepared and eaten in many different ways.They are cut in thin pieces and

12、added to other vegetables.They are cooked by themselves or added to stews.Or,once they are washed,they are eaten just as they come out of the ground.1.Why should people harvest carrots at proper time?A.Because people sometimes are very busy.B.Because carrots have different kinds.C.Because it takes t

13、ime for carrots to keep sugar.D.Because weather always changes.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Carrotsneedtimetodeveloptheirfullsugarcontent.”可知,胡萝卜需要时间来逐渐积累糖分。故选C项。2.Which of the following actions is not likely to be needed in planting carrots?A.Digging up the soil.B.Choosing muddy land.C.Making the earth beco

14、me loose.D.Mixing in plant material or animal fertilizer.答案B根据第二段第四句“Forthebestresults,carrotsshouldbegrowninsandysoilthatdoesnotholdwaterforalongtime.”可知,胡萝卜需要被种植在沙土里。B项意为“选择泥泞的土地”,此项内容并非种植胡萝卜需要的。A、C、D三项可以从第二段第六、七句找到相对应的信息。故选B项。3.What do we know about carrots?A.They are easy to raise but hard to ha

15、rvest.B.All carrots are not orange.C.Only one factor affects the way carrots taste.D.It is only by colour that you can decide if you should harvest them.根据第二段第三句“Andnotallcarrotsareorange.”可知,并非所有的胡萝卜都是橙色的。B项中的All.not也是部分否定的表达方式。4.What is the best title for the passage?A.How to Harvest CarrotsB.How

16、to Cook CarrotsC.Different Weather,Different SizesD.Carrots答案D解析主旨大意题。本文讲的是在世界范围内广受欢迎的胡萝卜,介绍了其形态、种植方法、生长条件、食用方法等。A、B、C三项不能全部概括文章内容,故D项符合题意。BMan is a land animal.But he is also closely tied to the sea.Throughout history the sea has served the needs of man.The sea has provided man with food and a conv

17、enient way to travel to many parts of the world.Today,nearly two thirds of the worlds population live within 80 kilometers of the sea coast.In the modern technological world,the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive.Resources on land are beginning to be used up.The sea,however,still can

18、be hoped to supply many of mans needs.The list of riches of the sea yet to be developed by mans technology is big.Oil and gas explorations have been carried out for nearly 30 years.Valuable amounts of minerals exist on the ocean floor ready to be mined.Fish farming promises to be a good way to produ

19、ce large quantities of food.The culture(养殖) of fish and shellfish(贝类动物) is an ancient skill practised in the past mainly by Oriental people, including people in China.Besides oil and gas,the sea may offer new sources of energy.Experts believe that the warm temperature of the ocean can be used in a w

20、ay similar to the steam in a steamship.Ocean currents and waves offer possible use as a source of energy.Technology is enabling man to explore even more deeply under the sea.The development of strong,new materials has made this possible.The technology to harvest the sea continues to improve.Experts

21、believe that by the year 2020 the problems that prevent us from exploiting(开发) fully the food,minerals,and energy sources of the sea will be largely solved.5.Valuable amounts of minerals are the ocean the warm ocean waterC.on the sea coast D.on the ocean floor解析根据第三段最后一句“Valuableamou

22、ntsofmineralsexistontheoceanfloorreadytobemined.”可知,许多有价值的矿物质储藏在海底。故选D项。6.The underlined words “Oriental people” in the fourth paragraph probably mean .A.Asian people B.African peopleC.European people D.American people答案A解析根据第四段中的画线词后面的“includingpeopleinChina”可知A项正确。7.We can conclude from this passa

23、ge that .A.the sea resources have largely been used upB.the sea,in the broad sense,has not yet been developedC.the problems that prevent us from using the food,minerals,and energy sources of the sea have already been the year 2020,the technology will be good enough to exploit all the sea

24、resources解析根据第三段第一句“Thelistofrichesoftheseayettobedevelopedbymanstechnologyisbig.”可知B项正确,A项错误。根据最后一段最后一句可知C、D两项错误。五、七选五阅读理解根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Summer is the perfect time to relax.As you plan for your trip,here are some tips on how to protect yourself.1.Fightagainstthemosquitoesi

25、nthehotspots.There are many mosquito-borne illnesses in tropical areas,which are traditionally hot vacation spots.Therefore,mosquito repellent (驱蚊剂)that contains DEET should be an essential item in your travel bag.2.In less-developed countries there is less equipment for clean water and public healt

26、h.If you cant avoid unhealthful water,make sure you bring along a tea or coffee-making pot that will boil water for you.Youd better buy a case or two of water and make sure the bottled water isnt just a refilled bottle of dirty tap water.Alwaysprotectyourfeet.Its best to wear slippers in the shower,

27、but if you must be barefoot,put a towel down on the floor.3.You should never walk barefoot in any area of a foreign country,including your hotel room.Besuretoeatsafefruits.4.They may have been washed in the same water,or wiped with the same rag used to clean work surfaces in kitchens.The best advice

28、 is to bring your own peeler(削皮器) so that you know that something clean has been applied to the fruit.Enjoythesmellofroadsidestands,notthefood.Unless the food is piping hot when served,its best to stay away from roadside stands,no matter how good the smell of the food might be.If you are concerned a

29、bout whether a restaurant is clean,order the food to go.5.A.Dont trust the local water.B.Any fruit served fresh may be polluted.C.Look out for any water not served in a bottle.D.The boxes may be cleaner than the plate or fork on the table.E.You should know how to keep yourself away from dirty fruits.F.They are necessary to avoid coming back with a major illness from your trip.G.Parasites (寄生虫)can enter the skin of your feet and travel to different parts of the body.答案15 FAGBD六、选词创境运用下列

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