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1、 Warm-up教学要求与建议1. 最好能在开课前布置并引导和鼓励学生预先自学、预习并记忆本单元的生词和短语,在Warm-up中涉及一些。2. 提前布置学生预习单词或在课上指导学生看图片,进行配对。在课上引导学生根据图片记住各种职业名称,练习如何询问对方的职业。3. 分角色问答各自的职业,鼓励学生提更多有关职业的问题。 Pronunciation Practice教授学生练习元音a:与i,同时可以多举一些常见的带有这三个元音的例子,进行对比。 Listening and Speaking一、教学重点根据A,B两段对话,要求学生进行模仿练习二、教学建议1. 根据课文对话来学习。2. 并学习新的英

2、语单词。3. 角色扮演(Role Play)(1) 明确口语活动的任务,要求学生仔细阅读Dialogue。必要时可做简单的对话示范。(2) 学生成对活动,轮流作Speaker A、Speaker B。(3) 教师巡视全班,聆听学生的对话,并解答学生提出的问题。(4) 挑出几个学生和老师做模拟招聘会。(5) 总结学生的表现,并及时纠正学生中出现的错误。三、练习参考答案AListen and fill in the blanks interview position reasonable excited opportunity handle make good luckB2. Answer the

3、 questions(1) Lily is applying for a position of accountant.(2) Lily worked in Thomas company 4 months ago.(3) She was responsible for checking the balances, paying the bills, transferring money and so on.3. Complete the following sentences.(1) in her place(2) business(3) working(4) a good education

4、.(5) white-collar4. 略5. D A A B D听力原文A2. Listen and fill in the blanks. Im going to have an interview for a job tomorrow. It is a position in a trade company. The company offers a reasonable salary. I am very excited. It is a great opportunity for me to start my career. I think I can handle this job

5、 very well. I will make a progress if I can work in this position. But I must get this job first. So wish me good luck. 3. Complete the following sentences. (1) Could you work in her place?(2) What business are you in?(3) Im tired of working all day. (4) He has the advantage(优势) of a good education.

6、 (5) He has a white-collar job. 5. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. Miss Smith: Good morning, Mr. Sharp. Im really sorry Im late. Mr. Sharp: Youre late every morning. Miss Smith. You were late on Tuesday and yesterday. But it wasnt my mistake. I stood in the rain for an hour this mor

7、ning. I waited and waited for a bus, and then when a bus came, it was full. How about yesterday? Well, I came by taxi yesterday and And you were still late! And the day before yesterday? On Tuesday I went to see the doctor and waited for two hours there. And tomorrow, Miss Smith. Language Bank教授学生练习

8、记忆这些日常口语,也可让学生自行学习,然后课后抽查。 Reading and Writing一、教学建议语言运用要求:理解并正确朗读课文“Helen Keller”,完成教材和练习册中本单元所规定的练习。重点单词:语 法: 定语从句语 言 点: take place, wait for 在讨论文章后的问题时,能用英语简单表达自己的感受。二、词汇学习1. consultant n. 顾问,商议者,咨询者The consultant had many questions. 这个咨询者有许多问题。 2. spoiler v. 损坏,溺爱Be careful not to spoil your new

9、 clothes. 小心别把你的新衣服弄坏了。3. hire v. 雇请,雇用Why we should hire you?我们为什么要雇用你?4. confident adj. 自信的,确信的He felt confident in the future. 他对未来充满信心。5. responsibility n. 责任,职责Are you willing to accept responsibility?你愿意承担责任吗?6. disappointed adj. 失望的A disappointed look came into his face. 他脸上浮现出一种失望的神情。7. assi

10、gn v. 分配,指派Its difficult to assign any reason for the failure. 失败的原因很难确定。8. embarrassment n. 困窘,阻碍He answered without embarrassment. 他不慌不忙地回答。 三、课文理解1. The experience that took place last week was very embarrassing.上个星期发生了一件非常尴尬的事。take place 发生,举行,毕业。在文章中是发生地意思。如:Earthquakes take place far undergrou

11、nd. 地震则发生在地球的极深处。2. I spent time to explain to her that I could not possible pass anyone who driven a car up over a curb during a drivers test.我花了很长时间向她解释,在驾驶员考试中,我是不会让将车撞到路边的测试者通过的。注意这个句子当中以that引导的宾语从句,让学生熟练掌握。3. The disappointed woman then walked outside to wait for her husband. 这位失望的女士走出去等她的丈夫。wa

12、it for 等待 如:I should prefer you to wait for me at the bus stop. 我愿让你在那个汽车站等我。四、课文参考译文一次特别的经历我是一名警察,被指派负责驾驶员的考试。那一天非常热,每一件事进行的都非常慢。终于轮到为最后一位女士做测验了。我没有让她通过,因为她将车开到了路边,我花了很长时间向她解释,在驾驶员考试中,我是不会撞到路边的测试者通过的。她感到很伤心,然后我们走进考试中心,我在她的认证书上盖上了“没有通过”,这位失望的女士走出房间去等她的丈夫。这时我要赶时间,所以很快开着车走了,但是,突然我听到了一声巨响,我的车撞到了一个很高的路面

13、,车的前段也撞坏了。我的脸红了,更让我窘迫的是,那位没有通过考核的女士站在离我20英尺的地方,她向我招手,并且哈哈大笑。五、练习参考答案3. Fill in the blank with the words in the box:(1) assigned (2) stamped (3) schedule (4) embarrass(5) hysterically (6) curb (7) disappointed (8) permit Grammar根据课文语法知识重点学习宾语和宾语补足语一起构成的复合宾语。注意复合宾语和双宾语的区别。练习答案Choose the one from brack

14、et to fill in the blank. 1. me 2. carrying 3. writing 4. to me that he had done it without my permission5. it 7. it useless learning theory without practice8. standing 9. beating 10. corrected Culture and Entertainment如何准备面试尽可能多的了解雇主的有关情况,比如:.这个公司制作什么,出售什么.它的顾客主要是什么人.公司的规模.它是否已经扩大规模还是准备扩大.这家公司的


16、消极的语气是不容易做到的;事先要做充分的准备。 Selfcheck学生自行书写,检查单元学习情况。Unit 2Sports1. 谈论彼此喜爱的体育运动2. 了解各种体育运动的名称3. 掌握形容词和副词的比较等级4. 学会如何发摩擦辅音与录音机、磁带、光盘(CD)、图片介绍各自的体育爱好描述某一项体育运动或一个体育明星Do you like,Im interested in ,Do you often play,Is there any sport youd like to be able to do?I think , is one of the most famous player in t

17、he word.定语从句的用法,形容词和副词的比较等级endurance; national; excellent; possess, deflect; offense; assure, description教学建议1. 课前布置或在课上引导学生根据图片的内容,熟悉各项体育运动的名称。看图的同时,看下面所给出的选项,根据选项中对人物的描述,选出与图片相应的选项。2. 以两个人为一组,做对话练习,询问彼此喜爱的体育运动。带领学生练习摩擦辅音与,同时可以多举一些常见的带有这两个辅音的例子,进行对比。本单元听力材料是关于体育运动的对话,材料十分贴近同学们的现实生活,容易引起学生的学习兴趣,要求精听

18、,培养学生的注意力,捕捉相关信息。1. 根据书上的dialogue来练习对话。2. 进行听力练习,填空。(1) 明确口语活动的任务,必要时可做简单的对话示范。(2) 学生两人一组,轮流作Speaker A, Speaker B。(3) 教师巡视全班,聆听学生对话,并解答学生提问。(4) 请学生在班上表演对话。练习参考答案2. Listen and fill in the blanksProbably history in chosen club national by scored hero 2. Answer the questions.(1) Li Hua(2) Li Hua often

19、watches NBA. Li Hua likes badminton best.(3) Li Hua is also interested in cycling.3. Complete the following sentences(1) going (2) swimming (3) fresh.(4) sounds (5) come 5. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. D D A B A2. Listen and fill in the blanks.Pele was probably the greatest playe

20、r in the history of football. He was born in Brazil. He was chosen by the football club Santos. When he was 16, he was selected for the national team. In 1958, Brazil won the World Cup by defeating Sweden. Pele scored two goals in the competition. Today Pele is still a national hero in Brazil.(1) Wh

21、ats going on?(2) Do you go swimming everday?(3) She looks neat and fresh.(4) Play football? Thats sounds like a good idea.(5) Come on, you can do that.Mike:Bob, you look healthy ,You must be keen on physical exercise. What are your favorite sports?Bob: I like table tennis, football ,swimming and jog

22、ging. How about you ,Mike ?My favorite winter sport is skiing. I also enjoy fishing when I am free. In addition, I like playing football. Have you ever been a member of a football team?Yes, In junior school , I was on the football team. It was fun. Mr. liu , how about you ?Liu: I also like sports an

23、d games, but Im only a spectator. I never miss the World Cup. I think its more exciting to watch than to join them. Oh, would you like to come with us next time ? Would that be possible? Yes, Id love to. Please feel free to contact me.带领学生练习记忆这些日常口语,也可布置学生自行学习,然后课后抽查。介绍自己的家庭成员endurance, national, ex

24、cellent, possess, deflect, offense, assure, description定语从句的用法。理解和正确朗读课文“Football Games”,完成课文后和练习册中规定的任务。1. endurance n. 忍耐力,持久力,耐久力Running the marathon tests a persons endurance. 马拉松赛跑考验人的耐力。2. national adj. 国家的,民族的 People always cherish the memory of the national hero. 人们永远怀念这位民族英雄。3. excellent ad

25、j. 卓越的,极好的She s an excellent administrator. 她是个优秀的管理人员. 4. possess vt. 持有,支配They possess property all over the world. 他们在世界各地均拥有财产. 5. deflect vt. 使偏斜,使偏转This special metal shield will deflect a bullet from its course. 这种特殊的金属盾将使子弹改变方向。6. offense n. 进攻Offense is the best defense. 攻击是最好的防御。7. assure

26、vt. 确保,保证I can assure you that he is sincere. 我可以向你保证他是诚恳的。8. description n. 描写,描述The description is more or less accurate. 这种描述多少有点准确性。1. the other games is American football, a sport which is best known in the United States.另一种叫做美式足球,这项运动在美国最为流行。one the other一个另一个(用于两者之间)which引导的定语从句,修饰a sport2. s

27、ix points are awarded when a player possesses the ball in his opponents end zone, a ten yard deep area at either end of the hundred and twenty yard football field.当一个队员带球直接到达对方的端线,(两端底线向120码的场地内延伸10码的线被称为端线),就会得到六分这个句子比较复杂,包含了一个状语从句和宾补结构,a ten yard deep area at either end of the hundred and twenty yard football field.是用来说明end zone的。3. In some case, a player might use his head to deflect an airborne ball一些情况下,队员可以用头改变球在空中的路线。use sth. to do.用某物去干什么。I use my pen to write a letter to my grandmother. 我用我的钢笔来写信给我奶奶足球比赛世界上有两种

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