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1、Did you know?The cast of The Lion King is made up of over 30 people,and The Lion King has been seen by over 90 million people worldwide, with productions in the West End, on Broadway as well as productions around the globe.Show Information:Booking From: Tuesday, 1st October 2019Booking Until: Saturd

2、ay, 30th May 2020Age Restriction:Children under 3 years of age are not permitted to enter the Lyceum Theatre. The Lion King is recommended for ages 6 and up. All persons aged 16 or under must be accompanied by an adult and may not sit on their own within the auditorium (观众席). All persons entering th

3、e theatre, regardless of age, must have a ticket.Show Schedule:Tue: 7:30 p.m.Wed: 2:30 p.m. and 7:Thu:Fri:Sat:Sun 2:1Where can you enjoy The Lion King?AWellington Theatre. BWest Broadway.CLondon Theatre. DLyceum Theatre.2Who will be able to see the show?AA father with his 5-year-old child with ticke

4、ts.BA mom and her 1-year-old baby with tickets.CA 16-year-old boy alone with a ticket.DA 6-year-old girl with no ticket.3When can you watch the show?A7: 30 a. m. Wednesday. B7: 30 p. m. Monday.C2: 30 p. m. Saturday. D2: 30 p. m. Friday. Alice is not afraid to be the center of attentionshe enjoys per

5、forming traditional Chinese dances on stage. But the 16-year-old high school student in Texas, US, felt alienated (被疏远的) earlier this year when she walked into her first computer science lecture. There were only 11 girls out of 100 students. It was familiar feeling for Alice. When she was in ninth g

6、rade, she was one of only seven girls out of 40 competitors who were competing at a state science fair.After that, Alice decided to do her part to close the gender gap (性别差异) in STEM, which stands for science, technology, engineering and math. She formed a club called Girls in STEM. It focuses on te

7、aching and encouraging girls who are interested in STEM. And only girls can join it.Alice wants girls to know that STEM can be fun. The club isnt just about sitting in a lab and doing homework. There are interesting activities that can spark girls interest in STEM. Girls can also share learning expe

8、riences with each other. The club started with seven girls at her school. Over the years, the club has spread to other schools. It now has 45 members.According to recent surveys, women work in fewer than 30 percent of STEM jobs in the United States. Alices goal is to bring Girls in STEM to 10 school

9、s in total and turn it into a non-profit in the coming years, hoping it will help more young women follow their dreams in this field.4Why did Alice feel uncomfortable in her computer science lecture?AShe had no friends there. BComputer science was hard.CShe was the only foreigner. DThere were not ma

10、ny girls.5What is the aim of the club Girls in STEM?ATo help students with their studies.BTo get more girls involved in STEM.CTo encourage boys to help girls in science.DTo bridge the gap between students and teachers.6What can be the best title of the text?ATeaching girls to love scienceBSTEM cours

11、es at schoolCHelping girls start a clubDThe gender gap in STEM Hard work really does pay off. Scientists find that perseverance (坚持不懈) leads to better grades and higher achievements in school.“Being passionate (热情的) is not enough to ensure academic success,” says researchers, who thought of “courage

12、” as a key to success. This is also regarded as effort in reaching long-term goals, and determination to continue ones efforts in spite of hardships.Researchers think that the finding could help create new training to help children develop the skill and help ensure their future success.Researchers f

13、rom the Academy of Finland studied more than 2,000 students from Helsinki. They were followed through their academic career from 12 to 16, the sixth grade until the ninth grade in local school years. Researchers found that the factor that best predicts courage was related to goals, with previous aca

14、demic achievements playing no role in developing the skill.Professor Katariina Salmela-Aro, who led the study, said, “Courage means a young person is really interested in his or her studies and does not give up easily. A key element of courage is high perseverance when facing difficulties and hardsh

15、ips. The important finding is that these factors are the key to success and well-being. Our study shows the power of courage.”Professor Salmela-Aro also thinks it is important to develop new practices and qualities to improve courage in teenagers. She added, “Young people should see everyday school

16、work as part of their life in a broader context and establish achievable goals for themselves. Schools must also serve as a place where it is safe to fail and learn to deal with setbacks. One must not be discouraged by setbacks, but draw strength and new energy from them!7What can we learn about the

17、 research?AIt takes at least three years. BIt helps students make progress.CIt makes many discoveries. DIt follows 2,000 students abroad.8What should students do according to the researchers?AFocus on former grades. BAchieve their goals.CTry all their best. DForget sadness.9What does the underlined

18、word “setbacks” in Paragraph 6 mean?AStrengths. BDifficulties.CWeaknesses. DEfforts10Which is the text probably taken from?AA picture book. BA literature book.CA geography textbook. DAn educational magazine. Consider these five words: island, honour, sign, tongue, climb. At first glance, you probabl

19、y dont think they have anything in common. Then, you might find some of them contain the most common letter in the English language. And you might need to go back to your grade-school grammar lessons to see the connection. If youre still confused, say each word slowly. Did you notice a missing sylla

20、ble (音节) or two? Actually, all five words have one or more silent lettersand thats just a small sample of them.Its no secret that the English language has lots of crazy grammar rules, and the way we pronounce words is no exception While there are 26 letters in the alphabet, they share at least 44 di

21、fferent pronunciations among them. The letter A, for example, has seven different English pronunciations alone. At least you can safely ignore these common grammar rules.On top of that, almost every letter in the alphabet has a silent usage, too. Think about it: From the C in scissors to the U in bu

22、ild, the English language has a bad habit of dropping letters in certain words. Even unusual letters like Z and J are silent in words that we have adopted from foreign languages, such as marijuana (originally a Spanish word) and laissez-faire (French).But as Merriam-Webster Dictionary points out, on

23、e unusual letter is never silent: the letter V. While it makes an appearance in words like quiver and vivid, you can be sure it always behaves the exact same way. That might change soon, though. Last year, President Donald Trump tweeted the word “covfefe”, which caused heated debate about how, exact

24、ly, one should say this made-up term. Some suggested that it is pronounced with a silent V.11What do the underlined words in Paragraph have in common?AThey contain the exactly same letters.BThey have one or more silent letters.CThey are difficult to pronounce.DThey all refer to a place.12Why is the

25、letter A mentioned in Paragraph 2?ATo show that it has many pronunciations.BTo tell that English has many grammar rules.CTo explain that words have similar pronunciations.DTo prove English letters have various pronunciations.13Which letter is seldom silent in the English language?AThe letter A BThe

26、letter J.CThe letter V. DThe letter Z.14What is the text mainly about?AEnglish pronunciations. BEnglish dictionaries.CEnglish grammar. DEnglish vocabulary.二、七选五 Your teen years are a time to learn about yourself and start thinking about your future. Doing well in school and leading a healthy social

27、and personal life will make you happier and more likely to succeed. 15. Instead, remember to have fun and live a life you love!Become a curious reader. Go to your school library and check out books that interest you. It can be anything from poetry to storybooksjust get reading! 16, ask the librarian

28、 for suggestions.Look ahead to life after you graduate from high school. Think ahead to what you will do in the future, whether thats getting a degree, volunteering, or jumping right into the career of your choice. 17. Just start to think about what you might want to do in the future according to yo

29、ur interests, passions and skills.Take after-class activities you enjoy. 18 . Whether youre into film, theatre, pottery, painting, or playing music, you can find classes at your school or courses at local recreation (娱乐) centers.19. To feel a sense of achievement about your school and personal life,

30、 set realistic goals for yourself. For example, you might set a goal to achieve all As and Bs this term. As for personal goals, you might plan to get really good at shooting 3-point shots in basketball or learn how to bake bread.ASet realistic academic and personal goalsBBut you shouldnt get too crazy with successCUnless you are in a libraryDDont worry, as you dont have to choose a career right nowE.Pay attention and ask questions to further your understandingF.If you dont know where to startG.Make them a

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